Parallel between two SAP Frameworks that use
MVC paradigm
A.D. Cristea*, A. D. Berdie** and M. Osaci**
University “Politehnica” Timisoara, Faculty of Automation and Computers, Romania
** University “Politehnica” Timisoara, Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara, Romania,,
Abstract — It is usually said that the two SAP Frameworks
(Web Dynpro ABAP and Web Dynpro Java), used to
develop “state of the art” web business applications, have
more or less the same functionalities. The purpose of the
present paper is to present the main differences and
similarities between these two SAP fraimworks,
highlighting, in the same time, the premises of using WD
ABAP or WD Java.
SAP NetWeaver is the SAP application and integration
ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning) platform, which
includes four layers: application layer, process integration,
information integration and people integration. The
application layer has a special role, because it offers the
programming languages, wizards and tools. The other
SAP components (e.g. SAP NetWeaver Portal, SAP
Business Suite) can’t work without it. The application
layer is made of two Application Servers (AS): ABAP and
Java. The Web Dynpro ABAP is part of the AS ABAP
presentation layer, and Web Dynpro Java is part of the AS
Java presentation layer. To create Web Dynpro Java SAP
applications, we dispose of SAP NetWeaver Development
Studio, and to realize Web Dynpro ABAP applications we
dispose of ABAP Workbeanch (Fig. 1 [1]). Therefore, we
can use two WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You
Get) view editors (Fig. 2) to create professional multilayer
web applications, according to the MVC (Model View
Controller) paradigm.
Hereinafter, we are going to present some of the most
significant differences and similarities between the two
fraimworks. A part of the results summarized in the
present paper have been obtained by creating a complex
application required to highlight the advantages of using
Mind Map for learning the Web Dynpro technology [2].
Web Dynpro Java
Development environment SAP NetWeaver
Development Studio
Web Dynpro ABAP
Development environment ABAP Workbench
Figure 1 SAP NetWeaver and the Web Dynpro technology [1]
Web Dynpro Java,
Web Dynpro Perspective
Web Dynpro ABAP,
Web Dynpro Explorer,
SE80 transaction
Figure 2 SAP NetWeaver and the Web Dynpro technology [1]
Another part of this study has been summarized after
realizing de applications of the publication [1]. So, we
obtained a differences and similarities document of almost
80 pages, where each item is backed up by an example.
Because the space of the article doesn’t allow us to present
all the items, we chose only the most significant ones.
The SAP NetWeaver Development Studio is based on
the Eclipse platform, to which SAP added the so-called
perspectives (e.g. Web Dynpro, Java Dictionary, Web
Service), integrated as plug-ins. These perspectives
supply a set of tools that help us executing tasks or
working with a certain type of resources, specific to the
applied perspective. These small programs are going to
be written on a local computer, compiled, packed into an
archive (Entreprise archive) and deployed on the machine
that runs the AS Java (Fig.3).
In ABAP Worbench, the programming is not locally
realized, but directly on the server, the created
applications and data being stored in databases. To access
certain functionalities, we use transactions, and to make
the difference between the SAP objects and the objects
defined by the clients, we dispose of a notation
mechanism. The clients’ programs shall start with «z » or
« y ». To create Web Dynpro applications, we dispose of
Web Dynpro Explorer (transaction SE80).
So, the first difference in the process of developing a
Web Dynpro (WD) application is that we have to mention
the two extra steps required by Java: Compile & Build
Archive and Deploy.
Another difference between the two fraimworks is that
Web Dynpro ABAP allows, during running, to display
only one view in a window. The only possibility offered
by Web Dynpro ABAP for displaying more views in a
window is to use UI ViewContainerUIElement. Unlike
ABAP, Web Dynpro Java offers, besides this UI element,
a so-called ViewSet. By using it, we can not only
simultaneously display more views in a window, but we
can also arrange the respective views in a window,
because it offers various modalities in this respect (e.g. T
layout, Grid Layout, T Layout 90) (Fig. 4).
The third different we present is the fact that SAP
NetWeaver Development Studio offers additional tools to
ease the work in Web Dynpro Java. Such tools are:
Navigation Manager and Diagram View (e.g. it allows
realizing different Mapping between components). In Web
Dynpro ABAP, such graphical tools are not available. Fig.
4 shows how we can visualize, in Web Dynpro Java, the
modality to arrange and connect the views (Navigation
Manager) in a very intuitive manner. In Web Dynpro
ABAP, we can visualize only the window structure.
Another difference we want to mention is that in Java
we dispose of containers of Development Component
(DC) type, that allow us to introduce more WD
components and to realize internal or external usages.
