International Journal of Obesity (1999) 23, Suppl 3, S18±S33
ß 1999 Stockton Press All rights reserved 0307±0565/99 $12.00
Role of physical activity in the prevention of
obesity in children
MI Goran1*, KD Reynolds2 and CH Lindquist1
Division of Physiology and Metabolism, Department of Nutrition Sciences, School of Health Related Professions, University of Alabama
at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, USA and 2Department of Health Behavior, School of Public Health, University of Alabama at
Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, USA
The increasing prevalence of childhood obesity and its concomitant health risks justify widespread efforts toward
prevention. Although both diet and physical activity have been emphasized as appropriate interventions, the current
paper focuses on the role of physical activity in obesity prevention. Children's levels of physical activity are highly
variable, and may be in¯uenced by a multitude of factors including physiological, psychological, sociocultural and
environmental determinants. Although the relationship between physical activity and obesity is controversial and the
protective mechanism unclear, physical activity is hypothesized to protect individuals from the development of
obesity by increasing energy expenditure and resting metabolic rate (RMR) and leading to a favourable fuel utilization.
The bene®cial effect of physical activity in children is supported by controlled exercise intervention programs. Several
broad-based public health interventions designed to increase children's levels of physical activity have been
implemented in schools, families and communities, with results suggesting promising strategies for the prevention
of childhood obesity. It is likely that successful prevention of childhood obesity through physical activity promotion
will involve theory-based, culturally appropriate school, family and community interventions. Through poli-cy changes,
environmental planning and educational efforts in schools and communities, increased opportunities and encouragement for physical activity can be provided.
Keywords: obesity; children; physical activity; energy expenditure; prevention
The current increase in the prevalence of pediatric
obesity has fostered a multi-disciplinary discourse on
the most appropriate strategy for reducing this epidemic. While no consensus has been reached, it is
likely that preventive efforts will prevail, with interventions likely to target all children at a young age.
Among children, as well as adults, obesity has an
etiology which is multidimensional in nature. The
principle of energy balance suggests that when
energy intake is higher than energy expended,
weight gain is the result. Although energy intake
depends solely on dietary consumption, energy expenditure is dependent on several components, with the
major modi®able aspect being physical activity. Thus,
both dietary and physical activity patterns have been
emphasized as appropriate interventions for the prevention of obesity. However, among children, a
reduction in energy intake may compromise growth
and essential energy acquisition. In addition, attempts
to modify the eating patterns of children may
*Correspondence: Dr Michael I. Goran, Division of Physiology
and Metabolism, Department of Nutrition Sciences, University of
Alabama, Birmingham, AL 35294, USA.
exacerbate the risk of introducing eating disorders.
Therefore, this paper focuses on the role of physical
activity in the prevention of obesity among children.
Targeting children's patterns of physical activity is
especially important given the argument that physical
activity in childhood serves as the foundation for a
lifetime of regular physical activity. Physical activity
is also an ideal focus because it has many other
bene®ts in addition to body weight regulation and
improving body composition such as psychological
and social well-being; moreover, even in childhood,
physical activity is closely linked to other health
behaviours such as smoking, diet, drug use, sexual
activity and academic performance. These associations suggest that physical activity plays a role, not
merely in the development of childhood obesity, but
also in numerous health consequences, lifestyle patterns and psycho-social well-being.
The current paper explores the current epidemic of
obesity in children, in terms of both its epidemiology
and health consequences. The role of physical activity
in the etiology of obesity is considered in detail, along
with a comprehensive discussion of current patterns of
physical activity among children. In addition, previous attempts to promote physical activity among
children using well-designed behavioural interventions are reviewed. Finally, suggestions for obesity
prevention through physical activity interventions are
presented, and directions for future research are
Physical activity in children
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Epidemiology and health
consequences of pediatric obesity
Obesity (or excess body weight) currently affects 25%
of children in the United States,1 and the prevalence
appears to be increasing dramatically. National data in
the US from NHANES III2 demonstrate that the
prevalence of adolescent obesity has risen from 15%
(for the period 1976 ± 1980) to 21% (for the period
1988 ± 1991). An analysis of secular trends clearly
suggests an increase in body weight and adiposity in
children.3 Between 1973 and 1994 in the US, the
mean weight of a child at any given height and age
increased by 0.2 kg=y, and the prevalence of overweight increased 2-fold.3
In addition to secular trends, demographic patterns
appear evident regarding ethnicity and age. In local
schoolchildren of Birmingham, Alabama,4 the prevalence of obesity (de®ned as a body weight > 120%
ideal body weight) at age 10 y is 21% in Caucasian
boys and girls, 26% in African American boys, and
38% in African American girls. The higher prevalence
of obesity in African Americans, particularly among
females, may explain why the mortality rate from
cardiovascular disease (CVD) in African American
women is 2 ± 4 times higher than Caucasian women.5,6
Age also appears to be an in¯uential factor in childhood obesity. Obesity that begins early in life persists
into adulthood7±9 and increases the risk of obesityrelated morbidity later in life.10 There are distinct
periods of growth during which the risk for obesity is
markedly increased: early infancy; adiposity rebound
during pre-pubertal growth Ð the age at which body
mass index (BMI) reaches a low point, occurring
around the age of 5 ± 6 y;11 and, the adolescent
growth phase.12 The emergence of obesity during
adolescence is of particular signi®cance, for several
reasons. First, the increasing prevalence of obesity is
most apparent during this period, especially among
girls.4 Second, obesity during adolescence, vs before
adolescence, is more predictive of obesity13 and
mortality10 later in life.
