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This presentation explores the intersection of entrepreneurship and social justice through the lens of the Economy of Communion (EOC), a philosophy rooted in the ideals of the Focolare Movement. It argues for a holistic approach to business that integrates faith, community engagement, and the alleviation of various forms of poverty, emphasizing that true economic health stems from communal relationships and ethical practices rather than mere financial profit. The impact of such an approach is illustrated through specific examples of societal and financial benefits realized in local communities.
Global Africa, 2022
Habituellement, le terme d’expert connote une spécialisation professionnelle, et, plus particulièrement dans le champ du développement, une compétence reconnue en ingénierie technique ou en ingénierie sociale. Nous voulons ici l’étendre à une tout autre forme de compétence. En Afrique, la méconnaissance des contextes locaux dans lesquels interviennent les projets et programmes de développement standardisés (« modèles voyageurs »), et la non-prise en compte des effets inattendus qui découlent des réactions des acteurs locaux, sont des données structurelles du monde institutionnel du développement, qui sont à l’origene de ses échecs récurrents. Ce dernier ne manque pas d’experts internationaux (ou parfois nationaux) au sens classique du terme, mais il ne recourt jamais aux compétences de ceux qui connaissent le mieux ces contextes locaux qui « mettent à l’épreuve » les interventions extérieures, autrement dit il ignore l’existence d’une « expertise contextuelle », qui serait pourtant indispensable si l’on entend élaborer et mettre en œuvre des interventions et des politiques publiques qui soient enfin adaptées au « monde réel », celui des quartiers et des villages africains, qui est ignoré des bureaux de Washington, Genève ou Paris (et souvent aussi de ceux de Dakar, Bamako ou Cotonou). Bien que non reconnus en tant que tels, les experts contextuels existent pourtant, sous deux formes. Les plus nombreux sont des experts contextuels opérationnels, autrement dit des acteurs de terrain, travaillant au contact des usagers dans les services de l’État ou dans les multiples projets ou ONG : ils connaissent bien (et surtout de l’intérieur) les normes pratiques des fonctionnaires et les normes sociales des populations ; mais, en outre, ils ont aussi une réflexion critique vis-à-vis des routines du quotidien et une capacité d’initiatives et d’innovations ancrées dans les réalités du terrain (ce sont des réformateurs de l’intérieur, et nous en avons rencontré dans nos enquêtes). D’autres sont des experts contextuels indirects, autrement dit des chercheurs, dont l’activité professionnelle consiste, essentiellement grâce à des méthodes qualitatives impliquant une insertion prolongée, à décrire, comprendre et analyser les contextes locaux (et leurs réactions aux interventions extérieures) ; ils sont bien placés pour identifier les experts contextuels opérationnels. Les uns et les autres constatent tous les jours à quel point les interventions conçues, financées et pilotées par les institutions de développement (les réformateurs de l’extérieur) sont déconnectées des pratiques et des perceptions des acteurs directement concernés, tout en reproduisant une addiction dangereuse à l’aide internationale. Nous discuterons plus en détail dans l’article de ce concept d’expert contextuel, de sa spécificité par rapport à des notions proches, et de ce en quoi la mobilisation d’une expertise contextuelle pourrait permettre d’améliorer la qualité des services que les institutions de développement et les politiques publiques délivrent aux populations.
Convegno internazionale. Metamorfosi: mito antico, pratica contemporanea, 2024
Nei racconti di metamorfosi del mito greco, resiste il limite del ‘come' del paragone e la potenza della metafora. L’intervento si focalizza sulla differenza tra l’idea di metamorfosi nella cultura greca e la declinazione ovidiana, in cui la distanza retorica precipita e si incarna nella vertiginosa fluidità delle forme e nei corpi stessi dei personaggi del mito.
UniSa. Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneo, 2008
Este artigo realizará, a partir de revisão bibliográfica, análise crítica do modelo de justiça criminal negocial proposto pelo projeto de Código de Processo Penal (PLS 156/09), denominado " procedimento sumário ". Partindo-se da delimitação introdutória dos conceitos de barganha e processo penal consensual, desenvolver-se-á estudo das características principais de tal modelo, a partir do exemplo estadunidense da plea bargaining e do mecanismo projetado pelo PLS 156/09. Com base nisso, apresentar-se-ão críticas que envolvem a expansão da justiça criminal negocial no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, as quais configuram problemáticas que esvaziam por completo premissas essenciais do processo penal de um Estado democrático de Direito. Assim, partindo-se do exemplo do " procedimento sumário " do referido projeto, apontar-se-á a ilegitimidade da barganha como instituto consensual na justiça criminal, desvelando-se a incontornável inconstitucionalidade do referido mecanismo.
Bayani'nin Şecere-i Harezmşahi adlı eseri ve Hive Tarih Yazıcılığı, 2015
Bu bildiride Muhammed Yusuf Bayani’nin Şecere-i Harazmşahi adlı eseri ve Hive tarih yazıcılığına dair bilgiler anlatılmıştır. Orta Asya Türk tarihi içerisinde Hive veya diğer adıyla Harezm bölgesinin önemi büyüktür. Çünkü hem tarih hem kültür hem de edebiyat alanında önemli eserler bu bölgede ortaya çıkmıştır. Özellikle Timurlular Devleti ve Harezmşahlar Devleti mirası olan Hive, Semerkant, Buhara, Hokand vb. şehirlerdeki medreselerde yetişen âlimler önemli eserler yazmıştır. El yazması olarak günümüze kadar gelebilen bu eserlerin incelenmesi ve aktarılmasıyla tarih yazıcılığının Türklerde önemli bir mesafe kaydettiği görülmektedir. Bu bildirimizde de Harezm tarih yazıcıları Ebülgazi Bahadır Han, Mûnis, Âgehî ve Bayani’nin tarihi eserlerine dair bilgiler verilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Muhammed Yusuf Bayani, Harezm, tarih yazımı, Hive, Munis, Agehi.
