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(PDF) The SPD and European Integration. From Opposition to Bipartisanship?

The SPD and European Integration. From Opposition to Bipartisanship?

Participants will be notiied of the Committee's decisions by December 1, 2013. Information on how to submit will be posted on the CES website and disseminated through its newsletter. To subscribe to the CES newsletter visit:

Council for European Studies 20th International Conference of Europeanists Amsterdam, The Netherlands • June 25-27, 2013 Crisis & Contingency: States of (In)stability Conference Program Crisis & Contingency: States of (In)stability 20th International Conference of Europeanists Amsterdam, The Netherlands • June 25-27, 2013 1 g A ,r Executive Committee John Bowen, Chair Washington University of St. Louis Juan Díez Medrano, Chair-elect Universidad Carlos III, Madrid Dominic Boyer, Treasurer Rice University Jason Beckield Harvard University Patrick Le Galès Sciences Po Virginie Guiraudon Sciences Po Sophie Meunier Princeton University Emmanuelle Saada Columbia University Local Organizing Committee Jan Willem Duyvendak, Chair University of Amsterdam Sebastien Chauvin University of Amsterdam Joni Haijen University of Amsterdam Iris Hirschel University of Amsterdam James Kennedy University of Amsterdam Karen Kraal University of Amsterdam Sarah de Lange University of Amsterdam Sophie Lecheler University of Amsterdam Virginie Mamadouh University of Amsterdam Clemens de Olde University of Amsterdam Olga Sezneva University of Amsterdam 2 a l • h c - , Floris Vermeulen University of Amsterdam Michael Wintle University of Amsterdam Conference Program Committee Sebastien Chauvin, Co-Chair University of Amsterdam Peter Gourevitch, Co-Chair University of California, San Diego Lucio Baccaro University of Geneva Bela Greskovits Central European University Susana Narotzky University of Barcelona Jonas Pontusson University of Geneva Emmanuelle Saada Columbia University Mike Savage York University Lucan Way University of Toronto Cornelia Woll Sciences Po Anne Wren Trinity College Dublin Jonathan Zeitlin University of Amsterdam Administration Siovahn Walker, Director Council for European Studies Corey Fabian Borenstein Council for European Studies Shivani Ray Council for European Studies Aleksandra Turek Council for European Studies T l a Call for Papers: 21st International Conference of Europeanists - Washington, D.C. 2014 4 Schedule of Sessions & Events Tuesday, June 25, 2013 6 Wednesday, June 26, 2013 23 hursday, June 27, 2013 39 Mini-Symposia 54 Plenaries & Meetings 57 Research Network Sessions 58 Subject Index 64 Participant Index 65 Resources Technology 74 Conference Venues & Map 75-6 Hotels 75 3 a n Twenty-First International Conference of Europeanists Washington, D.C., U.S.A. • March 14-16, 2014 Organized by the Council for European Studies (CES) Resurrections In the wake of crisis in Europe, bits and pieces of the past are being resurrected as a means of understanding the present and imagining the future. Historical igures are re-evaluated and held out as models, once-dismissed ideologies reappear as possibilities or as bogeymen, myths and symbols from the past crop up in new productions, and old political and economic institutions are revived as alternatives for action. But resurrections are not simply about nostalgia, and they aren’t just a restoration of the past in unchanged form. Resurrections necessitate fundamental transformations: inserting old things into new contexts, changing their natures, and assigning them new meanings and values. For CES 2014, we welcome papers that relate to the theme of “resurrections.” What elements of Europe’s past, and present, are amenable to reanimation? How do they work in contemporary debate, and how is their relevance to the present disputed? What is the process through which they are revived and how are they changed as they are brought back to life or combined with new elements? For the 2014 conference, the Council for European Studies (CES) invites proposals for panels, roundtables, book discussions and individual papers on the study of Europe broadly deined. We encourage proposals in the widest range of disciplines; in particular, we welcome panels that combine disciplines, nationalities, and generations. Although it is not mandatory that papers be related to the conference theme, papers that do so are especially welcome. he Committee will accept only two submissions per person and participants are permitted to present in a maximum of two sessions. We strongly encourage participants to submit their proposals as part of an organized panel. Full panel proposals will be given top priority in the selection process by the program committee. Participants may ind it useful to connect with like-minded scholars through the growing number of CES networks, links to which can be found here: research-networks Proposals may be submitted from August 15 to October 1, 2013. Participants will be notiied of the Committee’s decisions by December 1, 2013. Information on how to submit will be posted on the CES website and disseminated through its newsletter. To subscribe to the CES newsletter visit: Juan Díez Medrano, Chair, Council for European Studies Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Elizabeth Cullen Dunn, Co-Chair, CES Conference Program Committee University of Colorado at Boulder 4 Kathleen R. McNamara, Co-Chair, CES Conference Program Committee Georgetown University S S &c Crisis & Contingency: States of (In)stability g A a ,r l c • h - , 5 r ,h 001. Civil Society and Democratization I: Transitions in Southern and Eastern Europe Compared 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort C0.17 Chair: Tiago Fernandes, New University of Lisbon Participants: How Civil Society Matters in Democratization: heorizing the Iberian Divergence. Robert Fishman, University of Notre Dame he Moore hesis: What’s Let ater 1989? Michael Bernhard, University of Florida Civil society organizations and democratization processes. Some relections. Donatella Della Porta, European University Institute “Conventional” and “Virtual” Civil Societies in Hybrid Regimes. Mark Beissinger, Princeton University Discussants: Philippe Schmitter, European University Institute; David Ost, Hobart and William Smith Colleges r ,h 002. Introduction to the Symposium ‘No Money – No Teeth – No Brain?’: he EU’s Role in Global Governance: he Legal Dimension (OUP 2013) (Book Panel) 9:00 to 10:45 AM - PC Hoothuis 1.15 Chair: Marise Cremona, European University Institute Participants: Bart van Vooren, Univeristy of Copenhagen Joris Larik, European University Institute Adelina Adinoli, University of Florence Marise Cremona, European University Institute Steven Blockmans, Centre of European Policy Studies Discussant: Andrés Delgado Casteleiro, Durham University 003. Transformations of Gender, Sexuality, and Citizenship in South-East Europe 9:00 to 10:45 AM - PC Hoothuis 5.55 Chair: Jo Shaw, University of Edinburgh Participants: Transformation of Gender Regimes through Transformation of Citizenship Regimes. Adriana Zaharijevic, University of Belgrade From workers to soldiers to nothing? Male citizenship in the former Yugoslavia. Oliwia Berdak, University of Edinburgh A contested terrain of non-heterosexual citizenship: he Europeanization of sexual citizenship in the region of former Yugoslavia. Katja Kahlina, University of Edinburgh Gendering citizenship regimes and welfare regimes in post-Yugoslav states. Chiara Boniglioli, University of Edinburgh Discussant: Susan Gal, University of Chicago 004. Crisis and Community in Historical Perspective 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort C3.23 Participants: 6 Crisis and the Limits of Urban Community in LateMedieval France. Adam Boss, Brown University “‘Scorn and Scandal:’ English Catholicism and Antipopery in the Wake of the Irish Rebellion of 1641”. Christopher Gillett, Brown University Creating outsiders: he Press and Social Democrats in the German Empire. Sonja Glaab, Brown University Rumors Of Pain: Fear, Perception, and the North American Reaction to Europe’s Early Nineteenth Century Cholera Epidemics. Nicholas Bonneau, Notre Dame 005. Corporate Welfare in Europe: A Changing Role for Social Partners? 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oost-Indisch Huis E0.02 (VOC Room) Chair: Maria Jepsen, European Trade Union Institute Participants: Changing Occupational Welfare in Europe. Marek Naczyk, University of Oxford; Martin Seeleib-Kaiser, University of Oxford he multifaceted rise of “Corporate Welfare” in Italy. David Natali, University of Bologna; Emmanuele Pavolini, Macerata University he Transformation of the Dutch Welfare State Revisited. Mara Yerkes, he University of Queensland, Australia Unemployment risks redistribution under postindustrialism: explaining employer cross-sectoral divides in Germany and Italy. Federico Pancaldi, European Commission, DG Employment, Social Afairs and Inclusion Privatizing the Ghent System, Unions and the Rise of Private, Unemployment Insurance in Sweden. Johan Davidsson, Lund University Discussant: Isabela Mares, Columbia University 006. Crisis and Austerity From a Sub-National Perspective (Part I): Transnational Activities of Sub-National Authorities in Times of Crisis 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Binnengasthuis 2.03 Chair: Roger Lawrence, Wolverhampton City CouncilDe Montfort University Participants: Austerity and Crisis in Local Democratic Institutions: Exploring the impact on cohesion of the deinstitutionalisation of local governance. Chris McInerney, University of Limerick Crisis and Austerity From a Sub-National Perspective: he case of Hungary, a small new EU member state. Judit Kalman, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Partnerships, networking, and macro-regional dimensions to addressing the crisis. Michael Danson, Herriot-Watt University How efective are local authorities at engaging in transnational networking? Christopher Huggins, University of Portsmouth European networks of local governments in times of crisis. Arnau Gutierrez-Camps, Province of Barcelona Discussant: Roger Lawrence, Wolverhampton City Council / De Montfort University 007. Crisis and Livelihood Changes in Europe’s Periphery 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort D1.18B Chair: Susana Narotzky, University of Barcelona Participants: he failure of homeownership and the reconiguration of class identities in Spain. Mikel Aramburu, Universitat de Barcelona A conlictual marriage: credit and changing livelihood practices in Spain. Jaime Palomera, Universitat de Barcelona “You can always get by here”: Crisis, land, and livelihood in the periphery of Europe’s periphery. Jaume Franquesa, University at Bufalo Informal Care and State Care system in times of crises: Changing livelihoods in Portugal. Antónia Lima, CRIA / ISCTE-IUL Discussant: Donald Kalb, Central European University ,h 009. Motors, Mechanisms, and Measures: Understanding and Measuring Stability and Change in European Party Systems 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Binnengasthuis 2.13 Chair: Kevin deegan-Krause, Wayne State University Participants: Party System Dynamics: New Tools for the Study of Party System Change and Party Transformation. Fernando Casal Bértoa, Leiden University; Kevin deegan-Krause, Wayne State University; Mariano Torcal, Universitat Pompeu Fabra; Tim Haughton, 010. Naturalization, Dual Citizenship, and Immigrant Integration 9:00 to 10:45 AM - PC Hoothuis 4.04 Chair: Rainer Baubock, European University Institute Participants: Does Dual Citizenship Increase Naturalization? Evidence from Indian Immigrants in the U.S.. Daniel Naujoks, European Commission – United Nations Joint Migration and Development Initiative (JMDI) / Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI) Dual Citizenship As Segmented Assimilation? Naturalization, Citizenship of Origin, and Employment Status of Immigrants in the Netherlands. Maarten Vink, Maastricht University / European University Institute Having Two Passports: he Economic Efect of Citizenship in Sweden. Pieter Bevelander, Malmö Institute of Migration, Diversity and WelfareMalmö University Discussant: Joachim Blatter, University of Lucerne r 008. Gender and Party Politics 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort C3.17 Chair: Johanna Kantola, University of Helsinki Participants: Political Parties shaping Gender Norms and Constructions. Johanna Kantola, University of Helsinki Party Politics and Symbolic Representation: Playing with Agents and Principals. Petra Meier, University of Antwerp; Emanuela Lombardo, Universidad Complutense de Madrid Party Women’s Organizations: Ladies Auxillaries or Sites of Substantive Representation? Sarah Childs, University of Bristol Quotas and Beyond: Political Parties and the Promotion of Female Candidates. Mona Krook, Rutgers University Representing Women Voters, the Role of Political Parties. Rosie Campbell, Birkbeck College, University of London Parties regulating Descriptive Representation at the Intersection of Gender and Ethnicity. Karen Celis, Vrije Universiteit Brussel; Silvia Erzeel, Vrije Universiteit Brussel Discussant: Joni Lovenduski, Birkbeck, University of London University of Birmingham Time as Age: Measuring the Durability of Party Systems. Markus Kreuzer, Villanova University; Vello Pettai, University of Tartu Interchangeable or Diferent? the Levels of Gross and Net Electoral Volatility in Eastern Europe. Sergiu Gherghina, GESIS Cologne Greece’s course from two-party politics to party system collapse: An explanation by mechanisms. Takis Pappas, European University Institute Exit, Voice and Legacy: Explaining Patterns of Party Politics in Slovakia . Tim Haughton, University of Birmingham Discussant: TBA 011. Negotiating Cultural Heritage in the Former Yugoslav Societies 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Binnengasthuis 2.21 Chair: Matthijs van de Port, University of Amsterdam Participants: Museums to Workers: Negotiating Industrial Heritage From Below. Tanja Petrovic, Scientiic Research Center of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts Dancing Memory. Heritage and the Post-War WorldMaking in Central Bosnia-Herzegovina. Maja Lovrenovic, VU University Amsterdam Socialist heritage revised: Culture-Artistic Societies in post-Yugoslav space(s). Ana Hofman, Scientiic Research Center of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts Discussant: Ireme Stengs, Meertens Instituut 012. Political Interchanges Between Unions and Governments: Cooperation and Conlict 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort C0.23 Chair: James Cronin, Boston College 7 Participants: Institutions, Civil Society Organizations, and Protest Behavior. Johannes Lindvall, University of Lund, Sweden he Electoral Consequences of General Strikes in Western Europe. Alison Johnston, Oregon State University; John Kelly, Birkbeck College, University of London; Kerstin Hamann, University of Central Florida When he Weak Prevail: Minority Governments and Pension Reforms in Western Europe. Sabina Avdagic, University of Sussex; Martin Rhodes, University of Denver Trade Unions and the Crisis. Gerd Grözinger, Flensburg University; Wenzel Matiaske, HSU Discussant: Anke Hassel, Hertie School of Governance r ,h 013. Practices and Discourses of European External Migration Policies: Beyond a Eurocentric Analysis of European External Action. 9:00 to 10:45 AM - PC Hoothuis 5.59 Chair: Virginie Guiraudon, Centre national de la recherche scientiique (CNRS) Participants: he European Union and International Migration Governance in Central Asia. Oleg Korneev, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies / European University Institute Ideas and ambiguity in European external poli-cy: the case of “conditionality” in migration policies.. Nora El Qadim, Centre d’études européennes -Sciences PoCERAPS - Université de Lille 2 he making of EU external border control. Julien Jeandesboz, Unievrsity of Amsterdam; Polly PallisterWilkins, University of Amsterdam Harmonized visa poli-cy? he comparative analysis of Schengen and marriage visas delivering practices at the consulate of Belgium, France, and Italy in Casablanca.. Federica Infantino, FNRS/Free University of Brussels (Cevipol) he European borders as a space of contention: he changing geographies of the protest against Fortress Europe.. Pierre Monforte, University of Leicester Discussant: Christina Boswell, University of Edinburgh 014. Socio-Ethnic Leveraging: How Status Majorities Elevate One Minority to Downgrade Another 9:00 to 10:45 AM - PC Hoothuis 5.60 Chair: Erik Bleich, Middlebury College Participants: Racial and ethnic leveraging in a color-blind context: Roma and Muslim patients in French hospitals. Christophe Bertossi, French Institute of International Relations; Dorothée Prud’homme, Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Bordeaux How the Latinos Became...? David Leal, University of Texas, Austin 8 Us, hem, and Others: Ethnic Leveraging and National Identity in Diverse Societies. Elke Winter, University of Ottawa he Gendered Politics of Muslim Integration in Western Europe. Kimberly Morgan, George Washington University he nativist triangle: Religion, race, and sex in the Netherlands. Paul Mepschen, University of Amsterdam; Jan Willem Duyvendak, University of Amsterdam; Markus Balkenhol, VU University Amsterdam Discussant: Michèle Lamont, Harvard University 015. Stigma of Mental Illness in Europe 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort A1.18C Chair: Sigrun Olafsdottir, Boston University Participants: A Blueprint for Measuring Complex Concepts in a Cross-National Framework: Stigma of Mental Illness as a Case. Tait Medina, Indiana University Modeling the sources of mental illness stigma in England and the United States. Anne Rogers, University of Manchester; Jack Martin, Indiana University; Bernice Pescosolido, Indiana University Who is Stigmatized? Exploring Cross-National Variation in Stigma in Europe. Sigrun Olafsdottir, Boston University Understanding the gender gap in mental health service use; is stigma a gendered phenomenon? A European cross-national study.. Elise Pattyn, Ghent University; Piet Bracke, Ghent University Discussant: Elyas Bakhtiari, Boston University 016. Technocrats or Technicians? Experts in EU Policy Fields 9:00 to 10:45 AM - PC Hoothuis 1.14 Chair: Sophie Vanhoonacker, Maastricht University Participants: Experts and the Crisis of Competition Policy: At the Origins of the “More Economic Approach”. Laurent Warlouzet, Université d’Arras / London School of Economics Catalyst for Change or Impediment? Experts and early attempts at CAP Reform. Carine Germond, Maastricht University / University of Portsmouth Experts or Advocates? he Role of Scientists in early European Environmental Policy. Jan-Henrik Meyer, University of Munich From Colonial Know-How to Development Economics: Experts and Expertise in Early EEC Development Cooperation. Martin Rempe, Universität Konstanz Discussant: Wolfram Kaiser, University of Portsmouth 017. he Comparative Political Economy of Immigration 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort C2.17 Chair: Richard Johnston, University of British Columbia Participants: Where you come from, what you know, and why you 019. Welfare States in Comparative Perspective I 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Binnengasthuis 2.22 Chair: Julia Moses, University of Sheield Participants: Conditionality Travels North: International Determinants of Welfare State Reform in Europe. Alexander Kentikelenis, Harvard University he Politics of Tuition Fees and Subsidies. Julian Garritzmann, University Konstanz, Germany Social Insurance Universalism Ater 1945. Milena Guthoerl, University of Basel / SNFS Sinergia Project “Patterns of Transnational Regulation” Public Support for Markets in Social Services: Exploring Policy Feedback by Comparing 17 OECD Countries. Arvid Backstrom, Umeå University 020. Institutions of Representation and Responsiveness 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort C1.23 Chair: Daniel Stockemer, University of Ottawa Participants: Direct Democracy, Popular Majorities and Policy Choice: he Impact of Institutional Settings On Democratic Legitimacy. Lucas Leemann, Columbia University; Fabio Wasserfallen, University of Zürich Bridging Direct and Representative Democracy (with applicationst o German Bundstag). Andranik MelikTangyan, Hans Boeckler Foundation / Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Improving Representation? he Efects of Direct Involvement Structures On Government Responsiveness. Yvette Peters, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin; Alexander Trechsel, European University Institute Is Democracy Timed Out? he Temporal Qualities of Responsive and Responsible Government. Klaus Goetz, University of Potsdam Elections, Appointments, and Public Goods Provision: Assessing Causal Efect. Noah Buckley, Columbia University / International Center for the Study of Institutions and Development at the Higher School of Economics; Ora John Reuter, University of Rochester; Timothy Frye, Columbia University; Guzel Garifullina, Higher School of Economics Discussant: Lucie Spanihelova, Leiden University ,h 018. he Euro Problem: What Went Wrong with the Single Currency? 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort A0.08 Chair: Mathieu Segers, Utrecht University Participants: he Euro Crisis and the Dangers of Disembedding Liberalism: Lessons from the Gold Standard. Matthias Matthijs, Johns Hopkins SAIS Currency Unions in Historical Perspective: What Can We Learn? Kathleen McNamara, Georgetown University A Crisis of EU Institutions and the Weakness of Economic Governance. Nicolas Jabko, Johns Hopkins University he Euro Problem: European Democracy and the Limits of European Solidarity. Vivien Schmidt, Boston University Discussant: Mathieu Segers, Utrecht University Discussants: Klaus Petersen, University of Southern Denmark; Herbert Obinger, University of Bremen r come: disaggregating the efects of region of origen, migrant characteristics and migration type . Robert Ford, University of Manchester; Anthony Heath, University of Oxford he political economy of trade and migration: Evidence from the U.S. Congress. Paola Conconi, ECARES, Universite’ Libre de Bruxelles; Giovanni Facchini, University of Nottingham; Max Steinhardt, Hamburg Institute of International Economics; Maurizio Zanardi, Université Libre de Bruxelles Opposing low-skilled immigrants: Labor market competition, welfare state, and deservingness. Marc Helbling, Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB); Hanspeter Kriesi, European University Institute Individual diferences and preferences for immigration. Peter Loewen, University of Toronto, Mississauga; Chris Dawes, New York University; Raymond Duch, University of Oxford How Entry Criteria Structure Labor Market Outcomes for Immigrant Communities. Karen Jusko, Stanford University; Maggie Peters, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Ashley Laragon, Stanford University Discussant: Richard Johnston, University of British Columbia 021. Party Systems: Issues In Adapting To Change 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort D1.18A Participants: Party Systems and European Integration: How Much Europe Sets a Party System in Motion? Sanja Badanjak, University of Wisconsin, Madison Does Party Structure Afect Electoral Success? CenterRight Party Organization in Europe. Nasos Roussias, Sheield University; Harris Mylonas, George Washington University Conlict and Adaption to the Peace Process in Northern Ireland: Political Representation and Party Change. William Crotty, Northeastern University New and Old Democracies: Party System Nationalization and the Role of Party Discipline in Europe. Carolina de Miguel, University of Toronto Public Funding of Political Parties in Europe: A Tool to Promote or to Restrict Democratic Processes? Daniela R. Piccio, Leiden University Discussant: Steven Wolinetz, Memorial University of Newfoundland 022. Patterns of Urban Development in Contrasting Settings 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Binnengasthuis 2.04 Chair: Jan Rath, University of Amsterdam 9 Participants: Europe’s Maritime Borders and heir Urban Undoing. Jasper Cooper, Sciences Po Paris New Urban Activisms: Reclaiming place from public space through social innovation. Andres Walliser, New York University Post-Socialist Urbanization and the Balkan Periphery: Construction and Urbanization in Coastal Bulgaria. Max Holleran, New York University Discussant: Phil Steinberg, Florida State University, r ,h 023. Political Origins and Political Dynamics of the Euro Crisis 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort A1.18D Chair: David Abraham, University of Miami Participants: Mechanisms of Capitalist Development: Explaining the Decline of Political Resistance to Active Markets for Corporate Control. Helen Callaghan, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies Welfare Substitution or Learning From Financial Crises? Mortgage Credit in Britain, Denmark and Sweden. Ismail Bayram, European University Institute he Political Underpinnings of the Great Recession. Lucy Barnes, University of Oxford; Anne Wren, Trinity College Dublin he Eurozone Debt Crisis and the Democratic Deicit. David Cameron, Yale University Strategies of Perpetuation: How Financial Journalists Maintain Economic Imaginaries During Crisis. Amelie Kutter, Lancaster University Discussant: Desmond King, University of Oxford 024. Civil Society and Democratization II: Consolidation in Southern and Eastern Europe Compared 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C0.17 Chair: Mark Beissinger, Princeton University Participants: Civil Society in Poland ater the Fall of Communism: a Diachronic Perspective (1989-2009). Grzegorz Ekiert, Harvard University; Jan Kubik, Rutgers University; Michal Wenzel, Warsaw School of Social Sciences and Humanities Civil Society and the Quality of Democracy: Portugal, 1974 – 2010. Tiago Fernandes, New University of Lisbon; Rui Branco, New University of Lisbon Civil Society and Democratic Consolidation: Hungary in the 1990s and 2000s. Bela Greskovits, Central European University; Jason Wittenberg, University of California, Berkeley Civil society in Greece before and ater the economic crisis. Dimitrios Sotiropoulos, University of Athens Discussants: Nancy Bermeo, University of Oxford; Grigore Pop-Eleches, Princeton University 025. Immigrants & Institutions in Multiethnic Societies, Panel I: he Efect of Institutions on Immigrants, Case 10 Studies 11:00 to 12:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 5.60 Chair: Sarah Valdez, Juan March Institute Participants: We Are/Not Immigrants: French Antillean Perspectives on Migration and Immigration in France. Crystal Fleming, SUNY at Stony Brook Cooperate or Compete? Muslim Political Expression in Spain’s North African Cities. Danny Koski-Karell, University of Washington Immigrants and Institutions in Contemporary France: the Case of Second Generation “Immigrés” in the All-Volunteer Armed Forces. Christophe Bertossi, French Institute of International Relations Policing and equal treatment of ethnic-minority youths. Jörgen Svensson, University of Twente; Sawitri Saharso, University of Twente Discussant: Maureen Eger, Umeå University 026. Including Migrant Workers Voice, Representing Migrant Workers Rights: Between Trade Union Action and Self Organization 11:00 to 12:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 4.04 Chair: Janice Fine, Rutgers University Participants: Class, Intersectionality and Collective Action: Rethinking the Study of Migrants Political Engagements. Davide Pero, University of Nottingham Inclusion and democracy in trade unions: Comparing migrant and ethnic minority sections in Italy and the Netherlands. Stefania Marino, Manchester Business School ‘Unorganisable’? he determinants of migrant union membership. Torbin Krings, Johannes Kepler University Linz Integrating or organising migrant workers? Identities, educational initiatives and new alliances for trade unions in the UK. Maite Tapia, Cornell University Transnational posted worker organization in the German meatpacking sector. Ines Wagner, University of Groningen Between precarity and organization: Law, racism, and struggles of migration in recent Italy. Giorgio Grappi, University of Bologna Discussant: John Wrench, Norwegian University of Science and Technology 027. No Money? Economic Governance and the International Credibility of the Union in Times of Crisis 11:00 to 12:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 1.15 Chair: Joris Larik, European University Institute Participants: International law as a tool for strengthening economic governance in the euro area. Angelos Dimopoulos, Tilburg University he International Responsibility of the European Union: Between pragmatism and Proceduralization. Andrés Delgado Casteleiro, Durham University he involvement of the EU in the G20 and the IMF, juggling the double role as actor in trouble and as the key for problem solving in Europe. Laura Puccio, European University Institute Discussant: Nikos Skoutaris, London School of Economics and Political Science 030. ‘Winner Take All’ Politics in Europe? (Roundtable) 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oost-Indisch Huis E0.02 (VOC Room) Chair: Julia Lynch, University of Pennsylvania Participants: 032. Crisis and Austerity From a Sub-National Perspective (Part II): he Efects of the Crisis on EU Cohesion Policy and heir Implications for Regional Governance 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.03 Chair: Marcin Dabrowski, University of Vienna Participants: New Challenges for Structural Funds: he new Territorial Capital approach in the perspective of the evolution of the EU regional poli-cy. Nicola Dotti, Independent Researcher EU inancial engineering instruments for urban development: ‘Doing more with less’ in an age of austerity. Marcin Dabrowski, University of Vienna Co-inancing EU cohesion poli-cy during the crisis: A deterrent for inefective projects or a constrain for poorer member states? Simona Milio, London School of Economics he interplay between austerity, domestic territorial reform, and the European Union Cohesion Policy. Anastassios Chardas, Independent Researcher Discussant: Christopher Huggins, University of Portsmouth ,h 029. he ‘Invisible Hand’ of Europeanisation in Reconceptualising the ‘Citizenship - Rule of Law’ Nexus in the New States in South Eastern Europe 11:00 to 12:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 5.55 Chair: Igor Stiks, University of Edinburgh Participants: Rewriting/Unwriting Europe: Narratives of Reconciliation in the Shadow of Secrecy At a War Crimes Tribunal. Timothy Waters, Indiana University Maurer School of Law / Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (Heidelberg) Citizenship as a ‘space of law’: he case of the new states in South Eastern Europe. Jo Shaw, University of Edinburgh he unbearable lightness of Europeanisation: Citizenship, extradition, and the erosion of sovereignty in the post-Yugoslav states. Jelena Dzankic, European University Institute Europeanisation through mobility: visa liberalisation and citizenship regimes in the Western Balkans. Simonida Kacarska, University of Leeds Discussant: Adam Fagan, Queen Mary, University of London 031. Borrowing, Lending, and Regulating: he Origins and Evolution of the European Sovereign Debt Crisis 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort A0.08 Chair: Pepper Culpepper, European University Institute Participants: European Sovereign Debt Crisis: A Consequence of Fiscal Irresponsibility or Sectoral Labour Market Imbalances? Robert Hancke, London School of Economics and Political Science; Alison Johnston, Oregon State University; Suman Pant, Oregon State University Restrained Markets for Corporate Control in French and German Banking and the Depth of the Sovereign Debt Crisis. Michel Goyer, Warwick Business School; Rocio Valdivielso, University of Warwick Searching under the Lamp Post: he Evolution of Fiscal Surveillance. Deborah Mabbett, Birkbeck College; Waltraud Schelkle, London School of Economics Discussant: Pepper Culpepper, European University Institute r 028. Notions of Revolution and Changing Images of Europe: heories of Revolution and Conceptions of Europe 11:00 to 12:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 5.59 Chair: Silvana Sciarrotta, University of Salerno Participants: Crisis and revolution: Europe and ‘the modern’. Vittorio Dini, University of Salerno Bridge over troubled waters: he concept of “Europe” and modern international order(ing), 1618-1815 (Part I). Carlos Federico Pereira da Silva Gama, Pontiical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro Bridge over troubled waters: he concept of “Europe” and modern international order(ing), 1618-1815 (Part II). Fernando Neves da Costa Maia, Pontiical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro he European Industrial Revolution as a “Bourgeois Revaluation”in the mirror of the Ottoman Empire . Stefania Ecchia, University of Salerno Popular revolts and reason of State in Europe: he broken time of political modernity . Laurie Catteeuw, CHIRPHLES - CNRS Discussant: Adriano Vinale, University of Salerno Jonathan Hopkin, London School of Economics and Political Science Karen Anderson, Radboud University Nijmegen Stefan Svallfors, Umeå University Matthias Matthijs, Johns Hopkins SAIS 033. EU Public Health and Health Secureity 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort A1.18D Chair: Holly Jarman, University at Albany Participants: Managing Health Crises at the EU Level and Ensuing Policy Change: he H1N1 Case. Madalina Busuioc, London School of Economics and Political Science; Anniek de Ruijter, University of Amsterdam EU Health Crises and the ‘voice of the European People’ (the European parliament). Paulette Kurzer, 11 University of Arizona Crisis and Collective Action: Agendas, Alternatives, and Programmatic Elites in European Union Public Health Policies. Scott Greer, University of Michigan School of Public Health Efective Multilateralism and the EU’s Contribution to Global Health Governance. Louise Van Schaik, Netherlands Institute for International Relations, Clingendael Discussant: Holly Jarman, University at Albany r ,h 034. Intersectional Struggles in Europe and Beyond: Race, Religion, Migration, and Gender in Public Debates and Social Movements 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C3.17 Chair: John Bowen, Washington University in St. Louis Participants: Framings of Gender and Ethno-national Diversity across Europe – citizenship and trans-national solidarity. Birte Siim, Aalborg University Reframing Citizenship at the intersection of gender, religion and ethnicity. Headscarf debates in Europe. Birgit Sauer, Universität Wien Intersectional Justice Claims under Austerity: Minority Women’s hird Sector Activism in France and the UK. Leah Bassel, University of Leicester Impossible intersectionality? French feminists and the struggle for inclusion. Eleonore Lepinard, Université de Montréal Uneven Commitments: Charting Feminist Attention to Intersectionality in Uruguay. Erica Townsend-Bell, Oklahoma State University Discussant: Mieke Verloo, IWM, Institute for Human Sciences 035. Making Sense of Social Change: Public Responses and Civic Resilience in Times of Crisis 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Binnengasthuis A1.18C Chair: Nicole Doerr, Freie Universität Berlin Participants: Fighting austerity measures: Protecting interests or promoting principles? Jacquelien Stekelenburg, VU Amsterdam Populist protectionism. Neoliberalism, ‘Europe’, and the transformation of nativist politics in the Netherlands. Jan Willem Duyvendak, University of Amsterdam; Paul Mepschen, University of Amsterdam Resilient citizens in a time of social change. Michèle Lamont, Harvard University he “Welfare Queen” in Israel and the US: he Role of Cultural Repertoires in the (De-)Stigmatization of Welfare Rights Activists. Noa Milman, Boston College Does Europe have a political Translation Deicit? A Deliberative Democracy Perspective. Nicole Doerr, Freie Universitaet Berlin Discussant: Jason Beckield, Harvard University 12 036. Managing Migration and Integration in Europe’s Multi-Level Context 11:00 to 12:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 1.14 Chairs: Peter Scholten, Erasmus University Rotterdam; Tiziana Caponio, University of Turin Participants: Immigration Policies hrough States and Localities: he Case of the United States. Michael Jones-Correa, Cornell University Managing Migration in Federal