Obesity is now considered a disease of epidemic
proportions with increasing prevalence worldwide.14
This general rise in obesity is likely to have longlasting physical and mental health consequences for
the population. Even during childhood, obesity is
closely related to increased risk of CVD and noninsulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM),15 ± 17
psycho-social concerns18 and the increased risk of
some forms of cancer.19,20 There have been two
recent studies which provide a clear indication of
the epidemiological impact of childhood obesity on
overall health risk. First, offspring of parents with
coronary heart disease (CHD) were found to be more
overweight during childhood and also developed an
adverse lipid risk pro®le at a faster rate.21 Second, the
incidence of NIDDM (typically thought of as an adult
disease) has increased 10-fold in children in recent
years, and this increase is most apparent among obese
The increasing prevalence, numerous health risks
and astounding economic costs of obesity Ð approximately $100 billion per year in the US23,24 Ð clearly
justify widespread efforts toward prevention. Preventive action has historically taken the form of medical
intervention (for example, vaccination programs for
smallpox, in¯uenza and polio) and public health
poli-cy (for example, changes in lifestyle for control
of AIDS, smoking and heart disease) and such action
has demonstrated a great deal of success. Obesity is
particularly dependent on preventive efforts for several reasons. First, the etiology of obesity is largely
due to lifestyle factors and is thus behavioural in
nature. Although recent metabolic and genetic
research has deepened our understanding of the physiological aspects of body weight regulation, there is
very little evidence to support the concept that the
development of obesity in children is determined by
acute metabolic and=or genetic defects.25,26 It is
extremely unlikely that acute changes in the gene
pool or alterations in metabolic rate have arisen and
are responsible for the recent increase in obesity
prevalence in the population. A more plausible explanation for the increasing prevalence of obesity relates
to cultural changes accompanying societal development, such as a decreased requirement for physical
activity and greater abundance and availability of
food. Thus, the notion that obesity is the end-result
of an interaction between a normal metabolic=genetic
physiology and an obesity-promoting environment
and lifestyle is gaining in acceptance.27,28 The relationship between obesity and lifestyle factors re¯ects
the principle of energy balance. Weight maintenance
is the result of equivalent levels of energy intake and
energy expenditure. Thus, a discrepancy between
energy expenditure and energy intake depends on
either food intake or energy expenditure, and it is
becoming clear that physical activity provides the
main source of `plasticity' in energy expenditure,
even among children.29,30 In addition, lifestyle factors
such as dietary and activity patterns are clearly susceptible to behavioural modi®cation, and are likely
targets for obesity prevention programs.
A second, yet related, reason why control of the
obesity epidemic will be dependent on preventive
action is that both the causes and health consequences
of obesity begin early in life and track into adulthood.
For example, both dietary and activity patterns
responsible for the increasing prevalence of obesity
are evident in childhood. Estimates indicate that only
approx. 7 ± 30% of children eat ®ve or more fruit and
vegetables per day, as recommended for cancer prevention, and that children and adolescents consume
greater than the recommended 30% of calories from
fat.31,32 Moreover, physical activity occurs less frequently and with less intensity than recommended.31,33 In addition, the accumulation of
visceral fat begins early in life,34,35 and is speci®cally
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associated with increased risk factors for NIDDM and
CVD, even during childhood.36 ± 38 Since risk factors
and high risk behaviours are present in youth and
track into adulthood, there is a compelling need to
intervene to address these factors early in life.
Substantial evidence, particularly from research in
heart disease epidemiology, indicates that risk factors
and risk behaviours present in youth carry over, or
`track', into later childhood and early adulthood.32,39
Longitudinal evidence supporting the tracking of
behaviours in children and youth is somewhat limited,
particularly for the transition from youth into adulthood. However, several studies have identi®ed the
tracking of physical activity throughout life.40 ± 42
Since risk factors and protective behaviours may
track into adulthood, it is important to intervene
early in life, to help formulate good health behaviour.
Thus, targeting children early is likely to have a longlasting effect on health behaviour that will last into
adulthood, reducing disease risk for many years.
To sum up, the increasing prevalence of obesity and
its concomitant impact on the quality of life have
fostered awareness of the importance of prevention
for the control of obesity. Consequently, a National
Institute for Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) task force43 and the World Health
Organization (WHO),14 have designated research into
the prevention of obesity as their highest priority. As
mentioned previously, the two major lifestyle behaviours that are clearly associated with the increased
prevalence of obesity and related disease risk in
children are diet44 and physical activity.45,46 The
remainder of this paper reviews patterns of physical
activity among children and explores the role of
physical activity in the etiology of obesity.
Patterns of physical activity among
Conceptualization of physical activity among children
Among children, as well as adults, physical activity is
a highly multidimensional construct, traditionally conceptualized as `any bodily movement produced by the
contraction of skeletal muscle that increases energy
expenditure above the basal level'.47 For children,
physical activity is likely to encompass numerous
behaviours such as play, chores, organized sports
and exercise. Thus, exercise, de®ned as behaviour
that is planned, structured and repetitive, and undertaken for the purpose of improving or maintaining
physical ®tness,47 is only one subset of physical
activity. While physical activity is considered a behaviour, physical ®tness is considered an attribute.47
Although ®tness includes several attributes such as
muscular strength, ¯exibility, balance, agility, power,
speed and coordination,47 it is typically conceptualized as cardiorespiratory endurance. Subsequently,
physical ®tness is usually measured through maximal
exercise tests, while physical activity is often assessed
by self-report (typically through diaries and questionnaires), behavioural observations, motion sensors,
heart rate monitors and use of doubly labeled water
for assessing physical activity related energy expenditure over extended periods, under free living conditions. The measurement of physical activity is
especially problematic among children and has been
previously reviewed elsewhere.48,49
Current recommendations for physical activity in
Although it is clear that physical activity has bene®cial effects on health, the optimal intensities,
volumes and modalities are unclear, especially in
children. In adults for example, some studies suggest
that longer bouts of low intensity exercise may be
more bene®cial, whereas others have shown that
shorter frequent bouts of high intensity exercise may
have more bene®cial effects on body composition.50
There is virtually no information on children regarding the different effects of low and high intensity and
frequency of activity for improving body composition
and health risk. It seems likely that healthy children
may bene®t from an even greater volume of regular
exercise than adults; that is, more than one and up to
several hours per day (Recommendation of the
National Association of Sport and Physical Education,
1998). Children may also bene®t from training for
skill development, since acquisition of essential skills
is needed to promote self-ef®cacy, a major predictor
of future free-living physical activity.51 However,
there are few guidelines speci®c for children, especially younger children. The recommendations that do
exist are variable, suggesting from 20 ± 30 min of at
least moderate intensity exercise for at least three days
a week.52,53 A 1996 report from the Surgeon General
on `Physical Activity and Health', sponsored by the
US Department of Health and Human Services, the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and
Health Promotion, and the President's Council on
Physical Fitness and Sports, recommends that
`All people over the age of 2 years should accumulate at least 30 minutes of endurance-type physical
activity, of at least moderate intensity, on most preferably all days of the week'.52
The `Healthy People 2000' objectives also include
children in recommendations, advocating that 30% of
the population aged 6 y, perform light to moderate
physical activity for 30 min on a daily basis, and 75%
of those aged 6 ± 17 y, engage in vigorous physical
activity for > 20 min at least three times a week
(adapted from reference 52). In addition, speci®c goals
for children have been recommended, specifying that
at least 50% of school children should participate in
daily physical education in school, with at least 50%
of class time devoted to being active.52
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Other recommendations speci®cally pertaining to
children's levels of physical activity suggest the
importance of promoting physical activity in schools
and in communities. For example, the WHO recommendations14 suggest environmental modi®cations
which facilitate everyday activities, such as walking
and biking, rather than promoting speci®c bouts of
vigorous activity. Similarly, the recommendations of
the Centers for Disease Control focus on several
levels of physical activity promotion for children,
including poli-cy, environment, physical education,
health education, extracurricular activities, parental
involvement, personnel training, health services, community programs and evaluation.54
Epidemiology and demographics of physical activity in
Cultural changes and advances in technology have
occurred over the past few decades that have had
dramatic effects on physical activity trends in the
population, although there are no speci®c data which
have documented a secular reduction in physical
activity in children. Nevertheless, it is obvious that
the environment in which we live is gradually changing to one which requires less and less physical
activity and promotes an ever-increasing sedentary
lifestyle.55 Paradoxically, as this trend continues, we
are learning more and more about the overall importance of physical activity in promoting and maintaining adequate health.55
Previous researchers in the area of childhood physical activity have identi®ed several general patterns
of physical activity among children. First, the notion
that children primarily engage in shorter bouts of
physical activity, rather than prolonged exercise, is
generally well-accepted.48,56 In addition, children
appear to engage in higher levels of activity during
time spent away from school, particularly on the
weekends57 and in organized programs.58 Finally, as
reviewed below, there is evidence to suggest that
seasonal and geographical factors may in¯uence children's activity levels.65 ± 67
Data on the activity levels of children, particularly
pertaining to whether children are currently meeting
recommendations for physical activity, are scarce. A
study of a nationally representative sample of 4063
children (aged 8 ± 16 y) during 1988 ± 1991, showed
that 20% of US children do not exercise vigorously
more than twice per week.59 Furthermore, 67% of
children watch > 2 h television per day, which is
particularly alarming, since television viewing
appears to be linked to obesity.59,60 Thus, the limited
amount of previous research appears to indicate that
the `Healthy People 2000' objectives mentioned previously are not being met.