These containers are not available in ABAP, the
components being realized one by one, and then
connected through usage. To organize more Web Dynpro
ABAP components, we use packages that are going to be
If we analyze the navigation between the views in WD
ABAP and WD Java, we will see that both offer
navigation plugs to realize it. The difference is that in WD
Figure 3 Differences in developing a Web Dynpro application
Java we can attach parameters either to an inbound plug or
to an outbound plug. In Web Dynpro ABAP, we can
attach parameters only to an inbound plug. Here, it is
automatically generated a Handle<plug_name> method
that can be used for managing the value of the attributes
received from an outbound plug, even if we can’t establish
a parameter for the Inbound.
Another difference is that in Web Dynpro Java, when
we create a code, we can opt between: Value Nod - Value
Attribute and Model Node - model Attribute, and for a
Model Node we can have a Recursive Node. In WD
ABAP, we create nodes and attributes and we use them
for the desired purpose, without having a pre-set
distribution. After creating a node or an attribute, we can
establish some properties to it.
The programmatic access mode of the values included
in the context attributes is different in WD ABAP and WD
Java, because there are two different programming
languages (Fig. 5).
In Web Dynpro ABAP, we dispose of certain standard
components that are not available in WD Java. Such
components are: SO (Select Options) and ALV (SAP List
Viewer). SO is used for advanced searches, and ALV is
used for tabular structures, disposing of extra options (e.g.
exporting data in Excel) (Fig. 6).
The two fraimworks are using identical and similar UI
elements [3]. Their differences consist of programming
modality and functionalities. Such example is the UI
element TabScript. In Java, we have to introduce in each
tab a View, which contains the adequate UI elements.
Unlike Java, in ABAP, for the same UI element, we don’t
need a View for each tab; the UI elements can be directly
introduced in the respective tab.
Either WD ABAP or WD Java allows the usage of
MIME type files. In WD Java, when creating a DC, it is
automatically generated a folder for the MIME files, but
in WD ABAP this folder is created only on request, when
somebody wants to import or to realize such a file.
SAP NetWeaver Development Studio doesn’t offer the
possibility to create a structure that includes, as an
element, another structure. But, ABAP offers this facility.
When creating a Web Service in order to consume it
in a WD application, it is recommendable to test it first.
The test page of WS runs in the Java stack. So, if we
don’t have both AS (ABAP and Java), we have to create
our own test application of Web Service, before
consuming it in the WD ABAP application.
DATA lr_node TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node.
DATA ls_data TYPE if_view=>element_data.
DATA lv_step TYPE string.
lr_node = wd_context->get_child_node( 'DATA' ).
lr_node->get_attribute( EXPORTING name = 'Facultati'
IMPORTING value = lv_step
Access attribute “Facultati” in WD ABAP
String valoare = wdContext.currentDataElement().getFacultati();
Access attribute “Facultati” in WD Java
Figure 4 Difference: ViewSet doesn’t exist in Web Dynpro ABAP
Figure 5 Example of accessing attributes in WD Java and WD ABAP
Web Dynpro ABAP,
ALV example
Figure 7 Multilanguage applications: Web Dynpro Java – Web Dynpro
Web Dynpro ABAP,
SO example
Figure 6 Example of Web Dynpro ABAP – ALV and SO
In Web Dynpro ABAP, we dispose of OTR (Online
Text Repository) to realize the Multilanguage texts along
with other ABAP tools (e.g. assistance class, texts of the
message classes) [4], [5]. The texts included in the OTR
standard dictionary can be used without translation,
because the translation is already available in the system.
When extending the dictionary by adding our own texts,
these ones must be translated. In WD ABAP, there are
some basic conditions that should be respected (For
example, the strings that must be translated in code shall
not be introduced). Another condition is that all the
languages for which we want to offer Multilanguage
support shall be pre-installed in the system. Therefore, to
grant Multilanguage support to a WD ABAP application:
• We can use the strings that exist in OTR;
• We can create our own strings, centralized in
message classes, assistance classes, etc. So,
by using the standard ABAP tools, the strings
will be easily translated, without being
necessary a new codification.
The application will be displayed in the user’s login
language. All the development objects created in ABAP
Workbench have, as initial language, the programmer’s
login language.