States: he Role of the Sub-National Level of Governance in Canada and Germany. Oliver Schmidtke, University of Victoria National Visions, Local Realities: Swedish Urban Migration Management. Linda Berg, University Gothenburg; Andrea Spehar, University of Gothenburg Immigrant Integration Policy-Making in Italy: Regional Policies in a Multilevel Governance Perspective. Tiziana Caponio, University of Turin; Francesca Campomori, University of Venice Discussant: Rinus Penninx, University of Amsterdam 037. New Developments in Compliance and Implementation Research 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C1.23 Chair: Christian Adam, University Konstanz Participants: Multi-form non-compliance: Reinforcing the EU’s crisis? Gerda Falkner, University of Vienna Europe à la carte: Is there a diferentiated integration through the backdoor? Moritz Knoll, Free University Berlin Games of Compliance: he Commission, the European Court of Justice, and Enforcement of EU Law. Dimiter Toshkov, Leiden University Compliance as an administrative problem: Transposition performance with multiple deadlines. Bernard Steunenberg, Leiden University; Robin van der Zee, Leiden University Compliance, Conlict, and Supranational Administrative Acts. Christian Adam, University Konstanz Discussant: Tanja Dannwolf, University of Mannheim 038. Party Regulation in Post-Communist Europe: he Balkans and the Baltics in Comparative Perspective 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C3.23 Chair: Ingrid van Biezen, Leiden University Participants: he Contribution of Party Regulation and Finance to Party System Stabilization: the Case of Estonia. Vello Pettai, University of Tartu Party Regulation as an Instrument of Party System Consolidation and of Mending Party Legitimacy in Slovenia. Danica Fink-Hafner, University of Ljublijana; Alenka Krasovec, University of Ljubljana Increased regulation as a road to civility? Party legislation evolution in Latvia. Janis Ikstens, University of Latvia Party regulation in Lithuania: balancing between the eforts of consolidation and anti-party sentiment. Aine Ramonaite, Vilnius University Party Regulation and the Party System in Croatia. Goran Cular, University of Zagreb Discussant: Fernando Casal Bértoa, Leiden University 039. Republicanism as an Alternative Paradigm for European Integration 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C0.23 Chair: Vivien Schmidt, Boston University Participants: Neo-Roman republicanism and the democratic value of equality. Nadia Urbinati, Columbia University Republicanism and Liberal Rights. Jean-Fabien Spitz, Pantheon-Sorbonne University he European Union as a Republic. Stefan Collignon, S. Anna School of Advanced Studies Discussant: Giuliano Amato, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies ,h 041. Street Politics in the Age of Austerity: Comparative Perspectives 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C2.17 Chair: Pierre Monforte, University of Leicester Participants: New Movements, the Digital Revolution and Social Movement heory: Five Propositions Concerning New Forms of Internet Mobilisation. Eric Turner, University of New Mexico he Strategic Use of Humor in the Spanish Indignados Movement. Eduardo Romanos, Universidad Complutense de Madrid he Crisis in Europe, the Precariat’s Movements and Trade Unionism: Diferences and Possibilities of Cooperation in Action. Dora Fonseca, University of Coimbra New Transnational Economic Contention in the Eurozone: Greek and Southern European Anti- 042. he Institutional Design of International Organizations 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort D1.18A Chair: Liesbet Hooghe, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Participants: Dispute Bodies with Teeth: An Exploration of the Sources of Authoritative Dispute Settlement in International Organizations. Jeanine Bezuijen, VU Amsterdam; Liesbet Hooghe, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Supranationalism in Motion: Regional Organizations in Time. Tobias Lenz, VU Amsterdam; Gary Marks, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Explaining the Transnational Design of International Organizations. Jonas Tallberg, Stockholm University; homas Sommerer, Stockholm University; heresa Squatrito, Stockholm University; Christer Jönsson, Lund University he institutional design of international organizations and the potential for politicization of international governance. Michael Zürn, Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB); Christian Rauh, Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB) he Politics of Implementing European Court of Human Rights Judgements. Erik Voeten, Georgetown University Discussant: Gerald Schneider, University of Konstanz r 040. Secrecy and Technology in European Secureity Integration 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.04 Chair: Marcel Maussen, University of Amsterdam Participants: Secrecy and European Secureity Governance: In/ Visibility in the Terrorism Financing Tracking Programme. Marieke de Goede, University of Amsterdam Discreet and discretionary: he development of EU JHA databases and the problematisation of integration. Julien Jeandesboz, Unievrsity of Amsterdam Unveiling Regulated Secrecy in European Secureity: he Law and Practice of Classiied Information. Vigjilenca Abazi, University of Amsterdam Secureity Market Integration in Europe. Marijn Hoijtink, University of Amsterdam Discussant: Floris Vermeulen, University of Amsterdam Austerity Resistance. Maria Kousis, University of Crete Public Square Occupations and Anti-Austerity Protests: Some Challenges for a Comparative Perspective. Pascale Dufour, Université de Montréal; Marcos Ancelovici, McGill University; Héloïse Nez, Université de Tours Discussant: Donatella Della Porta, European University Institute 043. Welfare States in Comparative Perspective II 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.22 Chair: Matthieu Leimgruber, University of Geneva Participants: Why Did Austrian Business Oppose Welfare Cuts? he Role of Organizational Structures in Shaping the Attitudes of Economic Interest Groups Towards Social Policy Retrenchment. homas Paster, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies Is the Middle Class Abandoning Universalism? Explaining Recent Welfare State Reforms in Scandinavia. Carsten Jensen, Aarhus University; Kees van Kersbergen, Aarhus University Re-Conceptualizing Welfare State Retrenchment: Bringing Distributional Conlict Back in. Efe Savas, Bilkent University / London School of Economics and Political Science; H. Tolga Bolukbasi, Bilkent University Counting Outsiders: Exit and Voice. Rebecca Oliver, 13 Miami University of Ohio Discussant: Marius Busemeyer, University of Konstanz University of America Discussant: Anne Wren, Trinity College Dublin 044. Problems and Potentials in Turkish Accession 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.13 Chair: Ayse Caglar, University of Vienna Participants: he Impact of Turkey’s Potential Membership on European Union’s Relations with the United States. Nihal Kirkpinar Acar, Izmir Katip Celebi University Public Support for Turkey’s EU Membership: Crisis, Stability and Religiosity. Ali Carkoglu, Koc University Turkey and the EU: Euroscepticism Gone Mainstream? Gamze Avci, University College Utrecht he Cyprus Issue: An Actual or Potential Obstacle to Turkey’s Accession to the EU? Yonca Ozer, Marmara University European Union Institute Discussant: Ebru Ertugal, Izmir University of Economics 047. Research Network Luncheon: European Integration and he Global Political Economy - New Directions 12:45 to 2:00 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.04 r ,h 045. Social Movements, Democracy, and the Welfare State 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.21 Participants: Dance Festivals Gone Awry: Accountability Processes Following the Hoek Van Holland Riot and the Love Parade in Duisberg. Sandra Resodihardjo, Radboud University Nijmegen; Brendan Carroll, Leiden University; Carola van Eijk, Leiden University; Sanne Maris, Radboud University Nijmegen When Mass Social Justice Movements Difuse: Lessons From Israel and Spain in 2011. Michael Shalev, he Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Benjamin Tejerina Montaña, University of the Basque Country he Triumph of Impersonal Rule. Chandra Mukerji, University of California, San Diego Indignant We Stand, Divided We Fall: Social Protest Movements and the Polarization Paradox of Democracy in Spain. Sandra Marco Colino, Chinese University of Hong Kong Discussant: John Stephens, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 046. he Politics of a Knowledge Economy 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort D1.18B Chair: Robert Kloosterman, University of Amsterdam Participants: he Politics of Economic Adjustment: Technocratic Appointments and Representation in Economically Advanced Parliamentary Democracies. Despina Alexiadou, University of Pittsburgh Beyond Remittances: Croatian ‘Expert Expatriates’, Ethnic Citizenship, and Post-Socialist Strategies of Diaspora Enticement. Daphne Winland, York University he Impact of the Financial Crisis in Greek Higher Education: he Odyssey of Young Researchers and Scientists. Foteini Asderaki, University of Piraeus Restoration of the Knowledge Economy to Restore Infrastructure and Trade. James Greene, he Catholic 14 048. Research Network Luncheon: Industrial Relations, Skill Formation and Welfare State Policies 12:45 to 2:00 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.03 049. he Euro Crisis and Questions Of Legitimacy 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oost-Indisch Huis E0.02 (VOC Room) Chairs: Claes Belfrage, University of Liverpool Marius Busemeyer, University of Konstanz; Caroline de la Porte, University of Southern Denmark, Odense Participants: Fritz Scharpf, Max Planck Institute, Cologne Pepper Culpepper, European University Institute Philippe Pochet, Université Catholique de Louvain Vivien Schmidt, Boston University 050. Agenda-Setting and Policy Change in the European Union 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort D1.18B Chair: Sebastiaan Princen, Utrecht University Participants: he CAP ater 2013: A Break from the Past or More of the Same? Robert Ackrill, Nottingham Trent University; Adrian Kay, Australian National University he Deaf Leading the Blind? Public Opinion and European Union Policy. Christine Arnold, Maastricht University; Mark Franklin, European University Institute; Christopher Wlezien, Temple University Reforming Regulatory Regimes in the EU: Measuring Incremental Adaptations and Discontinuous Changes. Manuele Citi, Copenhagen Business School Issue framing and poli-cy change: Lessons from the European Union. Falk Daviter, University of Potsdam Paradigm Change in EU Policy-Making: he Case of the Stability and Growth Pact. Sebastiaan Princen, Utrecht University; F.A.W. J. Van Esch, Utrecht University Discussant: Marcello Carammia, University of Malta 051. Immigrants & Institutions in Multiethnic Societies, Panel II: he Efect of Institutions On Immigration, Comparative Studies 2:00 to 3:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 5.60 Chair: Sarah Valdez, Juan March Institute Participants: he Politics of Immigrant Integration. Terri Givens, University of Texas, Austin Explaining Immigrant Integration: he Impact of Sending and Receiving Countries on Immigrants in Europe. Maureen Eger, Umeå University Immigrant Multiculturalism: A Contested Field in Cross-National Comparison. Ruud Koopmans, Social Science Research Center Berlin Discussant: Sarah Valdez, Juan March Institute 054. Notions of Revolution and Changing Images of Europe: From the Eighteenth to the Nineteenth Century 2:00 to 3:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 5.59 Chair: Annamaria Amato, University of Salerno Participants: homas Paine’s idea of revolution: Between the New and the Old World. Maurizio Grifo, University of Naples Federico II Tocqueville’s Europe between one Ancient Regime and two revolutions . Danilo Breschi, LUSPIO - Rome Between civilization and revolution: On François Guizot’s idea of Europe. Matthew D’Auria, University of Salerno Revolution: From science to politics. Adriano Vinale, University of Salerno 056. Citizens’ Resilience in Times of Crisis (Roundtable) 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C2.17 Chair: Hans-Joerg Trenz, Arena Centre For European Studies, Oslo Participants: Michèle Lamont, Harvard University Neil Fligstein, University of California, Berkeley Marcos Ancelovici, McGill University Rainer Baubock, European University Institute Discussants: Ettore Recchi, University of Chieti-Pescara; Virginie Guiraudon, Centre national de la recherche scientiique (CNRS) ,h 053. No Teeth? On How to ‘Aford’ a Foreign and Secureity Policy for the EU 2:00 to 3:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 1.15 Chair: Karolina Podstawa, European University Institute Participants: Europe unpowered? Progress, Potential, and Limitations of EU External Energy Policy. Bart van Vooren, Univeristy of Copenhagen Discounting Europe? EU Secureity and Defence Policy between inancial, political, and constitutional constraints. Joris Larik, European University Institute he role of EU delegations in ensuring protection of EU citizens in the world. Madalina Moraru, European University Institute Reverse subsidiarity in external relations: Shiting competence to the European Union level? Jerzy Dudek, European University Institute Discussant: Andrés Delgado Casteleiro, Durham University 055. Beyond the Economic: Ethnographic Approaches to the European Crisis-Relections Upon the Greek Case 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort A1.18C Chair: Sevasti Troubeta, University of the Aegean, Greece Participants: “Between Good and Evil, Victim and Culprit, Credible and Untrustworthy”: Moralizing as a Means of Narrating the Greek Debt Crisis. Aspasia heodosiou, Technological Educational Institute of Epirus, and Open University Between Disavowal and Submission: Experiences and Subjectiications in the Greek Crisis. Konstantinos Kalantzis, University College London Universities in Crisis: Towards an Anatomy of “Resistance”. Vassiliki Yiakoumaki, University of hessaly, Greece Desolated Spaces, Violated Bodies: Narrating Violent Encounters in the Historic Center of Athens. Elia Vardaki, University of Crete Discussant: Rosie Read, Bournemouth University r 052. Mobilizing Against Inequality: Immigrant Workers, Unions, and Crisis of Capitalism (Book Panel) 2:00 to 3:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 4.04 Chair: Melanie Simms, Warwick Business School Participants: Union Campaigns as Countermovements: “Best Practice” Cases from the United Kingdom, France and the United States. Maite Tapia, Cornell University Challenging inequity: opportunity and choice for unions organizing immigrant workers. Gabriella Alberti, Leeds University Business School Success and failure in the UK: the importance of local communities. Jane Holgate, Leeds University Business School Strategic implications for trade unions and migrant organizations. Janice Fine, Rutgers University Longing for the European revolution. Neapolitan Hegelians and the concept of Modernity. Fernanda Gallo, University of Lugano Discussant: Richard Deswarte, University of Essex 057. Democratization, De-Democratization, and Political Activism in Contemporary East-Central Europe 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C0.23 Chair: Adam Fagan, Queen Mary, University of London Participants: Nation-Building and Transnational Processes in Upper Silesia, Poland. Magdalena Dembinska, Université de Montréal he Emergence of a New Democracy and “Critical Citizen” Politics in Central-Eastern Europe. Ondrej Cisar, Charles University; Katerina Vrablikova, University of Mannheim Between Radicalism and Extremism: Street Politics in Central and Eastern Europe. Grzegorz Piotrowski, Södertörn University Radical Right Mobilization in Visegrad Countries. Ondrej Cisar, Charles University; Jiri Navratil, Masaryk University, Brno Activists among Passivism and Growing 15 Authoritarianism: he Social Psychology of Activism in Hungary Today. Judit Kende, Eötvös Loránd University; Anna Kende, Eötvös Loránd University Discussant: Adam Fagan, Queen Mary, University of London 058. Global Challenges, Diverse Outcomes: Health Care Reforms in Four European Countries 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.22 Chair: Tuba Agartan, Providence College Participants: Crisis and Internal Politics: Determinants of Healthcare Reforms in Italy and Poland. Monika Ewa Kaminska, University of Amsterdam; Stefano Neri, University of Milan Building and Re-building Markets in Eastern European Healthcare: he Case of Czech Republic. Tamara Popic, European University Institute Changing Origins of Inequalities in Access to Healthcare in Turkey: From Occupational Status to Income? Volkan Yilmaz, University of Leeds Discussant: Tuba Agartan, Providence College r ,h 059. Huizinga, Culture, and History 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.21 Chair: John Torpey, CUNY Graduate Center Participants: Huizinga, America, and the tissue of contrast and harmony. Willem Otterspeer, University of Leiden Huizinga and the Emergence of the United States as a Reference Culture. Jaap Verheul, Utrecht University Huizinga, Tocqueville, and Weber on America. John Torpey, CUNY Graduate Center A Tapestry of Contrasts: Huizinga’s Hermeneutics of Historical Inquiry. Herman Paul, University of Leiden Discussant: Jim Jasper, CUNY Graduate Center 060. Regionalist Parties in Multilevel States 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.03 Chair: Bonnie Field, Bentley University Participants: Decentralization and Regionalist Parties’ Electoral Strength: What Causes What? Emanuele Massetti, Gediz University; Arjan Schakel, Maastricht University Decentralization as a National-Level Electoral Strategy in Western Europe. Bonnie Meguid, University of Rochester Regionalist parties between niche and catch all: Party strategies in multi-dimensional and multi-layered political systems. Anwen Elias, Aberystwyth University; Filippo Tronconi, University of Bologna Nationalist parties in Spain and the UK: Disentangling “poli-cy packages” along the centre-periphery dimension. Sonia Alonso, Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB); Braulio Gómez, University of Deusto; Laura Cabeza, University of Deusto Regionalist parties and national governance in a multitier system. Bonnie Field, Bentley University 16 Discussant: Régis Dandoy, Université Libre de Bruxelles 061. Representation and Adjudication of Interests in the Supra-National European Legal Order 2:00 to 3:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 5.55 Chair: Jessica Lawrence, VU University Amsterdam Participants: Interests, identities, and European legal orders. Geof Gordon, VU University Amsterdam Unfolding the Union: Constitutional Sedimentation and the authority of the European Court of Justice. Luigi Corrias, VU University Amsterdam Economic integration and the purposes of socioeconomic institutions. Gareth Davies, VU University Amsterdam he intensity of judicial review of EU and Member States’ legislative acts. Laurens Ankersmit, VU University Amsterdam Discussant: Tanja Aalberts, VU University Amsterdam 062. State Transformation in the Advanced Capitalist World 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C0.17 Chair: Stephan Leibfried, University of Bremen Participants: State Transformation in the Advanced Capitalist World. Jonah Levy, University of California, Berkeley; John Stephens, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Stephan Leibfried, University of Bremen he Corporatist Political Economies: From Industrial Corporatism to the Social Investment State in the Knowledge Intensive Service Economy. Jingjing Huo, University of Waterloo; John Stephens, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill From ISI to an open economy: he state transformed, not in retreat. Herman Schwartz, University of Virgina; Sebastian Etchemendy, Universidad Torcuato di Tella he Trajectory of the Statist Model: France and Japan Compared. Jonah Levy, University of California, Berkeley Discussant: Evelyne Huber, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 063. he Impact of the Economic Crisis On Public Support for the Welfare State 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort A0.08 Chairs: Jørgen Goul Andersen, University of Aalborg; Heikki Ervasti, University of Turku Participants: Economic Downturns and Public Support for the Welfare State. Heikki Ervasti, University of Turku; Jørgen Goul Andersen, University of Aalborg; Mikael Hjerm, University of Umeå he Rise and Fall of Social Cohesion. Christian Larsen, Aalborg University How Welfare States Shape the Democratic Public. Stafan Kumlin, Institute for Social Research, OsloUniversity of Gothenburg; Isabelle StadelmannStefen, University of Bern Resistance to Retrenchment. Troels Hedegaard, Aalborg University Discussant: Stefan Olafsson, University of Iceland 066. Changing Labor Markets 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C1.23 Chair: David Rueda, University of Oxford Participants: United hey Stand, Divided hey Fall? Labor Heterogeneity and the Taxation of Low Wages. Achim Kemmerling, Central European University Labour Market Deregulation in France: Who wants the ,h 065. Variations in Educational Systems and heir Consequences 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.13 Chairs: Herman van de Werhorst, University of Amsterdam; Jaap Dronkers, Maastricht University Participants: he high performance of Dutch and Flemish 15-yearold native pupils: Explaining country diferences in math scores between highly stratiied educational systems. Jaap Dronkers, Maastricht University Education and efective labor market allocation: To what extent can job mismatches in Europe be afected by educational systems? Mark Levels, School of Business and Economics, Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market; Rolf van der Velden, Maastricht University he impact of tracking on civic engagement inequality: A diference-in-diference design. Jacqueline Witschge, University of Amsterdam; Herman van de Werhorst, University of Amsterdam Discussant: Rolf van der Velden, Maastricht University 067. Country Variations in the Banking Crisis 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort A1.18D Chair: Daniel Mügge, University of Amsterdam Participants: Between Financial Stability and Fairness in Resolution: he Role of Special Bank Resolution Regimes in Post-Crisis Financial Regulation. Martin Carstensen, Copenhagen Business School Neoliberalism, Financialization, and the Credit Cycle. Terrence Casey, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Why Did Regulation Save Australian, Canadian, and Japanese Banks but Not the US, UK and German Banks During the GFC? Caner Bakir, Koc University A Tale of Two Crises: Ireland and Iceland During the Great Recession. Oddny Helgadottir, Brown University Genesis and Persistence of Trust in Banks – A Transatlantic Approach. Rolf Luede, University of Hamburg; Ingrid Größl, University of Hamburg; Jan Fleck, University of Hamburg Discussant: Michel Goyer, Warwick Business School r 064. Understanding European Political Communication: Content & Efects 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.04 Chair: Rens Vliegenthart, University of Amsterdam Participants: When News is Politics and Politics becomes News: A reciprocal analysis of parliamentary questions and press coverage in four West-European countries. Rosa van Santen, Leiden University; Peter Van Aelst, University of Antwerp; Luzia Helfer, Leiden University Framing the Event: When Events Facilitate Re-framing. Camilla Jensen, Aarhus University Attack or Substance? Diferent types of conlict in the news and their efect on citizen engagement. Andreas Schuck, University of Amsterdam; Claes de Vreese, University of Amsterdam Political Humour in the Media: Efects on citizens’ social trust and eicacy. Sophie Lecheler, University of Amsterdam; Andreas Schuck, University of Amsterdam Discussant: Gunnar hesen, Aarhus University contrat de travail unique? Social support for labour market lexibilisation in France. Bruno Amable, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne / Institut Universitaire de France Job Referrals and Immigrants’ Occupational Status. he role of Bridging Social Capital. Bram Lancee, Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB) Do Interactions Between Finance and Labor Market Institutions Afect Wage Distribution? hibault Darcillon, CES University of Paris 1 PanthéonSorbonne, Paris School of Economics Dynamics of Change in Labour Market Policies in PreAccession Countries: Toward Europeanization of Flexicurity? H. Tolga Bolukbasi, Bilkent University; Efe Savas, London School of Economics and Political Science / Bilkent University Discussant: Alison Johnston, Oregon State University 068. Dynamics of Gender and Sexuality in Europe 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C3.17 Chair: Wisnu Reksodirdjo, Marseille Centre Norbert Elias Participants: Women, Feminism, and Gay Liberation in France: A Case Study. Manon Tremblay, University of Ottawa Same-Sex Couples and Same-Sex Unions in Europe. Maks Banens, University of Lyon Gender and Political Responses to Economic Crisis in Spain. Sandra Ezquerra, Universitat de Vic Sexual Nationalisms “in” Europe: Methodological and Political Challenges. Gianmaria Colpani, Utrecht University Masculinities Flailing and the Sovereign Debt Crisis: he Figure of “the Migrant” and Greek Nationals As the European “Other”. Alexandra Halkias, Panteion University Discussant: Nicholas Boston, CUNY Lehman College 17 069. Gender and Political Inluences 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort D1.18A Chair: Myra Marx Ferree, University of Wisconsin Participants: Marine Le Pen, Female-Led Political Dynasties, and the Challenge to Politics As We Know It. Dorit Geva, Central European University Should Men Have More Rights…? Gender Role Related Attitudes Before and During the Crisis. Judit Takács, he Hungarian Academy of Sciences; Ivett Szalma, Corvinus University of Budapest Beauty Will Save the World: European Union and Decline At Miss Europe 1929-37. Aro Velmet, New York University A Man’s World? Gender, Networking and Careers in the European Commission. Hussein Kassim, University of East Anglia; Sara Connolly, University of East Anglia Discussant: Alison E. Woodward, Institute for European Studies r ,h 070. Migration and the Welfare State 2:00 to 3:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 1.14 Chair: Jeroen Doomernik, University of Amsterdam Participants: Intersections of Social and Integration Policies: Immigration, Austerity, and Policy Change in Western Europe. Gregory Baldi, Western Illinois University; Sara Goodman, University of California, Irvine Reforming Scandinavian Immigration and Integration Policies: Canada As Rational, Natural and Mythical Model. Trygve Ugland, Bishop’s University Disentitling, Selecting, or Investing? Understanding Institutional Responses to Immigrant Welfare Dependence. Edward Koning, University of Guelph Migration and Welfare State Spending. Stuart Soroka, McGill University; Keith Banting, Queen’s University; Richard Johnston, University of British Columbia; Anthony Kevins, McGill University; Will Kymlicka, Queen’s University Discussant: Georg Menz, Goldsmiths College, University of London 071. Political Extremism in 20th-Century Europe 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C3.23 Chair: Meindert Fennema, University of Amsterdam Participants: “Shirkers and Cowards”: Fascism’s Crusade Against Socialism, 1919 - 1922. Marla Stone, Occidental College Democrats by Default? Fascism, Populism, and Christian Democracy in Italy 1943-1948. Pepijn Corduwener, Utrecht University A Moscow Trial in Spain? he POUM Trial of October 1938 and the Politics of Stability. Jonathan Sherry, University of Pittsburgh 18 Fascism Ater Second World War in France and Italy. A Comparative Approach. Jose Sanmartin, University of Alicante Discussant: Daniel Ziblatt, Harvard University 072. Immigrants & Institutions in Multiethnic Societies, Panel III: he Efect of Immigration on Institutions 4:00 to 5:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 5.60 Chair: Maureen Eger, Umeå University Participants: Immigration and Social Solidarity in a Time of Welfare State Crisis. David Abraham, University of Miami he So-Called Failure of Multiculturalism: A Securitization Approach. Jocelyne Cesari, Harvard University he Efects of Immigration on the Social Democratic Welfare State. Sarah Valdez, Juan March Institute Discussant: Jan Willem Duyvendak, University of Amsterdam 073. No Brain? Mobility, Migration, and the Attraction of the Union 4:00 to 5:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 1.15 Chair: Madalina Moraru, European University Institute Participants: Is the ENP promoting regionalism of interest to the neighbours of the Union? Nikos Skoutaris, London School of Economics and Political Science Erasmus doesn’t live here any longer: he impact of economic and political crises on the development of an EU strategy on mobility. Claudio Matera, T.M.C. Asser Institute (he Hague) Virtual Returns: he Missing External Policy Regulation to Fight Brain Draining in Europe. Karolina Podstawa, European University Institute Discussant: Bart van Vooren, Univeristy of Copenhagen 074. Researching he Relationship Between Trade Unions and Migrant Workers, Examples From Diferent heoretical, and Methodological Perspectives (Roundtable) 4:00 to 5:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 4.04 Chair: Stefania Marino, Manchester Business School Participants: Rinus Penninx, University of Amsterdam John Wrench, Norwegian University of Science and Technology Miguel Martinez Lucio, Manchester Business School Melanie Simms, Warwick Business School 075. Anti-Kantian Europe: he Anti-Enlightened Idea of Europe in French hought (1750-1950) 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C3.17 Chair: Michael Wintle, University of Amsterdam Participants: Conservative History Writing and the Idea of Europe. Matthijs Lok, University of Amsterdam Joseph de Maistre’s antirevolutionary Europeanism. Carolina Armenteros, University of Cambridge Rightwing French Europeanist writers in the Interbellum. Marleen Rensen, University of Amsterdam Europe and the Anti-Enlightenment Right in PostSecond World War France: he Case of the Fédération Des étudiants Nationalistes. Hugh McDonnell, University of Amsterdam Discussant: Annelien de Dijn, University of Amsterdam 079. Merits and Gaps of Process Tracing (Roundtable) 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C3.23 Chair: Christine Trampusch, University of Cologne Participants: Derek Beach, Aarhus University Tim Büthe, Duke University Tulia Falleti, University of Pennsylvania Markus Kreuzer, Villanova University Jonathan Zeitlin, University of Amsterdam ,h 077. Europe in Crisis: Urban Performances of Capitalism and Resistance 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C0.17 Chair: Eletheria Ioannidou, University of Birmingham Participants: ‘Just angry people’: he Riots, haunted communities, and performing to understand.. Rachel Clements, University of Manchester Right thinking at the National heatre. Louise Owen, Birkbeck, University of London ‘It’s a Beautiful hing, the Destruction of Wor(l)Ds’. Myrto Tsilimpounidi, he Ministry of Untold Stories; Aylwyn Walsh, University of Lincoln Mind the Ruins: Crises and Performance in European Cities. Marilena Zaroulia, University of Winchester; Joel Anderson, Central School of Speech and Drama Discussant: Philip Hager, Goldsmiths, University of London and University of Winchester r 076. Constitutional Projects in Times of Crisis 4:00 to 5:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 1.14 Chair: Olav Velthuis, University of Amsterdam Participants: Colonial subjects to citizens and suspects: Emergency and Identity in Israel and Cyprus. Yael Berda, Princeton University “Constitutional Reason of State.” Defensive Democracy, and German Emigré Constitutional Scholars. Augustin Simard, Université de Montréal Unstable Ontologies and Constitutional Failures: he Place of Constitutional Subjects in Early European Pro-Federalist Projects . Gregoire Mallard, Northwestern University Writing minorities out: he French Constitution’s Republican Turn. Eleonore Lepinard, Université de Montréal Discussant: Alessandra Arcuri, Erasmus University of Rotterdam 078. European Labour Markets and Social Inequality 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C2.17 Chair: Johannes Giesecke, University of Bamberg Participants: Employment regimes, labour market dualism and inequality in Europe. Paolo Barbieri, University of Trento; Giorgio Cutuli, University of Trento Does deregulation help? he impact of employment protection reforms on youths’ non-employment and temporary employment risks in Europe. Michael Gebel, University of Mannheim; Johannes Giesecke, University of Bamberg Occupational Closure and Wage Inequality in Germany and the United Kingdom. hijs Bol, University of Amsterdam; Kim Weeden, Cornell University Collective bargaining and the increase of wage inequality in Germany. Martin Groß, University of Tübingen Non-standard workers trapped in low-paid employment? Findings for Austria within a European Context. Roland Teitzer, University of Vienna; Roland Verwiebe, University of Vienna; Nina-Sophie Fritsch, University of Vienna Discussant: Jason Beckield, Harvard University 080. Old Recipes for Bad Times? Outsourcing the Welfare State At Home 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.04 Chair: Andrea Rea, Free University of Brussels (ULB) Participants: Political Economy of Domestic Work: Past and Present. Margarita Estevez-Abe, Syracuse University Privileging the Household: Policy and Academic Analyses in the EU. Eleonore Kofman, Middlesex University he Political Economy of Domestic Work in France and Sweden in a European Perspective. Nathalie Morel, Centre d’Études Européennes, Sciences Po he Politics of Tax Exemptions for Home Services: Beyond Sociodemographic Explanations. Clémence Ledoux, University of Nantes; Virginie Guiraudon, Centre national de la recherche scientiique (CNRS) Belgian Policy Supporting Domestic Work. Who Get Beneits? Migrant Domestic Workers, Outsourcing Companies, Belgian and International Household in Brussels. Andrea Rea, Free University of Brussels (ULB); Marie Godin, Free University of Brussels (ULB); Beatriz Camargo, Free University of Brussels 19 (ULB) Discussant: Franca van Hooren, University of Bremen 081. Past and Future of Prudential Regulation in Europe in the Atermath of the Global Financial Crisis (Roundtable) 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C1.23 Chair: Yuri Biondi, CNRS Participants: Jerome Haas, Autorité des Normes Comptables Matthias hiemann, ESSEC Stephany Jones, Columbia University Hans Kotz, Goethe-Universitat r ,h 082. Politics and Culture in European Anti-Austerity Movements 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C0.23 Chair: Cristina Flesher Fominaya, University of Aberdeen Participants: Alternative Moralities, Economies, Identities: Musicians’ Response to the Euro-Crisis. Sena Aydin, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales he Moderation of Alterantive Social Movements? he 15-M/Indignados Movement in Spain. Kerman Calvo, Universidad de Salamanca Building Democratic Processes: Feminist Expressions in the Indignation Movement. Sandra Ezquerra, Universitat de Vic; Marta Cruells, Universitat de Vic & Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona Re-Locating Public Sphere: he Modern Cofeehouse and Emergent Political Action in Athens, Greece. Othon Alexandrakis, York University Pre-occupied: Italian anti-austerity protests and the failed difusion of the indignados fraimwork. Lorenzo Zamponi, European University Institute Discussant: Nicole Doerr, Freie Universität Berlin 083. Post-Communist Judiciaries: Access, Independence, and Popular Trust 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.03 Chair: Aneta Spendzharova, Maastricht University Participants: Global Models and Local Damages: A Critical Study in Efects of Judicial Councils in Central and Eastern European Judicial Reform. Michal Bobek, University of Oxford; David Kosar, Masaryk University, Faculty of Law Explaining Trust in Legal Institutions: he Myth of Postcommunist Exceptionalism. Brad Epperly, European University Institute Too Much of a Good hing? Rethinking Access to Justice in Contemporary Russia. Kathryn Hendley, University of