Molecular Microbiology, 2012
There is mounting evidence that there are frequent conflicts between complexes that replicate DNA and those that transcribe the same template, and that these conflicts lead to blockage of replication and genome instability. Such problems are perhaps best understood in bacteria, but it is becoming apparent that replicative barriers associated with transcription are a universal feature of life. This review summarizes what is currently known about how collisions between replisomes and transcription complexes are minimized and the mechanisms that help to resolve such collisions when they do occur. Although our understanding of these processes is still far from complete, a picture is emerging of a wide variety of different types of transcriptional blocks to replication that have resulted in a complex, overlapping system of mechanisms to avoid or tolerate such collisions.
"In this 8-typewritten pages long paper, we determine all four-term sequences of the form, a, a+ d, a+ 2d, a+ 3d (1) , where both a and d are integers; and with the sum of squares of the four terms being a perfect square. As pointed out in Remark1 (on page1), the problem reduces to the case being positive. Also, by Remark3, none of the four terms can be zero. For a given positive integer d; the entire list of such sequences( as in (1)), can be completely determined. Determining that list, depends only on the positive divisors of the common difference d; and it is based on the set of the positive integer solutions of the 3-variable equation x^+ 5(y^2)= z^2; see Theorem2 and equation (4) on page3 of this paper. In an article written by this author and published in the Fall2006 issue of the journal MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER EDUCATION, the reader will find a step-by-step derivation of the entire family of positive integer solutions of the equation , x^2+ k(y^2)= z^2; k a natural number( see reference[1]). Theorem5 on page7, describes how to obtain the entire list of sequences in (1), for a given even positive integer d. And, according to Theorem1; there exist no such 4-term sequences when d is odd. Theorem3 deals with the case of d being a power of 2. And Theorem4 with the case d=2p; p an odd prime. There are exactly six such sequences in that case. You will notice from (1); that when all four terms in (1) are positive; or when all are negative. Then the sequence A, A+ d, A+ 2d, A+ 3d; where A=-(a+ 3d); will be on the same list as (1)( for the same d value); with the same sum of squares. In the last section of this paper, Section7, we offer two numerical examples: The cases d=6 and d=10. In the case d=6=2p; p=3. There are six such sequences: The two sequences -15, -9,-3,3; and -3, 3,9,15. Both having sum of squares 324=(18)^2. The two sequences -11, -5, 1, 7; and-7,-1,5, 11. With sum of squares being 196=(14)^2. And the two sequences -31, -25, -19,-13; and 13, 19, 25, 31. With sum of squares equal to 2116= (46)^2."
Our goal is to present a discussion about the “objective validity” as being a tout court judgment characteristic by Kant. This thesis is controversial, since Kant considers the possibility of judgments of perception, just like judgments of taste, i.e. judgments having a subjective validity. To solve our problem, we will firstly try to situate the initial difficulties to conceiving a theory of judgment which can cope with criticism for inconsistency, with the purpose of analyzing subsequently in detail the two passages of the Critique of Pure Reason where Kant explicitly defines the judgment. By doing this, in our first chapter we will discuss the definition of the judgment as “mediate knowledge of an object”. Our examination will lead us to the result that the definition of a judgment, from the general logic's point of view, provides a place for the object of knowledge. Nevertheless, given that this result implies some consequences that the general logic cannot explain, we will pass to our second chapter, where the thesis responsible for the transition from the general to the transcendental logic is explained, namely the transcendental presupposition according to which the synthesis operated by the categories is a condition of possibility of the judgmental analysis. Therefore in our third chapter we begin by discussing the status of the object of judgment by Kant, in order to explain the possibility of the metaphysical judgments with respect to the judgment theory. To complete our course, it will be from the examination of the perception judgments that we will find a reading possibility in explaining the objective validity of a judgment. Our final result will be that the objective validity is the characteristic of referring our judgments to the objects of knowledge to the extent where the logical form of an objective judgment is more origenary compared to the logical form of the subjective judgments.
Why Remember 24 - Reframing Trauma, 2024
The paper points out that the German image scholar Aby Warburg (1866-1929) may have been the victim of an illness caused by his involvement with his collections of photos and newspaper and magazine clippings about the war: something close to what is now known as Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD). The emotions concentrated in photographs of war scenes that he collected and manipulated throughout the First World War (1914-18), would have been a major factor in the occurrence of psychotic episodes that led to a long hospitalization. Such a hypothesis would explain the picture of emotional exhaustion, with maniacal acceleration and exaltation of the psyche, that affected Warburg shortly after the end of the war. We intend, from this clinical example, to raise elements to understand the central concept of his thinking about the power of images, the concept of "formula of emotion" or "formula of pathos"., 2024
Journal of Communications Software and Systems
Italian Economic Journal
Journal of Development Policy and Practice
The Journal of Pediatric Research, 2014
Cureus, 2021
Journal of Education Research, 2023
Diatom Research, 2022
Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research, 2013
Anesthesiology Clinics, 2019
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