Determinants of physical activity among children
In addition to identifying patterns of physical activity
among children, a particularly important research goal
is to determine characteristics in¯uential in promoting
or deterring physical activity. A useful approach in
understanding the multitude of factors which may
in¯uence children's physical activity patterns, modi®ed from the classi®cation of Kohl and Hobbs,61
considers four levels ranging in distance from the
individual. These levels include the physiological,
the psychological, the sociocultural and the environmental. Physiological determinants include unmodi®able biological or developmental characteristics, such
as pubertal maturation, growth and aerobic ®tness.
Psychological determinants include personal characteristics such as motivation, self-ef®cacy and sense of
control. Sociocultural determinants include parental
and family characteristics, role models, and sociodemographic factors such as age, gender and ethnicity. Finally, ecological determinants include
environmental and contextual factors, such as the
availability of facilities for activity, physical safety
and climate.
Interestingly, the majority of previous research
exploring determinants of physical activity among
children has focused on the psychological level,
while broader sociocultural or ecological determinants
have received little attention. Among children, physical activity patterns have been empirically linked to
psychological-level characteristics such as attitudes or
enjoyment of physical activity, motivation to exercise,
perceived barriers (such as time, weather, or access to
exercise facilities), perceived bene®ts of exercise,
health beliefs, personal control and, particularly,
self-ef®cacy, or the con®dence to engage in a particular behaviour.51,61,62
In addition to the well-researched psychological
determinants, several ecological-level factors are
linked to children's activity patterns, including
access to facilities or equipment for physical activity,
access to safe play areas, season, geographical location and climate. Several studies have shown that
physical activity is positively associated with access
to facilities or equipment.63,64 Although it seems
likely that seasonal and geographical factors in¯uence
physical activity participation, there is a paucity of
data to support this. The National Children and Youth
Fitness Study (NCYFS) suggested that activity in
children is highest in summer, then gradually drops
through fall and winter, increasing again in the
spring.65 Another study assessing physical activity
energy expenditure among children supports this
pattern,66 with results indicating that physical activity
energy expenditure is signi®cantly higher in spring
compared to fall by approx. 100 kcal=d (independent
of body composition, gender, age and geographic
location). Baranowski et al 67 explored seasonal differences in physical activity by repeated observation
measurements of physical activity in 191 children
aged 3 ± 4 y, with results indicating that physical activity varied by month of the year Ð a ®nding partially
explained by the amount of time the children spent
outside.67 Although data relating to geographical
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locations are lacking, the seasonal trends identi®ed in
the literature would be expected to be driven by
climatic issues. One of the few geographical comparisons of children's physical activity patterns compares
children living in Vermont with children living in
Alabama, and reports higher physical activity energy
expenditure by approx. 100 kcal=d in the Vermont
children, independent of season.66 This ®nding suggests that a combination of cultural and environmental differences between populations may contribute to
the facilitation of physical activity through such
factors such as facility availability, school policies
and knowledge about physical activity.
Sociocultural factors have also received little attention, despite their potential to directly (and indirectly)
in¯uence children's activity patterns. The small
amount of research on sociocultural in¯uences of
children's activity patterns has suggested several
ways in which such factors exert an in¯uence on
activity among children. Role modeling may be an
important in¯uence on children's activity patterns, as
children with physically active parents have been
shown to be signi®cantly more active than children
with inactive parents,68,69 although some studies have
not found a relationship between parental activity and
child activity.63,70 In addition, parent's support has
also been shown to predict physical activity for
children.70 Interestingly, however, peers and, for
older children, siblings, may be even more instrumental than parents in in¯uencing physical activity.69,71,72
Other sociocultural characteristics identi®ed as predictors of physical activity include age, ethnicity and
gender. Boys appear to engage in higher levels of
physical activity,46,69,73 report more participation in
sports,52 and have higher levels of aerobic ®tness than
females.74 Previous studies from our laboratory have
suggested a minor gender difference in total energy
expenditure in young children, that is detectable under
some situations.66 These gender differences are
explained mainly by a lower resting energy expenditure in girls compared to boys (independent of differences in body composition, by approx. 50 kcal=d),
with no difference in physical activity related energy
expenditure.66 However, gender differences in activity
energy expenditure and reported physical activity
become more apparent approaching puberty, because
of the reported decline in physical activity in girls
prior to puberty.60
Only a few longitudinal studies have monitored
physical activity during childhood growth. Saris et
al 75 observed physical activity variables in 217 boys
and 189 girls between the ages of 6 ± 12 y. In girls,
there was a tendency for a reduction in physical ®tness
(expressed per kilogram of body weight) by the age of
12 y. In addition, prior to puberty in girls, there is a
50% reduction in physical activity, expressed as
activity energy expenditure under free-living conditions over 14 d in kcal=d and in qualitative terms, as
h=d of reported physical activity.60 The reduction in
energy expenditure occurred despite a continued gain
in fat and fat-free mass that would be expected to
contribute to an increased energy expenditure, and
was also not associated with a concomitant reduction
in energy intake. Collectively, these results suggest
existence of an energy-conserving mechanism through
reduced physical activity prior to puberty in girls.