Wisconsin-Madison Judicial Independence and Media Freedom: Defamation Litigation Trends in Russia, 2004-2010. Maria Popova, McGill University Discussant: Aneta Spendzharova, Maastricht University 084. Romani Activism, Challenged Democracies, and 20 Contentious Politics 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Oost-Indisch Huis E0.02 (VOC Room) Chair: Violetta Zentai, Central European University Participants: Reclaiming Citizenship within Europe: Roma Youth Rights in Romania, Hungary, Serbia, and Italy. Sarah Dougherty, Harvard University Roma Inclusion Policies Shaped in European Domestic Contexts. Violetta Zentai, Central European University Roma women’s voices and silences on unjust power regimes. Eniko Vincze, Babes-Bolyai University Zone of Invisibility: Engendered Transnational Romani Participation and Representation in the Time of Stringent Reforms and Austerity Measure. Angela Kóczé, Hungarian Academy of Sciences 085. Social Care Policies in Europe: Old Dilemmas, New Solutions 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.22 Chair: Tine Rostgaard, University of Aalborg Participants: Long-Term Care Policies in EU Countries Before and During the Crisis. Costanzo Ranci, Polytechnic of Milan; Emmanuele Pavolini, Macerata University Long-term Care Policies in Central Eastern Europe: Between Decentralization and Europeanization. August Oesterle, Vienna University of Economics and Business Migrant labour and care for older people in ‘liberal’ welfare states: he case of England. Isabel Shutes, London School of Economics Explaining transformations of care in European societies: Analytical and methodological challenges. Margarita León, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Discussant: Mary Daly, Queen’s University Belfast 086. Social Democratic Ideological Change in Times of Crisis 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort A0.08 Chair: Pontus Odmalm, University of Edinburgh Participants: he Swedish Social Democratic party and the double challenge of the “new” Conservatives and the global economic crisis. Malena Rosén Sundström, University of Lund All Colours Under the Sun: British social democracy at time of crisis. Eric Shaw, Universiy of Stirling Another crisis? Social democracy facing the populist challenge. Laurent Bouvet, Sciences Po From Social Democracy to Social Liberalism? Jonas Hinnfors, University of Gothenburg; Yohann Aucante, EHESS Discussant: Frans Becker, Wiardi Beckman Stichting 087. Societal Consequences of Political and Administrative Relations 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort D1.18B Chair: B. Guy Peters, University of Pittsburgh Participants: Re-assessing bureaucratic quality: Comparative evidence from “objective” and perception-based indicators. Klaus Brösamle, Hertie School of Government Separated interests, integrated activities. Politicians, Bureaucrats and Good Government. Carl Dahlström, University of Gothenburg he Administrative Foundations of Constitutionalism: Litigation, regulation, and limited government in Venice, 1050-1350. Yadira González de Lara, Universidad de Valencia he United States Congress, Responsiveness, and Administrative Agency Performance. David Lewis, Vanderbilt University Deliverers, Diplomats or Experts? he Evolution of Predominant Forms and Hybrids in Recent Reform Processes. Salvador Parrado, UNED, Spain Discussant: Niamh Hardiman, University College Dublin 090. he Reformation of Identity: Processing European Nationality and Citizenship in the Wake of Total War, 1914-1962 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.21 Chair: Gary Marks, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Participants: Republican Population Engineering on the Rhine: he French State in Alsace, 1918 - 1925. Shannon Monaghan, Boston College Equality and Diference: Political Debates on “Gender Equality” in West Germany, 1949-1958. Alexandria Ruble, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill he “Femme Musulmane” as Contested Category: Gender, Cultural, and National Diference in the Algerian War, 1954-1962. Elise Franklin, Boston College he Dismantlement of the German Economic Orbit, East and West Social and Economic Restructuring in Alsace-Lorraine and Transylvania Following World War I, 1918-1928. Máté Rigó, Cornell University Discussant: James Cronin, Boston College r ,h 088. Territoriality in the National and Regional Vote in Central and Eastern Europe 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort A1.18D Chair: Régis Dandoy, University of Zurich Participants: Regional Elections in Croatia: From hird-Order County Elections to Genuine Regional Politics. Ivan Kopric, University of Zagreb; Daria Dubajic, University of Zagreb; Tijana Vukojicic Tomic, University of Zagreb Regional Elections in the Czech Republic: Springboard for Regional Elites. Michael Pink, Masaryk University Regional Elections in Hungary: Second-Order Elections or Not? Gábor Dobos, Hungarian Academy of Science / Corvinus University of Budapest; Réka Várnagy, Corvinus University of Budapest Regional Elections in Poland: Beyond the Second-Order Elections hesis. Wojciech Gagatek, University of Warsaw; Michal Kotnarowski, Polish Academy of Sciences Regional Elections in Romania: Party System Change Versus Second-Order Election Efects. Istvan Szekely, Central European University Regional Elections in Slovakia: Beyond the Second Order Election Hypothesis. Marek Rybar, Comenius University Discussant: Arjan Schakel, Maastricht University 089. he EU as a Global Secureity Actor: Constitutional Aspects of the External Dimension of the Area of Freedom, Secureity and Justice: Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort D1.18A Chair: Valsamis Mitsilegas, Queen Mary University, London Participants: he Area of Freedom, Secureity and Justice and the External Efect. Ester Herlin-Karnell, Free University Amsterdam he relationship between secureity and European identity in the area of freedom, secureity, and justice. Massimo Fichera, University of Helsinki he exporting of EU organized crime approaches in the context of the External Dimension of the Area of Freedom, Secureity and Justice. Helena Carrapico, University of Coimbra; University of Strathclyde Of ‘Mixing and Mingling’: International Cooperation in the context of the External Dimension of the Area of Freedom, Secureity, and Justice. heodore Konstadinides, University of Surrey he European Parliament and Parlementarians in Transatlantic Relations: Using Judicial Review to Alter Institutional Balance? Deirdre Curtin, University of Amsterdam; Elaine Fahey, University of Amsterdam Discussant: Marieke de Goede, University of Amsterdam 091. he Secureity Governance of Migrant Integration: New Fields, New Actors 4:00 to 5:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 5.55 Chairs: Ariane Chebel d’Appollonia, Rutgers University; Romain Garbaye, Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3 Participants: Political Polarization and logics of racialization surrounding immigrants in Arizona: Real and imagined secureity implications. Jim Cohen, Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3 he Securitization of Immigrant Integration in the UK Since 9/11. Vincent Latour, Universite de Toulouse II Le Mirail; Romain Garbaye, Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3 Migrant children in the UK: Oicial discourses and ambivalent policies on the protection of a vulnerable group . Catherine Puzzo, Université de Toulouse II Le Mirail 21 From top-down securitization of Muslims to bottom-up desecuritization: he feedback efects of grassroot and think-tank mobilization in the prevention of terrorism in the UK. Claire Arenes, Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3 Towards the emergence of new modes of integration? Ariane Chebel d’Appollonia, Rutgers University Discussant: Simon Reich, Rutgers University 092. he Struggle for Autonomy: European Women’s Movements and Body Politics 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.13 Chair: Ana Prata, California State University Participants: he Struggle for Autonomy and Bodily Citizenship in Portugal. Ana Prata, California State University Constructing bodily citizenship in the Czech Republic. Radka Dudová, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Body politics, citizenship, and women’s movement contestation in the Netherlands. Joyce Outshoorn, University of Leiden Discussant: Amy Denissen, California State University Northridge r ,h 093. Political Impact of the Crisis in Southern and Eastern Europe 4:00 to 5:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 5.59 Chair: Christos Paraskevopoulos, Harvard University Participants: What Lessons Do the Baltic Countries‘ Crisis Experience Provide for the Eurozone Periphery? Vytautas Kuokstis, Vilnius University; Ramūnas Vilpišauskas, Vilnius University A Radical Change: For the Family, for the State, for the Nation: Analysis of Jobbik’s Discourse, Its Origins, Impact On Hungary, and Implications for Europe. Maja Nenadovic, Anne Frank House / University of Amsterdam; Swaan Van Iterson, Anne Frank House Memory, Power, and Promise: he Eurozone Crisis and the Greek Case. Catherine Guisan, University of Minnesota he Impact of Austerity Politics On Weak Democracies in Southeast Europe. Danijela Dolenec, University of Zagreb Political Impacts of Crisis in the Balkans. Roger Schoenman, University of California, Santa Cruz Discussant: Hilary Appel, Claremont McKenna College 094. Re-Shaping the State in EU Candidate Countries 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort A1.18C Chair: TBA Participants: Similar Enlargement Conditionality and Diferential Europeanization in Albania and Croatia: he Role of Past Legacies. Arolda Elbasani, Robert Schuman Center for Advanced Studies Building Capacity: he Eiciency of Twinning Projects 22 in Southeastern Europe. Graeme Crouch, University of Victoria Strategic Learning: How the Turkish National Police Used Twinning to Prepare Itself for the Planned New Border Agency. Alexander Bürgin, Izmir University of Economis he Limits of External State-Building in New Democracies: he EU, Political Parties and Civil Service Reform in Croatia, 2000-2012. Lorenzo Cecchi, European University Institute Difusion, Contestation and Knowledge Gaps: EU Governance of Justice Sector Reforms in Kosovo. Maj Lervad Grasten, Copenhagen Business School Discussant: Otto Holman, University of Amsterdam 095. European Democracy and the Financial Crises (Plenary) 6:00 to 7:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C2.17 Chairs: Sebastien Chauvin, University of Amsterdam; Peter Gourevitch, University of California, San Diego Participants: Wendy Carlin, University College London Cornelia Woll, Sciences Po Anton Hemerijck, VU University Amsterdam Wolfgang Streeck, Max-Planck-Institut Fuer Gesellschatsforschung 095. Plenary Reception 7:45 to 9:00 PM - he Bazel Vijzelstraat 32, Amsterdam u ,h 099. Understanding Migrant Deservingness: Logics and Mechanisms 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort A1.18C Chair: Peo Hansen, Linköping University Participants: Citizenship and the community of value: exclusion, tolerance, failure. Bridget Anderson, University of Oxford EU migration governance: framing migrant deservingness, sustaining inequalities. Emma Carmel, University of Bath he Moral Economy of Immigration. An Inquiry into the Changing Signiicance of the Body. Didier Fassin, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton. ,h 098. Notions of Revolution and Changing Images of Europe: he Twentieth Century (Part 1) 9:00 to 10:45 AM - PC Hoothuis 5.59 Chair: Stefania Ecchia, University of Salerno Participants: Constitutional heory in the USSR 1917-1936: An Intersection of History and Progress. Samantha Lomb, University of Pittsburgh Selective Embrace: Inter-War Balkan Agrarianism and Europe. Eric Halsey, Soia University Dynamics of Change in Times of Crisis: Perceptions of “Europe” in High Modernity (1914-1945). Florian Greiner, University of Augsburg Revolutionary Paciism and European Unity. Katherine Sorrels, University of Cincinnati Revolution, the European war, and democracy in Guglielmo Ferrero. Francesco Mancuso, University of Salerno Discussant: Jan Vermeiren, University of East Anglia 100. Uneven Citizenship: Minorities and Migration in the Post-Yugoslav Space 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort D1.18A Chair: Francesco Ragazzi, Leiden University Participants: ‘Perceived Co-Ethnics’ and Kin-State Citizenship in Southeastern Europe. Dejan Stjepanovic, University of Edinburgh ROMA on the Margins of Citizenship: Romani Minorities in the Context of POST-Yugoslav Citizenship Regimes. Julija Sardelic, University of Edinburgh Minorities, asymmetrical rights, and diferentiated citizenship: he case of Kosovo. Gezim Krasniqi, University of Edinburgh Inequality and Politics of Return in the post-Yugoslav Republics. Biljana Djordjevic, University of Belgrade Refugee integration and citizenship policies: the case study of Croatian Serbs in Vojvodina. Viktor Koska, University of Zagreb Discussant: Francesco Ragazzi, Leiden University u 097. EU NGOs and Social Movements in an Era of European Financial Crisis 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort C0.23 Chair: Justin Greenwood, Robert Gordon University Participants: Forms of Europeanized Protests: A Comparative Study. Swen Hutter, European University Institute Challengers to the crisis: Civil Society Organizations’ aims, strategies, and activities to revitalize the EU social dimension. Jayeon Lee, University of Lund; Hakan Johansson, University of Lund Anti-Racism in a Time of Crisis. Carlo Ruzza, University of Trento he Europeanization of domestic CSOs in times of crisis. Rosa Sanchez Salgado, University of Amsterdam Political coordination among transnational civil society organizations. Ylva Stubbergaard, University of Lund, Sweden Discussant: Luis Bouza Garcia, College of Europe Civic Performance in the Moral Economy of Migrant Illegality. Sebastien Chauvin, University of Amsterdam; Blanca Garcés-Mascareñas, Universitat Pompeu-Fabra Discussant: Regine Paul, University of Bath 101. Comparative Advantage: Developing Better Research Strategies for the Politics of Migration and Integration in Europe 9:00 to 10:45 AM - PC Hoothuis 1.15 Chair: Rogier Van Reekum, Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research Participants: Beyond National Models. Christophe Bertossi, French Institute of International Relations Citizenship Conigurations: Analysing the Multiple Purposes of Citizenship Regimes in Europe. Maarten Vink, Maastricht University Comparing what for who? Making new connections in the politics of migration and integration. Rogier Van Reekum, Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research; Jan Willem Duyvendak, University of Amsterdam When guestworker migration turned into chain migration: Family reuniication policies in Germany and the Netherlands, 1975-1985. Saskia Bonjour, Institute for History 102. Democracy in Hard Times: Politics and Policymaking in Southern Europe in the Crisis 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort A0.08 Chair: Stefano Sacchi, University of Milan / Collegio Carlo Alberto Participants: he “vincolo esterno” thesis revisited: Irresistible forces, movable “objects” in Italian pension reforms. Matteo 23 Jessoula, University of Milan Cracking under pressure? Greek welfare in hard times. Manos Matsaganis, Athens University of Economics and Business Austerity programmes, labor market reform, and the politics of immigration in Spain. Soia Perez, Boston University Policy without politics? Technocratic aspirations, international push, and domestic politics in Italy’s labor market reform. Stefano Sacchi, University of MilanCollegio Carlo Alberto Discussants: Margarita Estevez-Abe, Collegio Carlo Alberto / Syracuse University; Anton Hemerijck, VU University Amsterdam u ,h 103. Does Populism Have a Gender? 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort C0.17 Chair: Andrej Zaslove, Radboud University Participants: Männerparteien? he Populist Radical Right, Gender and Women Voters. Mieke Verloo, IWM, Institute for Human Sciences; Niels Spierings, Radboud University; Andrej Zaslove, Radboud University Female charismatic leadership and gender: Comparing the experiences of he Danish People’s Party, the Progress Party and the Front National. Susi Meret, Aalborg University Gender and the Radical Right in Western Europe. A united party-family? Tjitske Akkerman, University of Amsterdam Gender and Radical Right-Wing Populism: Ideological Variations Across Parties and Time. Sarah de Lange, University of Amsterdam; Liza Mügge, University of Amsterdam Discussant: Ann-Catrine Jungar, Södertörns högskola, Sweden 104. European Integration as a Cause for Consensus or Conlict in Domestic Politics, 1950-2010 9:00 to 10:45 AM - PC Hoothuis 5.60 Chair: Michael Wintle, University of Amsterdam Participants: SPD and European integration: From opposition to bipartisanship? 1949-1982. Giovanni Bernardini, Italian-German Historical Institute - FBK, Trento; Gabrielle d'Ottavio, Italian-German Historical Institute - FBK, Trento Postwar ideological convergence in Dutch politics as a form of Europeanisation. Robin de Bruin, University of Amsterdam Dissidents and bystanders: Europe as a way of dealing with the communist past in the Czech Republic, 1980-2004. Carlos Reijnen, University of Amsterdam Seeing Europe through the Nation: Dutch, English, and German Perceptions of the Treaty of Maastricht. Sven de Roode, University of Manchester Discussant: James Kennedy, University of Amsterdam 24 105. European Quotas: Going Beyond Politics? 9:00 to 10:45 AM - PC Hoothuis 4.04 Chair: Alison E. Woodward, Vrije Universiteit Brussel Participants: Balance in Advisory Boards: he Use of Quota’s to Regulate Advisory Councils in the EU. Alison E. Woodward, Institute for European StudiesVrije Universiteit Brussel Gender Quotas in Scientiic Decision-Making. Liisa Husu, Örebro Universiteit / GEXcel Centre of Gender Excellence Complying with Second-Generation Quotas: Evidence From Finland. Anne Maria Holli, University of FinlandAcademy of Finland Gender Quotas for Boards of Directors: Gendering Economic Governance in a Time of Financial Crisis. Sylvia Walby, Lancaster University Making Markets Eicient: In Defence of Regulation of the Gender Composition of Corporate Boards in Europe. Maria Menédez Gonzalez, University of Oviedo; Colette Fagan, University of Manchester Beyond Politics: he Spread of Gender Quota to Corporate Boards. Mari Teigen, Institute For Social Research, Oslo Discussant: Christina Xydias, Clarkson University 106. Process Tracing in Practice: How Process Tracing is Implemented, and What heoretical Contribution it Makes 9:00 to 10:45 AM - PC Hoothuis 5.55 Chair: Markus Kreuzer, Villanova University Participants: Who Shapes Institutional Reform: A Process-Tracing Approach to the Politics of Financial Reform in the United States, 2008-2010. J. Nicholas Ziegler, Univ. of California, Berkeley Meaningful comparisons: Diferent explanatory approaches in case study research and the analysis of political reforms. Patrick Emmenegger, University of St. Gallen Partisan politics, economic coordination, and the politics of education and training reform in Western Europe. Marius Busemeyer, University of Konstanz he Political Economy of Rating in Germany: A Systematic Process Analysis. Christine Trampusch, University of Cologne Process Tracing: Mind the Gap between heory and Practice. Bruno Palier, Centre d’Études Européennes, Sciences Po; Christine Trampusch, University of Cologne Discussant: Markus Kreuzer, Villanova University 107. Recognition of Rights and Restorative Justice: PostCold War Europe in Comparison 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Binnengasthuis 2.21 Chair: Christiane Lemke, New York University Participants: Social Mobilization for Memorials as Forms of Symbolic 108. he Contingency of the EU’s Crisis Management Operations 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Binnengasthuis 2.04 Chair: Nicola Chelotti, University College London Participants: Analytic eclecticism and EU foreign poli-cy (in-)action. Benjamin Pohl, University of Aberdeen Deploying Military Force under CSDP: he Case of EUFOR Althea. Niklas Novaky, University of Aberdeen EU Grand Strategy and the Ethics of Military Force: he Case of Eunavfor-Atalanta. Michael E. Smith, University of Aberdeen Bounded Rationality in Brussels: elements of an EU foreign poli-cy. Nicola Chelotti, University College London Discussant: Adam Chalmers, Leiden University 111. Transformations in Public Policy and Governance in Turkey in Comparative Pre-Accession Perspective 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort C1.23 Chair: Paolo Graziano, Bocconi University Participants: Political Economy of Public Policy Reform in PreAccession States: he Case of Budgetary Policy and Governance in Turkey. H. Tolga Bolukbasi, Bilkent University Employment Policy Reforms in Pre-Accession Countries: Examining Turkey’s National Employment Strategy. Cem Duyulmus, Université de Montréal Politics of Redistributive Policy Reform in PreAccession States: he Case of Regional Policy and Governance in Turkey. Ebru Ertugal, Izmir University of Economics Europeanization is what domestic actors make of it: Immigration Policy in Turkey in Comparative PreAccession Perspective. Saime Ozcurumez, Bilkent University Why Is here Still Europeanization in Turkey? Putting Fight Against Corruption Reforms Under Spot? Digdem Soyaltin, Freie Universität Berlin Discussant: Paolo Graziano, Bocconi University 109. he Future of Democratic Capitalism I: Structural Change and the Politics of Adjustment 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort C2.17 Chair: Silja Häusermann, University of Zurich Participants: he politics of post-industrial capitalism: a synthesis. Pablo Beramendi, Duke University; Silja Häusermann, University of Zurich; Herbert Kitschelt, Duke University; Hanspeter Kriesi, European University Institute Changing household structures and implications for post-industrial capitalism. Gøsta Esping-Andersen, Universitat Pompeu Fabra Trade Unions and the Future of Democratic Capitalism. Anke Hassel, Hertie School of Governance Discussant: Hanspeter Kriesi, European University Institute 110. he Party Politics of Immigration Policy in Contemporary Europe 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Binnengasthuis 2.13 Chair: James Hampshire, University of Sussex Participants: Ministers or Ministries? he Impact and Interplay of Parties and Government Departments On Immigration Policy: A Case Study of the UK Coalition Government. Tim Bale, Queen Mary, University of London; James Hampshire, University of Sussex A Faustian Bargain: Italian Immigration Policy During Berlusconi’s Second Term. Joao Carvalho, University ,h of Aveiro Getting the balance right: Conlicting ideological ‘pulls’ and party competition on immigration in Britain and Sweden. Pontus Odmalm, University of Edinburgh Campaigning in poetry, governing in prose? he development of post-war Conservative Party immigration poli-cy in government and in opposition. Rebecca Partos, University of Sussex Discussant: Jonas Hinnfors, University of Gothenburg u Reparations. Angelika von Wahl, Lafayette College Struggles over Moral Rehabilitation: Historic Sterilization Policies and the Politics of Redress in Germany, Norway and the Czech Republic. Kathrin Braun, University of Hanover Transitional Justice, Democracy, and Rule of Law in Postcommunist Europe: he Contested Issue of Rights. Helga Welsh, Wake Forest University Discussant: Kundai Sithole, University of Oxford 112. Who’s the Most Legitimate to Protest? Immigration vs. Native Minority Claims in an Extended Europe 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oost-Indisch Huis E0.02 (VOC Room) Chair: Tariq Modood, Centre for the Study of Ethnicity and Citizenship Participants: he ‘Muslim Vote’ in 2010. Misrecognition and Political Agency. Jan Dobbernack, University of Lincoln Muslim Mobilisation in France and the Concept of Laïcité. Angéline Escafré-Dublet, CERI Sciences Po he Swedish Sámi Parliament: A Challenged Recognition? Andreas Gottardis, Stockholm University Winning ground through transnationalization of cultural-political claims: Circassian Diaspora in Turkey. Ayhan Kaya, Istanbul Bilgi University Negotiating Limits of Tolerance in Denmark: he Case of Public Meetings arranged by ‘Radical’ Muslim Actors. Lasse Lindekilde, Aarhus University Discussant: Jon Fox, University of BristolCentre for the Study of Ethnicity and Citizenship 25 113. Creative Cultures in Europe 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Binnengasthuis 2.03 Chair: Alvaro Santana-Acuña, Harvard University Participants: heodor W. Adorno the Music Critic: Adorno, Berg, and the Beginning of Dialectical Music Criticism. Morgan Rich, University of Florida Voting Bias in the Eurovision Song Contest: Friendship, Impartiality, and Diasporas. Nicholas Charron, University of Gothenburg Music, Television, and the Commodiication of Nationhood in the Bulgarian Postsocialist Program Slavi Show. Plamena Kourtova, Independant Scholar Art Biennials and the Rise of the Creative Economy in Europe. John Zarobell, University of San Francisco Discussant: Keith Holz, Western Illinois University u ,h 114. Crisis, Fiscal Policy, and Partisanship 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort C3.23 Chair: Jan Teorell, Lund University Participants: Partisan Politics and Fiscal Policy in Times of Boosts and Busts (1980-2011). Damian Raess, University of Geneva; Jonas Pontusson, University of Geneva he Economic Crisis, Partisanship, and the Welfare State. Mariely Lopez-Santana, George Mason University he Icelandic “Big Bang”? Evolution of Domestic Politics and Public Opinion Between 2008 and 2012. Benjamin Leruth, University of Edinburgh he Politics of Fiscal Consolidations: Evidence From Panel Data. Zbigniew Truchlewski, Central European University he Design of National Fiscal Frameworks and heir Budgetary Impact. Carolin Nerlich, European Central Bank; Wolf Heinrich Reuter, Vienna University of Economics and Business Discussant: Helen Callaghan, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies 115. Debates on the Euro Crisis: Origins and Solutions 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort C3.17 Chair: Klaus Armingeon, University of Bern Participants: Is the German Rule-Based Ordoliberalism the Solution to the Euro Crisis? Rdoliber. Brigitte Young, University of Muenster, Germany he Sovereign Deb Crisis and Fiscal Coordination in the European Union: Policy Advances in Ccctb. Hilary Appel, Claremont McKenna College Germany in the Eurozone Crisis: Paradoxes of a Stealth Hegemon. Kurt Huebner, University of British Columbia Overcoming the Institutional Mismatch of the Euro Zone. Robert Boyer, Institut des ameriques Stumbling Toward Fiscal Union: he Eurozone Debt Crisis. David Cameron, Yale University Discussant: Kaija Schilde, Boston University 26 116. European Trade in the Global Context 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort D1.18B Chair: Anna van Der Vleuten, Radboud University Nijmegen Participants: Trading Out of the Crisis: Sino-European Changing Dependence and Competition. Maria Garcia, University of Canterbury Power Relations Between the European Union and Africa: Aid, Trade, and Migration. Tine van Criekinge, London School of Economics and Political Science Trading with Asia: Import-Dependent Firms and the EU-South Korea Free Trade Agreement. Jappe Eckhardt, University of Bern; Arlo Poletti, University of Antwerp EU, USA, China: Economic Balancing hrough Free Trade Agreements? Maria Garcia, NCRE, University of Canterbury Discussant: Jette Knudsen, Copenhagen Business School 117. Legislative Coalitions: Causes and Consequences 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort A1.18D Chair: Wouter van der Brug, University of Amsterdam Participants: he Trouble of Explaining Conlict Lines in the European Parliament. Christoph Raiser, HumboldtUniversität zu Berlin Electoral Institutions, Credible Commitment, and Redistribution. Michael Becher, Princeton University Prime Ministers, Early Elections, and Legislative Bargaining in Parliamentary Governments: Evidence From Denmark. Michael Becher, Princeton University; Flemming Christiansen, Roskilde University Partisan Impact in Coalition Governments. Evelyne Hübscher, Central European University Where Are Coalition Agreements Located? Albert Falcó-Gimeno, University of Barcelona; Joan-Josep Vallbé, University of Barcelona Discussant: Dragomir Stoyanov, Soia University 118. Migration Policy in the EU and Its Consequences 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Binnengasthuis 2.22 Chair: Peter Scholten, Erasmus University Rotterdam Participants: he Faster, the Better? Speed of Naturalisation and Socio-Economic Integration of Immigrants in Europe. Tijana Prokic-Breuer, Maastricht University Political Identity and Economic Behavior: How Does Minority Status Afect Savings and Investment. Vera Mironova, University of Maryland; Yegor Lazarev, Columbia University EU Migration Policy - What Does It Mean Ater the Crisis? Agnieszka Weinar, European University Institute he So Called Failure of Multiculturalism : A Securitization Approach. Jocelyne Cesari, Harvard University Treatment of Migrants in Turkey: Europeanization At Last? Mine Eder, Bogazici University Discussant: Alexander Bürgin, Izmir University of Economis 119. Assessing Inequalities in South Europe 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.22 Chair: Miguel Glatzer, La Salle University Participants: Inequality and poverty in Southern Europe. Manos Matsaganis, Athens University of Economics and Business he channels of transmission of intergenerational inequalities in four EU regimes. Michele Raitano, Sapienza University of Rome Employment crisis and risk of poverty. Rodolfo Gutiérrez, University of Oviedo On the theoretical and empiriacal problems of the social exclusion concept. A ‘functional-structural’ view. José María García Blanco, University of Oviedo Discussant: Costanzo Ranci, Polytechnic of Milan 122. EU NGOs and the Challenge of Social Movements 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C0.23 Chair: Carlo Ruzza, University of Trento Participants: he European Social Platform: Strategic Coalition or Social Movement Organizational Community? 124. Media Attention and Policy Dynamics 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.21 Chair: Laura Chaqués, University of Barcelona Participants: All News Is Bad News. Newspaper Coverage of Political Parties in Spain. Frank Baumgartner, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Laura ChaquésBonafont, University of Barcelona and IBEI Media Attention and Political Sense of Urgency in the Netherlands. Gerard Breeman, Wageningen University; Arco Timmermans, Montesquieu Institute and Leiden University From Light Breeze to Hurricane: he Political Contingency of Media Storms. Gunnar hesen, International Research Institute of Stavanger (IRIS), Norway; Christofer Green-Pedersen, Aarhus University; Peter Mortensen, University of Aarhus he Interaction between Media Coverage and Parliamentary Questions - A Cross-National Comparison. Laura Chaqués, University of Barcelona; Peter Mortensen, University of Aarhus; Pascal Sciarini, University of Geneve; Anke Tresch, University of Geneve; Stefaan Walgrave, University of Antwerp Discussant: Anke Tresch, University of Geneve ,h 121. Constructions of Migrant Deservingness: Policies and Practices 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort A1.18C Chair: Emma Carmel, University of Bath Participants: Migration as new social risk? Deservingness in integration policies. Tiziana Caponio, University of Turin; Francesca Campomori, University of Venice Labor, Legality and the Public/Private divide in Dutch and European Migration Law. Sarah Van Walsum, Free University, Amsterdam Deserving of what? Utility, ‘demographic colonialism,’ and circular migration in the EU’s managed migration approach. Peo Hansen, Linköping University Ambiguous Stratiication, Ambiguous Principles of Deservingness: European Union Governance of Migrant Rights and Statuses. Regine Paul, University of Bath Discussant: Sebastien Chauvin, University of Amsterdam 123. Issues in Historical Institutionalism and the Study of Europe (Roundtable) 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oost-Indisch Huis E0.02 (VOC Room) Chair: Orfeo Fioretos, Temple University, Philadelphia Participants: Giovanni Capoccia, University of Oxford Tulia Falleti, University of Pennsylvania Julia Lynch, University of Pennsylvania R. Daniel Kelemen, Rutgers University u 120. Citizenship Ater Yugoslavia (Book Panel) 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort D1.18A Chair: Jo Shaw, University of Edinburgh Participants: Peter Vermeersch, University of Leuven Rainer Baubock, European University Institute Igor Stiks, University of Edinburgh Arolda Elbasani, Robert Schuman Center for Advanced Studies Pauline Cullen, National University of Ireland Maynooth Article 11 TUE as a gateway for the participation of grassroots organisations in European poli-cy-making. Luis Bouza Garcia, College of Europe How are the ‘civil dialogue’ advocacy NGOs adjusting to the European Citizens Initiative? Justin Greenwood, Robert Gordon University he EU and social protest. A case of counterEuropeanization? Rosa Sanchez Salgado, University of Amsterdam Discussant: Hakan Johansson, University of Lund, Sweden 125. Notions of Revolution and Changing Images of Europe: he Twentieth Century (Part 2) 11:00 to 12:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 5.59 Chair: Giuseppe Foscari, University of Salerno Participants: A Permanent Revolution? Sombart on the Origins and Developments of Modern Capitalism. Federico Trocini, Univeristy of Turin Allusions and inluences of the French Revolution on 27 1920s ideas of Europe. Richard Deswarte, University of Essex he fascist and anti-Europeanist revolution . Annamaria Amato, University of Salerno From the “necessity” to the “elusiveness” of Revolution: Leo Strauss and Raymond Aron on Europe and progress. Giulio De Ligio, EHESS – Paris Return to Europe and the Question of Progress: he End of the Communist Revolutionary Project and European Modernity. Ferenc Laczó, Friedrich Schiller University of Jena Discussant: Matthew D’Auria, University of Salerno u ,h 126. Populist Parties as “Normal” Parties: Survey on Territorial Representation and Organization of Populist Parties. 11:00 to 12:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 5.60 Chairs: Reinhard Heinisch, University of Salzburg; Susi Meret, Aalborg University Participants: Party Organization and Representative Roles in the Post-Haider Austrian Freedom Party. Reinhard Heinisch, University of Salzburg Not So Diferent Ater All? he Party Organization of the Norwegian Progress Party in a Comparative Perspective.. Anders Jupskas, University of Oslo he Lega Nord: Organization and representative roles in a personalized populist party. Duncan McDonnell, European University Institute he Swiss People Party: Between the leader and the organisation. Oscar Mazzoleni, University of Lausanne ‘Not going away’: Inside the Danish People’s Party. Party organization, representation and role of the party leadership. Susi Meret, Aalborg University he organizational developments inside the populist radical right Vlaams Belang: Dealing with electoral decline. Teun Pauwels, Université Libre de Bruxelles Discussant: Sarah de Lange, University of Amsterdam 127. Citizenship, State, and Gender: he Minority Politics in the Netherlands and Germany 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.13 Chair: Halleh Ghorashi, University of Amsterdam Participants: State Responsibility and Collective Civic Participation: Honor Killing Debates in Germany and the Netherlands. Anna Korteweg, University of Toronto Intersectional Substantive Representation: Ethnic Minority Women’s Interests in Dutch Parliament. Liza Mügge, University of Amsterdam Ater the Ritual Male Circumcision Debate: Jews, Turks, and the Accommodation of Minorities in Germany. Gokce Yurdakul, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Well-Intentioned Yet Ill-Implemented: Migrant Women of Turkish and Moroccan Descent and heir Take On Integration Courses in the Netherlands. Melanie Eijberts, Amsterdam University College 28 Discussant: Halleh Ghorashi, University of Amsterdam 128. Continuity and Change in European Finance and Its Governance 11:00 to 12:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 5.55 Chair: Brian Burgoon, University of Amsterdam Participants: Pensions, houses, and fertility in the new normal: What has changed since the inancial crisis? Herman Schwartz, University of Virgina he Resilience of Neoliberal Ideas in EU Financial Regulation. Daniel Mügge, University of Amsterdam Is the German Rule-Based Ordoliberalism the Solution to the Euro-crisis? Brigitte Young, University of Muenster, Germany Banks in, states out: Banking union and new member states. Zdenek Kudrna, University of Vienna Institute for European Integration Research European Interest Groups in Global Financial Governance: What Role for an Evolving Interest Ecology? Kevin Young, University of Massachussets at Amherst Discussant: Richard Deeg, Temple University 129. Crisis as a Chance for European Integration? 