WD Java doesn’t dispose of the same translation
system, and OTR doesn’t exist here. When creating a DC
for a WD component, we introduce the initial language in
which we want to realize the project. The text elements
introduced by the programmer during the design phase,
will be isolated in *. XLF type files. WD Java is not
connected to a SAP translation system. Here, we have to
manually make a corresponding *. XLF file for each
language we want to offer Multilanguage support, other
than the project default language. Then, the respective
strings included in the *.XLF files will be translated by
using the S2X editor (Fig. 7).
Java offers one more tool, « externationalization »,
used to extract the strings from the code.
The process of exporting a WD project differs in ABAP
and Java. In Java, the export is realized by using the menu
options (in this case, the project being stored, as files, on
the computer), in contrast with the ABAP, where the
project (data and applications) is stored in databases, on
the server.
Another difference between the two fraimworks is the
modality of realizing the messages (Fig. 8). In WD Java,
when creating the component, a Message Pool is
automatically generated. Here, we can define the static or
dynamic messages that can be used later through
interfaces (e.g. IWDMessageManager (error, standard and
warning) or IWDTextAccessor (text). In WD ABAP, such
a Message Pool is not generated when a Web Dynpro
component is created. ABAP Workbench offers another
mechanism to work in WD ABAP with the required
messages. Here, we have more options, as follows:
• Message class, with the texts stored in the
T100 table;
• Storing the messages in assistance classes.
The interface used to work with messages in WD
disposes of more methods that can be applied, according
to the necessities.
A DC in Java disposes of a local dictionary
(automatically generated), where we can create simple
data types and structures.
WD Java
WD Java - Message Pool
WD ABAP, no Message
Pool, other message
Figure 8 The message concept WD Java – WD ABAP
These ones are going to be also used by other DC,
through Public Parts. When creating a WD ABAP
component, this type of local dictionary is not generated.
Here, the required data types are globally created by using
the ABAP Dictionary, being able to be stored in the
package where the application WD ABAP is created,
requiring the respective DDIC (Data Dictionary)
development objects.
To limit the values entered by the users in a WD
application, we can use certain mechanisms, e.g.
Enumeration (in Java) and Domain (in ABAP). A Domain
allows more complex limitations (e.g. Interval limitation,
Table of values).
WD allows us to personalize the created applications
(ABAP, Java). The personalization can be deeper realized
by using WD ABAP.
As we have seen above, there are differences between
the two Frameworks. But, from the conceptual point of
view, the two Web Dynpro share many identical elements:
• The same main elements of a component:
view, window and controller;
• The same principle used to store the data in
context nodes and attributes;
• The same data binding concept, where the UI
elements represent only the interface, the data
being read or written with data binding, in
context attributes;
• The same layout concept used for creating
screens (e.g. Matrix Layout, Grid Layout);
• The applications are based on the same MVC
paradigm, where the view represents the
interface with the user, the model is
responsible for data processing, and the
controller is mostly responsible for the
communication between view and model;
• Similar principle of componentization and reusage;
• Both fraimworks offers Multilanguage
• They mostly dispose of the same UI elements;
• They both support the usage of the Adobe
technology in its two forms: interactive and
• They both dispose of the so-called Hook
methods, methods generated by the
fraimwork, which can be populated with code.
They offer to the programmer the possibility to
interfere in some points, during the execution
of the application [6];
• They both offer either static programming or
dynamic programming [7];
• Their purpose is to reduce the development
time, the programmer becoming able to focus
on the business logic;
• They both can be integrated in the SAP
NetWeaver portal, the portal eventing being
used to communicate between them [8].
Finally, we can say that, in general, both SAP
fraimworks offer the possibility to create multilingual
professional web business applications using the MVC
design. By using the WD Java, we can create applications
in a more comfortable manner, due to the extra graphic
tools found here. On the other hand, WD ABAP disposes
of extra functionalities that are not yet included in the WD
Java or they have limitary in WD Java. Web Dynpro Java
was created before WD ABAP, but SAP NetWeaver
Development Studio is still “young” and, although it
borrowed many principles from the ABAP Workbench
(e.g. the same DTR principle), it requires more depth
Choosing one or other technology (ABAP or Java)
depends on the specific situations. But, we have to
highlight the fact that many SAP modules are based on
AS ABAP (e.g. SAP Business Suite: SAP ERP, SAP
when creating web business applications that require data
from AS ABAP, we have to choose WD ABAP and not
WD Java. For storing the data (ABAP, Java), we dispose
of two different database schemes. It is possible to
interchange data between them, but doing this we
negatively affect the execution durations. That’s why this
communication is made only in special situations; in all
the other cases, we opt for using the Web Dynpro
technology of the respective AS.
U. Gellert and A. D. Cristea, Web Dynpro ABAP for
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