Indian Journal of Biochemistry & Biophysics
Vol. 43, October 2006, pp. 275-283
Biochemistry of homocysteine in health and diseases
S Ramakrishnan*, K N Sulochana, S Lakshmi, R Selvi and N Angayarkanni
Biochemistry Research Department, Vision Research Foundation, Sankara Nethralaya, Chennai 600 006, India
Received 13 January 2006; revised 25 August 2006
The amino acid homocysteine (Hcy), formed from methionine has profound importance in health and diseases. In
normal circumstances, it is converted to cysteine and partly remethylated to methionine with the help of vit B12 and folate.
However, when normal metabolism is disturbed, due to deficiency of cystathionine-β-synthase, which requires vit B6 for
activation, Hcy is accumulated in the blood with an increase of methionine, resulting into mental retardation
(homocystinuria type I). A decrease of cysteine may cause eye diseases, due to decrease in the synthesis of glutathione
(antioxidant). In homocystinurias type II, III and IV, there is accumulation of Hcy, but a decrease of methionine, thus, there
is no mental retardation. Homocysteinemia is found in Marfan syndrome, some cases of type I diabetes and is also linked to
smoking and has genetic basis too. In hyperhomocysteinemias (HHcys), clinical manifestations are mental retardation and
seizures (type I only), ectopia lentis, secondary glaucoma, optic atrophy, retinal detachment, skeletal abnormalities,
osteoporosis, vascular changes, neurological dysfunction and psychiatric symptoms. Thrombotic and cardiovascular diseases
may also be encountered. The harmful effects of homocysteinemias are due to (i) production of oxidants (reactive oxygen
species) generated during oxidation of Hcy to homocystine and disulphides in the blood. These could oxidize membrane
lipids and proteins, (ii) Hcy can react with proteins with their thiols and form disulphides (thiolation), (iii) it can also be
converted to highly reactive thiolactone which could react with the proteins forming -NH-CO- adducts, thus affecting the
body proteins and enzymes. Homocystinuria type I is very rare (1 in 12 lakhs only) and is treated with supplementation of
vit B6 and cystine. Others are more common and are treated with folate, vit B12 and in selected cases as in methionine
synthase deficiency, methionine, avoiding excess. In this review, the role of elevated Hcy levels in cardiovascular, ocular,
neurologial and other diseases and the possible therapeutic measures, in addition to the molecular mechanisms involved in
deleterious manifestations of homocysteinemia, have been discussed.
Keywords: Homocysteine metabolism, Homocystinurias, Homocysteinemias, Clinical manifestations, Thrombotic
disorders, Cardiovascular diseases, Diabetes, Ocular diseases, Smokers, Oxidant stress, Protein thiolation,
Protein homocysteinylation, Cystine, Vitamins B6, B12, folate.
Homocysteine (Hcy) is one of the non-protein
amino acids occurring in blood. It is a sulphurcontaining amino acid with a free thiol (sulphhydryl
−SH) group and is formed from methionine through
S-adenosyl methionine1.
Methionine → S-adenosyl methionine →
It is easily oxidized in the blood to homocystine and
disulphides, in which the thiol group is replaced by a
disulphide (-S-S) group2.
*Corresponding author
Tel: 28271616 (Extn. 1315); Fax: 28254180
E mail:
Abbreviations: Hcy, homocysteine; HHcys, hyperhomocysteinemias; CVD, cardiovascular disease; CHD, coronary heart
disease; MTHFR,methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase.
It is converted to cysteine in the presence of an
enzyme cystathionine-β-synthase and the reaction is
irreversible3 (trans-sulphuration pathway).