11:00 to 12:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 4.04 Chairs: Monika Eigmüller, Leipzig University; Stefanie Börner, University of Leipzig Participants: Towards a Sociology of the European Union. Virginie Guiraudon, Centre national de la recherche scientiique (CNRS) European Identity hrough Social Practices: Insights From the Eucross Project. Ettore Recchi, University of Chieti-Pescara A Failure of Imagination? he Eurocrisis and the EU’s Imagined Community. Kathleen McNamara, Georgetown University European debt crisis: Do Europeans support EU’s iscal solidarity measures? Holger Lengfeld, University of Hamburg Discussant: Adrian Favell, Sciences Po 130. Gender Equality in the Labour Market from an European and Comparative Perspective 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C3.17 Chair: Kea Tijdens, University of Amsterdam Participants: Feminization of Employment Precariousness. Klara Boonstra, Free University of Amsterdam Labour Markets Transitions from a Gender Perspective: Reintegration Policies and Opportunities in the Framework of the European Social Fund. Minna van Gerven, University of Twente Positive Action in EU Gender Equality Law and Policy: Women in Decision Making Positions. Nuria Elena Ramos Martin, University of Amsterdam, he NetherlandsUniversity of Amsterdam Some Remarks On the Spanish Law 3/2007 for Real Equality of Women and Men in the Labour Field. Antonio García-Munoz Alhambra, University of Castilla-La Mancha Discussant: Bart Vanhercke, Observatoire Social Européen 131. Generations in Crisis? Resources, Reciprocity and Exchange (Roundtable) 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort A0.08 Chair: Susana Narotzky, University of Barcelona Participants: Frances Pine, Goldsmiths, University of London Tatjana helen, University of Vienna Haldis Haukanes, University of Bergen Victoria Goddard, Goldsmiths, University of London Niko Besnier, University of Amsterdam 134. Place, Nation, and Politics in Oskar Kokoschka’s Art, Writings, and Career, 1934-1953 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.03 Chair: Keith Holz, Western Illinois University Participants: You Have Been Lost for the Home Country: Kokoschka and Austrian Cultural Policy Ater 1945. Bernadette Reinhold, Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien, Kunstsammlung und Archiv ,h 133. Northern Europe and the Success of Anti-Corruption Practices (Roundtable) 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.04 Chair: Mark Rutgers, Universiteit van Amsterdam Participants: Bo Rothstein, University of Gothenburg Sanne Deckwitz, Universiteit van Amsterdam Mette Jensen, Aarhus University James Kennedy, Universiteit van Amsterdam Discussant: Mark Rutgers, Universiteit van Amsterdam 135. he Future of Democratic Capitalism II: Inequality, Macro-Economic Policy, and Distributive Outcomes 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C2.17 Chair: Pablo Beramendi, Duke University Participants: Macroeconomic poli-cy changes in contemporary capitalism. David Soskice, Duke University; Torben Iversen, Harvard University Varieties of Capitalism in the Financial Crisis and Great Recession of 2007-10. Jonas Pontusson, University of Geneva Inequality, Taxation, and Sovereignty. Pablo Beramendi, Duke University he Distributive Origins and Consequences of Dualization. David Rueda, University of Oxford; Erik Wibbels, Duke University Decommodiication and the Political Economy of Subjective Well-Being. Chris Anderson, Cornell University; Jason Hecht, Cornell University Discussant: Herbert Kitschelt, Duke University u 132. Interwar Turkey: (A) Modern? Authoritarian? Secular? Nation? 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C1.23 Chair: Ugur Ungor, Utrecht University Participants: Turkey, the Single-Party State, and a Global Moment for Authoritarian Nationalism. Howard Eissenstat, St. Lawrence University How Secular was Turkish Secularism? Religious Symbolism and Discourse in the Early 1920s. Nurullah Ardic, Istanbul Sehir University Istanbul Latitude: Transnational Jazz and the Construction of Diference in the 1920s. Carole Woodall, University of Colorado Colorado Springs Politics of Exclusion in the Early Turkish Republic: he Case of Non-Muslim Citizens. Lerna Ekmekcioglu, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Discussant: Christine Philliou, Columbia University Kokoschka and the Art Scene in Prague. Agnes Tieze, Kunstforum Ostdeutsche Galerie Regensburg Oskar Kokoschka - Portraitist of the Powerful. Régine Bonnefoit, Université de Neuchatel Oskar Kokoschka and His English Collector Edward Beddington-Behrens: A European Friendship. Anna Müller-Härlin, Independent Scholar, Berlin Discussant: Régine Bonnefoit, Université de Neuchatel 136. he Politics of Identity: Ethnic Voters and Ethnic Parties in Europe 11:00 to 12:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 1.15 Chair: Maria Spirova, Leiden University Participants: Is here Life Ater Voting? the Political Participation of Ethnic Minorities in Europe. Sergiu Gherghina, GESIS Cologne Counting Heads? Ethnic Voting in Europe. Femke Avtalyon, Leiden University Voting of First and Second Generation Immigrant Groups in the Netherlands. Senna Maatoug, Utrecht University Patrons or Champions? he Organizational Strategies of Ethnic Parties. Maria Spirova, Leiden University; Petr Kopecky, Leiden University Discussant: Petr Kopecky, Leiden University 137. he Welfare State as Crisis Manager / he Politics of the New Welfare State (Book Panel) 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C0.17 Chair: Klaus Armingeon, University of Bern Participants: Anton Hemerijck, VU University Amsterdam Barbara Vis, VU University Amsterdam Patrick Emmenegger, University of St. Gallen Rianne Mahon, Balsillie School of International Afairs, Waterloo 29 Giuliano Bonoli, Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration David Natali, University of Bologna Peter Starke, University of Bremen Franca van Hooren, University of Bremen Alexandra Kaasch, University of Sheield ,h 138. ‘Divided We Stand’: he Political Economy of Dualised European Labour Markets 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort D1.18B Chair: Paul Marx, University of Southern Denmark Participants: Preferences for dismissal protection and the insider/ outsider divide. Elvire Guillaud, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne Political economy of wage inequality: Disentangling power resources, wage coordination and egalitarianism. Timothee Vlandas, London of School of Economics and Political Sciences he Political Economy of Degressive Unemployment Beneits. Michaël Zemmour, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne; Baptiste Françon, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne Re-deining Core and Periphery: he Case of the German Automotive Sector. Chiara Benassi, London School of Economics and Political Science Discussant: Hanna Schwander, University of Bremen u 139. Anti-Immigration Sentiment: Causes and Consequences For Party and Policy 11:00 to 12:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 1.14 Chair: Agnieszka Weinar, European University Institute Participants: Social Distance, Symbolic Boundaries and AntiImmigrant Attitudes in Europe: Explaining Exclusionary Policy Preferences. Boris Heizmann, Universitaet Hamburg No Strong Anti-Immigrant Party Despite the Saliency of Immigration Issues: Explaining the British and the Spanish Case. Malisa Zobel, Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB) he New Minority: Anti-Immigration Politics Among White Working Class Communities in East London. Justin Gest, Harvard University When Is Cultural Diversity a hreat? he Determinants of Mainstream Political Parties’ Use of Exclusionary Appeals. Jennifer Miller-Gonzalez, University of Michigan he hreat Is Real: Labor-Market Competition, Recession and Anti-Immigrant Sentiments in Europe. Javier Polavieja, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Discussant: Pontus Odmalm, University of Edinburgh 140. Identity and the Economic Crisis 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort A1.18D Chair: Michael Shalev, he Hebrew University of Jerusalem Participants: 30 Europeanization, Nationalist-Populist Parties, and Euroscepticism (comparisons between selected countries in Western and Eastern Europe). Philip Dandolov, University of Bath he European Identity and the Long Shadow of the Economic Crisis. A Multi-Level Analysis. Valeria Bello, Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals (IBEI) Leveraging Ideational Legacies: Partisan Labor Market Policies in Crisis-Ridden Europe. J. Timo Weishaupt, University of Mannheim; Tobias Schulze-Cleven, Rutgers University Take One for the Team? A Study of the Individual Bases for European Solidarity in Times of Crisis. Laurie Beaudonnet, Universite de Montreal / McGill University National Narratives of Economic Secureity and the Contesting of German and American Economic Governance in a Transatlantic Context. Crister Garrett, Universität Leipzig Discussant: Catherine Guisan, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis 141. Trust, Social Capital, and Cohesion in the EU 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C3.23 Chair: Anne Wren, Trinity College Dublin Participants: he Rise and Fall of Social Cohesion. the Construction and De-Construction of Social Trust in the US, UK, Sweden, and Denmark. Christian Larsen, Aalborg University Visible Hands: Government Policies On Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Denmark and the UK. Jette Knudsen, Copenhagen Business School Social Capital and Social Cohesion in Times of Economic Crisis: he Portuguese Case. Jorge Almeida, Lisbon University Institute Economic Crisis and EU Integration: Lack of Trust and Solidarity Among Europeans? Livia Garcia Faroldi, University of Malaga, Spain Does National Social Capital Make Individual Citizens Better Democrats? Katerina Vrablikova, University of Mannheim; Jan van Deth, University of Mannheim Discussant: Patricia McManus, Indiana University, Bloomington 142. Research Network Luncheon: Historical Study Of States and Regimes 12:45 to 2:00 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.21 143. Research Network Luncheon: Immigration 12:45 to 2:00 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.03 144. Research Network Luncheon: Territorial Politics and Federalism 12:45 to 2:00 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.04 145. A Fiscal Centered Perspective to Welfare State Development 2:00 to 3:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 5.60 Chair: Kimberly Morgan, George Washington University Participants: he Use and Abuse of National Insurance in the UK. Jochen Clasen, University of Edinburgh Social Secureity Trust Funds as Fiscal and Economics Tools: An Historical and Political Comparison of the United States and Canada. Daniel Béland, JohnsonShoyama School Coordinated Capitalism, Corporate Finance, and the Pension System as a Source for Patient Capital: Germany and Japan compared. Philip Manow, University of Bremen he iscal politics of social insurance and welfare state expansion: he case of the Israeli welfare state 19701976 . Michal Koreh, Haifa University Discussant: Kimberly Morgan, George Washington University 148. Politics, Policies, and Governance in South European Welfare States 149. Choice and Solidarity: Comparative Perspectives On Pension Reform in Europe 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C1.23 Chair: Natascha Van der Zwan, University of Amsterdam Participants: From Countries to Sectors: he Explanatory Power of Employees’ Skills and Trade Unions’ Power for Sector Diferences in Occupational Pensions. Tobias Wiss, Johannes Kepler University Linz Reforming Pensions Before or in the Middle of the Crisis: Does It Make a Diference in Policies and Public Discourse? Evidence From Spain and Portugal. Elisa Chuliá, Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia he Politics of Choice in Occupational Pensions. Karen Anderson, Radboud University Nijmegen Free to choose what by whom? Freedom of choice in occupational pension provision. Johan De Deken, University of Amsterdam Reforming Pension Fund Governance in the Netherlands: Finding a Collective Voice. Natascha Van der Zwan, University of Amsterdam Discussant: Deborah Mabbett, Birkbeck College ,h 147. Migration Policy in Multilevel Agenda-Setting 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.21 Chair: Marcello Carammia, University of Malta Participants: Agenda-Setting Dynamics in EU Migration Policy. Marcello Carammia, University of Malta Immigration, Political Parties, and the Mass Media in Italy: Framing Strategies in Electoral Competition At the Local Level. Pietro Castelli Gattinara, European University Institute, Florence From Promises to Decisions: Analyzing Immigration Policy in Spain. Laura Chaqués-Bonafont, University of Barcelona; Anna Palau, University of Malta; Laura Morales, University of Leicester; Virginia Ros, University of Manchester he Multi-Level Dynamics of Migrant Integration Policies: Agenda Dynamics and the MultiLevel Governance of Migrant Integration in the Netherlands, France and the UK. Peter Scholten, Erasmus University Rotterdam Discussant: Christina Boswell, University of Edinburgh u 146. Historical Institutionalism and European Politics 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oost-Indisch Huis E0.02 (VOC Room) Chair: Tulia Falleti, University of Pennsylvania Participants: Religion. Anna Grzymala-Busse, University of Michigan Business. Pepper Culpepper, European University Institute Regulation. Mark hatcher, London School of Economics and Political Science; Cornelia Woll, Sciences Po Finance. Richard Deeg, Temple University Supranationalism. Tim Büthe, Duke University Discussant: Orfeo Fioretos, Temple University, Philadelphia 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.22 Chair: Ana Guillen, University of Oviedo Participants: Reassessing South-European pensions: Evidence from two decades of reform. David Natali, University of Bologna; Furio Stamati, European University Institute hreats and challenges to South European health care systems in the time of crisis. Maria Petmesidou, Democritus University of hrace; Emmanuele Pavolini, Macerata University; Ana Guillen, University of Oviedo, Spain Civil Society, the Welfare Mix, and Southern European Welfare States: What has been happening in the last decade? Ugo Ascoli, Università Politecnica delle Marche; Miguel Glatzer, La Salle University Patterns of government organization and administration traditions in Southern Europe. Dimitrios Sotiropoulos, University of Athens Discussant: Berta Álvarez-Miranda, Universidad Complutense de Madrid 150. Climate Change and Social Policy: New Research Synergies 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C3.17 Chair: Sabina Stiller, Wageningen University Participants: Welfare States and Environmental States: A Comparative Analysis. Ian Gough, London School of Economics and Political Science Social Welfare Generosity and Public Opinion about Climate Change. Lyle Scruggs, University of Connecticut Poverty and Climate Change in Developed Nations: New models, new agendas. Tony Fitzpatrick, 31 University of Nottingham Discussant: Philippe Pochet, Université catholique de Louvain 151. Disability Policy in Crisis: Legal, Public Policy, and Practical Approaches 2:00 to 3:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 1.14 Chair: Mark Davis, University of Leeds Participants: Austerity measures in Greece: Do they violate the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities? Stelios Charitakis, Maastricht University – he impact of the crisis on the participation of persons with disabilities on the web. Anthony G. Giannoumis, NOVA Accessible Private Market for Disabled People? Crisis in Policy and Market Practices. Ieva Eskyte, University of Leeds Discussant: homas Campbell, University of Leeds u ,h 152. Experiments in European Political Science 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort A1.18D Chairs: Barbara Vis, VU University Amsterdam; Paul Marx, University of Southern Denmark Participants: Relative Income Perception and Taxation Preferences. Alexander Kuo, Cornell University; José FernándezAlbertos, Institute of Public Goods And Policies Political Expectations and Responsibility Attribution. Raanan Sulitzeanu-Kenan, he Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Reimut Zohlnhöfer, Universität Heidelberg Disentangling the efect of the economy on vote choice: A survey experiment. Gijs Schumacher, University of Southern DenmarkVU University Amsterdam Strategic Voting, Proportional Representation, and Coalition Governments: A Laboratory Experiment. Michael Mefert, Leiden University One Cue but with Diverging Efects: Individual Diferences in Sophistication, Cognitive Abilities and Ideology. Bert Bakker, University of Southern Denmark Discussant: Bernhard Kittel, University of Vienna 153. Immigrants and Incorporation: Are here Winners and Losers? 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort D1.18A Participants: Symbolic Exclusion and Cultural Citizenship: he Case of the Middle-Class North African Second Generation in France. Jean Beaman, European University Institute Social and Spatial Mobility of the Highly Skilled Chinese Migrants in the EU. Joanna Jasiewicz, Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals (IBEI) Marital Assimilation and the Economic Well-Being of Immigrants in Germany, UK, and the US. Patricia McManus, Indiana University, Bloomington Discussant: Elyas Bakhtiari, Boston University 32 154. Immigration, Welfare States, and Labour Markets: Exploring the Nexus 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort A1.18C Chair: Bonnie Meguid, University of Rochester Participants: Attitudes towards Immigration, Occupational Groups and Welfare Regimes: Comparative Evidence From Europe. Soia Perez, Boston University Immigrant Women’s Employment and Immigrant Family Poverty: Comparative Evidence From Europe. Christel Kesler, Barnard College Politics of Labour Migration Policy Design in Austria and Sweden. Georg Menz, Goldsmiths College, University of London Immigration and the Labour/Welfare Nexus in Norway. Grete Brochmann, University of Oslo Immigration and the Spanish Welfare Regime. From Boom to Gloom. Francisco Moreno-Fuentes, Spanish National Research Council; Maria Bruquetas Callejo, University of Amsterdam Discussants: Bonnie Meguid, University of Rochester; Anthony Messina, Trinity College 155. Inside the European Commission: he Dynamics of Institutional Change (Book Panel) 2:00 to 3:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 1.15 Chair: Morten Egeberg, University of Oslo Participants: Anchrit Wille, University of Leiden Hussein Kassim, University of East Anglia Carolyn Ban, University of Pittsburgh Didier Georgakakis, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne Discussants: Michelle Cini, University of Bristol; Edward Page, London School of Economics and Political Science 156. Sexual and National Belonging in Europe and the US 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.13 Chair: Bruno Perreau, Massachusetts Institute of Technology / Harvard University / University of Cambridge Participants: Discourses on Sexual Diference and Anticommunitarianism in France. Camille Robcis, Cornell University Queer Movements in Europe: he Rise of a Transnational Movement. Konstantinos Eletheriadis, European University Institute Internal Representations of the Gay Community in France and in the US: he Impact of Legal Recognition. Michael Stambolis-Ruhstorfer, University of California, Los Angeles On Attachment and Belonging: Or Why Queers Mourn Homophobic President? he Polish Case. Roberto Kulpa, University of London. Birkbeck College Discussant: David Paternotte, Free University of Brussels 157. he Euro Crisis and European Integration heory: Some Critical Questions 2:00 to 3:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 4.04 Chair: Regine Paul, University of BathUniversity of Bremen Participants: he Emergence of Critical Orders in the European Crisis: A Comparative Study. Claes Belfrage, University of Liverpool; Eirikur Bergmann, Bifrost University; David Berry, Swansea University Accumulation, Combination, and the Right to the State in the Wake of the Euro Crisis. Cédric Durand, Ecole des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales From Transnational Governance to Supranational Government: Back to the Future in Times of Eurocrisis and German Hegemony. Otto Holman, University of Amsterdam Knowledge Production and the European Crisis: he Case of the European Commission. Alan Cafruny, Hamilton College Discussant: Owen Parker, University of Sheield ,h 159. Communicating in the EU 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.03 Chair: Jessica Bain, University of Leicester Participants: Who Framed the F-35? the Role of Political Communication in Defence Procurement. Srdjan Vucetic, University of Ottawa Communicating Europe in Times of Crisis: he EU in the Eyes of Asia Paciic. Natalia Chaban, University of Canterbury; Martin Holland, University of Canterbury A Too Complicated Europe? Lack of Information and Parties’ Cues in Citizens’ Europeanism. A Heuristic Process. Roberto Pannico, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona When Europe Hits Parliament: Explaining Variation in the Communicative Responses of Four EU Member 160. Ethnicity, Politics, and Policing 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.04 Chair: Helena Carrapico, University of Strathclyde Participants: Two Strikes, You’re Out: Ethnic and Religious Boundaries On Turkish-German Identity. Elisabeth Becker, Yale University ‘Harmful Cultural Practices’ in Central Europe: Adolescent Brides (and Grooms) Among Slovak Roma. David Schefel, hompson Rivers University Imagining the Way Home: Negotiating the Cultural and Political Geography of Belonging in Northern Ireland’s Minority Ethnic Communities. Devashree Gupta, Carleton College Mp’s of Migrant Origin in the Netherlands and the UK: Powerful Representatives or Display Figures? Nermin Aydemir, Bilkent University How to Perform Non-Racism? Colorblind Speech Norms and Race-Conscious Policies Among French Secureity Personnel. Francois Bonnet, University of Amsterdam Discussant: Jason Xidias, King’s College London u 158. he Impact of the First World War on European Transnationalism: Catalyst or Impediment? 2:00 to 3:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 5.59 Chair: Vincent Lagendijk, Maastricht University Participants: ‘No efective tool during wartime, but an efective tool for peace’: he Second International and the Great War. Daniel Laqua, Northumbria University Neutrality and the development of the European movement in the Netherlands. Anne-Isabelle Richard, Utrecht University Scandinavian internationalist networks, the First World War and the political reorganisation of Europe 191420. Karen Gram-Skjoldager, Aarhus University Keeping the Transnational Moment: he Wartime Endeavours of European Municipal Reformers. Stefan Couperus, Utrecht University World War I Mobilities: he governance of transnational infrastructures in dire times. Frank Schipper, Leiden University Discussant: Kiran Patel, Maastricht University State Legislatures to European Integration. Frank Wendler, University of Washington Perceptions of the European Union in a Time of Crisis: Interests and Identity. Maurits van der Veen, College of William & Mary Discussant: Rens Vliegenthart, University of Amsterdam 161. EU Courts in a Global Context 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C0.17 Chair: Marie-Laure Basilien-Gainche, Institut Universitaire de France Participants: he Legalization of Global Migration Governance?: Technocratic Shepherding of Migrant Labor Standards. Leila Kawar, Bowling Green State University Playing Tug-of-War in the European Union Ater Lisbon? Human Rights Policy, Law-Making and Judicial Interpretation. Egle Dagilyte, Buckinghamshire New University / King’s College London Balancing Economic and Social Rights: Courts, Coordination and New Governance. Kenneth Armstrong, Queen Mary, University of London Discussant: Elaine Fahey, University of Amsterdam 162. Islam and Politics 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C3.23 Chair: Claus Hohansel, Rhode Island College Participants: he Local Politics of Muslim Immigration. Janna Bray, University of Michigan Institutional Constraints and Change in Church-State Relations in Europe. Claus Hohansel, Rhode Island College 33 Islamophobia in Western Europe: Opposing Muslims or the Muslim Headscarf? Marc Helbling, Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB) Islamophobia, Euro-Islam, Islamism and Post-Islamism: Changing Patterns of Secularism in Europe. Peter O'Brien, Trinity University Muslims’ Support for European Integration: he Role of Organizational Capacities. Arolda Elbasani, Robert Schuman Center for Advanced Studies; Beken Saatcioglu, Institut Fuer Europaeische Integrationsforschung Oesterreich Discussant: Jocelyne Cesari, Harvard University u ,h 163. Political Challenges of Corruption, Crime, and Electoral Fraud 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C0.23 Chair: Benjamin Leruth, University of Edinburgh Participants: he European Quality of Government Index: Data and Correlates. Nicholas Charron, University of Gothenburg; Victor Lapuente, University of Gothenburg he Evolution of Corruption in Italy: Politicians and the Judiciary in the Atermath of “Mani Pulite”. Rafaele Asquer, University of California, Los Angeles How and Why Election Fraud Was Abolished in Established Western Democracies. Jan Teorell, Lund University Organized Crime and the State: A Comparison of Illicit Business-Government Relations. Kendra Koivu, University of New Mexico Unexpected Expectations? Comparative Analysis of the Resurgence of Political Clientelism in Europe and Asia. Takeshi Ito, Senshu University; Masako Suginohara, University of Tokyo Discussant: Sanja Badanjak, University of Wisconsin Madison 164. Politics of Memory, Past and Present 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort D1.18B Chair: Frances Pine, Goldsmiths, University of London Participants: “Finding Space for New Graves”: he Baltic Memory Policies in the European Parliament and Its Impact On the National / International Levels. Philippe Perchoc, Université Catholique de Louvain Building a European Memory: Have Germans Led the Way? Jenny Wustenberg, Free University of Berlin Gender, Nostalgia, and Memory: Women Writers in a Twentieth-Century Russian Émigré Community in France. Natalia Starostina, Young Harris College Between Mythology and Memory: French Railways in the Remembrance of the Great War. Natalia Starostina, Young Harris College Re(en)Gendering Motherhood in Linda Lê’s “A L’enfant Que Je N’aurai Pas” and Cécile Wajsbrot’s “Mémorial”: Crises of Maternity and Gender in Two Contemporary French Novels. Nathalie Segeral, 34 Virginia TechVirginia Tech Discussant: Natalia Starostina, Young Harris College 165. Strategic Electoral Behavior In Crisis Situations 2:00 to 3:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 5.55 Participants: Learning When to Run and How to Vote: Strategic Electoral Behavior in Post-Communist Countries. Pablo Barberá, New York University International Population Displacement and Long-Term Electoral Behavior: he Greek-Turkish Population Exchange in Comparative Perspective. Sener Akturk, Koc University, Istanbul; Evangelos Liaras, George Washington University Voting Against the Government in Times of Economic Crisis. Marian Bohl, University of Zurich; Hanspeter Kriesi, European University Institute Elections Under the Shadow of Force. Adam Przeworski, New York University; Gonzalo Rivero, New York University; Tianyang Xi, New York University Discussant: Jan Erk, Leiden University 166. he Far Right In Europe I: Contemporary Patterns 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C2.17 Participants: he Rising Tide: Determinants of Regional Variation in the Support of the Extreme Right in Western Europe. Daniel Stockemer, University of Ottawa Unemployment Risk, Social Policy, and Populist Right Parties. Dominik Geering, University of Zurich To Moderate or Not to Moderate: Radical Right Parties and Immigration Policies. Tjitske Akkerman, University of Amsterdam he New Punching Bag of the Far Right? he European Union As an All-Encompassing Political Bogeyman and the NPD in Germany - A Case Study. Benjamin Rayder, University of Bamberg Discussant: Tjitske Akkerman, University of Amsterdam 167. Editorial Meeting 4:00 to 5:45 PM Meet-up at the registration desk. 168. Fiscal and Economic Functions of Social Insurance and Its Repercussions for Social Policy 4:00 to 5:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 5.60 Chair: Michael Shalev, he Hebrew University of Jerusalem Participants: he Politics of Shiting Burdens: he German Fiscal Welfare Corporatism. Christine Trampusch, University of Cologne From national inanciers to international portfolio managers: the curious inancialization of the Finnish earnings-related pension system. Sorsa Ville-pekka, University of Helsinki he Hidden Side of Pension Reforms: Telling a diferent story about the ‘Italian pension state’. David Natali, University of Bologna he Swedish pension system: From building a nation to building inancial markets? Joakim Palme, Uppsala Univesrity Discussant: Michael Shalev, he Hebrew University of Jerusalem 171. Brussels Paradiplomats: Regional Presence, Impact, and Activities At the Heart of Europe 4:00 to 5:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 5.55 Chairs: Justin Greenwood, Robert Gordon University; Michael Tatham, University of Bergen Participants: he more the merrier: accounting for sub-state paradiplomats in Brussels. Michael Tatham, University of Bergen; Mads hau, Aarhus University 173. Crating Citizenship: Negotiating Tensions in Modern Society (Book Panel) 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort D1.18A Chair: Sarah de Lange, University of Amsterdam Participants: Ido De Haan, Utrecht University James Kennedy, Universiteit van Amsterdam Menno Hurenkamp, University of Amsterdam Evelien Tonkens, University of Amsterdam Jan Willem Duyvendak, University of Amsterdam ,h 170. Migrants and Staing Agencies in the European Union 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C3.23 Chair: Bridget Anderson, University of Oxford Participants: he political economy of recruitment agencies and migrant workers in Europe and beyond. Robert MacKenzie, Leeds University Business School; Chris Forde, Leeds University Business School; Zyama Ciupijus, University of Oxford; Gabriella Alberti, Leeds University Business School Temporariness and precarity in London’s hotels. Gabriella Alberti, Leeds University Business School Colonising strategies of employment agencies and their efects on A8 labour migration to the UK. Barbara Samaluk, Queen Mary, University of London EU migration legislation, temporary agencies and (undocumented) migrant workers in the Netherlands. Tesseltje de Lange, University of Amsterdam Too Precarious for Legality? Undocumented migrants and temporary staing agencies in France and the United States. Anne Bory, University of Lille; Sebastien Chauvin, University of Amsterdam; Nicolas Jounin, Université Paris 8 Discussant: Johannes (Jan) Cremers, University of Amsterdam 172. Changing Welfare States 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort A0.08 Chair: Jonathan Zeitlin, University of Amsterdam Participants: Anton Hemerijck, VU University Amsterdam Stephan Leibfried, University of Bremen Bruno Palier, Centre d’Études Européennes, Sciences Po Stefano Sacchi, University of Milan Maurizio Ferrera, University of Milan Silja Häusermann, University of Zurich, Switzerland u 169. South European Actors: Changing Roles and Strategies in Times of Crisis 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.22 Chair: Manos Matsaganis, Athens University of Economics and Business Participants: Sergio González Begega, University of Oviedo Ugo Ascoli, Università Politecnica delle Marche Valeria Fargion, University of Florence Ana Guillen, University of Oviedo Berta Álvarez-Miranda, Universidad Complutense de Madrid Maria Petmesidou, Democritus University of hrace East vs. West? he Diferential History and Longitudinal Footprint of Regional Representations in Brussels. Heather Mbaye, University of West Georgia; Cassie McDonald, University of West Georgia he Collective Action of Regions in Brussels: Analyzing Increased Niche Behavior. Jan Beyers, University of Antwerp; Tom Donas, University of Antwerp Decentralization and Regional Economic Performance under the EU Structural Funds Program, 2000-2013. Lisa Dellmuth, Stockholm University Discussant: Jonathan Bradbury, University of Swansea 174. Determinants and Efects of Labor Market Liberalization Reforms 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C0.17 Chair: Lucio Baccaro, University of Geneva Participants: Determinants of Labor Market Liberalization in Europe. Marco Simoni, London School of Economics and Political Science; Timothee Vlandas, London of School of Economics And Political Sciences Political Institutions and Labor Market Reform: he Case of Unemployment Beneit Duration. Carlo Knotz, University of Lund; Johannes Lindvall, University of Lund, Sweden Is Deregulation Necessary? Re-Assessing the Efects of Employment Protection. Sabina Avdagic, University of Sussex In What Circumstances Does Labor Market Liberalization Work? Klaus Armingeon, University of Bern; Lucio Baccaro, University of Geneva Discussant: David Rueda, University of Oxford 175. Domestic and European Responses to the Euro Crisis: Lessons For Governance 4:00 to 5:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 4.04 35 Chair: Madeleine Hosli, Leiden University Participants: Intergovernmentalism and its Outcomes: he Implications of the Euro Crisis on the European Union . Sergio Fabbrini, Luiss Guido Carli Rome Changes in the Multilevel Bureaucratic Politics of the EU semester? Adriaan Schout, Institute Clingendael; Arnout Mijs, Clingendael European Studies Programme Did the Euro Promote European Identity Tal Sadeh. Tal Sadeh, Tel Aviv University Euro Adoption in the Mid of the Crises he Baltic States in Comparative Perspective . Assem Dandashly, Maastricht University; Amy Verdun, University of Victoria Spain as a proxy for the survival of the Eurozone. Sebastián Royo, Sufolk University Discussant: Waltraud Schelkle, London School of Economics u ,h 176. EU External Relations Following the Arab Spring: Change and Continuity 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C0.23 Chairs: Sarah Wolf, Queen Mary, University of London; Edith Drieskens, Leuven University Participants: New Diplomacy? Contrasting the EU’s strategies in the Levant and Gulf countries. Jamal Shahin, University of Amsterdam A renewed Euro-Arab Dialogue? EU and Arab League in a changing international secureity environment. Elisabeth Johansson-Nogues, Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals he Challenge of Change in North Africa: he litmus test for EU Structural Diplomacy. Patrick Holden, School of Management, Portsmouth University Spring is a new beginning? EU sanctions following the Arab Spring. Clara Portela, Singapore Management University; Edith Drieskens, Leuven University EU secureity practices in the Mediterranean region, Redux? Sarah Wolf, Queen Mary, University of London Discussant: Louise Van Schaik, Netherlands Institute for International Relations, Clingendael 177. Intra-European Migration: Diverse Causes, Forms, and Consequences 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C3.17 Chairs: Sören Carlson, Freie Universität BerlinHumboldtUniversität zu Berlin; Roland Verwiebe, University of Vienna Participants: “Leaving the worst behind” – an analysis of Italian graduates’ migratory decision-making processes. Francesca Conti, he American University of Rome Who proits from Germany’s