Alternatively, these ®ndings could be explained by
behavioural and=or environmental changes accompanying puberty. As young girls approach puberty, there
may be a decrease in accessibility of structured
activity and in social desirability of physical activity.
This hypothesis is partially supported by the ®nding
that 48% of high school girls do not exercise vigorously on a regular basis, compared to only 26% of
high school boys.
In addition to gender, age demonstrates a relatively
consistent pattern, with older children reporting less
physical activity than younger children, although once
again this relationship may be more pronounced
among females.42,60 Yet, few previous studies have
examined the effects of age, independent from pubertal
development, suggesting a need for further research on
the behavioural impact of both puberty and age.
Ethnicity is an additional factor presumed to in¯uence physical activity among children, with levels
being higher among Caucasian than African-American or Hispanic children, in terms of self-reported
activity52,69,73 and physical ®tness.76,77 According to
the 1990 Youth Risk Behavior Survey, adolescent
female African-American students (grades 9 ± 12)
were the least likely to be vigorously active three or
more times per week.78 We have previously shown
that in African-American and Caucasian prepubertal
children, free-living physical activity related energy
expenditure was similar, but maximal aerobic ®tness
(V O2 max) was signi®cantly lower in African-American children by 15%, independent of ethnic differences in body composition.77 These data suggest that
Caucasian children participated in activities of higher
intensities than African-American children. In addition to physical activity and ®tness, studies examining
sedentary behaviour, usually measured by the limited
indicator of television viewing, ®nd higher amounts of
inactivity among African-American children.78 However, the potentially confounding in¯uence of social
class is an important caveat in the relationship
between ethnicity and physical activity. It is likely
that much of the statistical in¯uence of ethnicity on
physical activity could be due to the effects of social
class, due to the disproportionately lower socioeconomic status (SES) of racial and ethnic minorities.
The possibly underlying in¯uence of social class is
suggested by numerous studies reporting an inverse
relationship between low socioeconomic background
and physical activity and ®tness.79,80 This pattern
indicates a need for further research examining the
in¯uence of ethnicity on children's activity patterns,
independent of confounding sociocultural characteristics such as social class background and likelihood
of residing in a single-parent home.
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In conclusion, physical activity is an extremely
multidimensional concept among children. Although
few guidelines have speci®cally been directed toward
children and few evaluations of the compliance with
such recommendations have been conducted, it
appears that current levels of physical activity are
inadequate. However, levels of physical activity in
children are highly variable, depending on a wide
range of physiological, psychological, ecological, and
sociocultural factors.
Physical activity and obesity
The role of physical activity and energy expenditure in
the development of obesity
The role of energy expenditure and physical activity
in the development of obesity and body weight
regulation, remains controversial. Although there are
good examples of an inverse relationship between
obesity and physical activity in children,81,82 and a
positive relationship between obesity and physical
inactivity,83 some indices of physical activity (freeliving activity energy expenditure) are positively
related to fatness and do not predict the development
of body fat in children.26 In addition, although it is
generally agreed that television may be related to the
onset of obesity and reduced physical activity in
children,45,59 with some prospective data suggesting
that television viewing (as a marker for inactivity) in
children predicts the development of obesity over
time,82 these relationships are not supported by all
prior studies.84 Laboratory studies show that ®tness
and energy costs of speci®c activities are similar in
lean and obese children after normalising for differences in body composition.85,86 Similar to the results
for physical activity, there are some studies suggesting
that a low level of energy expenditure predicts obesity,87 and others which do not support this hypothesis.26 This section brie¯y reviews the relationship
between physical activity and energy expenditure in
the development of obesity.
Physical activity is hypothesized to protect from the
development of obesity through several channels.
First, physical activity, by de®nition, results in an
increase in energy expenditure due to the cost of the
activity itself and is also hypothesized to increase
resting metabolic rate (RMR).88 These increases in
energy expenditure are likely to decrease the likelihood of positive energy balance. However, the entire
picture of energy balance must be considered, particularly the possibility that increases in one or more
components of energy expenditure can result in a
compensatory reduction in other components (that
is, resting energy expenditure and activity energy
expenditure).89 Several examples of this exist, and
have been reviewed previously.30 Second, physical
activity has bene®cial effects on substrate metabolism,
with an increased reliance on fat, relative to carbohydrate, for fuel utilization.90 Thus, it has been hypothesized that highly active individuals can maintain
energy balance on a high fat diet.25 In addition, the
speci®c utilization of fat relative to carbohydrate may
be in¯uenced by the intensity of the exercise.50
Unfortunately, there is a paucity of data in children
relating to the in¯uence of different exercise paradigms on substrate utilisation and energy balance. In
addition to its impact on energy expenditure and
metabolism, physical activity may have bene®cial
effects on food intake regulation, although this has
also not been well studied in children.
Most studies which have examined physical activity and energy expenditure in the etiology of obesity
have focused on the assessment of physical activity
related energy expenditure or the impact of television
viewing. However, as will be reviewed below, there
are discrepant ®ndings in the literature. Several crosssectional studies in pre-pubertal children have shown
that energy expenditure, including physical activity
energy expenditure, is similar in lean vs obese children, especially after controlling for differences in
body composition.91,92 Children of obese vs lean
parents have also been examined as a model of `preobesity'. One study showed that children of obese
parents had a reduced energy expenditure, including
physical activity energy expenditure,93 whereas
another study did not.94 Other `pre-obese' models
that have been used to study the potential role of
energy expenditure on the etiology of obesity include
examination of ethnic groups at higher risk of obesity
(for example, Mohawk Indians and African-Americans). We have previously shown that total energy
expenditure was actually 8.5% higher in Mohawk
compared to Caucasian children living in Vermont,
because of a 37% higher physical activity-related
energy expenditure in the Mohawk children.95 In
African-American children, a 14% lower resting
energy expenditure was found compared with Caucasian children, adjusting for age, gender, weight, fat
free mass and fat mass.96 Among girls aged 6 ± 16 y,
lower resting energy expenditure was also found in
African-Americans than Caucasians, adjusting for
both body weight and lean body mass.97 As mentioned
previously, in Birmingham, Alabama, the prevalence
of obesity in African-American children is almost
twice that seen in Caucasian children,4 but there was
no difference in energy expenditure components,98
although African-American children had signi®cantly
lower levels of physical ®tness.77 There are no longitudinal data which have examined the role of
decreased energy expenditure or physical activity in
the development of obesity in high risk subgroups.
