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38 pages
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AI-generated Abstract
Software Defined Networking (SDN) addresses the limitations of traditional networking by centralizing control and enabling programmability, thereby facilitating dynamic management of network resources. Key components include the separation of the control plane and data plane, which enhances agility, scalability, and flexibility within modern computing environments such as data centers. OpenFlow serves as a crucial element in SDN, providing an open interface to networking nodes, further promoting network visibility and programmability.
This paper explains about the basic concept of Software Defined Network (SDN). The paper also lists and discuss about the details of two sample products of Software Defined Network. Besides that, this paper also list out the details on the main issues and challenges of Software Defined Network. Finally this paper summarized on the importance and the future of the Software Defined Network in the development of network performance in the business world.
Innovations in Software-Defined Networking and Network Functions Virtualization
The chapter explores the various types and functionalities of controllers present in the field of software-defined networking. It is responsible for providing a bridge between various application interfaces. It enables smart networking and is solely responsible for having an authority over the network. It takes input from one API, processes it, and returns output for the high-level interface or API. They instruct the switch as to what functions to perform and can be of two types: either pure or hybrid. The controller at the central layer performs all the functions of the "evergreen" existing switches. The data plane of the router is solely the foreground for the switch to apply all its powers, while in hybrid switch software-defined networking and existing technologies work hand in hand. An administrator can build up the SDN tools to manage the traffic, whereas the existing network protocols progressively move the various incoming packets onto the network. This engenders hybrid network. Here the existing and SDN technologies or switches, work under the similar conditions.
Asian Journal of Research in Computer Science, 2021
The Internet has caused the advent of a digital society; wherein almost everything is connected and available from any place. Thus, regardless of their extensive adoption, traditional IP networks are yet complicated and arduous to operate. Therefore, there is difficulty in configuring the network in line with the predefined procedures and responding to the load modifications and faults through network reconfiguring. The current networks are likewise vertically incorporated to make matters far more complicated: the control and data planes are bundled collectively. Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is an emerging concept which aims to change this situation by breaking vertical incorporation, promoting the logical centralization of the network control, separating the network control logic from the basic switches and routers, and enabling the network programming. The segregation of concerns identified between the policies concept of network, their implementation in hardware switching an...
Jahresbericht Zentrum für Baltische und Skandinavische Archäologie, 2021
By focusing on the liturgies and spiritual narratives of the Roman Catholic Womenpriests, this article explores the performance of the authority of women in ways that challenge institutional hierarchy and affirm inclusivity and equality, but still maintain forms of power. The Womenpriests are a radical reform movement internal to the Roman Catholic Church committed to a progressive politics of inclusion. They challenge normative power relations by practising ritual ordination of women priests in the full line of apostolic succession. Their performance of priesthood names the individual and the community as sources of power in a manner that creates what the author calls “relational authority.” Relational authority regards dwelling with others and the recognition of inherent, human worth as sources of meaning that are creative and co-creative. This concept responds to existing theories that consider the social dimension of participation, rather than the individual viewer or actor, in collaborative performance. The article reflects on the relationship between performance theory and the theological dimensions of Christic representation and interrogates feminist theology for new forms of performative signification. The performance of priesthood by women in the Roman Catholic Church is an interstice of new possibilities for the exchange of authority and power, and an example of performance that, by means of “dwelling with,” opens new paradigms for performance theory beyond being, doing, and its permutations through showing and explaining. Rather than authority stemming from being and doing, the Womenpriests demonstrate authority that issues from knowing (wisdom) and relating.
Berkeley Undergraduate Journal, 2016
Hekate is considered one of the most enigmatic figures of Greek religion. In the Theogony, she is referred to as a universal goddess. Nevertheless, her figure transforms into that of a chthonic figure, associated with witchcraft and the restless dead. This paper examines how Hekate’s role in the Greek pantheon has changed over time, and with what figures she has been syncretized or associated with in order to bring about such changes. In doing so, three images of the same goddess emerge: Hekate the universal life-bringing deity, Hekate the liminal goddess of the crossroads, and Hekate the chthonic overseer of witchcraft and angry spirits.
Agricultural and Food Economics
Marketing outlets choice is one of the most important farm household decisions to sell their produce and has a great impact on household income. Though the study area has great potential of honey production, the farmers in the study area faced the marketing problem in choice of appropriate honey market outlets. This study was therefore carried out to analyze determinants of honey producers' market outlet choice decisions in Chena district. A total of 154 honey-producing households were surveyed, and the data obtained were analyzed by using multivariate probit model. The results show that most sampled households in the study area sell their honey to cooperative outlet as compare to other outlets. The results of the econometric model show the dependency of household level marketing decisions as a strategy to maximize their incomes in the long term. The model results also reveal that the quantity of honey sold, frequency extension contact, beekeeping experience, distance to nearest market, market information about each outlet, cooperative membership, and trust in buyers determine market outlet choice decision of honey producers in the study area. Expanding equal accessibility of infrastructures, establishing honey collection centers in potential production areas, increasing the frequency of extension contact, and organizing additional beekeepers into honey cooperatives is suggested.
García Quiñones, Marta; Kassabian, Anahid, and Boschi, Elena (ed.). Ubiquitous Musics: The Everyday Sounds the We Don't Always Notice, , 2013
This chapter offers an analysis of ‘mobile listening’, namely the listening situations made possible by the use of portable digital players or mp3 players, particularly in public spaces, where they provide a continuous background to users engaged in everyday activities. The essay begins by tracing a brief history of music portability, from portable valve radios to portables cassettes (the Walkman), and later to portable digital players based on compressed formats. It moves then to compare the critical portrait of mobile listeners as isolated subjects, present in the public debate at least since the times of portable cassettes, to some advertising campaigns depicting the use of digital players as an active, physically engaging activity, and to the experiences of users. Drawing also on some concepts elaborated in current neurobiological research into human perception and emotions, the author tries to explain how the mobile listener negotiates the relationship between her body, the shifting context, and the music, at different levels.
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