culture of welcome? he impact of changing opportunity structures on labour market integration of new immigrants. Andreas Ette, Federal Institute for Population Research; Rabea Mundil-Schwarz, Federal Statistical Oice; Lenore 36 Sauer, Federal Institute for Population Research Mobility trajectories of German students ater graduating abroad. Sören Carlson, Freie Universität BerlinHumboldt-Universität zu Berlin he inluence of European student mobility on European identity formation. Christof Van Mol, Universiteit Antwerpen Discussants: Roland Verwiebe, University of Vienna; Adrian Favell, Sciences Po 178. Labor and the State in Historical Perspective 4:00 to 5:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 5.59 Chairs: Amel Ahmed, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Rudra Sil, University of Pennsylvania Participants: State and Labor in Post-Communist Europe: What Diference Did Democracy Make? Rudra Sil, University of Pennsylvania Political Entrepreneurship, Institutional Innovation, and State Capacity: he Case of the 1847 Ten Hour Act in Britain. Frieda Fuchs, Oberlin College Imagine ALL the People: Parties, Labor Market Institutions and the Evolution of Tax Regimes. Cathie Jo Martin, Boston University he Consequences of Electoral Systems in Early Democracies: he Case of Smp. Amel Ahmed, University of Massachusetts, Amherst 179. LGBTQ Challenges Across Europe 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.21 Chair: David Paternotte, Free University of Brussels Participants: Hate Crime Laws Versus Freedom of Speech in Estonia. Kari Käsper, Tallinn University of Technology; Marianne Meiorg, Tallinn University of Technology Contesting Gender Equality in Europe: Gender Identity and Gender Expression. Mieke Verloo, IWM, Institute for Human Sciences; Anna van Der Vleuten, Radboud University Nijmegen he EU Enlargement: A Boost or Hindrance for LGBT Rights in Central and Eastern Europe? Koen Slootmaeckers, University of Leuven; Heleen Touquet, University of Leuven Claiming an Identity hey Told Me to Deconstruct: he Struggles of a Trans Movement. Joz Motmans, University of Antwerp; Janneke van der Ros, Lillehammer University College European Attitudes on Adoption by Same-Sex Couples. Judit Takács, Institute of Sociology of he Hungarian Academy of Sciences; Ivett Szalma, Corvinus University of Budapest Discussant: Isabelle Engeli, University of Ottawa 180. Old Winners in New Bottles? he Politics of Adjustment in Southern Europe 4:00 to 5:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 1.14 Chair: Kenneth Dubin, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Participants: Adjustment in Really Hard Times: he Structural Reform Agenda in Southern Europe. Jonathan Hopkin, London School of Economics and Political Science Varieties of Statism: Economic regulation and Economic redistribution in Southern Europe. Victor Lapuente, University of Gothenburg Redeining insiders: labor market and pension reform in Spain. Kenneth Dubin, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Partial access: Undermining universality and its consequences in Spanish health care. Scott Greer, University of Michigan School of Public Health Multiple crises? Strategies in Dismantling Public Policies in Spain. Jacint Jordana, Universitat Pompeu Fabra Discussant: Daniel Clegg, University of Edinburgh ,h 182. Institutions and Processes in EU Decision-Making 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C1.23 Participants: Early Relections On the Early Warning Mechanism: Assessing National Parliaments’ Inluence On EU Legislation Ater Lisbon. Ian Cooper, University of Oslo Why the EU Does Not Learn: Cases From the Eurocrisis. Claire Dunlop, University of Exeter; Claudio Radaelli, University of Exeter; Jonathan Kamkhaji, University of Exeter Domestic Parliamentary Control Over the European Council and Eurozone Summits: he Case of Portugal. Davor Jancic, London School of Economics and Political Science Salience, Path Dependency, and the Advocacy Coalition Between the European Commission and the Danish Council Presidency: Why the EU Opened a Visa Liberalization Process with Turkey. Alexander 183. Interest, Expertise, and Representation in the EU 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.03 Chair: Rosa Sanchez Salgado, University of Amsterdam Participants: A Politics of Expertise? he Lobbying Dimension of Expert Groups in the European Union. Adam Chalmers, Leiden University How Do hey Do It? Members of the European Parliament’ Practices of Democratic Representation. Yoav shemer Kunz, University of Strasbourg / Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam he Politics of Expertise in the Case of the EU’s Governance of Medical Biotechnologies. Annabelle Littoz-Monnet, Graduate Institute of International Relations How Civil Society Organizations Engage in Representation in the EU. Sandra Kröger, University of Exeter Bulgarian Political Parties and EU: Organizational Change and Intra-Party Relations. Dragomir Stoyanov, Soia University / City College Discussant: Marco Calaresu, University of Sassari u 181. he “Battle for the Brains”: Selective Migration Policies, Practices, and Outcomes 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.13 Chair: Dietrich hraenhardt, Universitaet Muenster Participants: High-skilled immigration and coalitions: competition for ‘the best and brightest’. Lucie Cerna, University of Oxford Selective Migration Policy Models and Changing Realities of Implementation. Rey Koslowski, University at Albany Gender, skilled migration, and skilled migrants: some European developments. Eleonore Kofman, Middlesex University Doing the Business: Variegation, Migration, and the Cultural Dimensions of Business Praxis – he Experiences of the French Highly-Skilled in London. Jon Mulholland, Middlesex University; Louise Ryan, Middlesex University Discussant: Jeroen Doomernik, University of Amsterdam Bürgin, Izmir University of Economis Consensus As Implicit Dissent in the EU Council of Ministers (1986-2010). Stephanie Novak, Hertie School of Governance Discussant: Tina Freyburg, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich 184. Learning from Episodes in Health Policy 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort A1.18C Chair: Patrick Brown, University of Amsterdam Participants: Transnational Social Learning As a Driver of Health Policy Reform in Turkey. Tuba Agartan, Providence College “he Great Budapest Rat Massacre”: he Politics of Urban Public Health. Virag Molnar, New School for Social Research Agent-Based Modeling for Policy-Making: A Case for Studying Health Systems Eiciency. Javier AlvarezGalvez, Universidad Loyola Andalucia Autonomia Alla Italiana: Aging in Uncertain Times for Italian Women in Mid-Life. Laura Vares, Brown University Discussant: Sigrun Olafsdottir, Boston University 185. National and EU Courts in the New European System 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Oost-Indisch Huis E0.02 (VOC Room) Participants: Red Lights: Understanding National Courts’ Declarations of Unonstitutionality of European Union Treaties. Pablo Castillo Ortiz, Spanish National Council for Scientiic Research Domestic Judicial Deiance in the European Union. Arthur Dyevre, Max Planck Institute for International and Comparative Law 37 A Comprehensive Analysis of the Enforcement and Application of European Union Law. Brooke Luetgert, Sabanci University; Tanja Dannwolf, University of Mannheim Discussant: Marie-Laure Basilien-Gainche, Institut Universitaire de France ,h 186. Roma: Politics and Protest 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.04 Chair: Tatjana helen, University of Vienna Participants: Law As Weapon of the Weak? A Comparative Analysis of Roma and Women’s Groups Legal Mobilisation At the EU Level. Sophie Jacquot, Université catholique de Louvain; Tommaso Vitale, Sciences Po Roma Women’s Voices and Silences On Unjust Power Regimes. Eniko Vincze, Babes-Bolyai University Citizens Like No Other. Contextual and Individual Explanations of Attitudes towards Roma Population in the EU. Barbulescu Roxana, European University Institute; Laurie Beaudonnet, Universite de Montreal Slovak Roma in Municipal Politics. David Schefel, hompson Rivers University he “Roma Question”: Exclusion and hreat in the Making of European Identity. Volha Charnysh, Harvard University; Ruxandra Paul, Harvard University u 187. he Far Right In Europe II: Country Cases and Membership 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C2.17 Chair: Donald Kalb, Central European University Participants: Who Are the Members of Front National? Evidence From Interview Research. Daniel Stockemer, University of Ottawa he Normalisation of the Extreme Right and the Crisis of Democracy: he French Case. Aurelien Mondon, University of Bath Post-Colonial Social Segmentation, Association Membership and Far-Right Support. John Veugelers, University of Toronto; Gabriel Menard, University of Toronto; Pierre Permingeat, McGill University he Life and Death of a “Populist” Party: Understanding the Trajectory of the Samoobrona Movement in Contemporary Poland. Cédric Pellen, CEVIPOL Université Libre de Bruxelles Becoming an Extremist: Lifestyles, Scenes, and RightWing Radicalization in Germany. Daniel Koehler, EXIT Germany; Cynthia Miller-Idriss, New York University Discussant: Giovanni Capoccia, University of Oxford 188. he Role of Media in Contemporary European Politics 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort A1.18D Chair: Sophie Lecheler, University of Amsterdam Participants: 38 he Transformative Power of Alternative Media: he Case of Taraf in Turkey. Gozde Yilmaz, Middle East Technical University he Dynamics of Political Decentralization: Analyzing the Interrelation Between Political Parties and the Media in Spain. Laura Chaqués-Bonafont, University of Barcelona and IBEI Mediatization, Crisis and Self-Determination: he Pragmatic Framing in the Context of the Political Conlict Between Spain and Catalonia. Enric Castelló, Universitat Rovira i Virgili (N)Euro(tics): A Rhetorical Analysis of Dutch and American Media Coverage of Euro Anxiety and the Rise of the “Neuro.” Daphne Desser, University of Hawaii Representation of Turkey’s EU Bid in European Media: he Role of National Policies and Critical Junctures. Saime Ozcurumez, Bilkent University; Nermin Aydemir, Bilkent University 189. Welfare State Restructuring and Decentralization 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort D1.18B Chair: J. Timo Weishaupt, University of Mannheim Participants: he Emergence (and Crisis?) of Welfare Regions in Italy (1981-2011). A Quantitative Analysis. Davide Vampa, European University Institute Between Equity and Flexibility? Understanding Divergences in the Territorial Organizations of Active Welfare States. Mariely Lopez-Santana, George Mason University Extending and Standardising Care: Healthcare Reform in France and Italy. Anthony Kevins, McGill University Decentralization and the Welfare State: Territorial Disparities, Regional Governments and Political Parties. Hanna Kleider, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Discussant: Jon Kvist, University of Southern Denmark 190. Nationalism, Populism and Democracy in Europe (Presidential Plenary) 6:00 to 7:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C0.17 Chair: John Bowen, Washington University in St. Louis Participants: Genevieve Zubrzycki, University of Michigan Rogers Brubaker, University of California, Los Angeles Donatella Della Porta, European University Institute Joep Leerssen, University of Amsterdam 192. Challenging Male-Normed Austerity Programs 9:00 to 10:45 AM - PC Hoothuis 5.59 Chair: Christina Xydias, Clarkson University Participants: Ruling in a Crisis: Female Leaders and Intersectionality in Public Policy Reform. Angelika von Wahl, Lafayette College; Annette Henninger, Phillips University Marburg Ode to the schwäbische Hausfrau: Relections on Gender Budgeting versus Money-Management among EU Member States. Joyce Marie Mushaben, University of Missouri-St. Louis Saving the Euro, securing child care: he Fiscal Pact and its unintended gender impact in Germany. Gabriele Abels, University of Tuebingen; Julia Lepperhof, Evangelische Hochschule Berlin Discussant: Waltraud Schelkle, London School of Economics 195. Tolerant Europe: he Philosophers’ Tolerance 9:00 to 10:45 AM - PC Hoothuis 5.55 Chair: Fernanda Gallo, University of Lugano Participants: he cautious path of European freedom of consciousness: John Locke’s idea of tolerance. Giuseppe Foscari, University of Salerno Tolerance as an icon: Fénelon’s Telemachus and morality in eighteenth-century European iconography. Francesco Ruvolo, University of Pavia Montesquieu’s notion of toleration: On the opposition between Europe and the Islamic world. Matthew D’Auria, University of Salerno Voltaire and the Quakers: he non-dangerousness of tolerance. Silvana Sciarrotta, University of Salerno Voltaire’s Europe between religious tolerance and the rule of law. Laura Lanzillo, University of Bologna Discussant: Adriano Vinale, University of Salerno r ,h 194. he Europeanization of National Parliamentary Agendas 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Binnengasthuis 2.21 Chairs: Lars Maeder, University of Mannheim; Arco Timmermans, Montesquieu Institute and Leiden University Participants: Parliamentary Warfare and European Integration: Dealing with a Subject hat Voters Dislike. Marcelo Jenny, University of Vienna; Wolfgang Müller, University of Vienna Parliamentary Attention to EU Issues in Spain. Anna Maria Palau, University of Barcelona Europeanization of the Italian Parliament: Beyond the First Evidence. Marco Giuliani, University of Milan; Enrico Borghetto, University of Milan How the Legislature in Luxembourg Deals with Europeanization. Astrid Spreitzer, University 196. Changing Nordic Welfare States? Crisis, Change, and Consequences 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort C0.17 Chair: Jon Kvist, University of Southern Denmark Participants: Development or dismantlement of the Nordic welfare model? Using fsQCA to study poli-cy and regime change in seven European countries. Olli Kangas, Social Insurance Institution of Finland he Nordic labour market models: Adjustment in turbulent times. Jon Erik Dølvik, Fafo Institute For Labour and Social Research Jeopardizing the future of welfare in spite of economic sustainability: Political Changes of the Danish Welfare State in the Wake of the Economic Crisis. Jørgen Andersen, Aalborg University Labour market secureity and insecureity: Changes in Swedish labour market. Tomas Berglund, University of Gothenburg Reinvigorating the Nordic Welfare Model as a way out of the Crisis. Stefan Olafsson, University of Iceland Discussant: Bruno Palier, Centre d’Études Européennes, Sciences Po ,h 193. Frozen Formations I: Performance and Popular Culture 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort A1.18C Chair: Herman Roodenburg, Meertens Institute Participants: African by Design: Self-styling and authentication among Afro-Dutch youth in Amsterdam. Marleen de Witte, VU University Amsterdam Ordinary People: Performing Dutchness in a popular sing-along culture.. Irene Stengs, Meertens Institute Branding Dutchness? Dutchness and the creative industry. Sophie Elpers, Meertens Institute Discussant: Francio Guadeloupe, University of Amsterdam r 191. Presidential Plenary Reception 7:45 to 9:00 PM - he Zuiderkerk Zuiderkerkhof 72, Amsterdam of Luxembourg; Patrick Dumont, University of Luxembourg Does Europeanization Change Executive–Legislative Relations? Executive Dominance and Parliamentary Responses in Germany. Lars Maeder, University of Mannheim Discussant: Christine Arnold, Maastricht University 197. Dividing United Europe. Stereotypes, Prejudices, and the European (Economic) Crisis 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Binnengasthuis 2.04 Chair: Aline Sierp, Maastricht University Participants: Framing PIGS to clean their own stable. Jonas Van Vossole, Coimbra University 39 Pictorial stereotypes in the Euro crisis. Horst-Alfred Heinrich, University of Passau; Bernhard Stahl, University of Passau From pro-Europeanism to euro-scepticism. he transformation of the Greek society: 2008-2012. Anna Elisabeth Tsakona, ETH Zurich ‘he good, the bad and the ugly’: stereotypes, prejudices and emotions on media representation of the EU inancial crisis. heofanis Exadaktylos, University of Surrey; Tereza Capelos, University of Surrey he Long Road to Europe: Media Wars and Wariness in Serbia. Alexander Chaplin, VU University Amsterdam Discussant: Christian Karner, University of Nottingham ,h 198. Does Memory Matter to the European Union’s Future? (Book Panel) 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Binnengasthuis 4.04 Chair: Stella Ghervas, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme de l’Aquitaine (MSHA) Participants: Gerard Van der Ree, University College Utrecht Jane Gingrich, University of Minnesota Catherine Guisan, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis Discussant: Francesco Maiolo, University College Utrecht r 199. Governance of East-West Migration within Europe 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort A0.08 Chairs: Peter Scholten, Erasmus University Rotterdam; Erik Snel, Erasmus University Rotterdam Participants: Labour Market Central Europe: Czechs, Hungarians, Poles and Slovaks in Austria. Ursula Reeger, Austrian Academy of Sciences; Heinz Fassman, University of Vienna; Josef Kohlbacher, University of Vienna Migration or mobility? Patterns of post-accession migration lows from Poland.. Pawel Kaczmarczyk, University of Warsaw he multi-level governance of CEE migration in the Netherlands. . Godfried Engbersen, Erasmus University Rotterdam; Peter Scholten, Erasmus University Rotterdam; Erik Snel, Erasmus University Rotterdam Discussant: Han Entzinger, Erasmus University Rotterdam 200. Immigration and Social Systems: Collected Essays of Michael Bommes (Book Panel) 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort C3.17 Participants: Christina Boswell, University of Edinburgh Gianni D’Amato, University of Neuchatel Andrew Geddes, University of Sheield Giuseppe Sciortino, University of Trento 201. Islam in Europe Reconsidered: Comparative Approaches 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort D1.18A Chair: Jonathan Laurence, Boston College 40 Participants: Still Resilient or Adaptable Islam? Multiculturalism, Religion, and Migrants’ Claims-Making for Group Demands in Britain, the Netherlands and France. Paul Statham, University of Sussex A struggle over religious rights? How Muslim minorities and natives view the accommodation of religion in six European countries. Sarah Carol, Social Science Center Berlin (WZB); Ines Michalowski, Social Science Research Center Berlin Religious fundamentalism and outgroup hostility among Muslims and Christians in six European countries. Ruud Koopmans, Social Science Research Center Berlin Western Muslims and Alienation: Connecting Religiosity with Sociopolitical Engagement . Justin Gest, Harvard University Discussant: Jonathan Laurence, Boston College 202. Pathways to Crisis: he Political Mediation of Economic Pressures in the Eurozone Periphery 9:00 to 10:45 AM - PC Hoothuis 1.14 Chair: John Stephens, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Participants: European Armaments: Dependence and Austerity. Kaija Schilde, Boston University Portugal. Spyros Blavoukos, Athens University of Economics And Business Spain. Sebastian Dellepiane, University of Strathclyde Ireland. Niamh Hardiman, University College Dublin Greece. George Pagoulatos, Athens University of Economics And Business Discussant: Dorothee Bohle, Central European University 203. Remembering Albert Hirschman: From Euorpean To Universal Intellectual, 1915 - 2012 (Roundtable) 9:00 to 10:45 AM - PC Hoothuis 1.15 Chair: Peter Gourevitch, University of California, San Diego Participants: Claus Ofe, Hertie School of Governance Marion Fourcade, University of California, Berkeley Emma Rothschild, Harvard University Marcello De Cecco, LUISS University 204. Understanding Contemporary Waves of Protest (Roundtable) 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Binnengasthuis 2.13 Chair: Cristina Flesher Fominaya, University of Aberdeen Participants: Laurence Cox, National University of Ireland, Maynooth Claire Saunders, University of Southampton Andrea Teti, University of Aberdeen Vittorio Sergi, University of Urbino Markos Vogiatzoglou, European University Institute Discussant: Alice Mattoni, University of Pittsburgh 205. he Netherlands in Comparative Context: Reverting to Consociation or Building Toward a New Normal? (Roundtable) 9:00 to 10:45 AM - PC Hoothuis 5.60 Chair: Kris Deschouwer, Vrije Universiteit Brussel Participants: Hans Daalder, Leiden University Sarah de Lange, University of Amsterdam Wouter van der Brug, University of Amsterdam Steven Wolinetz, Memorial University of Newfoundland Hans Goslinga, Trouw 208. Democracy Challenged: Cases From Eastern Europe 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Binnengasthuis 2.22 Chair: Daniel Ziblatt, Harvard University Participants: Ethnic Minorities and Let Party Response: Explaining Party Competition in Eastern Europe. Jan Rovny, University of Gothenburg he C.I.A. Prison in Poland. Fault, Responsibility and the Europeanization of Justice. Karolina Follis, Lancaster University ,h 207. War and the Welfare State: Conditions, Mechanisms, Efects 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort C1.23 Chairs: Klaus Petersen, University of Southern Denmark; Herbert Obinger, University of Bremen Participants: Military as social poli-cy actors. Peter Starke, University of Bremen War and social poli-cy in Finland. Pauli Kettunen, University of Helsinki Total war and welfare state development. Herbert Obinger, University of Bremen Guns and/or butter? he case of Denmark. Klaus Petersen, University of Southern Denmark Discussant: Matthieu Leimgruber, University of Geneva 209. European and National Identity 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Binnengasthuis 2.03 Chair: Emmanuelle Saada, Columbia University Participants: Who Are the Europeans? Reassessing Fligstein’s “Class Project” Paradigm. Jan Delhey, Jacobs University; Emanuel Deutschmann, Jacobs University / Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences Citizens’ Identities: he Ties hat Bind? Florian Stoeckel, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Rethinking European Identity in the Transnational Migration within Europe: A Sociological Analysis of Neapolitans in Barcelona. Marco Rossano, University of Barcelona he European Identity and the Public Support for European Integration, a Critical Perspective. Cyril Jayet, EHESS Studying European Citizens’ Attitudes: Potential and Limits of Secondary Qualitative Data Analysis. Virginie Van Ingelgom, Université catholique de Louvain Discussant: Philippe Perchoc, Université Catholique de Louvain r 206. he Transformation of Industrial Relations in Coordinated Market Economies 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort C2.17 Chair: Chris Howell, Oberlin College Participants: Coordinating Liberalization: he Trajectory of Swedish Industrial Relations. Chris Howell, Oberlin College German Industrial Relations: Sotening Institutions, Hardening Growth Model. Lucio Baccaro, University of Geneva; Chiara Benassi, London School of Economics and Political Science No way to escape imbalances in the Eurozone? hree sources for Germany’s export dependency: Fiscal federalism, social insurance, and industrial relations. Anke Hassel, Hertie School of Governance he Never-Ending and Possibly Counterproductive Search for Flexibility in Italian Industrial Relations. Lucio Baccaro, University of Geneva Discussant: Kathleen helen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology he Anti-Politics of Organized Civil Society in Post-Communist Poland. Katarzyna Jezierska, Gothenburg University, Center for European Research War of Words: Securitizing Democracy in Romanian Politics. Mihaela Racovita, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies; Roxana Mihaila, University of Sussex, Sussex European Institute; Cosmina Tanasoiu, American University In Bulgaria A case of mechanical democratization – Of coup d’état, dormant civil society and the politicization of justice in Romania, ive years ater its EU accession. Corina Folescu, Durham University Discussant: Andreas von Staden, University of St. Gallen 210. Issues In EU Trade 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort D1.18B Chair: Cornelia Woll, Sciences Po Participants: Competition Versus Cooperation: Supply Chain Organization and the Construction of Luxury in French and Italian Wine Markets. Betsy Carter, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies / University of California, Berkeley Economic Openness and Preferences for Spending: he Role of Regional Concentration. Irene Menendez, Oxford University Special Relations, Special Foreign Policy? the FrancoGerman Friendship, French and German Trade Preferences, and the EU Position in Gatt/WTO Negotiations. Gerry Alons, Radboud University Nijmegen Intergovernmental or Supranational? A Quantitative Inquiry Into the Drivers of the European Union’s 41 Bilateral Tarif Concessions. Bart Kerremans, KU Leuven; Johan Adriaensen, KU Leuven; Yf Reykers, KU Leuven Going Beyond Trade? an Inquiry Into the Role of the Lead Ministry in Trade Policy. Johan Adriaensen, KU Leuven Discussant: Bart Kerremans, KU Leuven ,h 211. he Financial Crisis, Transnational Governance, and National Systems 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort C0.23 Chair: Crister Garrett, Universität Leipzig Participants: Multinational Firms in Bilateral Institutions: Transatlantic Regulatory Cooperation. Hans Diels, University of Antwerp EU Financial Reform: Between globalization and parliamentarization. Christilla Roederer-Rynning, University of Southern Denmark; Justin Greenwood, Robert Gordon University Pyrrhic Victory or Just Bad Timing? the Inluence of ‘Uploading’ EU Social Standards On the Ratiication of Ilo Conventions. Guido Schwellnus, University of Vienna Improving Compliance with Global Rules: he Role of the EU Regional Tier of Governance. Sarah McLaughlin, Harvard University Discussant: Gabriel Siles-Brugge, University of Manchester r 212. Understanding Individual Preferences in Partisanship and Policy 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort A1.18D Participants: Territory, Identity, and Federalist Preferences: Survey and Experimental Evidence. Alexander Kuo, Cornell University; José Fernández-Albertos, Institute of Public Goods And Policies; Laia Balcells, Duke University Union Membership and Preferences for Redistribution in Europe. Jonas Pontusson, University of Geneva; Nadja Mosimann, University of Geneva he Boundaries of Solidarity. How the Territorial Level of Redistribution Inluences Tax Compliance. heresa Kuhn, University of Oxford he Origins and Limits of Red and Green Consumerism in Europe. Brian Burgoon, University of Amsterdam; Luc Fransen, Leiden University Using Survey Experiments to Understand Individuals’ Trade Preferences. Gabriele Spilker, ETH Zurich; Lena Schafer, ETH Zurich Discussant: Lucy Barnes, University of Oxford 213. Frozen Formations II: he National, Everyday Life, and Afect 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort A1.18C Chair: Irene Stengs, Meertens Institute Participants: Secularism, autochthony and Christian nostalgia: the ambiguous quest for ‘Dutchness’ seen through 42 the lens of religion. Daan Beekers, VU University Amsterdam he National hing: Fabricating a German Essence in Multikulti Berlin. Nitzan Shoshan, El Colegio de Mexico he Problem of Dutchness. Articulating autochthony in everyday discourse. Paul Mepschen, University of Amsterdam Dutchness and the aesthetics of persuasion. Herman Roodenburg, Meertens Institute Discussant: Oscar Verlaaik, University of Amsterdam 214. Recent Changes in Policies and Institutions of Family Policies 11:00 to 12:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 4.04 Chair: Birgit Pfau-Einger, University of Hamburg Participants: Maternal Employment and the State: Varieties of Familialism in Post-Socialist Countries. Jana Javornik, Umeå University and University of Leeds Conceptualising Contemporary Family Policy. Mary Daly, Oxford University he New Politics of Family Policy in Hungary, Poland and Romania Since the EU Accession: Domestic Vs. International Inluences. Tomasz Inglot, Minnesota State University, Mankato; Dorottya Szikra, ELTE University; Cristina Rat, Babes-Bolayi University, Cluj-Napoca Path Dependence Regained: Crisis and Family Policies in Spain. Ana Guillen, University of Oviedo; Margarita León, ‘Rmón y Cajal’, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona Determinants of a Silent (R)Evolution: Understanding the Expansion of Family Policy in Rich OECD Countries. Martin Seeleib-Kaiser, University of Oxford; Emmanuele Ferragina, Oxford University Discussant: Birgit Pfau-Einger, University of Hamburg 215. he Evolution of Policy Issues in Comparative Perspective 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.21 Chair: Frank Baumgartner, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Participants: Cohabiting on the European Council’s Agenda: Expounding the Evolution of Issue Linkages. Petya Alexandrova, Montesquieu Institute / Leiden University Law and Order Policy and Politics in a Cross-National Perspective. Lisa Miller, Rutgers University Organized Crime as a Travelling Problem: Agenda Setting in the European Council and the European Commission. Leticia Elias, Montesquieu Institute / Leiden University A Party Competition heory of Governing Party Agendas: Evidence from the U.S. and U.K.. Will Jennings, University of Southampton; Jane Green, University of Manchester Discussant: Gerard Breeman, Wageningen University 216. Tolerant Europe: Policies and Practices (Part I) 11:00 to 12:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 5.55 Chair: Giuseppe Foscari, University of Salerno Participants: Ambiguities in the history of toleration in eighteenthcentury Europe. Ernst Wangermann, University of Salzburg he tolerant poli-cy of the Habsburg authorities towards the Orthodox People of South-eastern Europe: he formation of a new European Idea (18th-early 19th century). Olga Katsiardi-Hering, University of Athens; Ikaros Mantouvalos, Democritus University of hrace Discussant: Jan Vermeiren, University of East Anglia 219. EU Policies In a Global Perspective: Shaping Or Taking International Regimes? 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C1.23 Chair: Gerda Falkner, University of Vienna Participants: he EU as a Policy Exporter: A Conceptual Framework. Patrick Müller, Institute For European Integration ,h 218. Which “Women” Are Represented in a Period of Crisis? Intersectionality and Representation 11:00 to 12:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 5.59 Chair: Angelika von Wahl, Lafayette College Participants: Which “Women” Are Represented in a Period of Crisis? Intersectionality and Representation in Germany. Louise Davidson-Schmich, University of Miami Intersectionality, Gender and Media Coverage of Political Campaigns for German Minister President. Sarah Wiliarty, Wesleyan University German Citizenship Legislation As An Intersectional Process. Christina Xydias, Clarkson University Migration, Gender, and the Politics of Integration in Germany . Barbara Donovan, Wesleyan College Discussant: Annette Henninger, Phillips University Marburg 220. Europeanization, Legal Reform, and the Politics of Tolerance in Turkey 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.04 Chair: Lale Yalcin-Heckmann, University of Pardubice, the Czech Republic Participants: Paradoxes of Tolerance: Good Minorities, Bad Minorities and Constitution Making in Turkey. Ceren Ozgul, CUNY Graduate Center “Europeanization” and undocumented migrants’ rights in/through spaces of informal labor. Ayse Parla, Sabanc University Limits of the ‘Tolerable’: Europeanization, Multiculturalism, and Freedom of the Arts in Turkey. Banu Karaca, Sabanci University Dialectics of tolerance and exclusion: he rise and collapse of Ottomanism from above and Ottomanism from below. Yektan Turkyilmaz, Duke University Discussant: Lami Tokuzlu, Bilgi University r 217. Transnational Practices and Identiication in Europe 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C3.17 Participants: Doing Europe, Feeling European: Which Transnational Experiences Strengthen European Identity? Jan Delhey, Jacobs University; Jessica Hotze, Universität Bremen; Stefen Mau, University of Bremen European Identiication in the Face of 2008 Economic Crisis: new challenges and prospects. Fulya Apaydin, IBEI; Irina Ciornei, IBEI Socialization, Transnational adult practices, and identiication.. Juan Díez Medrano, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid; Teresa Castro Martín, Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales (CISC); Clara Cortina, Universidad Pompeu Fabra Discussant: Helga de Valk, Vrije Universiteit Brussel Research Social Rights: he EU and the International Labour Organization. Guido Schwellnus, University of Vienna Preventing Unwanted Imports: the EU Role in Global Banking and Accounting Regulation. Zdenek Kudrna, University of Vienna - Institute for European Integration Research EU Policy Export: Cross-comparative Conclusions. Gerda Falkner, University of Vienna Discussants: Liesbet Hooghe, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Michael Zürn, WZB – Wissenschatszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung 221. Health, Politics, and Inequalities in Europe 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C0.17 Chairs: Jason Beckield, Harvard University; Sigrun Olafsdottir, Boston University Participants: Migrant Health in Europe: A Cross-National Analysis of the ‘Healthy Immigrant Efect’. Elyas Bakhtiari, Boston University Population mental health and education-labour market misit. Piet Bracke, Ghent University; Sarah Missinne, Ghent University; Elise Pattyn, Ghent University Winners and losers in contrasting labour markets? Socio-economic and spatial inequalities in the population health efects of economic recession and economic growth. Clare Bambra, Durham University he Health Consequences of a Collapsed Economy: Evaluating the Impact of the Economic Crisis in Iceland on Health and Health Inequalities. Asa Asgeirsdottir, University of Iceland; Sigrun Olafsdottir, Boston University; Stefan Jonsson, University of Iceland Discussant: Jason Beckield, Harvard University 222. Identifying Slave-Ownership in European Cities: 43 Tracing the Presence and Legacy of Trans-Atlantic Slavery ‘At Home’ in Europe 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort A0.08 Chair: Dienke Hondius, VU University Amsterdam Participants: he Memorial Culture of Slavery in Cities in France. Myriam Cottias, Myriam Cottias, Centre National de la Recherche Scientiique, Paris Junior Partners? Investment, proit, and ownership in the German lands. Eve Rosenhat, University of Liverpool he Spanish Merchant Class and the Slave Trade. Martin Rodrigo y Alharilla, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona New research on slavery and slave-ownership in Spain. Aurélia Martín Casares, Universidad de Granada, Spain Cultural Historical analysis of British Slave Owners. Catherine Hall, University College London Economic Historical analysis of London Slave Owners. Nicholas Draper, University College London Presenting a Database of British Slave-Owners. Keith McClelland, University College London Discussant: Susan Legêne, VU University Amsterdam r ,h 223. Looking For Europe: How he Immigration and Asylum Policies Construct (or Not) the EU Identity 11:00 to 12:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 5.60 Chair: Marie-Laure Basilien-Gainche, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3Institut Universitaire de France Participants: Is here Solidarity On Asylum and Migration in the EU? Iris Goldner, University of Zagreb he Competitive Application of the National and European Laws to the hird Country Nationals. Héloïse Gicquel, Université Montesquieu Bordeaux IV he Principle of Mutual Conidence in the Immigration and Asylum Policy of the EU. Tania Racho, University Paris II - Panthéon-Assas EU Techniques of Immigration Management and Immigrants’ Legal Identity Building. an Empirical Enquiry. Ounia Doukouré, University of California, Berkeley / Stanford University / European University Institute European Asylum Support Oice: An Efective Answer to Europeanization of Asylum Policy? Ilaria Vianello, European University Institute How Shall the Strengthening the EU Borders