It can be converted back to methionine with
vitamins, folate and vit B12 (a major reaction,
remethylation pathway) or choline via betaine (minor
pathway)1 (Fig. 1). Thus, methionine, homocystine,
Hcy, cysteine and cystine are metabolically
Increased concentration of Hcy in the blood is
called homocysteinemia. Because of oxidation of
Hcy, urine in such cases contains homocystine
referred to as homocystinuria. Thus, for abnormal
metabolism of Hcy, the blood can be analyzed for
Hcy or urine for homocystine or both. Blood total
Hcy levels can also be estimated by reducing the
Homocystinurias are a group of disorders
associated with error in Hcy metabolism. Affected
individuals excrete large amounts of homocystine in
urine. Four types of homcystinurias referred to as
types I, II, III and IV5-7 have been reported. Type I
homocystinuria is the classical one and is due to the
deficiency of cystathionine-β-synthase7,8 which
requires pyridoxal phosphate (B6P) as coenzyme. The
transsulphuration pathway during the catabolism of
methionine to cysteine (Fig. 2) and brings about the
conversion of homocysteine to cystathionine. In case
of a deficiency of this enzyme, as in the congenital
homocystinuria, this step is blocked, resulting in an
accumulation of Hcy and methionine, with a
deficiency of the final product of the pathway i.e.
cysteine3,9. Accumulation of methionine causes
mental retardation, which is an important clinical
evidence for type I homocystinuria. The prevalence of
the type I homocystinuria is worldwide and in the
ratio of 1:2,00,000.
Type II to IV homocystinurias are due to deficiency
of the enzymes or absorption defects in the pathway
of remethylation of Hcy to methionine5,10. For
remethylation, the methyl group has to be supplied by
N5-methyltetrahydrofolate (N5FH4) through vitamin
B12 as methyl B12. Hcy reacts with methyl B12 and is
converted to methionine. So, both folate and vitamin
B12 are necessary for remethylation. In type II
homocystinuria, an enzyme N5,N10-methylene tetra
hydrofolate reductase which acts on N5,N10-methylene
tetrahydrofolate to give N5-methyl FH4 is deficient.
Thus, N5-methyl FH4 is not formed10. This reaction is
relevant, because adequate N5-methyl FH4 is needed
to remethylate Hcy through the formation of methyl
B12. In type III, a methyl transferase apoenzyme
(methionine synthase), which is required for the
formation of methyl B12 from N5-methyl FH4 and
vitamin B12, is deficient5,10. Type IV homocystinuria
is caused by defective absorption of vit B125,10 and
lack of adequate methyl B12.
In type I homocystinuria, the enzyme is pyridoxal
phosphate-dependent, so in the therapeutic aspect,
pyridoxine or pyridoxal phosphate has to be
considered to improve the efficiency of the available
enzyme. In types II to IV, vitamin B12 and folate need
to be advocated, as they are required for
remethylation. In fact, unlike in type I, there is a
deficiency of methionine in these types, hence there is
no mental retardation and methionine supplementation may be helpful3,10 in selected cases, such as in
case of methionine synthase deficiency. But, excess
methionine may be avoided, as it would cause
homocysteinemia. Thus, treatment for type I and other
types is entirely different.
Kang and coworkers classified several types of
hyperhomocysteinemias, in relation to total plasma
Hcy concentration. They defined HHcy as severe, for
concentrations higher than 100 µmol/L, intermediate
for concentrations between 30 and 100 µmol/L, and
Fig. 1—Methylation of homocysteine with betaine, oxidation
product of choline (minor pathway)
Fig. 2—Homocystinuria type I (prominent clinical symptoms
namely mental retardation, ectopia lentis, osteoporosis)
moderate for concentrations of 15 to 30 µmol/L, and a
reference total plasma Hcy range as 5 to 15 µmol/l
(mean, 10 µmol/L)2,11.
Clinical symptoms and manifestations
The clinical symptoms of the type I homocystinuria
are mental retardation, seizures, ectopia lentis
(dislocation of eye lens), skeletal abnormalities
including disproportionate growth, osteoporosis and
vascular changes3. Mental retardation in type I is the
major symptom and vascular damage and
atherothrombosis are the major causes of death in this
type11,12 , as the heart is affected. The major symptoms
in types II, III and IV vary with age and the central
features are neurological dysfunction and psychiatric
symptoms3. Vascular lesions and thromboembolic
diseases3 are also reported. Patients with defect in
vitamin B12 metabolism usually have psychomotor
retardation, lethargy, megaloblastic anaemia and
failure to thrive1,4.
