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2022, Bilimsel Araştırma İnceleme Formu…
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Bu form; Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri, Nitel ve Nicel Araştırma Yöntemleri dersleri yanında literatür taraması çalışmalarında öğrencilerin ilgili araştırmaları bir bütün olarak değerlendirmeleri için hazırlanmıştır. Yararlı olması dileğiyle. Doç. Dr. İlker DERE, Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi
Present study is composed of two separate phases. The purpose of the first phase was to determine the validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the ‘Ageing Well Profile (AWP)’ developed by Stathi and Fox (2004). The purpose of the second study was to examine the effects of 12 week pilates exercises on relevant subjective well being in older adult women over the age of 65. Eighty six female (Mage= 71.15 6.63 year) and 85 male (Mage= 73.05 7.45 year) from several nursing homes in Ankara were recruited to participate in the study of reliability and validity of the AWP. A total of 85 women, 45 as exercise ( age= 72.80 6.74 years) and 40 as control ( yaş= 74.03 5.73 yıl) group, from a nursing home in Ankara voluntarily participated in exercise interventions. Although maximum likelihood factor analyses of the AWP indicated a 6 factor structure with 65.02 % explained variance, 2 items (12 and 23) and a factor (4th factor with two items) were excluded from the inventory because of the low factor loadings (.40) and internal consistency values (.23), respectively. Participants in the exercise group attended pilates sessions of 60 minutes per day, 3 days in a week for 12 weeks. All measurements were taken 1 week before and 1 week after the exercise treatments. The results of 2 X 2 X 5 Mixed design MANOVA revealed that “physical well being” and “independence” scales of the AWP significantly improved from pre to post measurements. Within the scope of present results, it can be said that with 23 items and 5 factor structure, AWP is reliable and valid instrument in order to measure physical activity relevant subjective well being in Turkish older adults, 12 week pilates exercises were partially effective in improving perceived subjective well being in older adult women over 65.
Special: Human wildlife conflict
National integration in Southeastern Europe developed under the strong influence of several factors, which, depending on local conditions, varied from historicism to religion, shaping particular types of national movements. In the regions which the Turks ruled for centuries, in the beginning of the era of nationalism, ethnic particularity, expressed in the tradition of the millet, where the unity ofethnos and he Christian Church was legally ingrained in the administrative structure of the Ottoman Empire, the struggle for national rights was resolved by a consecutive series of uprisings and wars that decisively influenced the profiles of future national movements.
Crítica à execução antecipada da pena (a revisão da súmula 267 pelo STJ)
INCOTERMS -International Commercial Terms-Các điều khoản thương mại quốc tế-là bộ quy tắc thương mại quốc tế được công nhận và sử dụng rộng rãi trên toàn thế giới. Incoterms quy định những quy tắc có liên quan đến giá cả và trách nhiệm của các bên trong một hoạt động thương mại quốc tế.
Os cursos de graduação em Direito no Brasil, assim como, os cursos de pós-graduação lato sensu, as também denominadas Especializações, também, na área jurídica, não têm entre suas prioridades a pesquisa acadêmica, jurídico-científica, razão pela qual os alunos que ingressam na pós-graduação stricto sensu, mormente nos cursos de Mestrado, têm muito pouca familiaridade com conteúdos afetos à epistemologia e a metodologia da pesquisa no Direito. A partir de tal percepção, tem o presente artigo o objetivo de apresentar as principais categorias e conceitos ligados a esta temática, de maneira concatenada, conforme desenvolvidos quando do estudo da disciplina, como forma de facilitar a iniciação daqueles que se interessem pela elaboração do conhecimento cientificamente válido.
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