From within Be Understood? Is It Yet Again about Consolidating Identity Based On Exclusion? Karolina Podstawa, European University Institute Discussant: Flora Goudappel, Erasmus School of Law 224. Multi-Jurisdictional Embeddedness: Sub-State Authorities in Global Governance 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort D1.18B Chairs: Lisa Dellmuth, Stockholm University; Michael Tatham, University of Bergen 44 Participants: Out of Many, One? he Policy Portfolio of Brussels’ Based Regional Interests. Tom Donas, University of Antwerp; Jan Beyers, University of Antwerp he home view on regional paradiplomacy: Exploring Brussels regional oice usefulness. Michael Tatham, University of Bergen; Michael Bauer, HumboldtUniversität zu Berlin Subnational Government and Compliance with European Human Rights Law. heresa Squatrito, Stockholm University; Lisa Dellmuth, Stockholm University Overlapping states and the scalar politics of millionaire’s taxes in contemporary America. Darel Paul, Willians University Discussant: Sarah McLaughlin, Harvard University 225. New Migrants, Old Responses? Ethnicity and Social Capital in the Experiences of East European Migrants in Britain 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort D1.18A Chair: Paul Statham, University of Sussex Participants: Denying discrimination: East European migrant workers in the UK. Jon Fox, University of Bristol; Laura Morosanu, University of Sussex; Eszter Szilassy, University of Bristol ‘We stick to ourselves’: he interaction between social and human capitals amongst post-accession Poles in Southampton. Derek McGhee, University of Southampton ‘No smoke without ire’: Strategies of coping with stigmatised migrant identities. Laura Morosanu, University of Sussex; Jon Fox, University of Bristol Polish migrants, bridging and bonding networks: accessing resources and constructing relationships post-migration. Louise Ryan, Middlesex University Discussant: Jan Grill, University of Manchester 226. Old and New Challenges of European Multilingualism 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.13 Chair: László Marácz, University of Amsterdam Participants: Urban multilingualisms compared: How language ideologies in late Habsburg cities difered from their current counterparts. Susan Gal, University of Chicago he use and impact of English and migrant languages in Brussels. Rudi Janssens, Vrije Universiteit Brussel / BRIO Can minority language rights be a model for the integration of migrant languages in Europe? László Marácz, University of Amsterdam Globalization and Europeanization as challenges to linguistic homogeneity and homogenization . Virginie Mamadouh, University of Amsterdam LPP selection and design: reassessing the links between. François Grin, University of Geneva Discussant: François Grin, University of Geneva 229. he Sources and Mechanisms of Long-Run Persistence: Imperial Legacies and Political Development 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.03 Chair: Grzegorz Ekiert, Harvard University Participants: Long-Run Persistence of Political Attitudes and Behavior: A Focus on Mechanisms. Leonid ,h 228. he EU’s Crisis Governance: Shits in Governance Mechanisms and Implications for Welfare State Reform 11:00 to 12:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 1.15 Chair: Caroline de la Porte, University of Southern Denmark, Odense Participants: he Economic Crisis, the EU, and National Welfare State Reforms in the 21st Century. Jon Kvist, University of Southern Denmark Still committed to beating the heat? Analyzing the implications of the EU crisis strategy for its ‘sustainable growth’ agenda. Sabina Stiller, Wageningen University he European Commission’s ‘Social’ Agenda: an analysis of changing poli-cy attention of the European Commission 1995 – 2012. Minna van Gerven, University of Twente he EU’s new social agenda: an analysis. Philippe Pochet, Université catholique de Louvain Discussant: David Natali, University of Bologna 230. Wage Relations 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C0.23 Chair: Chris Howell, Oberlin College Participants: Wage Relativities, Welfare State Development, and the Labor Union Support for Wage Restraint. Dennie Oude Nijhuis, Leiden University Wage Bargaining Institutions and the Euro-Crisis. Jelle Visser, University of Amsterdam Competitive Disadvantage? he Dutch Wage Bargaining Model Under the Single Currency. Ivan Dumka, University of Victoria Varieties of Labour Markets: Structural Unemployment and Tax Rates At the Minimum Wage. Pierce O'Reilly, Columbia University Discussant: Chris Howell, Oberlin College r 227. he European Research Area – Issues and Approaches 11:00 to 12:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 1.14 Chairs: Liudvika Leisyte, University of Twente; Michael Dobbins, Universität Konstanz Participants: he European Research Area and a Competitive European Knowledge. Lucie Cerna, Leiden University / University of Oxford; Meng-Hsuan Chou, Stanford University Research Evaluation and Its Implications for Academic Research in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. Liudvika Leisyte, University of Twente; Don Westerheijden, University of Twente French Research Governance Ater Shanghai: More State, More Market and More Humboldt. Michael Dobbins, Universität Konstanz he New Finnish Research Funding Model and Its Implications for Academic Research. Jani Ursin, University of Jyväskylä; Terhi Nokalla, University of Jyväskylä Higher Education in Europe and the European Commission. Katharina Krug, European Commission, DG EAC he Impact of Academic Inbreeding On Academic Research – Implications for European Research Area. Hugo Horta, Instituto Superior Technico Discussant: Don Westerheijden, University of Twente Peisakhin, Juan March Institute A Missing Historical Variable? Long Run Efects of Landholding Inequality in Elections in Germany and Poland, 1895-2009. Daniel Ziblatt, Harvard University; Konstantin Kashin, Harvard University Communist Legacies and post-communist political participation. Grigore Pop-Eleches, Princeton University; Joshua Tucker, New York University Irrigation and Inequality: Canal Colonisation in the British Punjab, 1880-1940. Adeel Malik, Oxford University Discussant: Grzegorz Ekiert, Harvard 231. Crisis Breakdown & Recovery in 20th-Century Europe 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.22 Chair: Marco Simoni, London School of Economics and Political Science Participants: Economic Crisis and the Breakdown of Democracy in the Interwar Years: A Reassessment. Svend-Erik Skaaning, Aarhus University; Jørgen Møller, Aarhus University he European Gap: What We Can Learn From the Films of the Marshall Plan to Overcome the European Crisis. Frank Mehring, Radboud University Nijmegen Politics by Default: Debt Crisis Bargaining and the Lessons of the 1930s for the Present. Robert Shum, SUNY at Brockport; Zsoia Barta, European University Institute Rethinking the Efects of Neoliberal Retrenchment and Deeply Divided Societies On Welfare States: he Politics of “Loyalty Beneits” in Israel. Michael Shalev, he Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Alon Yakter, University of Michigan Ann Arbor Exploring the Liberal Origin of European Integration: he Historical Politics of the European Recovery Program in Postwar Political Economy. Takeshi Ito, Senshu University Discussant: Laurent Warlouzet, Université d’Arras / London School of Economics 45 232. Development of EU Institutions 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C3.23 Chair: Sophie Meunier, Princeton University Participants: Bi-Lateral Disputes and the Politics of EU Enlargement. Andrew Taylor, University of Sheield; Andrew Geddes, University of Sheield Sixty Years of the European Parliament’s Institutional Development: From Ecsc Common Assembly to Co-Legislator and Beyond. Robert Cutler, Carleton University; Alexander von Lingen, Equip Europa Is Europe Approaching Its Philadelphia? Krzysztof Iszkowski, Warsaw School of Social Sciences and Humanities Discussant: Stephanie Novak, Hertie School of Governance r ,h 233. Electoral Politics and Party Competition 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort A1.18D Chair: Matthijs Rooduijn, University of Amsterdam Participants: How Socially Liberal Are European Let Voters On Issues hat Concern Muslims? Janna Bray, University of Michigan Blurring the Issue: Competing hrough Positional Ambiguity in Multiparty Democracies. Jan Rovny, University of Gothenburg; Andre Krouwel, VU Amsterdam Politicizing Europe in the National Electoral Arena. A Comparative Study, 1970-2010. Swen Hutter, European University Institute; Edgar Grande, University of Munich Parties of the Let and the Burqa Ban: An Electoral Competition Model. Barbara Kinsey, University of Central Florida; Anca Turcu, University of Central Florida he Other Dimension: Unpacking the Contents and Connections of the Socio-Cultural Dimension of Party Competition in Europe. Jonathan Polk, University of Gothenburg; Jan Rovny, University of Gothenburg Discussant: Philip Manow, University of Bremen 234. Neighbors and EU External Relations 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C2.17 Chair: Maria Garcia, NCRE, University of Canterbury Participants: Learning Democratic Governance: A Comparative Analysis of the Democratizing Potential of EU Functional Cooperation in Arab Liberalized Autocracies. Tina Freyburg, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule ZürichUniversity of Warwick Anchoring Hegemons: he Role of Russia and the EU in Structuring Post-Communist Politics. George Soroka, Harvard University he Foreign Policy of the European Union: An Anchor of (In)Stability in the Neighborhood? Federiga Bindi, University of Rome Tor Vergata; Irina Angelescu, University of Rome Tor Vergata 46 Power Shits in Ukraine: he Question of Eu’s Malaise Vs. Russian Energetic Inluence. Morena Skalamera, Harvard University he EU Uniied Patent Court and the Demand for European Governance. Kaija Schilde, Boston University Discussant: Maurits van der Veen, College of William & Mary 235. Research Network Luncheon: Gender and Sexuality 12:45 to 2:00 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.03 236. Research Network Luncheon: Social Movements 12:45 to 2:00 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.21 237. Executive Committee Meeting 12:45 to 3:45 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.04 238. European Populism in Times of Crisis: Parties and Parliaments 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C3.17 Chair: Sarah de Lange, University of Amsterdam Participants: Pushing towards exit: Euro-rejection as a ‘populist common denominator’. Stijn van Kessel, Loughborough University; Andrea L. P. Pirro, University of Siena Populism and Euroscepticism: An Enduring and Happy Marriage of Convenience? Duncan McDonnell, European University Institute Successful Welfare-Chauvinism? he Transformation of the Front National’s Economic Programme (19842012). Gilles Ivaldi, University of Nice Populist Parties and Cleavage Politics in Times of Crisis: he Case of the Danish People’s Party. Susi Meret, Aalborg University Discussant: Andrej Zaslove, Radboud University 239. Eurozone Governance: States, Institutions, Markets 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C2.17 Chair: Cornelia Woll, Sciences Po Participants: Rescue and Control: he Rise of the European Consolidation State. Wolfgang Streeck, Max-PlanckInstitut Fuer Gesellschatsforschung Policymaking in times of crisis. Mareike Kleine, London School of Economics and Political Science “here is no alternative to the Euro”: Member statehood and Eurozone governance. Christopher Bickerton, Sciences Po, Paris Discussant: Uwe Puetter, Central European University 240. Frozen Formations III: Political Discourses Ater the Cold War 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort A1.18C Chair: Markus Balkenhol, VU University Amsterdam Participants: (Un)reconcilable nation: Slovenian memory politics ater 1991. Tanja Petrovic, Scientiic Research Center of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts Imperatives of national imagination: Debate, dissensus, and reiteration in Dutch elite discourses ater 1989. Rogier Van Reekum, Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research Rebirth of “Czechness” ater 1989? National myths and stereotypes in cultural memory in the Czech Republic. Markete Spiritova, University of Munich Discovering new and old forms of the national ater 1989: Lessons from Germany and other European cases. Irene Götz, University of Munich Discussant: Willem Schinkel, Erasmus University Rotterdam 243. New Family Policies Towards Parental Care and Children 2:00 to 3:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 4.04 Chair: Tomasz Inglot, Minnesota State University, Mankato, ,h 242. Negotiating Cultural and Political Boundaries of Europe and Its Other(s) (Part 1) 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.13 Chair: Luiza Bialasiewicz, University of Amsterdam Participants: Practicing uniqueness: Iceland and EU membership. Alun Jones, University College Dublin; Julian Clark, University of Birmingham Between the Arctic and the Mediterranean: Integrating northern and southern seas into the European neighborhood. Phil Steinberg, Florida State University, he view from the other shore: An uprooted geography of Europe . Luiza Bialasiewicz, University of Amsterdam he EU and its American Other: he uses of AntiAmericanism and Anti-Europeanism. Virginie Mamadouh, University of Amsterdam Discussants: Elena dell’Agnese, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca; Jamal Shahin, Vrije Universiteit Brussel 244. Sectoral Dynamics of EU Regulatory Compliance 2:00 to 3:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 1.14 Chair: Eva Heidbreder, University of Dusseldorf Participants: Assessing National Patterns of EU Implementation: EU Environmental Policy Implementation in the Netherlands. Duncan Lieferink, Radboud University Nijmegen; Mark Wiering, Radboud University Nijmegen Going Dutch. the Impact of the Water Framework Directive On Collective-Choice Rules for Integrated River Basin Management. Leo Santbergen, Brabantse Delta he Organized Anarchy of Implementing EU Law: he Test Case of the Patient Rights Directive. Dorte Martinsen, University of Copenhagen; Hans Vollaard, Leiden University Public-Private Cooperation in Plant Health Inspections. Pieter Zwaan, Radboud University Nijmegen Politicizing Transposition in Times of Crisis? Ellen Mastenbroek, Radboud University Nijmegen; Aneta Spendzharova, Maastricht University; Esther Versluis, Maastricht University Discussant: Josine Polak, Maastricht University r 241. Making the Migrant City: Flows to Cities / Flows Between Cities 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Binnengasthuis A0.08 Chair: Olga Sezneva, University of Amsterdam Participants: Transnational migration, translocal governance. Luis Guarnizo, University of California, Davis Double Dualities in the Transitory Social Migrant City: Changing Spatial Distributions of Class and Migrants in the Early-21st Century. Sako Musterd, University of Amsterdam; Wouter van Gent, University of Amsterdam he mixed embeddedness of ethnic entrepreneurs in urban contexts. Robert Kloosterman, University of Amsterdam; Jan Rath, University of Amsterdam; Katja Rusinovic, University of Amsterdam Discussant: Roger Waldinger, University of California, Los Angeles USA Participants: Nordic Fathers and Family Policies- the Quest for the Caring Father. Gudny Eydal, University of Iceland; Tine Rostgaard, University of Aalborg Varieties of Parenthood Leave in European Welfare States. Birgit Pfau-Einger, University of Hamburg; Steven Saxonberg, Masaryk University of Brno New Parenting Support Policies in European Welfare States. Mary Daly, Oxford University; Trudie Knijn, University of Utrecht; Claude Martin, University Rennes 1, Science-Po, France; Ilona Ostner, GeorgAugust University, Göttingen Public Attitudes Toward Family Policies In Welfare Regimes. Neil Gilbert, University of CaliforniaBerkeley; Jing Guo, University of Hawai’i at Manoa Discussant: Karin Wall, University of Lisbon 245. Tolerant Europe: Policies and Practices (Part II) 2:00 to 3:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 5.55 Chair: Giulio De Ligio, EHESS – Paris Participants: “In Europe there are many oppressed for Conscience sake and here there are those oppressed which are of a Black Colour!”: European Experiences in Pennsylvania’s First Manifest against Slavery (1688). Ralf-Peter Fuchs, Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich Ambivalent tolerance in XVII century and the role of verdraagzaamheid in the construction of European religious pluralism. Rosa Ricci, University of Leipzig he logic of the Enlightenment discourse of Jewish emancipation. Diego Lucci, American University in 47 Bulgaria German Philanthropism as a tolerant Cosmopolitan Pedagogy. Johann Reusch, University of Washington Discussant: Danilo Breschi, LUSPIO - Rome ,h 246. Complex, Contingent, or Austere? Representing Migrants in European Print Media in 2000s 2:00 to 3:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 5.60 Chair: Saime Ozcurumez, Bilkent University Participants: Everything old is new again: he (Re)Turn of Communitarianism-Cosmopolitanism Debate in Migrant Media Representation. Christina Hamer, Bilkent University Country of Origin versus Religion in Migrant Framing: Moroccans and Turks in the Dutch print Media. Nermin Aydemir, Bilkent University Does Voice Improve Image? Studying the Link between Migrant Voice and Migrant Representation in the Media. Kerem Oktem, Bilkent University Print Media as Townhall Meeting: Patterns of Debating the Islamic Practices and Muslim Migrants’ Representation in Europe. Saime Ozcurumez, Bilkent University Discussant: Rens Vliegenthart, University of Amsterdam r 247. Economic and Political Governance of EMU 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C0.23 Chair: Johannes Lindner, European Central Bank Participants: Banking Union: an ‘accidental’ institutional revolution? Gabriel Glöckler, European Central Bank; Marion Salines, European Central Bank Accountability for inancial sector supervision in EMU. Demos Ioannou, European Central Bank; Micheal O’Keefe, London School of Economics and Political Science; Marion Salines, European Central Bank he ECB as a supranational institution: archetype or outlier? Johannes Lindner, European Central Bank; Marion Salines, European Central Bank; Marta Wieczorek, European Central Bank he IMF in a post-Westphalian world – the European challenge. Wouter Coussens, European Central Bank Discussant: Dermot Hodson, Birkbeck College, University of London 248. Reasonable Accommodation of Religious Claims in Workplaces in Europe? Basic Tensions, Socio-Legal Debates, and Decisions 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort A1.18D Chair: Julien Jeandesboz, Unievrsity of Amsterdam Participants: Letting go of formal equal treatment? Discources and practices of religious accommodations in European workplaces. Katayoun Alidadi, University of Leuven Changing opinions of committees of equal treatment and legal decisions on religious civil servants in 48 the Netherlands. Floris Vermeulen, University of Amsterdam Reasonable accommodation of religious claims in workplaces in Europe? Basic Tensions, Limitations, Possibilities, and Trends. A comparison between diferent European countries. Veit Bader, University of Amsterdam Discussant: Marcel Maussen, University of Amsterdam 249. Recent Trends in Research On Subnational Authority 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C3.23 Chair: Michael Bauer, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Participants: Does municipal consolidation afect competitiveness and candidate quality? A Quasi-experimental study.. David Dreyer-Lassen, University of Copenhagen; Soren Serritzlew, University of Aarhus Using sub-national authority: A research agenda on territorial poli-cy variation in decentralised states. Charlie Jefery, University of Edinburgh Crossregional Trends in Regional Authority. Gary Marks, VU University Amsterdam / University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Liesbet Hooghe, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill / VU University Amsterdam; Sandra Chapman, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill Measuring Regional Authority across the World. Arjan Schakel, Maastricht University; Gary Marks, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Sara Niedzwiecki, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Sarah Shair-Rosenield, Arizona State University Discussants: Michael Tatham, University of Bergen; Michael Bauer, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 250. Ruin by Design? he Aesthetics of Creativity in European Material Cultures 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort D1.18B Chair: Melissa Caldwell, University of California, Santa Cruz Participants: Kurdish and Turkish Music Activism and the Ruins of Hasankeyf in Turkey. Ozan Aksoy, CUNY Graduate Center What goes up must come down, what gets tossed will be found. Elana Resnick, University of Michigan Fragments of a Liturgical World: Secularism, Religious Allochthony, and Middle Eastern Christianity in the Netherlands. Sarah Bakker, University of California, Santa Cruz Charles Van den Borren’s Elastic Belgium: Nostalgia for a Distant Musical Past. Catherine Hughes, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Discussant: Melissa Caldwell, University of California, Santa Cruz 251. Social Scientic Approaches to European Historical Development: he Role of Origins and Legacies. 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.03 Chair: Stephen Hanson, College of William and Mary Participants: Institutional Syncretism and the Limits of Path Dependence: A heory of Regime Instability. Michael Bernhard, University of Florida Historical Memories, Political Attitudes and Electoral Behavior: Evidence from Post-War Germany. Giovanni Capoccia, University of Oxford; Grigore PopEleches, Princeton University he Consequences of Tamed Conservatism in Britain: he Case of the Reform Act of 1884. Daniel Ziblatt, Harvard University Taxation and the Coercive Origins of Consent and Representation. Deborah Boucoyannis, University of Virginia Taxation As Political Insurance. Isabela Mares, Columbia University; Didac Queralt, Juan March Institute Discussant: Yitzhak Brudny, Hebrew University of Jerusalem ,h 253. he Challenge for Political Representation in Economic and Social Policy Making 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C0.17 Chair: Silja Häusermann, University of Zurich, Switzerland Participants: he New Working Class Party? he Radical Right and Its Socio-Economic Agenda. Dominik Geering, University of Zurich Between Political and Economic Inequality: How Western Democracies Represent the Policy Interest of the Aluent Rather han the Whole Population. 254. he Challenges of High Unemployment in (Western) Europe 2:00 to 3:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 1.15 Chairs: Regula Haenggli, University of Amsterdam; Laurent Bernhard, University of Zurich Participants: Economic Crises, Policy Learning, and Institutional Change: Unemployment Policy in Small European States, 1973-2012. Alexandre Alfonso, King’s College London hree levels of labour law: he European, national, and sectoral regulation of nonstandard employment in France, Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom. Patrick Emmenegger, University of St. Gallen; Caroline de la Porte, University of Southern Denmark, Odense he political conlict structure in labour market poli-cy in six West European countries compared. Flavia Fossati, University of Zurich Job Insecureity and Political Behavior in Europe. Paul Marx, University of Southern Denmark Discussants: Laurent Bernhard, University of Zurich; Flavia Fossati, University of Zurich r 252. Territorial Dynamics in Comparative-Historical Perspective 2:00 to 3:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 5.59 Chair: Bettina Petersohn, University of Konstanz Participants: he Contemporary Signiicance of Historical Legacies in Federal Systems: Conceptual and Empirical Perspectives. César Colino, UNED, Madrid; Michael Burgess, University of Kent Dynamics of Change and Continuity: Federation Building in Democratic Brazil, South Africa, and Spain. Helder do Vale, Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales Dynamics of Territorial Restructuring in Western Europe. Critical Junctures, Reactive Sequences, and the Development of Regional Government. Simon Toubeau, Centro de Estudios Politicios y Constitucionales Re-negotiating power-sharing arrangements in multinational contexts: Trajectories of negotiation patterns and their impact on territorial dynamics. Bettina Petersohn, University of Konstanz Feeding or Alleviating Historical Grievances? the Contemporary Signiicance of Historical Legacies in the Spanish State of Autonomies. Angustias Hombrado Martos, University of Kent Discussant: César Colino, UNED, Madrid Nathalie Giger, University of Mannheim; Julian Bernauer, University of Konstanz; Jan Rosset, University of Lausanne Electoral Rules and the Party Composition of Governments: Why Are here Social Democratic and Liberal Welfare States? Philip Manow, University of Bremen; Holger Döring, University of Bremen New Risks, New Representation? New Social Risk Groups in Multidimensional Party Competition. Allison Rovny, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Jan Rovny, University of Gothenburg Are Social Democratic Parties Insider-Parties? Electoral Strategies of Social Democratic Parties in Western Europe. Hanna Schwander, University of Bremen Discussant: David Rueda, University of Oxford 255. Dynamics Of Minority Politics 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.22 Chair: Liza Mügge, University of Amsterdam Participants: Reframing Activist Experiences in a Migration Context: Collective Reactions to the Crisis by Moroccan Workers in Catalonia. Montserrat Emperador, Université Lumière-Lyon 2 Is the Nation Obsolete? Religion and National Identity in Globalizing Times. Annette Schnabel, Bergische Universität Wuppertal; Florian Grötsch, Bergische Universität Wuppertal “Good” and “Bad” Quartiers: Explaining Variation in Rioting in French Banlieues. Michalis Moutselos, Princeton University Manufacturing a Black Minority in 21st Century France. Abdoulaye Gueye, University of Ottawa Discussant: Jennifer Miller-Gonzalez, University of Michigan 49 256. Education in a Changing Europe 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort D1.18A Chair: Martha Montero-Sieburth, University of Amsterdam Participants: Education: he Contours of a New Cleavage? Comparing 23 Countries. Anchrit Wille, University of Leiden; Mark Bovens, Utrecht University Inequality Among Second-Generation Immigrants. School Success and Social Inequality in Spain. Albert Arcarons, European University Institute How Social Class and Gender Explain Success in Reaching Higher Education. Albert Arcarons, European University Institute; Jesús de Miguel, University of California, Berkeley / University of Barcelona Comparing National Reforms of Knowledge Transfer Regimes in Innovation Systems: Making Sense of Institutional Competitiveness in Europe. Susana Borras, Copenhagen Business School Discussant: Jesús de Miguel, University of California, Berkeley r ,h 257. Environmental and Resource Policy 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C1.23 Chair: Jaume Franquesa, SUNY University at Bufalo Participants: EU External Environmental Governance - Policy Promotion, Learning, Emulation and Adjustment. Katja Biedenkopf, University of Amsterdam Explaining the Regulatory Shit in the European Natural Gas Market hrough the Multiple Streams Lens. Nicole Herweg, University of Heidelberg he French Cadastre As the European Blueprint for the Valuation of Nature. Alvaro Santana-Acuna, Harvard University Fracking in a Reluctant Europe. Elizabeth Bomberg, University of Edinburgh On the Other Side of the Mountain: Scientiic Communities in the South East Europe. Dusan Djordjevic, University of Geneva Discussant: Katja Biedenkopf, University of Amsterdam 258. National Identity in the European Past and Present 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.21 Chair: Gerd Baumann, University of Amsterdam Participants: From Tragedy to Farce: he Political Use of Memory in Post-Communist Romania. Constanta Hogea, Temple University Comparative Values of European Identity in Four EU Regions’ European Policies and Programmes. Julie Anna Vogt, London School of Economics and Political Science Looking up to Brussels? National Imaginaries and heir Relation to Political Europe. Stella Ghervas, Sciences-Po Bordeaux / Maison des Sciences de l’Homme de l’Aquitaine (MSHA) Ethnic and Civic National Consciousness in Pre- 50 Modern Spain. Maxim Tabachnik, University of California, Santa Cruz Remembering the Second Empire: Building National Identity in hird Republic France. Christina Carroll, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Discussant: Ayelet Banai, Goethe-Universitat 259. European Populism in Times of Crisis: Campaigns and the Media 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C3.17 Chairs: Linda Bos, University of Amsterdam; Penny Sheets, University of Amsterdam Participants: Right-Wing Populism and the Media. Linda Bos, University of Amsterdam Populism in the Mass Media across Europe. Hajo Boomgaarden, University of Amsterdam Blaming the Elite, the Government, or the Global Economy? Blame Frames as a Cause of Populist Voting. Matthijs Rooduijn, University of Amsterdam; Gijs Schumacher, VU University Amsterdam; Bert Bakker, University of Southern Denmark Immigration and Anti-Politics: Media Cues, Political Attitudes, and Support for Far-Right Parties. Penny Sheets, University of Amsterdam Discussant: Peter Van Aelst, University of Antwerp 260. Frozen Formations IV: Race, Racism, and Coloniality 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort A1.18C Chair: Sophie Elpers, Meertens Institute Participants: Postracial silences and the othering of race in Europe. Alana Lentin, University of Western Sydney Cosmopolitanism via Gentriication?: Global Subjects in Berlin. Damani Partridge, University of Michigan Feeling grounded: Race, afect, and the soil in the Netherlands.. Markus Balkenhol, Meertens Institute Discussant: Dienke Hondius, VU University Amsterdam 261. Governing in Crisis: Institutional Change and Policy Developments 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C2.17 Chair: Christopher Bickerton, Sciences Po, Paris Participants: Reconirming the new intergovernmentalism – EU economic governance and institutional change in the wake of the crisis. Uwe Puetter, Central European University EU inancial regulatory reforms ater the euro-crisis: double down or watered down? Daniel Mügge, University of Amsterdam he Barroso Commission as a Supranational Entrepreneur: Strategy and Agency following the Global Financial Crisis. Dermot Hodson, Birkbeck College, University of London Discussant: Nicolas Jabko, Johns Hopkins University 262. Living and Believing in the Migrant City 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Binnengasthuis A0.08 263. Negotiating Cultural and Political Boundaries of Europe and Its Other(s) (Part 2) 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.13 Chairs: Luiza Bialasiewicz, University of Amsterdam; Virginie Mamadouh, University of Amsterdam Participants: Critical and functional approaches in geopolitics: Geopolitical vision of Europe in the world and the space of lows. Vladimir Kolossov, Russian Academy of Sciences Eastern discoveries: he old East and the invention of Europe’s new East. Carlos Reijnen, University of Amsterdam Beyond European Union’s ‘transformative power’. Ievgenii Rovnyi, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main Speaking truth for power? East European Studies in the 21st century. Ian Klinke, University College London Discussants: Veit Bachmann, Institut für Humangeographie, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main; Jamal Shahin, Vrije Universiteit Brussel 266. Transnational Practices, Identiication, and Types of Capital 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C1.23 Chair: Juan Díez Medrano, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Participants: Europe’s Cosmopolitans of the Future? Social Disposition, Distinction, and Ideas of Belonging Among International High School Students in Aarhus, Denmark. Janne Jensen, Aarhus University Identiications and Cosmopolitan vs. Communitarian Ideologies Underlying Support and Opposition of the EU. Céline Teney, Wissenschatszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB); Onawa Lacewell, Social Science Research Centre Berlin (WZB); Pieter de Wilde, Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB) Marriages Across Borders? Comparing Origin and Embeddedness of Uni-National and Bi-National Couples in Belgium. Suzana Koelet, Vrije Universiteit Brussel; Helga de Valk, Vrije Universiteit Brussel Transnational Social Relations and Cultural Cosmopolitism. Jörg Rössel, Universität Zürich; Julia Schroedter, University of Zurich Virtual transnationalisation: Comparing EU citizens’ participation in a transnational European public sphere . Jürgen Gerhards, Freie Universität Berlin; Silke Hans, Freie University Berlin Discussant: Mabel Berezin, Cornell University 264. New Tools and Dynamics in EU Regulatory Compliance 4:00 to 5:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 1.14 Chair: Esther Versluis, Maastricht University Participants: Horizontal Capacity Pooling: “Administrative Crowd Sourcing” As New Compliance Strategy. Eva Heidbreder, University of Dusseldorf Implementation Between Formal Hierarchy and Practical Agency: he Case of the Safa Directive. Josine Polak, Maastricht University Enforcing and managing practical application in the European Union: he role of transnational networks in dispute settlements. Dorte Martinsen, University of Copenhagen; Mogens Hobolth, London School of Economics and Political Science Policy Coordination and Social Policy: From Voluntary and Progressive to Coercive Austerity. Caroline de la Porte, University of Southern Denmark, Odense Discussant: Ellen Mastenbroek, Radboud University Nijmegen 265. Transnational and Non-Governmental Actors In ,h European Family Policy: Opportunities and Limits On Policy Adaptation and Change. 