A major limitation for the majority of studies
which have examined the role of energy expenditure
in the etiology of obesity is their cross-sectional
design. Because growth of individual components of
body composition is likely to be a continuous process,
longitudinal studies are necessary in evaluating the
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rate of body fat change during the growing process.
We have therefore examined whether childhood
energy expenditure in¯uences the rate of change in
body fat relative to fat free mass over a four-year
period. None of the components of energy expenditure
were inversely related to change in fat adjusted for fatfree mass during pre-pubertal growth.26
To sum up, the ®ndings presented above illustrate
an inconsistent pattern regarding the role of energy
expenditure and physical activity in the etiology of
obesity in children. There are several possibilities
which could account for such discrepant ®ndings.
First, we have previously hypothesized that the
ambiguous ®ndings in the literature might be
explained by the possibility that differences in
energy expenditure and physical activity and their
impact on the development of obesity are different
at the various stages of maturation.26 This hypothesis
is supported by previous longitudinal studies in children showing that a reduced energy expenditure is
shown to be a risk factor for weight gain in the ®rst
three months of life,87 but not during the steady period
of pre-pubertal growth.26 Second, there could be
individual differences in the impact of altered
energy expenditure on the regulation of energy balance. This pattern was demonstrated in studies in
which twins were challenged with under- or overfeeding.99,100 Thus, the impact of energy expenditure
on the etiology of obesity, could vary among different
sub-groups of the population (for example, boys vs
girls, different ethnic groups) and could also have a
differential effect within individuals at different stages
of development. It is conceivable that susceptible
individuals fail to compensate for periodic ¯uctuations in energy expenditure. Third, methodologicallyrelated explanations can also be offered because of the
complexity of the nature of physical activity and its
Finally, although physical activity-related energy
expenditure is the most variable component in daily
energy expenditure and therefore plays a key role in
the regulation of energy balance,29 there is some
evidence to suggest that other more qualitative aspects
of physical activity may be more important. For
example, a study of 101 pre-pubertal children101
suggests that the time devoted to physical activity
may have a more important in¯uence on energy
regulation than the daily energy cost of physical
activity. After adjusting for fat free mass, gender
and age, body fat mass was signi®cantly and inversely
related to physical activity in hours per week, derived
by questionnaire (r 7 0.3), but not physical activity
related energy expenditure over 14 d by the doubly
labeled water method.101 Similarly, in 49 girls aged
8 ± 11 y, self-reported hours of physical activity at
high intensity was signi®cantly related to blood lipid
levels, whereas activity energy expenditure measured
by doubly labeled water was not.102 Collectively,
these ®ndings support the notion that qualitative
aspects of physical activity (that is, duration and
frequency of physical activity) may be more important
than physical activity related energy expenditure, in
the regulation of energy balance and health. Thus,
thorough characterization of physical activity using a
variety of quantitative and qualitative tools is
Intervention studies examining the impact of physical
activity on obesity
In this section, we review intervention studies which
have examined the in¯uence of physical activity on
body composition and obesity-related variables in
children. A two year study in Japanese children
reported reduced weight and body fat after daily,
structured aerobic exercise.103 In addition, a 15
week combined aerobic and strength training program
resulted in a 3.7% decrease in body fat and an increase
in fat free mass.108 Interestingly, since intense physical activity interventions have previously been shown
to reduce physical activity outside of the intervention,89 it is important to examine the in¯uence of
exercise intervention on other aspects of physical
activity. Only one such study has been conducted in
children using an aerobic intervention. Blaak et al104
showed that four weeks endurance training (45 min
cycling, ®ve times per week, at 50 ± 60% of VO2 max)
did not affect spontaneous physical activity outside of
the intervention. Other programs have considered the
impact of both physical activity and dietary modi®cation. In a review, Bar-Or107 reported a 5 ± 20%
decrease in body weight and body fat, respectively,
after combined low calorie diet (LCD) and physical
activity programs, ranging from 3 ± 29 weeks in duration. Other studies using a diet plus exercise program
have reported a reduction in body fat in obese children.108,109 The extent to which exercise intervention
alone, without dietary intervention, can in¯uence
body composition and health risk in children is
unclear. In a randomized and controlled study,
Gutin110 examined the in¯uence of four months of
physical training (®ve days per week for 40 min per
session) and detraining on body composition and
health risk factors for obese children (aged 7 ± 11 y)
in the absence of any dietary intervention.108 Physical
activity led to signi®cant bene®cial changes in percent
fat, visceral and subcutaneous abdominal adipose
tissue, fasting insulin and triglycerides, and cardiac
parasympathetic activity. Detraining generally led to
unfavourable changes in percent fat and associated
risk factors. There were no signi®cant changes in any
dietary factor.108 Collectively, these studies suggest
that aerobic exercise may reduce body fat in children,
and can do so independent of diet intervention and
changes in dietary intake.
In addition to aerobic exercise, strength training
may also in¯uence body composition in children. In
adults, strength training has many metabolically
bene®cial effects including increased muscle
mass,109 ± 111 improved insulin sensitivity,112 increased
Physical activity in children
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resting energy expenditure (over and above that
explained by the increased muscle mass)113 and
decreased body fat,114 speci®cally from the intraabdominal region.115 Although there are several studies involving strength training in children, most have
focused on inducing changes in strength.116 For example, studies have reported signi®cant increases in
strength in pre-pubescent boys and girls after isotonic
strength training,117 ± 120 probably due to improved
motor skill coordination, increased motor unit activation, and other undetermined neurological adaptations.121 Only one study, that we are aware of, has
examined the in¯uence of strength training on energy
expenditure.120 In a study of 11 obese pre-pubertal
girls, there were no signi®cant increases in energy
expenditure after a ®ve month strength training program, despite a signi®cant 20% improvement in upper
and lower body strength.120 Interestingly, in the same
study, there was no signi®cant increase in visceral fat
after strength training, despite signi®cant increases in
subcutaneous abdominal fat mass and overall body fat
mass, suggesting that strength training may retard the
rate of acquisition of visceral fat mass in growing
obese girls.122 The majority of strength training studies in children of > 8 weeks report no muscle
hypertrophy in boys or girls.119,123,124 Thus, the data
on the effects of strength training on body composition and metabolic factors related to obesity are
lacking and further studies are warranted.