Quantification of Hcy is important, as its values in
plasma determine the pathological status. Elevated
Hcy is also a marker for vitamin B6, B12 and folate
deficiencies. Hence, if a patient has elevated Hcy
levels, with no systemic abnormality for the HHcys,
then this increase could be attributed to low vitamin
levels, either due to intake or absorption. Men have
higher fasting plasma Hcy and post-methionine load
Hcy than women3. Also, most of the patients with
elevated plasma Hcy, due to defects in cobalamin
metabolism are reported to be very young3. The
homocystinuria in urine can be detected by the simple
silver nitrate nitroprusside test13. The levels of Hcy in
plasma can be measured by employing techniques like
ELISA (BioRad microplate EIA homocysteine kit),
immunoassays14, enzymatic assays15,16 and HPLC17,22.
Among them, HPLC and ELISA are more common,
because of their reliability, sensitivity and
reproducibility (Table 1).
Homocysteine and vitamins
In the metabolism of Hcy, water-soluble vitamins,
vit B6, vit B12 and folate play vital role as co-enzymes
for the enzymes cystathionine-β-synthase, methyl
transferase and methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase,
respectively (Fig. 3). Hcy is also known as a sensitive
functional marker of inadequate cellular folate and vit
B12 concentrations. Deficiency of these vitamins has
important health consequences, in addition to their
role in Hcy metabolism23. Among persons of 12 to
39 yr of age, around 75% of the cases of high Hcy
concentrations were associated with low folate or
Table 1 — Reported reference range homocysteine levels in blood
Reference range (µM)
10.8 ± 3.5*
(35 yr)
4.3-9.9 (12-19 yr)
5.9-15.3 (≥ 60 yr)
3.3-7.2 (12-19 yr)
4.9-11.6 (≥60 yr)
15.8 (range 7-23.7-adults, 16.5 (range 8.6-20.7-adults,
13-60 yr)
13 to 60 yr)
*no separate data for sex
Fig. 3—Homocystinuria types II, III & IV (no mental retardation, therapy folate and B12)
vit B12 concentrations24, suggesting the important role
of vitamins in the Hcy metabolism25. About 32%
decrease in plasma Hcy levels was reported, when
dietary food was supplemented with vit B12 and
folate26. In aged people, interdependence of vitamins
and Hcy was only about 30%, as metabolism slows
down with age24,27. Another study also showed a
strong association of increase in Hcy levels with age
and nutritional status. Also, a strong inverse
association was reported between plasma Hcy
concentration and that of folate, vit B12 and B6.
Individuals with low levels of these vitamins had high
plasma homocystine concentration28. Thus, several
studies have shown that supplementation of dietary
folate and vit B12 was efficient in bringing down the
plasma Hcy levels.
Homocysteine and diseases
Homocysteine and thrombotic diseases
Hcy concentrations in patients with symptomatic
vascular diseases are on an average 31% higher than
in normal controls29. The association between
elevated Hcy levels and venous thrombosis was
stronger among women than men30,31. This might be
partially caused by a more efficient trans-sulphuration
in men, who present a lower response to the
methionine overload than women of age-specific
ranges30. Many studies have shown association
between HHcys and venous thrombotic episodes.
However, in one of the studies no significant
difference was found in plasma Hcy concentration of
thromboembolism patients and control subjects32.
While there are other risk markers for thrombosis like
proteins C and S and antithrombin III deficiencies and
activated protein C – resistance, HHcys has also
become a risk factor for thrombosis30. In one study, a
higher rate of recurrent thrombosis was seen in
patients with HHcys and with other defects like
hypercholesterolemia33 and non-insulin-dependent
diabetes mellitus34 than in patients without defects.