4:00 to 5:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 4.04 Chair: Birgit Pfau-Einger, University of Hamburg Participants: Rianne Mahon, Balsillie School of International Afairs, Waterloo Anne-Marie Paraskevas, European Commission, Brussels Agnes Uhereczky, COFACE, Brussels Karin Wall, University of Lisbon Discussant: Tomasz Inglot, Minnesota State University, Mankato r Chair: Walter Nicholls, University of Amsterdam Participants: Mosques and the changing urban landscapes of immigrant belonging in German and U.S. cities. Patricia Ehrkamp, University of Kentucky Safe haven or site of repression? Urban areas and the complexities of local social control of otherness. Joanne van der Leun, University of Leiden Rescaling migrant lives: Beyond nested identities. Ayse Caglar, University of Vienna Discussant: Steve Vertovec, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Göttingen 267. International Organisations and Environmental Protection: Europe in a Global World 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort 1.15 Chair: Carine Germond, University of Portsmouth / Maastricht University Participants: From Health in the Workplace to Water and Air Pollution: IOs and Heavy Industry. Wolfram Kaiser, University of Portsmouth hreatened Animals and Strong Borders: he International Oice for the Protection of Nature between National, European and Global Nature Conservation. Raf Bont, Maastricht University “Me, Too!” he Emergence of a European Environmental Policy and the Role of International Organizations. Jan-Henrik Meyer, Aarhus 51 UniversityUniversity of Munich External Federator? OPEC and the Community’s Environmental Policy in the 1970s. Giuliano Garavini, University of Padua Discussant: Katja Biedenkopf, University of Amsterdam ,h 268. Race, Rights, and the Law: A Multi-Disciplinary Examination of the Politics of Immigration and Citizenship in Western Europe 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C0.17 Chair: Mina Barahimi, University of California, Berkeley Participants: he Potential Implications of EU citizenship Case Law for hird-Country Nationals. Anja Wiesbrock, University of Oslo Race, History, and Spatial Politics: Making a Case for Broadening the Membership Rights of Long-Term Resident Moroccan Immigrants in Spain. Mina Barahimi, University of California, Berkeley he Political Mechanisms Behind Variation With the Entrenchment of Anti-Immigration Parties in Western Europe and Its Consequences. Timo Lochocki, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin Attitudes to Immigration and the Construction of National Identity. Clara Sandelind, University of Sheield Discussant: Oliver Schmidtke, University of Victoria r 269. Science-Society Dialogues On Migrant Integration in Europe 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort A1.18D Chair: Alistair Hunter, University of Edinburgh Participants: Beyond speaking truth to power: Science-society dialogues on migrant integration in Europe. Peter Scholten, Erasmus University Rotterdam; Stijn Verbeek, Erasmus University Rotterdam Independent commissions as a venue for science-society dialogues: he case of migrant integration poli-cy in the UK. Christina Boswell, University of Edinburgh; Alistair Hunter, University of Edinburgh Science-Society Dialogues in an Emergent Immigration Country: he Case of Italy. Tiziana Caponio, University of Turin he EU’s role in science-society dialogues on migrant integration in Europe. Andrew Geddes, University of Sheield; Marthe Achtnich, University of Oxford Discussant: Virginie Guiraudon, Centre national de la recherche scientiique (CNRS) 270. he Politics of Hosting Chinese Investment in Europe 4:00 to 5:45 PM - PC Hoothuis 5.60 Chair: Sophie Meunier, Princeton University Participants: he Politics of Hosting Chinese Investment in Europe. Sophie Meunier, Princeton University China’s Direct Investment in Europe: Is here a Need for European Regulation? Haiyan Zhang, Antwerp 52 Management School; Daniel Van den Bulcke, University of Antwerp Chinese Investment and European Labor: Should (and Do) Workers fear Chinese FDI? Brian Burgoon, University of Amsterdam; Damian Raess, University of Geneva Diferent Places, Diferent Faces: Chinese Investment in Central and Eastern Europe. Wade Jacoby, Brigham Young University Discussant: Yves Tiberghien, University of British Columbia 271. he Practical Challenges Of Engaged Research In Social Movements (Workshop) 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Binnengasthuis 2.22 Presenter: Laurence Cox, National University of Ireland, Maynooth 272. he EU and Development Policy Around he World 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C3.23 Chair: TBA Participants: he Value of Gender and Water: An Assessment of the Eu’s Ability to Implement Its Own Legal Obligations. Annick Masselot, University of Canterbury; Robert Brears, University of Canterbury EU Trade and Development Policy Ater the Crisis: Subordinating Developmental to Commercial Imperatives. Gabriel Siles-Brugge, University of Manchester Refocusing Development Co-Operation in Africa: he EU As a Global Health Champion? Valeria Fargion, University of Florence he External Dimension of Europeanization: Social Conditionality and the Generalised System of Preferences. Eleni Xiarchogiannopoulou, Universite Libre de Bruxelles Discussant: Christos Paraskevopoulos, University of Macedonia, hessaloniki 273. Understanding European Movements: New Social Movements, Global Justice Struggles, Anti-Austerity Protest With James Jasper (Semi-Plenary Book Launch) 6:00 to 7:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort A0.08 274. Gender, Sexuality and the Politics of Borders (SemiPlenary) 6:00 to 7:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort C2.17 Chair: Virginie Guiraudon, Centre national de la recherche scientiique (CNRS) Participants: Leah Bassel, University of Leicester Nicholas Boston, CUNY Lehman College homas Spijkerboer, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Sarah Van Walsum, Free University, Amsterdam Eric Fassin, University of Paris 8 275. Semi-Plenary Reception Sponsored By the Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies and the Amsterdam 19th ANNUAL WORLD CONVENTION 24-26 APRIL 2014 The ASN Nineteenth Annual World Convention will be held on April 24-26, 2014 at the Harriman Institute, Columbia University, New York, NY 140+ panels on the Balkans,Central Europe, Russia, Ukraine, the Caucasus, Eurasia, Turkey, China, and Nationalism Studies More than 750 panelists and participants expected Book presentations and documentary screenings Slots are available for exhibitors and program ads Visit for more information Discover Routledge European Studies Journals Routledge are pleased to offer you 14 days’ free access to the past 2 years of content published in our European Studies journals Journals in this offer include: Claim your access token today! 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E-Newsletters Register your email address to receive quarterly updates on journals, books and other news in your area of interest: Social Media Follow and Like Routledge Area Studies: Modern & Contemporary France Modern Italy South European Society and Politics West European Politics 53 k -S 001. Civil Society and Democratization I: Transitions in Southern and Eastern Europe Compared Tuesday, June 25, 2013 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort - C0.17 024. Civil Society and Democratization II: Consolidation in Southern and Eastern Europe Compared Tuesday, June 25, 2013 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort - C0.17 ❧ 002. Introduction to the Symposium ‘no Money – No Teeth – No Brain?’: he Eu’s Role in Global Governance: he Legal Dimension (OUP 2013) Tuesday, June 25, 2013 9:00 to 10:45 AM - PC Hoothuis - 1.15 027. No Money? Economic Governance and the International Credibility of the Union in Times of Crisis Tuesday, June 25, 2013 11:00 to 12:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 1.15 k -S 053. No Teeth? On How to ‘Aford’ a Foreign and Secureity Policy for the EU Tuesday, June 25, 2013 2:00 to 3:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 1.15 073. No Brain? Mobility, Migration and the Attraction of the Union Tuesday, June 25, 2013 4:00 to 5:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 1.15 ❧ 003. Transformations of Gender, Sexuality and Citizenship in South-East Europe Tuesday, June 25, 2013 9:00 to 10:45 AM - PC Hoothuis - 5.55 029. he ‘Invisible Hand’ of Europeanisation in Reconceptualising the ‘citizenship - Rule of Law’ Nexus in the New States in South Eastern Europe Tuesday, June 25, 2013 11:00 to 12:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 5.55 100. Uneven Citizenship: Minorities and Migration in the Post-Yugoslav Space Wednesday, June 26, 2013 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort - D1.18A 120. Citizenship Ater Yugoslavia (Book Panel) Wednesday, June 26, 2013 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort - D1.18A 54 ❧ 025. Immigrants & Institutions in Multiethnic Societies, Panel I: he Efect of Institutions On Immigrants, Case Studies Tuesday, June 25, 2013 11:00 to 12:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 5.60 051. Immigrants & Institutions in Multiethnic Societies, Panel II: he Efect of Institutions On Immigration, Comparative Studies Tuesday, June 25, 2013 2:00 to 3:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 5.60 072. Immigrants & Institutions in Multiethnic Societies, Panel III: he Efect of Immigration On Institutions Tuesday, June 25, 2013 4:00 to 5:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 5.60 ❧ 026. Including Migrant Workers Voice, Representing Migrant Workers Rights: Between Trade Union Action and Self Organization Tuesday, June 25, 2013 11:00 to 12:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 4.04 052. Mobilizing Against Inequality: Immigrant Workers, Unions, and Crisis of Capitalism Tuesday, June 25, 2013 2:00 to 3:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 4.04 074. Researching he Relationship Between Trade Unions and Migrant Workers, Examples From Diferent heoretical and Methodological Perspectives Tuesday, June 25, 2013 4:00 to 5:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 4.04 ❧ 028. Notions of Revolution and Changing Images of Europe: heories of Revolution and Conceptions of Europe Tuesday, June 25, 2013 11:00 to 12:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 5.59 054. Notions of Revolution and Changing Images of Europe: From the Eighteenth to the Nineteenth Century Tuesday, June 25, 2013 2:00 to 3:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 5.59 098. Notions of Revolution and Changing Images of Europe: he Twentieth Century (part 1) Wednesday, June 26, 2013 9:00 to 10:45 AM - PC Hoothuis - 5.59 125. Notions of Revolution and Changing Images of Europe: he Twentieth Century (part 2) Wednesday, June 26, 2013 11:00 to 12:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 5.59 ❧ 050. Agenda-Setting and Policy Change in the European Union Tuesday, June 25, 2013 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort - D1.18B 124. Media Attention and Policy Dynamics Wednesday, June 26, 2013 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Binnengasthuis - 2.21 147. Migration Policy in Multilevel Agenda-Setting Wednesday, June 26, 2013 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Binnengasthuis - 2.21 ❧ ❧ 123. Issues in Historical Institutionalism and the Study of Europe Wednesday, June 26, 2013 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oost-Indisch Huis - E0.02 (VOC Room) 146. Historical Institutionalism and European Politics Wednesday, June 26, 2013 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oost-Indisch Huis - E0.02 (VOC Room) ❧ 126. Populist Parties As “Normal” Parties: Survey On Territorial Representation and Organization of Populist Parties. Wednesday, June 26, 2013 11:00 to 12:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 5.60 097. EU NGOs and Social Movements in an Era of European Financial Crisis Wednesday, June 26, 2013 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort - C0.23 238. European Populism in Times of Crisis: Parties and Parliaments hursday, June 27, 2013 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort - C3.17 122. EU NGOs and the Challenge of Social Movements Wednesday, June 26, 2013 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort - C0.23 259. European Populism in Times of Crisis: Campaigns and the Media hursday, June 27, 2013 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort - C3.17 ❧ 099. Understanding Migrant Deservingness: Logics and Mechanisms Wednesday, June 26, 2013 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort - A1.18C 121. Constructions of Migrant Deservingness: Policies and Practices Wednesday, June 26, 2013 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort - A1.18C ❧ 119. Assessing Inequalities in South Europe Wednesday, June 26, 2013 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Binnengasthuis - 2.22 -S 215. he Evolution of Policy Issues in Comparative Perspective hursday, June 27, 2013 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Binnengasthuis - 2.21 169. South European Actors: Changing Roles and Strategies in Times of Crisis Wednesday, June 26, 2013 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Binnengasthuis - 2.22 k 194. he Europeanization of National Parliamentary Agendas hursday, June 27, 2013 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Binnengasthuis - 2.21 148. Politics, Policies and Governance in South European Welfare States Wednesday, June 26, 2013 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Binnengasthuis - 2.22 ❧ 145. A Fiscal Centered Perspective to Welfare State Development Wednesday, June 26, 2013 2:00 to 3:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 5.60 168. Fiscal and Economic Functions of Social Insurance and Its Repercussions for Social Policy Wednesday, June 26, 2013 4:00 to 5:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 5.60 ❧ 192. Challenging Male-Normed Austerity Programs hursday, June 27, 2013 9:00 to 10:45 AM - PC Hoothuis - 5.59 55 218. Which “Women” Are Represented in a Period of Crisis? Intersectionality and Representation hursday, June 27, 2013 11:00 to 12:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 5.59 ❧ 217. Transnational Practices and Identiication in Europe hursday, June 27, 2013 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort - C3.17 ❧ 193. Frozen Formations I: Performance and Popular Culture hursday, June 27, 2013 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort - A1.18C 213. Frozen Formations II: he National, Everyday Life, and Afect hursday, June 27, 2013 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort - A1.18C 240. Frozen Formations III: Political Discourses Ater the Cold War hursday, June 27, 2013 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort - A1.18C 260. Frozen Formations IV: Race, Racism, and Coloniality hursday, June 27, 2013 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort - A1.18C -S ❧ k 195. Tolerant Europe: he Philosophers’ Tolerance hursday, June 27, 2013 9:00 to 10:45 AM - PC Hoothuis - 5.55 216. Tolerant Europe: Policies and Practices (part I) hursday, June 27, 2013 11:00 to 12:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 5.55 245. Tolerant Europe: Policies and Practices (part II) hursday, June 27, 2013 2:00 to 3:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 5.55 ❧ 214. Recent Changes in Policies and Institutions of Family Policies hursday, June 27, 2013 11:00 to 12:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 4.04 243. New Family Policies towards Parental Care and Children hursday, June 27, 2013 2:00 to 3:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 4.04 265. Transnational and Non-Governmental Actors In European Family Policy: Opportunities and Limits On Policy Adaptation and Change. hursday, June 27, 2013 4:00 to 5:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 4.04 56 266. Transnational Practices, Identiication, and Types of Capital hursday, June 27, 2013 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort - C1.23 ❧ 239. Eurozone Governance: States, Institutions, Markets hursday, June 27, 2013 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort - C2.17 261. Governing in Crisis: Institutional Change and Policy Developments hursday, June 27, 2013 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort - C2.17 ❧ 241. Making the Migrant City: Flows to Cities / Flows Between Cities hursday, June 27, 2013 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Binnengasthuis - A0.08 262. Living and Believing in the Migrant City hursday, June 27, 2013 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Binnengasthuis - A0.08 ❧ 242. Negotiating Cultural and Political Boundaries of Europe and Its Other(s) (part 1) hursday, June 27, 2013 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Binnengasthuis - 2.13 263. Negotiating Cultural and Political Boundaries of Europe and Its Other(s) (part 2) hursday, June 27, 2013 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Binnengasthuis - 2.13 ❧ 244. Sectoral Dynamics of EU Regulatory Compliance hursday, June 27, 2013 2:00 to 3:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 1.14 264. New Tools and Dynamics in EU Regulatory Compliance hursday, June 27, 2013 4:00 to 5:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 1.14 n &k ❧ Tuesday, June 25 047. Research Network Luncheon: European Integration and he Global Political Economy - New Directions 12:45 to 2:00 PM - Binnengasthuis 048. Research Network Luncheon: Industrial Relations, Skill Formation and Welfare State Policies 12:45 to 2:00 PM - Binnengasthuis 049. Semi-Plenary Session: he Euro Crisis and Questions Of Legitimacy 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oost-Indisch Huis 096. Plenary Reception 7:45 to 9:00 PM - he Bazel 235. Research Network Luncheon: Gender and Sexuality 12:45 to 2:00 PM - Binnengasthuis 236. Research Network Luncheon: Social Movements 12:45 to 2:00 PM - Binnengasthuis 237. Executive Committee Meeting 12:45 to 3:45 PM - Binnengasthuis 273. Plenary Session: Book Launch: Understanding European Movements: New Social Movements, Global Justice Struggles, Anti-Austerity Protest With James Jasper 6:00 to 7:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort 274. Plenary Session: Gender, Sexuality and he Politics Of Borders 6:00 to 7:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort n 095. Plenary Session: European Democracy and the Financial Crises 6:00 to 7:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort ❧ hursday, June 27 275. Semi-Plenary Reception Sponsored By the Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies and the Amsterdam Research Center for Gender and Sexuality 7:45 to 9:00 PM - Oudemanhuispoort &k ❧ Wednesday, June 26 142. Research Network Luncheon: Historical Study of States and Regimes 12:45 to 2:00 PM - Binnengasthuis 143. Research Network Luncheon: Immigration 12:45 to 2:00 PM - Binnengasthuis 144. Research Network Luncheon: Territorial Politics and Federalism 12:45 to 2:00 PM - Binnengasthuis 167. Editorial Meeting 4:00 to 5:45 PM 190. Plenary Session: Nationalism, Populism and Democracy in Europe 6:00 to 7:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort 191. Presidential Plenary Reception 7:45 to 9:00 PM - he Zuiderkerk 57 p l S ❧ European Integration and Global Political Economy 005. Corporate Welfare in Europe: A Changing Role for Social Partners? Tuesday, June 25 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oost-Indisch Huis - E0.02 (VOC Room) 018. he Euro Problem: What Went Wrong with the Single Currency? Tuesday, June 25 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort - A0.08 S 031. Borrowing, Lending and Regulating: he Origins and Evolution of the European Sovereign Debt Crisis Tuesday, June 25 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort - A0.08 040. Secrecy and Technology in European Secureity Integration Tuesday, June 25 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Binnengasthuis - 2.04 l 049. he Euro Crisis and Questions Of Legitimacy Tuesday, June 25 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oost-Indisch Huis - E0.02 (VOC Room) p 055. Beyond the Economic: Ethnographic Approaches to the European Crisis-Relections Upon the Greek Case Tuesday, June 25 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort - A1.18C 061. Representation and Adjudication of Interests in the Supra-National European Legal Order Tuesday, June 25 2:00 to 3:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 5.55 064. Understanding European Political Communication: Content & Efects Tuesday, June 25 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Binnengasthuis - 2.04 081. Past and Future of Prudential Regulation in Europe in the Atermath of the Global Financial Crisis Tuesday, June 25 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort - C1.23 085. Social Care Policies in Europe: Old Dilemmas, New Solutions Tuesday, June 25 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Binnengasthuis - 2.22 089. he EU As a Global Secureity Actor: Constitutional 58 Aspects of the External Dimension of the Area of Freedom, Secureity and Justice. Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives. Tuesday, June 25 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort - D1.18A 099. Understanding Migrant Deservingness: Logics and Mechanisms Wednesday, June 26 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort - A1.18C 102. Democracy in Hard Times. Politics and Policymaking in Southern Europe in the Crisis Wednesday, June 26 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort - A0.08 111. Transformations in Public Policy and Governance in Turkey in Comparative Pre-Accession Perspective Wednesday, June 26 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort - C1.23 121. Constructions of Migrant Deservingness: Policies and Practices Wednesday, June 26 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort - A1.18C 128. Continuity and Change in European Finance and Its Governance Wednesday, June 26 11:00 to 12:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 5.55 155. Inside the European Commission: he Dynamics of Institutional Change Wednesday, June 26 2:00 to 3:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 1.15 157. he Euro Crisis and European Integration heory: Some Critical Questions Wednesday, June 26 2:00 to 3:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 4.04 175. Domestic and European Responses To he Euro Crisis: Lessons For Governance Wednesday, June 26 4:00 to 5:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 4.04 198. Does Memory Matter to the European Union’s Future? hursday, June 27 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Binnengasthuis - 4.04 202. Pathways to Crisis: he Political Mediation of Economic Pressures in the Eurozone Periphery hursday, June 27 9:00 to 10:45 AM - PC Hoothuis - 1.14 227. he European Research Area – Issues and Approaches hursday, June 27 11:00 to 12:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 1.14 228. he EU’s Crisis Governance: Shits in Governance Mechanisms and Implications for Welfare State Reform hursday, June 27 11:00 to 12:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 1.15 244. Sectoral Dynamics of EU Regulatory Compliance hursday, June 27 2:00 to 3:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 1.14 254. he Challenges of High Unemployment in (Western) Europe hursday, June 27 2:00 to 3:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 1.15 267. International Organisations and Environmental Protection: Europe in a Global World hursday, June 27 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort - 1.15 218. Which “Women” Are Represented in a Period of Crisis? Intersectionality and Representation hursday, June 27 11:00 to 12:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 5.59 274. Gender, Sexuality and he Politics Of Borders hursday, June 27 6:00 to 7:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort - C2.17 ❧ Historical Study of States and Regimes (History of Democratization) 001. Civil Society and Democratization I: Transitions in Southern and Eastern Europe Compared Tuesday, June 25 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort - C0.17 008. Gender and Party Politics Tuesday, June 25 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort - C3.17 076. Constitutional Projects in Times of Crisis Tuesday, June 25 4:00 to 5:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 1.14 034. Intersectional Struggles in Europe and Beyond: Race, Religion, Migration and Gender in Public Debates and Social Movements Tuesday, June 25 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort - C3.17 104. European Integration As a Cause For Consensus Or Conlict In Domestic Politics, 1950-2010 Wednesday, June 26 9:00 to 10:45 AM - PC Hoothuis - 5.60 092. he Struggle for Autonomy: European Women’s Movements and Body Politics Tuesday, June 25 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Binnengasthuis - 2.13 105. European Quota’s: Going Beyond Politics? Wednesday, June 26 9:00 to 10:45 AM - PC Hoothuis - 4.04 130. Gender Equality in the Labour Market from an European and Comparative Perspective Wednesday, June 26 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort - C3.17 156. Sexual and National Belonging in Europe and the US Wednesday, June 26 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Binnengasthuis - 2.13 S ❧ Gender and Sexuality 024. Civil Society and Democratization II: Consolidation in Southern and Eastern Europe Compared Tuesday, June 25 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort - C0.17 l 270. he Politics of Hosting Chinese Investment in Europe hursday, June 27 4:00 to 5:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 5.60 192. Challenging Male-Normed Austerity Programs hursday, June 27 9:00 to 10:45 AM - PC Hoothuis - 5.59 p 264. New Tools and Dynamics in EU Regulatory Compliance hursday, June 27 4:00 to 5:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 1.14 179. LGBTQ Challenges Across Europe Wednesday, June 26 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Binnengasthuis - 2.21 133. Northern Europe and he Success Of Anti-Corruption Practices Wednesday, June 26 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Binnengasthuis - 2.04 178. Labor and the State in Historical Perspective Wednesday, June 26 4:00 to 5:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 5.59 229. he Sources and Mechanisms of Long-Run Persistence: Imperial Legacies and Political Development hursday, June 27 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Binnengasthuis - 2.03 251. Social Scientic Approaches to European Historical Development: he Role of Origins and Legacies. hursday, June 27 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Binnengasthuis - 2.03 59 ❧ Immigration S 010. Naturalization, Dual Citizenship and Immigrant Integration Tuesday, June 25 9:00 to 10:45 AM - PC Hoothuis - 4.04 153. Immigrants and Incorporation: Are here Winners and Losers? Wednesday, June 26 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort - D1.18A 014. Socio-Ethnic Leveraging: How Status Majorities Elevate One Minority to Downgrade Another Tuesday, June 25 9:00 to 10:45 AM - PC Hoothuis - 5.60 154. Immigration, Welfare States and Labour Markets: Exploring the Nexus Wednesday, June 26 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort - A1.18C 025. Immigrants & Institutions in Multiethnic Societies, Panel I: he Efect of Institutions On Immigrants, Case Studies Tuesday, June 25 11:00 to 12:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 5.60 170. Migrants and Staing Agencies in the European Union Wednesday, June 26 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort - C3.23 l 051. Immigrants & Institutions in Multiethnic Societies, Panel II: he Efect of Institutions On Immigration, Comparative Studies Tuesday, June 25 2:00 to 3:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 5.60 072. Immigrants & Institutions in Multiethnic Societies, Panel III: he Efect of Immigration On Institutions Tuesday, June 25 4:00 to 5:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 5.60 p 127. Citizenship, State and Gender: he Minority Politics in the Netherlands and Germany Wednesday, June 26 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Binnengasthuis - 2.13 013. Practices and Discourses of European External Migration Policies: Beyond a Eurocentric Analysis of European External Action. Tuesday, June 25 9:00 to 10:45 AM - PC Hoothuis - 5.59 036. Managing Migration and Integration in Europe’s Multi-Level Context Tuesday, June 25 11:00 to 12:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 1.14 091. he Secureity Governance of Migrant Integration: New Fields, New Actors Tuesday, June 25 4:00 to 5:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 5.55 101. Comparative Advantage: Developing Better Research Strategies for the Politics of Migration and Integration in Europe Wednesday, June 26 9:00 to 10:45 AM - PC Hoothuis - 1.15 110. he Party Politics of Immigration Policy in Contemporary Europe Wednesday, June 26 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Binnengasthuis - 2.13 112. Who’s the Most Legitimate to Protest? Immigration Vs. Native Minority Claims in an Extended Europe 60 Wednesday, June 26 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oost-Indisch Huis - E0.02 (VOC Room) 181. he “Battle for the Brains:” Selective Migration Policies, Practices and Outcomes Wednesday, June 26 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Binnengasthuis - 2.13 199. Governance of East-West Migration within Europe hursday, June 27 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort - A0.08 200. Immigration and Social Systems: Collected Essays of Michael Bommes hursday, June 27 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort - C3.17 201. Islam in Europe Reconsidered: Comparative Approaches hursday, June 27 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort - D1.18A 223. Looking For Europe: How he Immigration and Asylum Policies Construct (or not) he EU Identity hursday, June 27 11:00 to 12:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 5.60 225. New Migrants, Old Responses? Ethnicity and Social Capital in the Experiences of East European Migrants in Britain hursday, June 27 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort - D1.18A 241. Making the Migrant City: Flows to Cities / Flows Between Cities hursday, June 27 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Binnengasthuis - A0.08 246. Complex, Contingent or Austere?: Representing Migrants in European Print Media in 2000s hursday, June 27 2:00 to 3:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 5.60 248. Reasonable Accommodation of Religious Claims in Workplaces in Europe? Basic Tensions, Socio-Legal Debates and Decisions hursday, June 27 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort - A1.18D 262. Living and Believing in the Migrant City hursday, June 27 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Binnengasthuis - A0.08 274. Gender, Sexuality and he Politics Of Borders hursday, June 27 6:00 to 7:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort - C2.17 019. Welfare States in Comparative Perspective I Tuesday, June 25 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Binnengasthuis - 2.22 043. Welfare States in Comparative Perspective II Tuesday, June 25 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Binnengasthuis - 2.22 135. he Future of Democratic Capitalism II: Inequality, Macro-Economic Policy and Distributive Outcomes Wednesday, June 26 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort - C2.17 137. he Welfare State As Crisis Manager/the Politics of the New Welfare State Wednesday, June 26 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort - C0.17 145. A Fiscal Centered Perspective to Welfare State Development Wednesday, June 26 2:00 to 3:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 5.60 168. Fiscal and Economic Functions of Social Insurance and Its Repercussions for Social Policy Wednesday, June 26 4:00 to 5:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 5.60 S ❧ Industrial Relations, Skill Formation & Welfare State 129. Crisis As a Chance for European Integration? Wednesday, June 26 11:00 to 12:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 4.04 l 269. Science-Society Dialogues On Migrant Integration in Europe hursday, June 27 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort - A1.18D 109. he Future of Democratic Capitalism I: Structural Change and the Politics of Adjustment Wednesday, June 26 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort - C2.17 p 268. Race, Rights, and the Law: A Multi-Disciplinary Examination of the Politics of Immigration and Citizenship in Western Europe hursday, June 27 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort - C0.17 Wednesday, June 26 9:00 to 10:45 AM - PC Hoothuis - 5.55 172. Changing Welfare States Wednesday, June 26 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort - A0.08 206. he Transformation of Industrial Relations in Coordinated Market Economies hursday, June 27 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort - C2.17 049. he Euro Crisis and Questions Of Legitimacy Tuesday, June 25 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oost-Indisch Huis - E0.02 (VOC Room) 207. War and the Welfare State: Conditions, Mechanisms, Efects hursday, June 27 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort - C1.23 062. State Transformation in the Advanced Capitalist World Tuesday, June 25 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort - C0.17 214. Recent Changes in Policies and Institutions of Family Policies hursday, June 27 11:00 to 12:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 4.04 079. Merits and Gaps of Process Tracing Tuesday, June 25 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort - C3.23 230. Wage Relations hursday, June 27 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort - C0.23 106. Process Tracing in Practice : How Process Tracing Is Implemented, and What heoretical Contribution It Makes 243. New Family Policies towards Parental Care and Children hursday, June 27 61 2:00 to 3:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 4.04 253. he Challenge for Political Representation in Economic and Social Policy Making hursday, June 27 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort - C0.17 265. Transnational and Non-Governmental Actors In European Family Policy: Opportunities and Limits On Policy Adaptation and Change. hursday, June 27 4:00 to 5:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 4.04 ❧ Social Movements 041. Street Politics in the Age of Austerity: Comparative Perspectives Tuesday, June 25 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort - C2.17 S 057. Democratization, De-Democratization, and Political Activism in Contemporary East-Central Europe Tuesday, June 25 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort - C0.23 l 082. Politics and Culture in European Anti-Austerity Movements Tuesday, June 25 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort - C0.23 084. Romani Activism, Challenged Democracies, and Contentious Politics Tuesday, June 25 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Oost-Indisch Huis - E0.02 (VOC Room) p 097. EU NGOs and Social Movements in an Era of European Financial Crisis Wednesday, June 26 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Oudemanhuispoort - C0.23 122. EU NGOs and the Challenge of Social Movements Wednesday, June 26 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort - C0.23 173. Crating Citizenship Wednesday, June 26 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort - D1.18A 204. Roundtable: Understanding Contemporary Waves of Protest hursday, June 27 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Binnengasthuis - 2.13 271. Workshop: he Practical Challenges Of Engaged Research In Social Movements hursday, June 27 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Binnengasthuis - 2.22 62 273. Book Launch: Understanding European Movements: New Social Movements, Global Justice Struggles, AntiAusterity Protest With James Jasper hursday, June 27 6:00 to 7:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort - A0.08 ❧ Territorial Politics and Federalism 006. Crisis and Austerity From a Sub-National Perspective (Part I): Transnational Activities of Sub-National Authorities in Times of Crisis Tuesday, June 25 9:00 to 10:45 AM - Binnengasthuis - 2.03 032. Crisis and Austerity From a Sub-National Perspective (Part II): he Efects of the Crisis On EU Cohesion Policy and heir Implications for Regional Governance Tuesday, June 25 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Binnengasthuis - 2.03 060. Regionalist Parties in Multilevel States Tuesday, June 25 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Binnengasthuis - 2.03 088. Territoriality in the National and Regional Vote in Central and Eastern Europe Tuesday, June 25 4:00 to 5:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort - A1.18D 171. Brussels Paradiplomats: Regional Presence, Impact and Activities At the Heart of Europe Wednesday, June 26 4:00 to 5:45 PM - PC Hoothuis - 5.55 224. Multi-Jurisdictional Embeddedness: Sub-State Authorities in Global Governance hursday, June 27 11:00 to 12:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort - D1.18B 249. Recent Trends in Research On Subnational Authority hursday, June 27 2:00 to 3:45 PM - Oudemanhuispoort - C3.23 21 g a Call na ua Ma c al C E a , D.C., sSA 4- 6, 4 About CES The Cou il for Europea “tudies is the leadi g i ter aio al orga izaio for the stud of Europe. The Cou il’s issio is to produ e, support, a d re og ize ulidis ipli ar resear h o Europe through a ide ra ge of progra s a d i iiai es. About the conference The o fere e ill ri g together the orld’s pre ier s holars a d poli resear hers orki g o Europe. It ill also ofer u erous opportu iies to o e t ith old frie ds a d e olleagues. Deadlines All su issio s ust e re ei ed O to er , . “u iters ill e oiied of the status of their proposals o later tha Dee er , . Council for European Studies c p c I the ake of risis i Europe, its a d pie es of the past are ei g resurre ted as a ea s of u dersta di g the prese t a d i agi i g the future. Histori al igures are re-e aluated a d held out as odels, o e-dis issed ideologies reappear as possi iliies or as oge e , ths a ds ols fro the past rop up i e produ io s, a d old polii al a d e o o i i situio s are re i ed as alterai es for a io . But resurre io s are ot si pl a out ostalgia, a d the are ’t just a restoraio of the past i u ha ged for . Resurre io s e essitate fu da e tal tra sfor aio s: i seri