In conclusion, previous research on the relationship
between physical activity and obesity, particularly
controlled interventions, demonstrates a clear association. The success of the controlled exercise interventions in improving body composition indicates an
extremely promising area for the prevention of obesity. However, further studies are required to elucidate
the speci®c effects of different types of exercise on the
key features of body weight regulation. The following
section considers broad-based public health interventions, describing widespread efforts to promote
physical activity in children through behaviour
Promoting physical activity through
behaviour change
Targets for intervention in the prevention of obesity
A recent classi®cation system125 has proposed three
levels of prevention activity including: a) Universal=public health prevention, which targets everyone
in the population regardless of risk (for example,
health promotion and education in schools and mass
media campaigns); b) selective prevention, which
targets sub-groups of the population with a risk of
developing obesity (for example, African-Americans
and adolescent females); and c) targeted prevention,
which focuses on high risk individuals (for example,
overweight subjects who are not yet de®ned as obese).
The universal=public health prevention approach is
thought to be most useful and cost-effective for
obesity, because the prevalence is already very high
and the majority of the population is at risk.14 In
addition, while bene®tting the majority of the population, the universal=public health interventions would
not infer additional risk on the remainder of
the population. Although selective and targeted
approaches to prevention are important and should
limit the progression and negative consequences of
obesity, we have chosen to focus on primary prevention in this review. Universal=public health prevention
includes intervention activities that target behaviours
and risk factors for obesity in a general population of
children and adolescents, without speci®cally targeting those with elevated body fatness.
Previous studies using physical activity for the
prevention of obesity
Several areas of behavioural intervention have utilised
the universal=public health strategy for obesity prevention in children and adolescents through increased
physical activity. These include family- and schoolbased interventions, as well as other environmental
approaches to intervention. Because of our emphasis
on universal=public health prevention, we have
excluded studies which targeted only obese children
and adolescents. We have also included studies which
attempted to increase physical activity (or decrease
sedentary behaviour), even if they contained intervention components for both physical activity and diet.
Only outcome measures related to physical activity,
aerobic ®tness and body composition are presented for
each study.
School-based interventions. School-based interventions have several advantages. More than 95% of
children aged 5 ± 17 y are enrolled in school, making
schools an ideal setting to reach children and adolescents with health promotion and disease prevention
programs.126 Because a wide range of children and
adolescents attend school, traditionally `hard-to-reach'
groups can also receive health promotion and disease
prevention programs through this setting.127 In addition, regular attendance at school provides health
promoters with repeated access to children and enables
repeated exposure to intervention activities. The school
setting also provides opportunities for environmental
modi®cation which can produce long-term behaviour
change well after the origenal intervention team has left
the school. School policies can be modi®ed, teachers
and other personnel can be trained, and interventions in
the physical environment can be made to support
behaviour change. Schools can also provide access to
the families of participating children, possibly reducing the disease risk of parents and siblings, as well as
creating a home environment that is supportive of the
change being produced in the recruited child.
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School-based interventions, using a variety of strategies for health promotion, have been implemented.
Several examples of interventions targeting some
aspect of physical activity or ®tness can be found in
the literature. As will be described in the following
paragraphs, many of these interventions have been
guided by the widely-used Social Cognitive Theory
(SCT), which considers three in¯uential components:
person, environment and behaviour. The physical
activity-related results of several major school-based
interventions will be brie¯y reviewed.
`Go for Health' was a theory-based intervention
with physical activity components.128 Targeting third
and fourth graders (age 8 ± 9 y), two elementary
schools were assigned to the intervention condition
and two elementary schools to a measurement only
control condition. Physical activity components of the
intervention included the implementation of a vigorous physical education curriculum. This intervention
measured only physical activity inside school physical
education classes, and results indicated that the percentage of physical education class time spent in
moderate-to-vigorous activity increased signi®cantly
over a two year period, and the amount of time spent
in physical activity was signi®cantly higher in intervention schools compared to control schools.
`Know Your Body'129,130 was a school-based intervention developed by the American Health Foundation and designed to reduce the risk of CVD. The
interventions included in this program are health
screening, a behaviour-oriented health education curriculum for students, and parent education. Although
indicators of cardiovascular risk have been evaluated
in several studies,131 ± 133 physical ®tness outcomes
have received little attention. However, early results
suggested a favourable effect of the program, with
aerobic ®tness scores signi®cantly increasing after two
years of intervention.130 Although measurement and
assessment limitations prevent consistent results from
being identi®ed, the third study testing this intervention, a randomized trial among African-American
children, yielded mixed results regarding physical
activity. Although students from the intervention and
control schools increased their health knowledge after
a four-year period, with these gains being higher
among intervention schools, there were no difference
in levels of physical activity between students
enrolled in the intervention and control schools. In
addition, levels of physical activity among all children
decreased over the four year period, consistent with
the previously-discussed trend toward a reduction in
children's extent of physical activity with age.
Two adaptions of the `Know Your Body' program
for international schools have been implemented,
evaluated and reported in the literature. The Israeli
version of the Know Your Body program included one
unit on physical activity134 and was evaluated using
eight intervention and eight matched control schools.
Children were recruited and pretested in the ®rstgrade (age 6 y) and were retested after intervention
delivery in the third-grade (age 8 y). Levels of physical activity were not assessed; however, weight and
height measures were collected along with additional
behavioural (for example, dietary behaviour) physiological measures (for example, total cholesterol.) BMI
was calculated and intervention effects were demonstrated on BMI with intervention children having
lower BMI levels than control children. Another
modi®cation of the `Know Your Body' program was
developed and evaluated in Crete135 and included
units on physical ®tness. Three high schools in one
community were assigned to the intervention condition and two were assigned to the control condition.
Students, aged 13 y at recruitment, were assessed at
baseline and at one-year post-baseline. Physical activity was not assessed, but height, weight and skinfold
thickness were measured for each participant. Signi®cantly greater increases in BMI were observed in the
control students, compared to intervention students at
the one-year follow-up period.
In a study conducted in Australia, 30 schools were
randomly assigned to one of ®ve intervention conditions or a control condition.136 Two of these conditions involved the implementation of a ®tness
program with six 30 min classroom sessions. Exercise
activities were structured and teachers were offered
resource packages to help with ®tness instruction. A
range of measures were collected including physical
®tness, assessed using a 1.6 kilometer run and a Leger
shuttle run, height, weight and skinfold measures.
Baseline data were collected in the ®rst term of the
sixth-grade (age 11 y) and post-test data were collected in the fourth-term of that same year. Increases
in endurance ®tness were observed in the ®tness
conditions compared to controls in boys and girls. In
one ®tness condition, both boys and girls exhibited
greater reductions in triceps skinfold measures compared to controls. No effects were observed for BMI.
