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Journal of Roman Military Equipment Studies, 2021
During the Second Punic War the Roman army lost many of its battles against the Carthaginian army of Hannibal Barca. Not only the infantry suffered enormous casualties, the cavalry suffered as well. The Carthaginian army deployed Spanish and Carthaginian horsemen but also the feared Numidian horsemen. This paper sets out to research the differences between specifically the Roman and the Numidian cavalry. It will study the equitation and the tactics which caused the defeat of the Roman cavalry. It will also try to offer an explanation for the defeats of the Roman cavalry by applying modern military theory on cavalry warfare. It will argue that the Numidian cavalry fought effrenatus, meaning they did not ride their horses without a bridle, but without a bit. It will also argue that the word effrenatus was a reference to the Numidian cavalry tactics. Taking into account an interesting passage in Livy in which he describes how the Roman cavalry was victorious against Spanish cavalry in 180 BC, it will also endeavour to explain why the Second Punic War can be seen as a turning point for Roman cavalry tactics.
El presente artículo se deriva de una investigación documental, la cual tuvo como objetivo analizar el concepto de pareja y las habilidades del terapeuta de pareja, que se identificaron en fuentes documentales de terapia contemporánea. En primer lugar, se logró identificar los cambios que se han dado en la conceptualización de la pareja, ya que la pareja como concepto ha tenido una fuerte implicación histórica y cultural, evidenciándose nuevas tipologías de pareja en la contemporaneidad. También fue posible encontrar que la pareja ha sido leída como sistema desde el trabajo terapéutico con la influencia de la cibernética de segundo orden. En segundo lugar, se hallaron algunas de las habilidades que un terapeuta de pareja debe desarrollar para el éxito de su intervención, entre las que se encuentran la identificación de motivo de consulta, el establecimiento de la alianza terapéutica y el desarrollo del self del terapeuta.
The U.S. Naval Academy's naval history symposium, named the McMullen Naval History Symposium since 2006, has been held regularly in Annapolis, Maryland, since its first meeting in 1971. Initially, it was a small event for a limited group of invited speakers, but in 1973 it began to take on its present form. Today, this symposium continues to be one of the most important events for the scholarly and professional exchange of ideas and interpretations in the field of naval history. It serves this purpose not only in the United States for American naval history but in the world at large for global naval history. It has certainly become the largest regular meeting of naval historians in the world. Its meeting location in Annapolis, on the historic grounds of the Naval Academy, with its large and active history department, fine museum, rich historical collections, and numerous naval memorials, is an ideal place to bring together such a large group of highly informed experts, including naval professionals and civilian academics, to exchange research information and ideas on a scholarly level. More than a dozen published volumes of selected papers have captured the essence and growth of the Naval Academy's symposium over the decades. Like this volume, most have carried the now well-established title of New Interpretations in Naval History. Typically, each volume in the series has been a selection from the many papers presented at each symposium and has ranged widely across all periods of naval history and the histories of many navies. Not limited to any particular theme, other than presenting a new interpretation of whatever subject on which the researcher is working, each symposium and its resulting volume present very useful samplings of current thinking, new themes, and new approaches in naval history. Collectively, the series has been a great stimulus to advancing and to encouraging naval history. The volumes that these symposia generate continue to chart the state of naval history as a field of research and inquiry. The eighteenth symposium in the series took place at the Naval Academy in Mahan and Sampson Halls on 19-20 September 2013. It was directed by Dr. Lori xii NEW INTERPRETATIONS IN NAVAL HISTORY Bogle, with Dr. James C. Rentfrow, deputy director. The 2013 McMullen Naval History Symposium was generously funded by the Bill Daniels and Dr. John McMullen families. For the two-day period, the program of events listed seven sessions, with a total of forty-four panels and 212 participants serving as session chairs, presenters, or commentators. From that large number, the editors have selected for this volume twenty-two papers that range from studies in late antiquity to the Vietnam War era. In between, the topics vary in focus from the naval education of a Siamese prince in Britain to eighteenth-century medicine, environmental history, international law, amphibious operations, and personnel issues. Two major events occurred during the course of the symposium.
