Simulation of Piloted CH4 and Air
Aaron Khan
Technical University of Madrid
Combustion and Reactions
Piloted flame D is an experimental flame that will be used as a comparison for this
report. ANSYS Fluent and its combustion simulation capabilities will be utilised to
model this flow. The generated flame will be analysed utilising combustion theory and
the results compared with experimental data.
Partially premixed combustion theory will be
utilised to generate a turbulent piloted flame. The
simulation set up was constructed in such a way as to
match the experimental data for flame D (Barlow, 2007).
The cylindrical flame will be modelled utilising a
2D axis-symmetric model to simply computation. The
problem is set up with a partially premixed inlet, a burned
inlet and a fresh oxidizer stream as shown in Figure 1.
ANSYS Fluent was utilised to simulate the
combustion and post process the data. The modelling
decisions made and the flame analysis was discussed to
justifying the selected regimes.
The objectives of this paper is to:
Model Flame D via ANSYS Fluent, by
constructing a 2D axis-symmetric model and
create an appropriate mesh.
Justify modelling sources via theory and results.
A comparison between the simulation and
experimental results will be made.
To begin the model, a simple 2D set up was
generated with a symmetry line to reduce computation.
Figure 1: Model Configuration
The turbulent flame has the below operating
𝑈𝑗𝑒𝑡 = 49.6
, 𝑅𝑒 = 22400 , 𝐷𝑗𝑒𝑡 = 7.2 𝑚𝑚
𝑈𝑝𝑖𝑙 = 11.4
, 𝐷 = 18.2𝑚𝑚
𝑠 𝑝𝑖𝑙
𝑈𝐶𝑜𝑓 =
Figure 2: Geometry set up
Pressure: Second Order Upwind. Although
being more computationally expensive, this
method does provide a more accurate solution.
If the difficultly of converging the solution
becomes troublesome, using a first order for a
handful of iterations will be beneficial.
Momentum: Second order upwind. Like the
pressure, this method also increases accuracy
but at the cost of computation and convergence.
Turbulent kinetic energy: First Order Upwind.
It is a first order discretization interpolation
which is the easiest method to converge.
However, it becomes only first-order accurate.
Turbulent dissipation rate: First Order Upwind.
Progress Variable: Second Order Upwind.
Mean Mixture Fraction: Second Order Upwind.
Mixture Fraction Variance: Second Order
Progress Variable Variance: Second Order
The system was defined using the below boundary
Velocity Inlet: Defines the velocity magnitude
at the entry normal to the boundary at a
specified turbulent intensity, viscosity ratio and
Pressure Outlet: Pressure is fixed at the outlet
domain. Other parameters specified is
temperature, turbulent intensity and viscosity
Symmetric Condition: Defines the condition
where the
Wall: Defines a non-permeable boundary. The
no slip condition is also applied.
A simple face mesh was utilised in conjunction with
conformal boundaries. The mesh was designed via edge
sizing and to obtain an acceptable mesh. The statistics are
shown below.
Fluent is run with double precision and in parallel
with 8 cores and 1 GGPU.
The solution set up utilised to run this simulation is given
- Turbulence: realisable 𝑘 − 𝜖 model with
standard wall function as the near-wall
The energy equation is turned on.
Solver: To simplify the simulation, the fluid is
considered as incompressible.
Time: Steady
Scheme: SIMPLE
Spatial Discretisation Gradient: Green Gauss
Cell based. The Green Gauss Theorem
computes the gradient of the scalar at the cell
centre. The particular method of cell based
gradient evolution takes the arithmetic average
of the values at the neighbouring cell centres.
(∇𝜙)𝑐0 = ∑𝑓 ̅̅
𝐴𝑓 (Green-Gauss Theorem)
𝜙̅̅𝑓 ⃗⃗⃗⃗
̅̅̅̅𝑓 = 𝜙𝑐0 −𝜙𝑐1 (Cell based gradient Evolution)
The simulation was set up as partially premixed
combustion. Due to the configuration with non-uniform
equivalence ratios. The state relation is key in setting up
solution of the combustion process by making
assumptions of the chemical state and the flame front.
Both the Chemical Equilibrium and the Steady Diffusion
Flamelet assume that the premixed flame front is
infinitely thin.
The Flamelet Generated Manifold (FGM) assumes
that the thermochemical states in a turbulent flame are
similar to the states in a laminar flame. The solution is
defined or tracked by the mixture fraction and progress
variable. The FGM model allows the flame to be
extinguished and the assumption of thin and intact
flamelets is not a part of this model. This type of set up
is predominately utilised for partially premixed
combustion where majority of the incoming gas is
premixed as is the gas of this flame.