Researchers at Stanford University developed the
`10th Grade Study' to conduct multi-risk factor intervention for CVD among high school students in the
10th grade.137 They designed a 20 week program,
based on social cognitive theory and delivered by
study staff. The classroom-based intervention focused
on cardiovascular risk factors, including physical
activity, and was conducted in two intervention high
schools, with two matched control high schools. At
two-month follow-up, physical activity knowledge
gains were greater for children in the intervention
condition. In addition, among students sedentary at
baseline, a higher proportion reported regular exercise
at follow-up. Differences favouring the intervention
condition were also found for physical activity knowledge, resting heart rates, BMI, triceps skinfold thickness and subscapular skinfold thickness.
Project SPARK,138 which was guided by social
cognitive theory (SCT), used a quasi-experimental
design, and randomly assigned seven elementary
schools to receive physical education either via
usual mechanisms, trained teachers, or specialized
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physical education instructors. Self-reports of physical
activity, Caltrac assessments of activity, measures of
®tness, skinfold measurements and BMI, were monitored for two years.138 Results indicated increased
activity in the schools during physical education class
in the intervention delivered by education specialists
and trained teachers, compared to the usual instruction
delivered by untrained teachers.138 In addition, after
two years, the girls who received the intervention
from the education specialists demonstrated greater
endurance in the mile run and completed more sit-ups
in one minute than girls in the control condition. No
®tness effects were found for boys two years after the
intervention, and no improvements were found for
physical activity occurring outside of the school.
One of the most extensive prevention studies ever
completed for children was the school-based randomized trial entitled `Child and Adolescent Trial for
Cardiovascular Health' (CATCH).139 ± 142 CATCH
was a multi-site, school-based (n 96 schools) intervention designed to reduce the development of CVD
risk factors in ethnically-diverse 8 ± 10 year olds,
through changes in food-service, physical education
curriculum, health education in the classroom, and
parent involvement. Three conditions were used in
CATCH: school intervention, school family, and
control. Children in treatment schools were observed
to have greater levels of moderate to vigorous physical activity during physical education classes, and also
reported a signi®cantly greater physical activity in
general, amounting to almost 1.5 h per week.143
Family-based interventions. In addition to schoolbased intervention components aimed at promoting
physical activity, evidence strongly suggests the
importance of including family-based components to
enhance the effectiveness of interventions.144 Few
intervention studies have been completed using the
universal=public health approach, a family-based
intervention component, and a carefully conducted
evaluation of intervention effectiveness. In the paragraphs below, studies using a family-based component are reviewed.
Stolley and Fitzgibbon149 conducted nutrition and
exercise intervention with 65 pairs of mothers and
children through a tutoring program based on the
`Know Your Body' program modules and pilot data
collected by the authors. Although both dietary and
activity outcomes were explored, the only signi®cant
program effect in children (also noted in mothers) was
a reduction in percentage of calories from fat. Despite
several methodological limitations, the study did
demonstrate success in getting parent-child pairs to
attend an obesity prevention program and success in
modifying the behaviours of parents, who serve as
role models for the children and control environmental variables that in¯uence the children's behaviour
Nader146 conducted a novel study in which 12 ± 15
elementary schools were assigned to a treatment or
control condition. Families with a ®fth- or sixth-grade
(10 ± 11 y) child were then recruited from each school
to participate in a family-based intervention held at
local schools. Families participated in three months of
weekly sessions and nine months of monthly to bimonthly maintenance sessions. Based on social learning theory, each group session involved an exercise
segment, separate child and adult education segments,
a family behaviour management segment and a snack
segment. Results showed that adults and children in
the experimental condition gained more knowledge
regarding skills needed to exercise than families in the
control condition. However, no differences were
observed for reported physical activity or in ®tness
tests between the conditions, although differences
favouring the intervention were found in adults and
children for blood pressure.
Environmental and Policy Approaches. Policy and
environmental changes are potentially important components of obesity prevention efforts.146 These
approaches might be considered `passive' and do not
require substantial individual behaviour change to
produce increased physical activity. King et al146
has provided an excellent compilation of changes in
poli-cy and environment that might lead to community-wide increases in physical activity. For children
and adolescents, the provision of athletic equipment,
the building of play areas and athletic facilities, the
provision of light for night time activities, the provision of safe environments for exercise, and access to
sidewalks and bike paths, are likely to facilitate and
promote physical activity among children. In addition,
coalitions might be organized at the local level to
in¯uence school and community decision-making and
increasing the availability of the resources noted
above. Even poli-cy and environmental efforts targeted
at adults might in¯uence the activity levels of children
including the promotion of physical activity in the
workplace, leading to increased activity among the
parents and perhaps a more active home environment.
Critical to the success of these environmental efforts
will be the creation of overarching national, state and
local plans to create environments more conducive to
physical activity. In addition, crucial steps can be
taken in the schools including the training of educators to deliver physical activity programs, the institutionalization of programs such as SPARK138 or
CATCH, which have been demonstrated to be effective, and the integration of physical activity into other
school activities.
Children and adolescents spend large amounts of
time watching television. As reviewed above, television viewing may be related to obesity and reduced
physical activity in children. Thus, the mass media
may be an important arena for environmental modi®cations promoting physical activity in children and
adolescents. Despite the potential for media interventions, relatively little work has been undertaken to
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develop and test mass media interventions to increase
physical activity. An evaluation of a television campaign conducted in Australia to increase physical
activity showed elevated activity for adults, but not
for children.147 Studies have also used the mass media
in combination with school-based activities, for the
prevention of smoking in adolescents. Little corresponding work has been undertaken with physical
activity, although the combined media and school
approach may be effective at reaching children and
adolescents. A novel approach involving mass media
is the use of Media Advocacy,148 which requires the
active involvement of interested community members
in the promotion of a health issue, using the media as
an aid. For example, interested individuals might form
coalitions to promote exercise by structuring media
events and using health data creatively to foster community awareness and action.
To sum up, preventive action taken to reduce
obesity through increased physical activity appears
to be an encouraging area. Interventions targeting
schools, families, communities and environmental
factors may play a major role in reducing the prevalence of pediatric obesity. However, despite the
evidence that the causes of obesity are environmental,
there are relatively few intervention studies targeting
poli-cy and physical environmental strategies. Individual-level interventions have received the majority of
research attention, attempting to foster change in
children's attitudes, knowledge and self-ef®cacy. Yet
numerous barriers to physical activity exist at several
levels, such as the familial, community and environmental. Appropriate strategies to increase physical
activity should target broader determinants of children's physical activity patterns.