La relacion entre arqueologia y nacion no es obvia, a pesar de la numerosa literatura al respecto; sin embargo, es seguro decir que ambas son invenciones modernas, de alguna manera relacionadas. El pasado otorgo a la nacion, la entidad politica que mejor ejemplifica la trascendencia moderna, la continuidad necesaria para no aparecer como una transgresion descarnada de la sacralidad que habia reemplazado. El cortejo del pasado por la nacion no es una contradiccion ni una aporia sino una tension constitutiva de la modernidad. Estas notas pretenden perfilar esa tension a traves de la relacion entre tres actores: arqueologia, nacion y pasado.
Averroismo Feminista, 2019
RESUMEN El presente texto problematiza el llamado "feminismo musulmán" contemporáneo a la luz de la crítica averroísta a la teología política desarrollada por el filósofo cordobés en el Fasl Al Maqal ("Tratado Decisivo") argumentando que el ejercicio crítico de las teóricas feministas musulmanas actuales reedita la iytihad o "esfuerzo personal de interpretación" de los textos (con independencia de su tradición), operación presente en la tradición jurídica que, en su momento, Averroes extrapolará a la práctica filosófica. Para ello se analizará el razonamiento de algunas críticas feministas musulmanas para mostrar su semejanza con la crítica averroísta desarrollada en el siglo XII. ABSTRACT This essay interrogate the contemporary "muslim feminism" from the averroist critique to the political theology developed by the cordovan philosopher in the Fasl Al Maqal ("Decisive Treatise") explaning that que critical inquirí from the muslim feminists theories repeat by a new way, the iytihad or "personal effort to interpretation" of the texts (with a relative Independence from its tradition), that is an operation present in the juridical Tradition of islam that, in certain moments, Averroes will extrapolate to the philosophical practice. That´s why we will analize the reasoning of some muslim feminist theories to show its likeness with the averroist critique develped on the XII century.
The objectives of this project were to predict the performance of naturally and fan-ventilated greenhouses as a function of climate, type of crop, evaporative cooling and greenhouse size, and to estimate the effects of the two cooling systems on yield, quality and disease development in the different crops under study. Background In the competitive field of greenhouse cultivation, growers and designers in both the US and Israel are repeatedly forced to choose between naturally ventilated (NV) and fan ventilated (FV) cooling systems as they expand their ranges in an effort to remain profitable. The known advantages and disadvantages of each system do not presently allow a clear decision. Whether essentially zero operating costs can offset the less dependable cooling of natural ventilation systems is question this report hopes to answer. Major Conclusions US It was concluded very early on that FV greenhouses without evaporative pad cooling are not competitive with NV greenhouses durin...
ESPAÇOS - Revista de Teologia e Cultura, 2022
O exegeta italiano Aldo Martin (pronúncia Martín), professor na Faculdade Teológica do Triveneto, sessão de Vicenza, oferece neste estudo uma contribuição sobre o os fundamentos bíblicos da Sinodalidade. A sede é a Coleção Giornale di Teologia, n° 434, da prestigiosa Editora Queriniana, coleção que se distingue por oferecer estudos sobre temas atuais e discutidos, exatamente para contribuir em tal debate.
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Dr. Dorit Kedar - Creation, Myth and the Chinese Zodiac: Opening for introspection, 2012
Bilingualism in Down Syndrome, 2019
Museum Anthropology Review, 2008
Diagnostic , 2025
Zeszyty Naukowe / Wyższa Szkoła Oficerska Wojsk Lądowych im. gen. T. Kościuszki, 2010
De la Insatisfacción a la Excelencia: La Influencia del Coaching, la PNL y la Inteligencia Emocionan en la Motivación Laboral., 2024
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