Thus, there is evidence for the role of moderate
HHcys in the development of premature and/or
recurrent venous thromboembolic diseases.
Homocysteine and cardiovascular disease (CVD) 2,30
Hcy increases the tendency for blood to clot2,30
often an immediate cause of a heart attack or stroke.
An association between elevated plasma Hcy
concentrations and increase in mortality due to
coronary heart disease (CHD) in UK among Indian
Asians, has been reported22. Hcy levels in Indian
Asians were at least 6% higher than those of
Europeans22. Raised Hcy concentration might be due
to their reduced vit B12 and folate levels and that
consumption of more of dietary vitamins might
reduce the risk for CHD22. CVD is reported as the
major cause of death, both in the general population
and patients with end stage renal disease (ESRD).
Renal transplant recipients35-37, on recurrent CVD
events possess a high prevalence of HHcys. By giving
folate and vit B12 to patients with chronic renal
disease and thereby lowering the levels of Hcy could
reduce the incidence of arteriosclerotic CVD effects38.
Homocysteine and type I diabetes
Ischemic heart disease is the primary cause of death
in diabetes, especially at younger age of illness. Hcy
has emerged as one of the risk factors for the
development of atherosclerotic changes in diabetes. In
a study conducted in children with diabetes for
duration of 3-5 yr and normal healthy children39,
elevated levels of Hcy were observed in children with
longer duration of illness, when compared to the
control group, although the results were not
statistically significant. Elevated Hcy levels in the
prolonged type I diabetic children indicated that they
were particularly exposed to some atherosclerotic
changes, independent of the conventional metabolic
control and other lipid metabolism-involved
pathways. This shows that the reduction of blood
levels of Hcy may also be one of the strategies for the
treatment of diabetes.
Homocysteine and ocular complications
In patients untreated with vitamins and amino
acids, ocular complications include ectopia lentis,
secondary glaucoma, optic atrophy and retinal
detachment40. There are no characteristic signs or
symptoms of ocular complications in infancy and Hcy
levels of new born babies41,42. However, Hcy levels of
newborn babies may be used for detection of such
complications. In addition to above symptoms,
cataract is also reported sometimes. In a recent study,
we found association of homocystinuria with
congenital/developmental cataract in children.
Nutritional deficiency, especially of vitamins may be
responsible for the high Hcy levels in these children
and the cataract in them may be due to the oxidative
stress caused by Hcy10. The association of
homocysteinemia with retinal occlusions has also
been reported. In a recent study, elevated Hcy level
has been found to be an independent risk factor for
retinal vascular occlusive disease43. This risk is high
for retinal arterial disease and central retinal vein
occlusive disease, compared to its role in some other
eye diseases44,45. Thus, in addition to conventional
cardiovascular risk factors, measurement of total
homocysteine (tHcy) may be important in the initial
investigation and management of retinal vascular
occlusive disease. Lowering of Hcy levels by
administration of folate and vit B12 may be helpful in
the prognosis of patients with such disease46. In
another study, HHcy was reported to be prevalent in
patients with arterial occlusion47. In patients with nonaortic ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION), incidence
of hypertension and ischemic heart disease was
significantly high with HHcys48.
Homocysteine and Marfan syndrome
It is difficult to diagnose the two disorders as both
have similar ocular abnormalities40 and other similar
deformabilities, cardiovascular
generalized osteoporosis. It is likely that there might
be a common biochemical cause for both the diseases.
This may be linked to the collagen abnormality, as
HHcy has been reported to have effect on the coppercontaining lysyl oxidase49, a major enzyme involved
in the collagen modification. There might also be
defect in the metabolism of copper50, which is a
cofactor required for the enzyme activity. Thus,
further studies are needed to trace out the link
between the two disorders.
thermolabile variant of MTHFR could be formed due
to genetic disorder3. Hyperhomocysteinemia was
observed a patient taking antifolate drug for a long
time for psoriasis and also in a patient with
malabsorption syndrome. These were due to
secondary deficiency of folate/vit B12 reflecting as
acquired homocysteinemia54.