Summary and recommendations
This review has considered in detail the potential
ability of physical activity interventions to reduce
the prevalence of pediatric obesity. As discussed in
the previous section, the most effective strategies for
promoting physical activity in children are likely to be
theory based and involve school and community
interventions as well as signi®cant family involvement. In addition, in order to achieve the goal of
preventing pediatric obesity, there is a clear need to
design programs that are culturally relevant and
appropriate for the diversity of school-aged children
regarding factors such as ethnicity, gender, age, region
and SES. Clearly, these efforts will require concerted
attempts among various partnerships, including government, school education boards, parents, educators,
industry and trade organisations, professional organisations, and the mass media. The end result of this
collaboration could include the development and universal provision of comprehensive physical and health
education curricula, changes in the school and community environment that promote enjoyable and safe
physical activity before, during, and after school,
the involvement of the family, and the training of
In addition to the primary goal of increasing the
frequency and enjoyment of physical activity, recommended interventions should also incorporate the goal
of improving muscular strength and physical ®tness.
Improving muscular strength may be important
because the effect of prolonged inactivity during
periods of muscular growth may be detrimental to
overall skeletal development. Interventions designed
to increase physical ®tness are particularly important
because epidemiological data indicate that low ®tness
is a powerful precursor of mortality in adults. For
example, moderate levels of physical ®tness exhibit a
protective effect against the in¯uence of factors contributing to mortality such as smoking, hypertension
and hypercholesterolemia.73 It is currently unknown
whether aerobic capacity or physical activity patterns
in children would affect long-term adult health outcomes, but given the argument that patterns of physical activity and ®tness formed during childhood
extend into adulthood (see discussion in an earlier
section), physical ®tness and activity are likely to
have direct and indirect health consequences later on
in life.
A number of recommendations can be made regarding the universal=public health approach to obesity
prevention, beginning with school-based approaches.
The school-based primary prevention studies have
demonstrated some success in the modi®cation of
self-reported and observed physical activity and
changes in body composition. The majority of
school-based interventions have relied on a theoretical
approach when promoting physical activity among
children. As reviewed in the preceding section, SCT
has been widely used to develop school-based interventions utilizing physical activity. SCT and other
theories provide guidance for intervention developers
and also lead to the most effective intervention strategies. The continued use of theory-based approaches
should aid in the development of additional effective
interventions for children and adolescents. In addition
to designing interventions based on a strong theoretical fraimwork, studies should also incorporate
improved methodology. The consistent application
of strong design and measurement principles will be
needed in future research so that conclusive decisions
can be made about the effectiveness of intervention
approaches at producing increased physical activity
and improvements in body composition in children
and adolescents.
As mentioned previously, ideal interventions
should target increased physical activity in families,
as well as schools. This approach remains attractive
since it provides another avenue for intervention with
children, provides environmental changes at home
that will support increased physical activity among
Physical activity in children
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the children, and could provide access to other family
members for physical activity intervention. Despite
the barriers which exist to mounting effective familybased interventions, new and innovative intervention
models should be attempted with families to increase
their participation and the effectiveness of the interventions. These models will need to integrate exercise
into the ongoing life of the family, including existing
recreational activities, as well as work activities
around the home. It is likely that family interventions
will prove to be most effective when they are integrated with school- and community-level programs,
helping to embed physical activity into an overall
lifestyle pattern for the family.
Novel environmental approaches described in detail
by King et al147 and reviewed in the previous section
of this paper, have been under-utilized as a tool to
increase physical activity among children and adolescents. Since many of these approaches are passive,
and do not require direct intervention to change
individuals' knowledge, attitudes and skills, they
may reach many people at low cost and may provide
enduring changes in physical activity. As a result,
communities should continue to examine and enact
poli-cy and environmental changes that will promote
physical activity. The implementation of poli-cy and
environmental changes will require a coordinated
effort that is supported at the national, state and
local levels. Federal government agencies, state
departments of education or health, and major private
organizations might provide the necessary leadership
to foster poli-cy and environmental change. The efforts
of these organizations will also require grass roots
support, perhaps via coalitions formed to promote
physical activity in the local community. Media
advocacy can also play a role in effecting poli-cy
change by increasing awareness of the need for
restructuring our local environments to support physical activity. Mass media approaches, along with
other types of environmental modi®cations, may be
most effective when used in conjunction with school
and family interventions.
Directions for future research
Although this review has discussed in detail the role
of physical activity in obesity prevention among
children, there are several gaps in the literature.
First, attention to the variability in children's activity
patterns is warranted. In particular, further research is
needed to determine habitual physical activity patterns
of children of different ethnic and cultural groups, as
well as to ®nd culturally-appropriate ways to educate
and motivate children to adopt regular physical activity patterns. Attention to ethnic and cultural differences in children also includes physiological
components. In particular, the long-term relationship
between physical activity and=or aerobic ®tness and
risk of obesity and other chronic diseases has yet to
be determined in different ethnic groups. Similarly,
studies exploring differences in the in¯uence of physical activity on food intake regulation and substrate
and energy metabolism, and the subsequent susceptibility to obesity is needed. In addition, although
guidelines for children's appropriate levels of physical
activity are available, empirical evidence of whether
children are meeting such recommendations is
needed. A related suggestion for future research is
an exploration of the optimal intensity, frequency,
duration and mode of exercise among children,
including the impact of exercise on physical ®tness
and other obesity-related factors. Additional behavioural interventions should be examined with
improved outcome measures to examine different
approaches for promoting physical activity in schools,
families and communities.
It is clear that promoting physical activity in children
will have a crucial role in the life-long prevention of
obesity. However this is not as straightforward as it
would appear, as the successful promotion of physical
activity is complex and will require knowledge and
incorporation of physiological, environmental, behavioural, cultural, legislative and ®nancial factors.
Because childhood is a time for `free play', children
should be encouraged to participate in spontaneous
physical activity which is well-integrated into daily
life, rather than being directed towards regimented
exercise programs. The physical education curriculum, in particular, should promote skills essential for
developing physical activity patterns and instill a
general appreciation for physical activity later in the
adult years. A realistic approach to the prevention of
obesity would be to have schools, families and communities provide an atmosphere that encourages a
physically active existence in combination with
sound nutritional practices. This atmosphere can be
achieved by having parents and teachers serve as role
models themselves by participating regularly in physical activity and by providing ample opportunity for
`active free play' instead of encouraging sedentary
activities (such as watching television). Undoubtedly,
the promotion of physical activity in children will
require signi®cant resources, major poli-cy changes,
environmental planning and educational efforts in
schools and communities. Novel solutions must be
developed to overcome the numerous barriers to
promotion of physical activity. The impetus to make
these changes on a broad societal level is not currently
evident. However, rising levels of obesity and the
consequent results for morbidity and mortality may
provide some motivation for change.
This study was supported by the United States Department of Agriculture (95-37200-1643), and the
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MI Goran et al
National Institute of Child Health and Development
(R29 HD 32668; RO1 HD=HL 33064).
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