The model solves for not only the transport
equations for the mixture fraction and reaction-progress,
but also their variance. The mean reaction rate for the
reaction-progress variable is calculated using a joint PDF
of c and f:
𝑆̅𝑐 = 𝜌̅ ∫ ∫ 𝑆𝑓𝑙𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑡 (𝑓, 𝑐)𝑃(𝑓, 𝑐) 𝑑𝑐 𝑑𝑓
It is important to note that 𝑓 and 𝑐 are considered
statistically independent and hence the joint PDF is the
product of the marginal ones.
The premixed c equation model was implemented in
this combustion model. The instantons transport C
equation is:
+ ∇. (𝜌𝑣𝑐) − ∇. (𝜌𝐷∇𝑐) = 𝑆𝑐
For the turbulent flow, averaging and closing the
turbulent flux of 𝑐 results in:
𝜕(𝜌̅ 𝑐̃ )
+ ∇. (𝜌̅ 𝑣̃𝑐̃) − ∇. (
∇𝑐̃) = 𝑆̅𝑐
𝑆̅𝑐 = 𝜌𝑢 𝑠𝑇 |∇𝑐̅|
This closure term dependence is shifted to the
turbulent flame speed which is discussed below.
Flame surface density models propose the modelling
of the average reaction rate 𝑆𝑐̅ for the reaction progress
variable as two distinct components. The first is a flame
density and an average flame consumption speed along
the flame area. One such model that is available is that of
the Extended Coherent Flamelet Model (ECFM). Its
formulation is a more refined premixed combustion
model than the C-equation model and has a theoretical
greater accuracy. However, this advantage is at the
expense of robustness and therefore is significantly more
challenging to converge. It is for this simplicity, that the
C-equation model is utilised.
The Peters flame speed model predicts a higher
value than Zimont.
The simulation results indicate a successful
simulation. Figure 3 illustrates how the temperature
changes closer to the flame centre. It is evident from
Figure 10, Figure 11 and Figure 12 that the temperature
should reach a maximum near the edge of the flame. This
is due to the configuration of the flame and is justified by
the temperature contour.
The most interesting result is that of the turbulent
flame speed, shown in Figure 8. It seems to be at a
maximum at the boundary of where the fuel source is and
the heat source. This results is indicative of the wrinkled
flame front, where there is extreme chemical and
turbulent fluctuations. The laminar flame speed seems to
uniform further away from the reaction zone. However,
closer to the fluctuations, the turbulence Figure 6, show
the effects of this wrinkling and stretch the propagating
laminar flame sheet increasing the sheet area. The results
of this can be seen through the increase in laminar flame
speed Figure 7.
Turbulent flame speed is an important concept in
turbulent combustion and its closure is important in
obtaining accurate results. Unlike the laminar flame
speed, which is dependent on mixture properties, the
turbulent flame speed has a dependency on flow
conditions. This additional dependency requires the
turbulent flame speed to be modelled. The most
commonly used empirical model relates the unstrained
laminar flame speed and the turbulent velocity
formulation in the larger scale:
= 1 + 𝐶 ( 0)
Rather more complex formulations have been
proposed, Zimont and Peters Flame Speed models.
The Zimont Turbulent Flame Speed Model is based
upon the assumption of small scale turbulence inside the
laminar flame is in equilibrium. This results in a
turbulent flame speed model that that is purely a function
of the large-scale turbulent parameters. This model is
only applicable when the Kolmogorov scales are smaller
than the flame thickness.
1 1
𝑈𝑡 = 𝐴(𝑢′ )4 𝑈𝑙2 𝛼 −4𝑙𝑡4
Figure 3: Contours of Temperature
Figure 4: Contours of Velocity Magnitude
Figure 7: Contours of Laminar Flame Speed
Figure 5: Contours of Static Pressure
Figure 8: Contours of Turbulent Flame Speed
Figure 6: Contours of Turbulent Kinetic Energy
Figure 9: Contours of Turbulent Flame Speed Source
Figure 10: Contours of Mass Fraction of CH4
Figure 13: Contours of Damkohler Number
A mesh study conducted with various models
should be conducted and a comparison of results should
be displayed.
Further work should be perform comparing the
various turbulent flame speed models as well as the effect
of adiabatic model comparison.
Figure 11: Contours of Mass Fraction of N2
In conclusion, the simulation was successful, with
justification of modelling choices made and combustion
results analysed.
Barlow, R. S.-Y. (2007). Piloted Methane/Air Jet
Flames: Realease 2.1 .
Madrid, T. U. (2016). Chapter 1: Reaction and Transport.
Master´s Degree in Numerical Simulation in
Engineering with ANSYS,. Technical University
of Madrid.
Madrid, T. U. (2016). Chapter 2: Laminar Premixed
Flames. Madrid: Technical University of
Figure 12: Contours of Mass Fraction of O2
Madrid, T. U. (2016). Master´s Degree in Numerical
Simulation in Engineering with ANSYS,.
Chapter 6: Turbulent Premixed Combustion.
Techical University of Madrid.