Molecular mechanisms of homocysteine
The various deleterious manifestations of
homocysteinemia are due to oxidant stress, protein
thiolation and protein homocysteinylation.
Oxidant stress
Hcy exerts its effects through a mechanism
involving oxidative damage55,56. In the plasma, it
continuously undergoes oxidation, leading to the
formation of homocystine, Hcy-mixed disulphides
and thiolated proteins57,58. During oxidation of
sulphydryl groups of Hcy, and other –SH–containing
compounds like cysteine, reactive oxygen species
namely superoxide anion, hydrogen peroxide and
hydroxyl free radicals are generated, resulting in the
endothelial cytotoxicity by oxidizing membrane lipids
and proteins2. Hcy also attenuates endothelial
availability of nitric oxide, which is removed as
peroxynitrite59-61. Nitric oxide in physiological
amounts is needed for desirable vasorelaxation and
inhibits platelet adhesion62,63.
Homocysteine and smoking
Smoking is a known risk factor for atherosclerotic
disease51. Its involvement in atherosclerotic vascular
disease (ASVD) might be due to the redox changes in
glutathione52. In a pilot study, conducted in healthy
young subjects, differing in their smoking habits, a
positive statistical difference was observed in the
level of plasma Hcy (-SH) between smokers and nonsmokers, compared to the other related amino thiols51.
More than a two-fold increase in Hcy level in smokers
was related to the extent of oxidation by oxygen free
radicals or ONO-2 and their complex actions, taking
place in cigarette smoking. Sulphydryl groups in
thiols have an important role in scavenging free
radicals that can be formed in smoking53.
Homocysteine and genetics
Homocystinurias are inherited as autosomal
recessive disorder. The defect may be due to a genetic
defect in the gene of cystathionine-β-synthase3 or
methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR). A
Homocystine + Reactive
oxygen species
(Superoxide anion, H2O2 and OH•)
Superoxide anion + NO →ONO-260
Protein thiolation
Free Hcy reacts non-enzymatically57 with the
sulphydryl residues of the body proteins forming
adducts with disulphide linkages (Fig. 4). The
reaction is called thiolation. About 70% of Hcy in the
blood is thiolated3. The thiolation depends on the
levels of Hcy in the blood; the higher the Hcy levels,
the higher will be the thiolation64. Extensive thiolation
has been found to affect the function of proteins and
Protein homocysteinylation
The harmful effects of Hcy may also be due to the
formation of Hcy thiolactone, a cyclic thioester,
formed as a metabolite of Hcy, when the normal
trans-sulphuration or remethylation pathways are
affected65. In vivo, there could be error-editing by
methionine tRNA synthase, which reacts with Hcy
instead of methionine, resulting in the formation of
tRNA-Hcy-AMP complex which is converted Hcy
tRNA methionine synthase-Hcys + ATP → tRNA–
tRNA–homocysteine–AMP → homocysteine –AMP
homocysteine-AMP → homocysteine thiolactone
Hcy thiolactone is highly reactive and easily
acylates free amino groups of proteins under
physiological conditions65. It reacts with proteinlysine at the epsilon amino group forming a –NH–
CO– adduct. This adduct formation could be with
Fig. 4—Thiolation of protein cysteine – SH groups by Hcy and
formation of disulphides
many available lysine amino residues. The process is
called homocysteinylation2 (Fig. 5). Conditions, such
as elevated plasma Hcy levels favour its production
and hence result in the concomitant increase in the
Homocysteinylation of 33% and 88% of lysine
residues in methionine synthase and trypsin,
respectively66, resulted in complete loss of their
enzymatic activities. Homocysteinylation may also
lead to protein functional damage by other
mechanisms like inactivation of the important enzyme
lysyl oxidase, which is required for collagen
modification through derivatization of the active site
of a tyrosine quinone cofactor67. Homocysteinylated
proteins are prone to multimerization and structural
changes, which lead to their denaturation. In addition,
homocysteinylation could also generate modified
proteins like haemoglobin, LDL and plasma proteins65
that are physiologically detrimental. In addition to
homocsyteinylation, Hcy thiolactone also thiolates the
–SH groups of the same proteins2 (Fig. 5).
The vascular damage, a major condition associated
with elevated plasma Hcy levels may be due to
protein homocysteinylation65. The homocysteinylated
proteins accumulate in the vascular wall surfaces
(Fig. 6), which are recognized by the macrophages
and then phagocytosis of the cells occurs, resulting in
the destruction of the endothelial cells65. Alternately,
homocysteinylated proteins on vascular cell surface
could be recognized by anti-Hcy antibodies, with the
formation of antigen-antibody immune complexes on
the surface of the vessels65. These complexes are
recognized and phagocytosed by the macrophages and
Fig. 5—Hcy thiolactone acylating the free amino groups thus homocysteinylating the protein (This picture also shows
thiolation of Cys-SH)
Fig. 6—Vascular cell wall damage by Hcy directly and indirectly
through reactive oxygen species
hence the endothelial cells might be destroyed. If the
agent responsible for the injury (homocysteinylated
proteins) is present continuously, attempts to repair
the damaged vascular wall would eventually lead to
an atherosclerotic plaque2,65. Recently, homocysteinemia in uveitis68 and age-related macular
degeneration69 and homocysteinylation of plasma
proteins in uveitis70 and Eales’ disease71 have also
been reported.
Possible treatment for homocysteinemia
Treatment of homocysteinemia at the early stage of
diagnosis is very essential, as it helps in prevention of
further complications of HHcys. For the prevention
and treatment, the type of homocystinuriahomocysteinemia, existing in the patients i.e., type I
or other types must be known. Patients with cataract
or ectopia lentis and homocystinuria are usually
treated surgically by lensectomy. For type I
homocystinuria, the recommended treatment usually
is a methionine-low diet and intake of cystine
supplement. If the patients are vit B6 responsive,
intake of vit B6 is beneficial. The treatment with the
supplementation of vit B12 and folate is beneficial in
case of patients with types II, III or IV
homocystinurias, if they possess only nutritional
deficiency of the vitamins. Betaine and/or methionine
supplementation is also useful in these types30, if there
is a deficiency of functional methionine synthase or
thermostable MTHFR30. The levels of methionine
have to be monitored, as an excess of methionine
could itself cause homcoysteinemia3,30. In addition,
due to oxidant stress, antioxidant GSH was found to
be less in patients with homocystinuria of all the
types. So, treating these patients with GSH might be
helpful in building up antioxidant defense in all the
Homocystinurias of types I, II, III and
IV/homocysteinemias have been discussed, in relation
to their role in different diseases, namely
cardiovascular, thrombotic, diabetes, Marfan, ocular
diseases and in smoking, and the molecular
mechanisms and genetics. Their deleterions effects
could be due to protein thiolation, protein
homocysteinylation and through reactive oxygen
species, generated on the oxidation of Hcy.
Depending upon whether the defect is in trans
sulphuration or remethylation pathway, suitable
therapy has to be instituted. For type 1
homocystinuria (cystathionine-β-synthase deficiency)
with mental retardation, supplementation with vit B6,
cystine with methionine-low diet is helpful. For the
other types, it is mainly the supplementation of folate
and, if desired vit B12 and in selected cases, such as in
functional deficiency of methionine synthase or
methylene terahydrofolate reductase, betaine or
methionine could be given, but monitoring of the
level of methionine is essential.
We thank Dr. S S Badrinath, Dr. Lingam Gopal,
Dr. (Smt) S B Vasanthi, and Dr. H N Madhavan very
sincerely for all the encouragement and Ms. K
Parvathy Devi for her excellent secretarial assistance.
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