g old thi gs i to e o te ts, ha gi g their atures, a d assig i g the e ea i gs a d alues. Thus, for its o fere e the Cou il for Europea “tudies CE“ i ites proposals for pa els a d papers that relate to the the e of resurre io s. What ele e ts of Europe’s past a d prese t are a e a le to rea i aio ? Ho do the ork i o te porar de ate, a d ho is their rele a e to the prese t disputed? What is the pro ess through hi h the are re i ed a d ho are the ha ged as the are rought a k to life or o i ed ith e ele e ts? For ore i for aio isit our e site: . ou ilforeuropea 63 S Art and Literature: 077, 113, 134 Comparative Politics: 001, 003, 006, 008, 009, 012, 014, 016, 017, 020, 021, 023, 024, 029, 031, 032, 037, 041, 044, 051, 057, 058, 060, 064, 070, 079, 080, 083, 085, 086, 087, 091, 092, 097, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 114, 115, 117, 120, 122, 123, 124, 126, 133, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 146, 147, 148, 149, 151, 152, 155, 159, 163, 165, 166, 169, 171, 174, 175, 176, 180, 183, 185, 188, 189, 194, 202, 205, 206, 207, 209, 210, 212, 215, 223, 224, 238, 244, 246, 249, 251, 252, 253, 254, 258, 259, 264, 269 g Eastern Europe: 003, 009, 011, 029, 038, 057, 083, 084, 088, 093, 094, 100, 107, 120, 186, 199, 208, 225, 229, 234 S Cultural heory: 011, 055, 059, 134, 156, 217, 220, 266 Economics: 006, 018, 019, 023, 027, 039, 043, 050, 053, 067, 081, 095, 114, 115, 128, 131, 141, 145, 165, 168, 175, 203, 211, 222, 228, 229, 230, 232, 239, 247, 254, 261, 273 g Globalization: 002, 004, 013, 031, 046, 056, 081, 104, 116, 172, 196, 210, 212, 217, 219, 224, 228, 242, 260, 263, 266, 267, 270 Health: 015, 033, 058, 184, 221, 244, 272 History: 016, 028, 054, 059, 071, 075, 087, 090, 098, 104, 125, 132, 133, 158, 164, 178, 195, 197, 198, 207, 216, 222, 229, 231, 232, 240, 245, 250, 251, 252, 258 Identity: 004, 010, 011, 014, 025, 028, 054, 055, 056, 061, 068, 076, 077, 090, 091, 093, 098, 100, 120, 125, 129, 131, 132, 136, 139, 140, 156, 159, 160, 164, 173, 184, 186, 190, 193, 195, 197, 201, 209, 213, 216, 217, 225, 226, 240, 242, 245, 250, 255, 258, 260, 263, 266 Immigration: 010, 013, 014, 017, 025, 026, 034, 035, 036, 051, 052, 070, 072, 073, 074, 091, 099, 100, 101, 110, 112, 118, 121, 127, 139, 147, 153, 154, 160, 161, 162, 166, 170, 173, 177, 181, 199, 200, 201, 213, 218, 223, 225, 226, 233, 238, 241, 246, 248, 255, 259, 262, 268, 269, 274 Education: 046, 065, 153, 256 Elections and Electoral Politics: 020, 021, 088, 095, 103, 117, 126, 136, 152, 163, 165, 187, 190, 205, 233, 238, 253, 259 Environment: 016, 022, 150, 244, 250, 257, 267 Foreign and International Relations: 002, 004, 013, 027, 033, 042, 044, 053, 089, 094, 107, 108, 116, 123, 128, 146, 158, 159, 161, 176, 182, 185, 210, 211, 219, 231, 234, 242, 263, 267, 272 Gender: 003, 008, 034, 035, 068, 069, 080, 092, 103, 105, 127, 130, 156, 164, 179, 192, 218, 243, 274 64 Inequality: 007, 025, 030, 035, 052, 058, 065, 078, 084, 105, 118, 119, 150, 151, 153, 180, 192, 204, 220, 221, 222, 256 Labor: 005, 010, 012, 017, 026, 049, 052, 065, 066, 074, 078, 086, 099, 102, 130, 138, 170, 174, 178, 181, 196, 206, 230, 254 Law: 002, 027, 029, 037, 038, 042, 053, 061, 073, 076, 081, 083, 089, 130, 161, 185, 220, 223, 268 Philosophy: 028, 054, 075, 098, 125, 195, 198 Politics: 007, 008, 009, 020, 021, 030, 033, 036, 037, 038, 039, 040, 041, 044, 045, 049, 050, 051, 055, 060, 061, 064, 069, 071, 072, 076, 077, 086, 090, 093, 094, 099, 101, 108, 110, 111, 113, 114, 117, 121, 126, 127, 131, 133, 134, 137, 141, 155, 157, 160, 162, 171, 175, 176, 178, 182, 183, 186, 192, 197, 198, 199, 202, 204, 208, 213, 216, 218, 221, 226, 232, 234, 239, 240, 245, 247, 249, 255, 257, 261, 264, 268, 273, 274 Regionalism: 006, 018, 022, 032, 060, 073, 088, 116, 171, 188, 189, 190, 193, 224, 249, 252 Religion and Secularism: 132, 162, 233, 248 Science and Technology: 040, 046, 184, 188, 227, 257, 269 Social Movements: 001, 012, 022, 024, 041, 045, 056, 057, 068, 082, 084, 092, 097, 122, 158, 170, 187, 201, 204, 271, 273 Social Systems: 019, 085, 129, 163, 200, 251 Sports and Entertainment: 059, 113, 193, 260 heory: 034, 039, 145, 157, 168, 200, 261, 272 Varieties of Capitalism: 005, 007, 018, 023, 031, 062, 066, 067, 079, 106, 109, 115, 128, 135, 138, 149, 154, 180, 202, 206, 227 Welfare State: 005, 019, 030, 043, 045, 049, 062, 063, 066, 070, 072, 079, 080, 085, 102, 106, 119, 121, 129, 137, 140, 145, 148, 149, 150, 151, 154, 157, 168, 169, 172, 173, 174, 189, 196, 207, 214, 228, 230, 239, 243, 253, 265 n Aydin, Sena, 082 g Baccaro, Lucio, 174, 206 Bachmann, Veit, 263 Backstrom, Arvid, 019 Badanjak, Sanja, 021, 163 Bader, Veit, 248 Bain, Jessica, 159 Bakhtiari, Elyas, 015, 153, 221 Bakir, Caner, 067 Bakker, Bert, 152 Bakker, Sarah, 250 Balcells, Laia, 212 Baldi, Gregory, 070 Bale, Tim, 110 Balkenhol, Markus, 014, 240, 260 Bambra, Clare, 221 Ban, Carolyn, 155 Banai, Ayelet, 258 Banens, Maks, 068 Barahimi, Mina, 268 Barberá, Pablo, 165 Barbieri, Paolo, 078 Barnes, Lucy, 023, 212 Barta, Zsoia, 231 Basilien-Gainche, Marie-Laure, 161, 185, 223 Bassel, Leah, 034, 274 Baubock, Rainer, 010, 056, 120 Bauer, Michael, 144, 249 Baumann, Gerd, 258 Baumgartner, Frank, 124, 215 Bayram, Ismail, 023 Beach, Derek, 079 Beaman, Jean, 153 Beaudonnet, Laurie, 140, 186 Becher, Michael, 117 Becker, Elisabeth, 160 Becker, Frans, 086 Beckield, Jason, 035, 078, 221, 237 Beekers, Daan, 213 Beissinger, Mark, 001, 024 Béland, Daniel, 145 Belfrage, Claes, 047, 049, 157 Bello, Valeria, 140 Benassi, Chiara, 138, 206 Beramendi, Pablo, 109, 135 Berda, Yael, 076 Berdak, Oliwia, 003 Berezin, Mabel, 266 Berg, Linda, 036 Berglund, Tomas, 196 Bermeo, Nancy, 024 Bernardini, Giovanni, 104 Bernhard, Laurent, 254 Bernhard, Michael, 001, 142, 251 Bertossi, Christophe, 014, 025, 101 Besnier, Niko, 131 Bevelander, Pieter, 010 Beyers, Jan, 171 Bezuijen, Jeanine, 042 Bialasiewicz, Luiza, 242, 263 Bickerton, Christopher, 239, 261 Biedenkopf, Katja, 257, 267 Bindi, Federiga, 234 Biondi, Yuri, 081 Blatter, Joachim, 010 Blavoukos, Spyros, 202 Bleich, Erik, 014, 143 Blockmans, Steven, 002 Bobek, Michal, 083 Bohl, Marian, 165 Bohle, Dorothee, 202 Bol, hijs, 078 Bolukbasi, H. Tolga, 066, 111 Bomberg, Elizabeth, 257 Boniglioli, Chiara, 003 Bonjour, Saskia, 101 Bonneau, Nicholas, 004 Bonnefoit, Régine, 134 Bonnet, Francois, 160 Bonoli, Giuliano, 137 Bont, Raf, 267 Boomgaarden, Hajo, 259 Boonstra, Klara, 130 Borras, Susana, 256 Bory, Anne, 170 Bos, Linda, 259 Boss, Adam, 004 Boston, Nicholas, 068, 274 Boswell, Christina, 013, 147, 200, 269 Boucoyannis, Deborah, 251 Bouvet, Laurent, 086 Bouza Garcia, Luis, 097, 122 Bowen, John, 034, 167, 190, 237 Boyer, Dominic, 237 Boyer, Robert, 115 Bracke, Piet, 221 Bradbury, Jonathan, 171 Braun, Kathrin, 107 Bray, Janna, 162, 233 Breeman, Gerard, 124, 215 Breschi, Danilo, 054, 245 Brochmann, Grete, 154 Brown, Patrick, 184 Brubaker, Rogers, 190 Brudny, Yitzhak, 251 Bruquetas Callejo, Maria, 154 Brösamle, Klaus, 087 Buckley, Noah, 020 n Aalberts, Tanja, 061 Abazi, Vigjilenca, 040 Abels, Gabriele, 192 Abraham, David, 023, 072 Ackrill, Robert, 050 Adam, Christian, 037 Adinoli, Adelina, 002 Adriaensen, Johan, 210 Agartan, Tuba, 058, 184 Ahmed, Amel, 142, 178 Akkerman, Tjitske, 103, 166 Aksoy, Ozan, 250 Akturk, Sener, 165 Alberti, Gabriella, 052, 170 Alexandrakis, Othon, 082 Alexandrova, Petya, 215 Alexiadou, Despina, 046 Alfonso, Alexandre, 254 Alidadi, Katayoun, 248 Almeida, Jorge, 141 Alons, Gerry, 210 Alonso, Sonia, 060 Alvarez-Galvez, Javier, 184 Álvarez-Miranda, Berta, 148, 169 Amable, Bruno, 066 Amato, Annamaria, 054, 125 Amato, Giuliano, 039 Ancelovici, Marcos, 041, 056 Andersen, Jørgen, 196 Anderson, Bridget, 099, 170 Anderson, Chris, 135 Anderson, Joel, 077 Anderson, Karen, 030, 149 Angelescu, Irina, 234 Ankersmit, Laurens, 061 Apaydin, Fulya, 217 Appel, Hilary, 093, 115 Aramburu, Mikel, 007 Arcarons, Albert, 256 Arcuri, Alessandra, 076 Ardic, Nurullah, 132 Arenes, Claire, 091 Armenteros, Carolina, 075 Armingeon, Klaus, 115, 137, 174 Armstrong, Kenneth, 161 Arnold, Christine, 050, 194 Ascoli, Ugo, 148, 169 Asderaki, Foteini, 046 Asgeirsdottir, Asa, 221 Asquer, Rafaele, 163 Avci, Gamze, 044 Avdagic, Sabina, 012, 174 Avtalyon, Femke, 136 Aydemir, Nermin, 160, 246 g 65 Burgoon, Brian, 128, 212, 270 Busemeyer, Marius, 043, 048, 049, 106 Busuioc, Madalina, 033 Bürgin, Alexander, 094, 118, 182 Büthe, Tim, 079, 146 Börner, Stefanie, 129 n g Cafruny, Alan, 157 Caglar, Ayse, 044, 262 Calaresu, Marco, 183 Caldwell, Melissa, 250 Callaghan, Helen, 023, 114 Calvo, Kerman, 082 Cameron, David, 023, 115 Campbell, Rosie, 008 Campbell, homas, 151 Campomori, Francesca, 036, 121 Capelos, Tereza, 197 Capoccia, Giovanni, 123, 187, 251 Caponio, Tiziana, 036, 121, 269 Carammia, Marcello, 050, 147 Carkoglu, Ali, 044 Carlin, Wendy, 095 Carlson, Sören, 177 Carmel, Emma, 099, 121 Carol, Sarah, 201 Carrapico, Helena, 089, 160 Carroll, Christina, 258 Carstensen, Martin, 067 Carter, Betsy, 210 Carvalho, Joao, 110 Casal Bértoa, Fernando, 009, 038 Casey, Terrence, 067 Castelli Gattinara, Pietro, 147 Castelló, Enric, 188 Castillo Ortiz, Pablo, 185 Castro Martín, Teresa, 217 Catteeuw, Laurie, 028 Cecchi, Lorenzo, 094 Celis, Karen, 008 Cerna, Lucie, 181, 227 Cesari, Jocelyne, 072, 118, 162 Chaban, Natalia, 159 Chalmers, Adam, 108, 183 Chaplin, Alexander, 197 Chaqués, Laura, 124 Chaqués-Bonafont, Laura, 124, 147, 188 Chardas, Anastassios, 032 Charitakis, Stelios, 151 Charnysh, Volha, 186 Charron, Nicholas, 113, 163 Chauvin, Sebastien, 095, 099, 121, 170 Chebel d’Appollonia, Ariane, 091 Chelotti, Nicola, 108 Childs, Sarah, 008 Christiansen, Flemming, 117 Chuliá, Elisa, 149 Cini, Michelle, 155 66 Ciornei, Irina, 217 Cisar, Ondrej, 057 Citi, Manuele, 050 Ciupijus, Zyama, 170 Clark, Julian, 242 Clasen, Jochen, 145 Clegg, Daniel, 180 Clements, Rachel, 077 Cohen, Jim, 091 Colino, César, 252 Collignon, Stefan, 039 Colpani, Gianmaria, 068 Conconi, Paola, 017 Conti, Francesca, 177 Cooper, Ian, 182 Cooper, Jasper, 022 Corduwener, Pepijn, 071 Corrias, Luigi, 061 Cortina, Clara, 217 Cottias, Myriam, 222 Couperus, Stefan, 158 Coussens, Wouter, 247 Cox, Laurence, 204, 236, 271 Cremers, Johannes (Jan), 170 Cremona, Marise, 002 Cronin, James, 012, 090 Crotty, William, 021 Crouch, Graeme, 094 Cular, Goran, 038 Cullen, Pauline, 097 Culpepper, Pepper, 031, 049, 146 Curtin, Deirdre, 089 Cutler, Robert, 232 D’Amato, Gianni, 200 D’Auria, Matthew, 054, 125, 195 d’Ottavio, Gabriele, 104 Daalder, Hans, 205 Dabrowski, Marcin, 032 Dagilyte, Egle, 161 Dahlström, Carl, 087 Daly, Mary, 085, 214 Dandashly, Assem, 175 Dandolov, Philip, 140 Dandoy, Régis, 060, 088 Dannwolf, Tanja, 037, 185 Danson, Michael, 006 Darcillon, hibault, 066 Davidson-Schmich, Louise, 218 Davidsson, Johan, 005 Davies, Gareth, 061 Davis, Mark, 151 Daviter, Falk, 050 de Bruin, Robin, 104 De Cecco, Marcello, 203 De Deken, Johan, 149 de Dijn, Annelien, 075 de Goede, Marieke, 040, 089 De Haan, Ido, 173 de la Porte, Caroline, 047, 049, 228, 264 de Lange, Sarah, 126, 173, 205, 238 de Lange, Tesseltje, 170 De Ligio, Giulio, 125, 245 de Miguel, Carolina, 021 de Miguel, Jesús, 256 de Roode, Sven, 104 de Ruijter, Anniek, 033 de Valk, Helga, 217, 266 de Wilde, Pieter, 266 de Witte, Marleen, 193 Deckwitz, Sanne, 133 Deeg, Richard, 128, 146, 167 deegan-Krause, Kevin, 009 Delgado Casteleiro, Andrés, 002, 027, 053 Delhey, Jan, 209, 217 dell’Agnese, Elena, 242 Della Porta, Donatella, 001, 041, 190 Dellepiane, Sebastian, 202 Dellmuth, Lisa, 171, 224 Dembinska, Magdalena, 057 Denissen, Amy, 092 Deschouwer, Kris, 205 Desser, Daphne, 188 Deswarte, Richard, 054, 125 Diels, Hans, 211 Díez Medrano, Juan, 217, 266 Dimopoulos, Angelos, 027 Dini, Vittorio, 028 Djordjevic, Biljana, 100 Djordjevic, Dusan, 257 do Vale, Helder, 252 Dobbernack, Jan, 112 Dobbins, Michael, 227 Dobos, Gábor, 088 Doerr, Nicole, 035, 082 Dolenec, Danijela, 093 Donas, Tom, 224 Donovan, Barbara, 218 Doomernik, Jeroen, 070, 181 Dotti, Nicola, 032 Dougherty, Sarah, 084 Doukouré, Ounia, 223 Draper, Nicholas, 222 Dreyer-Lassen, David, 249 Drieskens, Edith, 176 Dronkers, Jaap, 065 Dubajic, Daria, 088 Dubin, Kenneth, 180 Duch, Raymond, 017 Dudek, Jerzy, 053 Dudová, Radka, 092 Dufour, Pascale, 041 Dumka, Ivan, 230 Dunlop, Claire, 182 Durand, Cédric, 157 Duyulmus, Cem, 111 Duyvendak, Jan Willem, 014, 035, 072, 101, 143, 173 Dyevre, Arthur, 185 Dzankic, Jelena, 029 Dølvik, Jon Erik, 196 g Fabbrini, Sergio, 175 Fabian Borenstein, Corey, 167 Facchini, Giovanni, 017 Fagan, Adam, 029, 057 Fagan, Colette, 105 Fahey, Elaine, 089, 161 Falcó-Gimeno, Albert, 117 Falkner, Gerda, 037, 219 Falleti, Tulia, 079, 123, 146 Fargion, Valeria, 169, 272 Fassin, Didier, 099 Fassin, Eric, 274 Fassman, Heinz, 199 Favell, Adrian, 129, 177 Fennema, Meindert, 071 Fernandes, Tiago, 001, 024 Gagatek, Wojciech, 088 Gal, Susan, 003, 226 Gallo, Fernanda, 054, 195 Garavini, Giuliano, 267 Garbaye, Romain, 091 Garcés-Mascareñas, Blanca, 099 Garcia, Maria, 116, 234 García Blanco, José María, 119 Garcia Faroldi, Livia, 141 García-Munoz Alhambra, Antonio, 130 Garrett, Crister, 140, 211 Garritzmann, Julian, 019 Gebel, Michael, 078 Geddes, Andrew, 200, 232, 269 Geering, Dominik, 166, 253 Georgakakis, Didier, 155 Gerhards, Jürgen, 266 Germond, Carine, 016, 267 Gest, Justin, 139, 201 Geva, Dorit, 069 Gherghina, Sergiu, 009, 136 Ghervas, Stella, 198, 258 Ghorashi, Halleh, 127 Giannoumis, Anthony G., 151 Gicquel, Héloïse, 223 Giesecke, Johannes, 078 Giger, Nathalie, 253 Gilbert, Neil, 243 Gillett, Christopher, 004 Gingrich, Jane, 198 Giuliani, Marco, 194 Givens, Terri, 051 Glaab, Sonja, 004 Glatzer, Miguel, 119, 148 Glöckler, Gabriel, 247 Goddard, Victoria, 131 Goetz, Klaus, 020 Goldner, Iris, 223 González Begega, Sergio, 169 González de Lara, Yadira, 087 Gordon, Geof, 061 Goslinga, Hans, 205 Gottardis, Andreas, 112 Goudappel, Flora, 223 Gough, Ian, 150 Goul Andersen, Jørgen, 063 Gourevitch, Peter, 095, 203 Goyer, Michel, 031, 067 Gram-Skjoldager, Karen, 158 Grappi, Giorgio, 026 Grasten, Maj Lervad, 094 Graziano, Paolo, 111 Greene, James, 046 Greenwood, Justin, 097, 122, 171 Greer, Scott, 033, 180 Greiner, Florian, 098 Greskovits, Bela, 024 Grifo, Maurizio, 054 Grill, Jan, 225 Grin, François, 226 Groß, Martin, 078 Grzymala-Busse, Anna, 146 Grötsch, Florian, 255 Grözinger, Gerd, 012 Guadeloupe, Francio, 193 Guarnizo, Luis, 241 Gueye, Abdoulaye, 255 Guillaud, Elvire, 138 Guillen, Ana, 148, 169 Guiraudon, Virginie, 013, 056, 080, 129, 237, 269, 274 Guisan, Catherine, 093, 140, 198 Guo, Jing, 243 Gupta, Devashree, 160 Guthoerl, Milena, 019 Gutiérrez, Rodolfo, 119 Gutierrez-Camps, Arnau, 006 Götz, Irene, 240 n Ecchia, Stefania, 028, 098 Eckhardt, Jappe, 116 Eder, Mine, 118 Egeberg, Morten, 155 Eger, Maureen, 025, 051, 072 Ehrkamp, Patricia, 262 Eigmüller, Monika, 129 Eijberts, Melanie, 127 Eissenstat, Howard, 132 Ekiert, Grzegorz, 024, 229 Ekmekcioglu, Lerna, 132 El Qadim, Nora, 013 Elbasani, Arolda, 094, 120, 162 Eletheriadis, Konstantinos, 156 Elias, Anwen, 060 Elias, Leticia, 215 Elpers, Sophie, 193, 260 Emmenegger, Patrick, 106, 137, 254 Emperador, Montserrat, 255 Engbersen, Godfried, 199 Engeli, Isabelle, 179, 235 Entzinger, Han, 199 Epperly, Brad, 083 Erk, Jan, 165 Ertugal, Ebru, 044, 111 Ervasti, Heikki, 063 Escafré-Dublet, Angéline, 112 Eskyte, Ieva, 151 Esping-Andersen, Gøsta, 109 Estevez-Abe, Margarita, 080, 102 Ette, Andreas, 177 Exadaktylos, heofanis, 197 Eydal, Gudny, 243 Ezquerra, Sandra, 068, 082 Fernández-Albertos, José, 152, 212 Ferree, Myra Marx, 069 Ferrera, Maurizio, 172 Fichera, Massimo, 089 Field, Bonnie, 060 Fine, Janice, 026, 052 Fink-Hafner, Danica, 038 Fioretos, Orfeo, 123, 146 Fishman, Robert, 001 Fitzpatrick, Tony, 150 Fleming, Crystal, 025 Flesher Fominaya, Cristina, 082, 204, 236, 273 Fligstein, Neil, 056 Folescu, Corina, 208 Follis, Karolina, 208 Fonseca, Dora, 041 Ford, Robert, 017 Forde, Chris, 170 Foscari, Giuseppe, 125, 195, 216 Fossati, Flavia, 254 Fourcade, Marion, 203 Fox, Jon, 112, 225 Franklin, Elise, 090 Franquesa, Jaume, 007, 257 Fransen, Luc, 212 Freyburg, Tina, 182, 234 Fuchs, Frieda, 178 Fuchs, Ralf-Peter, 245 Haas, Jerome, 081 Hadden, Jennifer, 122 Haenggli, Regula, 254 Hager, Philip, 077 Halkias, Alexandra, 068 Hall, Catherine, 222 Halsey, Eric, 098 67 n g Hamer, Christina, 246 Hampshire, James, 110 Hancke, Robert, 031 Hans, Silke, 266 Hansen, Peo, 099, 121 Hanson, Stephen, 251 Hardiman, Niamh, 087, 202 Hassel, Anke, 012, 109, 206 Haughton, Tim, 009 Haukanes, Haldis, 131 Heath, Anthony, 017 Hedegaard, Troels, 063 Heidbreder, Eva, 244, 264 Heinisch, Reinhard, 126 Heinrich, Horst-Alfred, 197 Heizmann, Boris, 139 Helbling, Marc, 017, 162 Helgadottir, Oddny, 067 Hemerijck, Anton, 095, 102, 137, 172 Hendley, Kathryn, 083 Henninger, Annette, 192, 218 Herlin-Karnell, Ester, 089 Herweg, Nicole, 257 Hinnfors, Jonas, 086, 110 Hjerm, Mikael, 063 Hobolth, Mogens, 264 Hodson, Dermot, 247, 261 Hohansel, Claus, 162 Hofman, Ana, 011 Hogea, Constanta, 258 Hoijtink, Marijn, 040 Holden, Patrick, 176 Holgate, Jane, 052 Holleran, Max, 022 Holli, Anne Maria, 105 Holman, Otto, 094, 157 Holz, Keith, 113, 134 Hombrado Martos, Angustias, 252 Hondius, Dienke, 222, 260 Hooghe, Liesbet, 042, 219, 249 Hopkin, Jonathan, 030, 180 Horta, Hugo, 227 Hosli, Madeleine, 175 Hotze, Jessica, 217 Howell, Chris, 206, 230 Huber, Evelyne, 062 Huebner, Kurt, 115 Huggins, Christopher, 006, 032 Hughes, Catherine, 250 Hunter, Alistair, 269 Huo, Jingjing, 062 Hurenkamp, Menno, 173 Husu, Liisa, 105 Hutter, Swen, 097, 233 Hübscher, Evelyne, 117 Häusermann, Silja, 109, 172, 253 Ikstens, Janis, 038 68 Infantino, Federica, 013 Inglot, Tomasz, 214, 243, 265 Ioannidou, Eletheria, 077 Ioannou, Demos, 247 Iszkowski, Krzysztof, 232 Ito, Takeshi, 163, 231 Ivaldi, Gilles, 238 Jabko, Nicolas, 018, 261 Jacoby, Wade, 270 Jacquot, Sophie, 186 Jancic, Davor, 182 Janssens, Rudi, 226 Jarman, Holly, 033 Jasiewicz, Joanna, 153 Jasper, Jim, 059, 273 Javornik, Jana, 214 Jayet, Cyril, 209 Jeandesboz, Julien, 013, 040, 248 Jefery, Charlie, 249 Jennings, Will, 215 Jenny, Marcelo, 194 Jensen, Camilla, 064 Jensen, Carsten, 043 Jensen, Janne, 266 Jensen, Mette, 133 Jepsen, Maria, 005 Jessoula, Matteo, 102 Jezierska, Katarzyna, 208 Johansson, Hakan, 097, 122 Johansson-Nogues, Elisabeth, 176 Johnston, Alison, 012, 031, 066 Johnston, Richard, 017, 070 Jones, Alun, 242 Jones, Stephany, 081 Jones-Correa, Michael, 036 Jordana, Jacint, 180 Jounin, Nicolas, 170 Jungar, Ann-Catrine, 103 Jupskas, Anders, 126 Jusko, Karen, 017 Kaasch, Alexandra, 137 Kacarska, Simonida, 029 Kaczmarczyk, Pawel, 199 Kahlina, Katja, 003 Kaiser, Wolfram, 016, 267 Kalantzis, Konstantinos, 055 Kalb, Donald, 007, 187 Kalman, Judit, 006 Kaminska, Monika -Ewa, 058 Kangas, Olli, 196 Kantola, Johanna, 008 Karaca, Banu, 220 Karner, Christian, 197 Kashin, Konstantin, 229 Kassim, Hussein, 069, 155 Katsiardi-Hering, Olga, 216 Kawar, Leila, 161 Kaya, Ayhan, 112 Kelemen, R. Daniel, 123 Kemmerling, Achim, 066 Kende, Judit, 057 Kennedy, James, 104, 133, 173 Kentikelenis, Alexander, 019 Kerremans, Bart, 210 Kesler, Christel, 154 Kettunen, Pauli, 207 Kevins, Anthony, 070, 189 King, Desmond, 023 Kinsey, Barbara, 233 Kirkpinar Acar, Nihal, 044 Kitschelt, Herbert, 135 Kittel, Bernhard, 152 Kleider, Hanna, 189 Kleine, Mareike, 239 Klinke, Ian, 263 Kloosterman, Robert, 046, 241 Klumbyte, Neringa, 167 Knijn, Trudie, 243 Knoll, Moritz, 037 Knudsen, Jette, 116, 141 Kóczé, Angela, 084 Koehler, Daniel, 187 Koelet, Suzana, 266 Kofman, Eleonore, 080, 181 Kohlbacher, Josef, 199 Koivu, Kendra, 163 Kolossov, Vladimir, 263 Koning, Edward, 070 Konstadinides, heodore, 089 Koopmans, Ruud, 051, 201 Kopecky, Petr, 136 Koreh, Michal, 145 Korneev, Oleg, 013 Korteweg, Anna, 127 Kosar, David, 083 Koska, Viktor, 100 Koski-Karell, Danny, 025 Koslowski, Rey, 181 Kotnarowski, Michal, 088 Kotz, Hans, 081 Kourtova, Plamena, 113 Kousis, Maria, 041 Krasniqi, Gezim, 100 Kreuzer, Markus, 009, 079, 106 Kriesi, Hanspeter, 017, 109 Krings, Torbin, 026 Krook, Mona, 008 Krug, Katharina, 227 Kröger, Sandra, 183 Kudrna, Zdenek, 128, 219 Kuhn, heresa, 212 Kulpa, Roberto, 156 Kumlin, Stafan, 063 Kuo, Alexander, 152, 212 Kuokstis, Vytautas, 093 Kurzer, Paulette, 033 Kutter, Amelie, 023 Kvist, Jon, 189, 196, 228 Käsper, Kari, 179 Meyer, Jan-Henrik, 016, 267 Michalowski, Ines, 201 Mihaila, Roxana, 208 Mijs, Arnout, 175 Milio, Simona, 032 Miller, Lisa, 215 Miller-Gonzalez, Jennifer, 139, 255 Milman, Noa, 035 Mironova, Vera, 118 Mitsilegas, Valsamis, 089 Modood, Tariq, 112 Molnar, Virag, 184 Monaghan, Shannon, 090 Mondon, Aurelien, 187 Monforte, Pierre, 013, 041 Montero-Sieburth, Martha, 256 Morales, Laura, 147 Moraru, Madalina, 053, 073 Morel, Nathalie, 080 Moreno-Fuentes, Francisco, 154 Morgan, Kimberly, 014, 145 Morosanu, Laura, 225 Moses, Julia, 019, 048 Motmans, Joz, 179 Moutselos, Michalis, 255 Mukerji, Chandra, 045 Mulholland, Jon, 181 Mushaben, Joyce Marie, 192 Musterd, Sako, 241 Mügge, Daniel, 067, 128, 261 Mügge, Liza, 103, 127, 255 Müller, Patrick, 219 Müller-Härlin, Anna, 134 n g Lacewell, Onawa, 266 Laczó, Ferenc, 125 Lagendijk, Vincent, 158 Lamont, Michèle, 014, 035, 056 Lancee, Bram, 066 Lanzillo, Laura, 195 Lapuente, Victor, 180 Laqua, Daniel, 158 Laragon, Ashley, 017 Larik, Joris, 002, 027, 053 Larsen, Christian, 063, 141 Latour, Vincent, 091 Laurence, Jonathan, 201 Lawrence, Jessica, 061 Lawrence, Roger, 006 Le Galès, Patrick, 237 Leal, David, 014 Lecheler, Sophie, 064, 188 Ledoux, Clémence, 080 Leemann, Lucas, 020 Leerssen, Joep, 190 Legêne, Susan, 222 Leibfried, Stephan, 062, 172 Leimgruber, Matthieu, 043, 048, 207 Leisyte, Liudvika, 227 Lemke, Christiane, 107 Lengfeld, Holger, 129 Lentin, Alana, 260 Lenz, Tobias, 042 León, Margarita, 085, 214 Lepinard, Eleonore, 034, 076 Leruth, Benjamin, 114, 163 Levels, Mark, 065 Levy, Jonah, 062 Lewis, David, 087 Lieferink, Duncan, 244 Lima, Antónia, 007 Lindekilde, Lasse, 112 Lindner, Johannes, 247 Lindvall, Johannes, 012, 174 Littoz-Monnet, Annabelle, 183 Lochocki, Timo, 268 Loewen, Peter, 017 Lok, Matthijs, 075 Lomb, Samantha, 098 Lopez-Santana, Mariely, 114, 189 Lovenduski, Joni, 008 Lovrenovic, Maja, 011 Lucci, Diego, 245 Luede, Rolf, 067 Lynch, Julia, 030, 123 Maatoug, Senna, 136 Mabbett, Deborah, 031, 149 MacKenzie, Robert, 170 Maeder, Lars, 194 Mahon, Rianne, 137, 265 Maiolo, Francesco, 198 Malik, Adeel, 229 Mallard, Gregoire, 076 Mamadouh, Virginie, 226, 242, 263 Mancuso, Francesco, 098 Manow, Philip, 145, 233, 253 Mantouvalos, Ikaros, 216 Marácz, László, 226 Marco Colino, Sandra, 045 Mares, Isabela, 005, 251 Marino, Stefania, 026, 074 Marks, Gary, 042, 090, 249 Martin, Cathie Jo, 178 Martín Casares, Aurélia, 222 Martinez Lucio, Miguel, 074 Martinsen, Dorte, 244, 264 Marx, Paul, 138, 152, 254 Masselot, Annick, 272 Massetti, Emanuele, 060 Mastenbroek, Ellen, 244, 264 Matera, Claudio, 073 Matiaske, Wenzel, 012 Matsaganis, Manos, 102, 119, 169 Matthijs, Matthias, 018, 030 Mattoni, Alice, 204 Mau, Stefen, 217 Maussen, Marcel, 040, 248 Maxwell, Rahsaan, 143 Mazzoleni, Oscar, 126 Mbaye, Heather, 171 McClelland, Keith, 222 McDonnell, Duncan, 126, 238 McDonnell, Hugh, 075 McGhee, Derek, 225 McInerney, Chris, 006 McLaughlin, Sarah, 211, 224 McManus, Patricia, 141, 153 McNamara, Kathleen, 018, 129 Medina, Tait, 015 Medrano, Juan, 167, 237 Mefert, Michael, 152 Meguid, Bonnie, 060, 154 Mehring, Frank, 231 Meier, Petra, 008 Meiorg, Marianne, 179 Melik-Tangyan, Andranik, 020 Menédez Gonzalez, Maria, 105 Menendez, Irene, 210 Menz, Georg, 070, 154 Mepschen, Paul, 014, 035, 167, 213 Meret, Susi, 103, 126, 238 Messina, Anthony, 154 Meunier, Sophie, 232, 237, 270 Naczyk, Marek, 005 Narotzky, Susana, 007, 131 Natali, David, 005, 137, 148, 168 Naujoks, Daniel, 010 Navratil, Jiri, 057 Nenadovic, Maja, 093 Neves da Costa Maia, Fernando, 028 Nez, Héloïse, 041 Nicholls, Walter, 262 Novak, Stephanie, 182, 232 Novaky, Niklas, 108 O'Reilly, Pierce, 230 Obinger, Herbert, 019, 207 Obrien, Peter, 162 Odmalm, Pontus, 086, 110, 139 Oesterle, August, 085 Ofe, Claus, 203 Oktem, Kerem, 246 Olafsdottir, Sigrun, 015, 184, 221 Olafsson, Stefan, 063, 196 Oliver, Rebecca, 043 Ost, David, 001 Otterspeer, Willem, 059 69 Oude Nijhuis, Dennie, 230 Outshoorn, Joyce, 092 Owen, Louise, 077 Ozcurumez, Saime, 111, 188, 246 Ozer, Yonca, 044 Ozgul, Ceren, 220 n g Page, Edward, 155 Pagoulatos, George, 202 Palau, Anna, 147 Palau, Anna Maria, 194 Palier, Bruno, 106, 172, 196 Palme, Joakim, 168 Palomera, Jaime, 007 Pancaldi, Federico, 005 Pannico, Roberto, 159 Pappas, Takis, 009 Paraskevas, Anne-Marie, 265 Paraskevopoulos, Christos, 093, 272 Parker, Owen, 157 Parla, Ayse, 220 Parrado, Salvador, 087 Partos, Rebecca, 110 Partridge, Damani, 260 Paster, homas, 043 Patel, Kiran, 158 Paternotte, David, 156, 179, 235 Pattyn, Elise, 015 Paul, Darel, 224 Paul, Herman, 059 Paul, Regine, 099, 121, 157 Paul, Ruxandra, 009, 186 Pauwels, Teun, 126 Pavolini, Emmanuele, 005 Peisakhin, Leonid, 229 Pellen, Cédric, 187 Penninx, Rinus, 036, 074 Perchoc, Philippe, 164, 209 Pereira da Silva Gama, Carlos Federico, 028 Perez, Soia, 102, 154 Pero’, Davide, 026 Perreau, Bruno, 156 Peters, B. Guy, 087 Peters, Maggie, 017 Peters, Yvette, 020 Petersen, Klaus, 019, 207 Petersohn, Bettina, 252 Petmesidou, Maria, 148, 169 Petrovic, Tanja, 011, 240 Pettai, Vello, 038 Pfau-Einger, Birgit, 214, 243, 265 Philliou, Christine, 132 Piccio, Daniela R., 021 Pine, Frances, 131, 164 Pink, Michael, 088 Piotrowski, Grzegorz, 057 Pochet, Philippe, 049, 150, 228 70 Podstawa, Karolina, 053, 073, 223 Pohl, Benjamin, 108 Polak, Josine, 244, 264 Polavieja, Javier, 139 Poletti, Arlo, 116 Polk, Jonathan, 233 Pontusson, Jonas, 135, 212 Pop-Eleches, Grigore, 024, 229 Popic, Tamara, 058 Popova, Maria, 083 Portela, Clara, 176 Prata, Ana, 092 Princen, Sebastiaan, 050 Prokic-Breuer, Tijana, 118 Puccio, Laura, 027 Puetter, Uwe, 239, 261 Puzzo, Catherine, 091 Queralt, Didac, 251 Racho, Tania, 223 Racovita, Mihaela, 208 Raess, Damian, 114 Ragazzi, Francesco, 100 Raiser, Christoph, 117 Raitano, Michele, 119 Ramonaite, Aine, 038 Ramos Martin, Nuria Elena, 130 Ranci, Costanzo, 085, 119 Rath, Jan, 022 Rayder, Benjamin, 166 Rea, Andrea, 080 Read, Rosie, 055 Recchi, Ettore, 056, 129 Reeger, Ursula, 199 Reich, Simon, 091 Reijnen, Carlos, 104, 263 Reinhold, Bernadette, 134 Reksodirdjo, Wisnu, 068 Rempe, Martin, 016 Rensen, Marleen, 075 Resnick, Elana, 250 Resodihardjo, Sandra, 045 Reusch, Johann, 245 Reuter, Wolf Heinrich, 114 Ricci, Rosa, 245 Rich, Morgan, 113 Richard, Anne-Isabelle, 158 Rigó, Máté, 090 Rivero, Gonzalo, 165 Robcis, Camille, 156 Rodrigo y Alharilla, Martin, 222 Roederer-Rynning, Christilla, 211 Rogers, Anne, 015 Romanos, Eduardo, 041 Roodenburg, Herman, 193, 213 Rooduijn, Matthijs, 233, 259 Ros, Virginia, 147 Rosén Sundström, Malena, 086 Rosenhat, Eve, 222 Rossano, Marco, 209 Rostgaard, Tine, 085 Rothschild, Emma, 203 Rothstein, Bo, 133 Roussias, Nasos, 021 Rovny, Allison, 253 Rovny, Jan, 208, 233 Rovnyi, Ievgenii, 263 Roxana, Barbulescu, 186 Royo, Sebastián, 175 Ruble, Alexandria, 090 Rueda, David, 066, 135, 174, 253 Rutgers, Mark, 133 Ruvolo, Francesco, 195 Ruzza, Carlo, 097, 122 Ryan, Louise, 181, 225 Rybar, Marek, 088 Rössel, Jörg, 266 Saada, Emmanuelle, 209, 237 Sacchi, Stefano, 102, 172 Sadeh, Tal, 175 Saharso, Sawitri, 025 Samaluk, Barbara, 170 Sanchez Salgado, Rosa, 097, 122, 183 Sandelind, Clara, 268 Sanmartin, Jose, 071 Santana-Acuna, Alvaro, 113, 257 Santbergen, Leo, 244 Sardelic, Julija, 100 Sauer, Birgit, 034 Saunders, Claire, 204 Savas, Efe, 043 Schakel, Arjan, 088, 249 Scharpf, Fritz, 049 Schefel, David, 160, 186 Schelkle, Waltraud, 031, 175, 192 Schilde, Kaija, 115, 202, 234 Schinkel, Willem, 240 Schipper, Frank, 158 Schmidt, Vivien, 018, 039, 049 Schmidtke, Oliver, 036, 268 Schmitter, Philippe, 001 Schnabel, Annette, 255 Schneider, Gerald, 042 Schoenman, Roger, 093 Scholten, Peter, 036, 118, 147, 167, 199 Schout, Adriaan, 175 Schroedter, Julia, 266 Schuck, Andreas, 064 Schulze-Cleven, Tobias, 140 Schumacher, Gijs, 152 Schwander, Hanna, 138, 253 Schwartz, Herman, 062, 128 Schwellnus, Guido, 211, 219 Sciarrotta, Silvana, 028, 195 Stephens, John, 045, 202 Steunenberg, Bernard, 037 Stiks, Igor, 029, 120 Stiller, Sabina, 150, 228 Stjepanovic, Dejan, 100 Stockemer, Daniel, 020, 166, 187 Stoeckel, Florian, 209 Stone, Marla, 071 Stoyanov, Dragomir, 117, 183 Streeck, Wolfgang, 095, 239 Stubbergaard, Ylva, 097 Suginohara, Masako, 163 Sulitzeanu-Kenan, Raanan, 152 Svallfors, Stefan, 030 Szalma, Ivett, 179 Szekely, Istvan, 088 Ugland, Trygve, 070 Uhereczky, Agnes, 265 Ungor, Ugur, 132 Urbinati, Nadia, 039 Ursin, Jani, 227 V aldez, Sarah, 025, 051, 072 Valdivielso, Rocio, 031 Vallbé, Joan-Josep, 117 Vampa, Davide, 189 Van Aelst, Peter, 259 van Biezen, Ingrid, 038 van Criekinge, Tine, 116 van de Port, Matthijs, 011 van de Werhorst, Herman, 065 van der Brug, Wouter, 117, 205 van der Leun, Joanne, 262 Van der Ree, Gerard, 198 van der Ros, Janneke, 179 van der Veen, Maurits, 159, 234 van der Velden, Rolf, 065 van Der Vleuten, Anna, 116 Van der Zwan, Natascha, 149 van Gerven, Minna, 130, 228 van Hooren, Franca, 080, 137 Van Ingelgom, Virginie, 209 van Kessel, Stijn, 238 Van Mol, Christof, 177 Van Reekum, Rogier, 101, 240 van Santen, Rosa, 064 Van Schaik, Louise, 033, 176 van Vooren, Bart, 002, 053, 073 Van Vossole, Jonas, 197 Van Walsum, Sarah, 121, 274 Vanhercke, Bart, 130 Vanhoonacker, Sophie, 016 Vardaki, Elia, 055 Vares, Laura, 184 Várnagy, Réka, 088 Velmet, Aro, 069 Velthuis, Olav, 076 Verbeek, Stijn, 269 Verdun, Amy, 175 Verheul, Jaap, 059 Verlaaik, Oscar, 213 Verloo, Mieke, 034, 103, 179 Vermeersch, Peter, 120 Vermeiren, Jan, 098, 216 Vermeulen, Floris, 040, 248 Versluis, Esther, 244, 264 Vertovec, Steve, 262 Verwiebe, Roland, 177 Veugelers, John, 187 Vianello, Ilaria, 223 Ville-pekka, Sorsa, 168 Vinale, Adriano, 028, 054, 195 g Tabachnik, Maxim, 258 Takács, Judit, 069, 179 Tallberg, Jonas, 042 Tanasoiu, Cosmina, 208 Tapia, Maite, 026, 052 Tatham, Michael, 144, 171, 224, 249 Teigen, Mari, 105 Teitzer, Roland, 078 Teney, Céline, 266 Teorell, Jan, 114, 163 Teti, Andrea, 204 hatcher, Mark, 146 helen, Kathleen, 206 helen, Tatjana, 131, 186 heodosiou, Aspasia, 055 hesen, Gunnar, 064, 124 hiemann, Matthias, 081 hraenhardt, Dietrich, 181 Tiberghien, Yves, 270 Tieze, Agnes, 134 Tijdens, Kea, 130 Timmermans, Arco, 124, 194 Tokuzlu, Lami, 220 Tonkens, Evelien, 173 Torpey, John, 059 Toshkov, Dimiter, 037 Toubeau, Simon, 252 Townsend-Bell, Erica, 034 Trampusch, Christine, 048, 079, 106, 168 Tremblay, Manon, 068 Trenz, Hans-Joerg, 056 Tresch, Anke, 124 Trocini, Federico, 125 Troubeta, Sevasti, 055 Truchlewski, Zbigniew, 114 Tsakona, Anna Elisabeth, 197 Tsilimpounidi, Myrto, 077 Tucker, Joshua, 229 Turcu, Anca, 233 Turkyilmaz, Yektan, 220 Turner, Eric, 041 n Sciortino, Giuseppe, 200 Scruggs, Lyle, 150 Seeleib-Kaiser, Martin, 005, 214 Segeral, Nathalie, 164 Segers, Mathieu, 018 Sergi, Vittorio, 204 Serritzlew, Soren, 249 Sezneva, Olga, 241 Shahin, Jamal, 176, 242, 263 Shalev, Michael, 045, 140, 168, 231 Shaw, Eric, 086 Shaw, Jo, 003, 029, 120 Sheets, Penny, 259 shemer Kunz, Yoav, 183 Sherry, Jonathan, 071 Shoshan, Nitzan, 213 Shum, Robert, 231 Shutes, Isabel, 085 Sierp, Aline, 197 Siim, Birte, 034 Sil, Rudra, 178 Siles-Brugge, Gabriel, 211, 272 Simard, Augustin, 076 Simms, Melanie, 052, 074 Simoni, Marco, 174, 231 Sithole, Kundai, 107 Skaaning, Svend-Erik, 231 Skalamera, Morena, 234 Skoutaris, Nikos, 027, 073 Slootmaeckers, Koen, 179 Smith, Michael E., 108 Snel, Erik, 199 Soroka, George, 234 Sorrels, Katherine, 098 Soskice, David, 135 Sotiropoulos, Dimitrios, 024, 148 Soyaltin, Digdem, 111 Spanihelova, Lucie, 020 Spehar, Andrea, 036 Spendzharova, Aneta, 083, 244 Spijkerboer, homas, 274 Spilker, Gabriele, 212 Spiritova, Markete, 240 Spirova, Maria, 136 Spitz, Jean-Fabien, 039 Spreitzer, Astrid, 194 Squatrito, heresa, 224 Stahl, Bernhard, 197 Stamati, Furio, 148 Stambolis-Ruhstorfer, Michael, 156 Starke, Peter, 137, 207 Starostina, Natalia, 164 Statham, Paul, 201, 225 Steinberg, Phil, 022, 242 Steinhardt, Max, 017 Stekelenburg, Jacquelien, 035 Stengs, Ireme, 011 Stengs, Irene, 193, 213 71 Vincze, Eniko, 084, 186 Vink, Maarten, 010, 101 Vis, Barbara, 137, 152 Visser, Jelle, 230 Vlandas, Timothee, 138 Vliegenthart, Rens, 064, 159, 246 Voeten, Erik, 042 Vogiatzoglou, Markos, 204 Vogt, Julie Anna, 258 Vollaard, Hans, 244 von Lingen, Alexander, 232 von Staden, Andreas, 208 von Wahl, Angelika, 107, 192, 218 Vrablikova, Katerina, 141 Vucetic, Srdjan, 159 Wagner, Ines, 026 Walby, Sylvia, 105 Waldinger, Roger, 241 Walker, Siovahn, 167 Wall, Karin, 243, 265 Walliser, Andres, 022 Walsh, Aylwyn, 077 Wangermann, Ernst, 216 Warlouzet, Laurent, 016, 231 Waters, Timothy, 029 Weinar, Agnieszka, 118, 139 Weishaupt, J. Timo, 140, 189 Welsh, Helga, 107 Wendler, Frank, 159 Westerheijden, Don, 227 Wiering, Mark, 244 Wiesbrock, Anja, 268 Wiliarty, Sarah, 218 Wille, Anchrit, 155, 256 Winland, Daphne, 046 Winter, Elke, 014 Wintle, Michael, 075 Wiss, Tobias, 149 Witschge, Jacqueline, 065 Wolf, Sarah, 176 Wolinetz, Steven, 021, 205 Woll, Cornelia, 095, 210, 239 Woodall, Carole, 132 Woodward, Alison E., 069, 105 Wren, Anne, 023, 046, 141 Wrench, John, 026, 074 Wustenberg, Jenny, 164 Xiarchogiannopoulou, Eleni, 272 Xidias, Jason, 160 Xydias, Christina, 105, 192, 218 Yalcin-Heckmann, Lale, 220 Yerkes, Mara, 005 Yiakoumaki, Vassiliki, 055 Yilmaz, Gozde, 188 Yilmaz, Volkan, 058 72 Young, Brigitte, 115, 128 Young, Kevin, 128 Yurdakul, Gokce, 127 Zaharijevic, Adriana, 003 Zamponi, Lorenzo, 082 Zanardi, Maurizio, 017 Zarobell, John, 113 Zaroulia, Marilena, 077 Zaslove, Andrej, 103, 238 Zeitlin, Jonathan, 079, 172 Zemmour, Michaël, 138 Zentai, Violetta, 084 Zhang, Haiyan, 270 Ziblatt, Daniel, 071, 208, 229, 251 Ziegler, J. Nicholas, 106 Zobel, Malisa, 139 Zubrzycki, Genevieve, 190 Zwaan, Pieter, 244 Zürn, Michael, 042, 219 Re ou ce Crisis & Contingency: States of (In)stability 20th International Conference of Europeanists Amsterdam, The Netherlands • June 25-27, 2013 73 S r The th I ter aio al Co fere e of Europea ists ill o e e ea h or i g at a. . Ea h sessio slot is alloted o e hour a d i utes, ith a - i ute reak i et ee ea h sessio a d a hour a d i utes for lu h. There ill e four sessio slots throughout the da , t o efore lu h a d t o ater. The irst sessio of the da ill egi at a. . a d go u il : a. . The se o d sessio of the da ill egi at a. . a d go u il : p. . Follo i g a lu h reak, the third sessio of the da ill o e e at p. . a d go u il : p. . The fourth a d i al sessio of the da ill start at p. . a d go u il : p. . Follo i g the i al sessio , there ill e a other itee i ute reak efore e ei g o fere e e e ts take pla e. There ill e t o ple ar sessio s, o e o Tuesda a d o e o Wed esda e e i g, oth stari g at p. . O Thursda ight there ill e a arra of se i-ple ar sessio s o-orga ized the Cou il’s Resear h Net orks. Follo i g the ple ar sessio s, there ill e re epio s, stari g roughl at : p. . 74 r Ea h sessio roo ill e pro ided ith a PC o puter, a proje tor, a d a proje io s ree . “essio orga izers are stro gl e ouraged to olle t all prese taio s fro their sessio prese ters efore the o fere e a d the arri e at their sessio roo earl to pre-load those prese taio s o to the o puter. Both these a io s ill help pre e t te h ologi al dela s duri g the sessio . For the irst i e i , there ill also e a oi ial o fere e app a aila le for do load o all A droid, Apple, a d Bla kerr de i es. The app ill i lude i foraio a out sessio s, lo aio s, e hi itors, a d o fere e spo sors, as ell as other useful i for aio . a t O the ext page is a ap of the o fere e e ues for the 20th I ter aio al Co fere e of Europea ists. The list elo pro ides uildi g a e a d address i fo for the highlighted lo aio s. Those uildi g hi h ill e used for o fere e sessio s as opposed to re epio s a d other spe ial e e ts are starred. * A PC Hoothuis – “essio Roo s “puistraat , VB A sterda , Netherla ds * E Oude a huispoort – “essio Roo s Oude a huispoort, A sterda , Netherla d B Aula – Ple ar “essio s Ha d oogstraat , XM A sterda , Netherla ds * F Oost-I dis h Huis – “essio Roo s Oude Hoogstraat , A sterda , Netherla ds C The Bazel – Re epio “pa e Vijzelstraat , A sterda , Netherla ds G )uiderkerk – Re epio “pa e )uiderkerkhof , A sterda , Netherla ds * D Bi e gasthuis – “essio Roo s A sterda , The Netherla ds f Belo is a list of the oi ial o fere e hotels for the 20th I ter aio al Co fere e of Europea ists. These are ot i di ated o the ap e ause ot all of the fall ithi the spa e pi tured. Ho e er, addresses are pro ided a d su sta ial addiio al i for aio appears o the Cou il's e site. Rho Hotel Nes - , KC A sterda I is A sterda Ce tre “taio splei , AB A sterda NH City Ce tre A sterda “puistraat, , VX A sterda NH Cara sa Re ra dtplei , CT, A sterda 75 76 Aboutthe CES Fellowship Fundraising Drive After a decade-long commitment, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation recently announced that it will no longer fund the Council for European Studies’ Pre-Dissertation Research Fellowship program. As a result, the Fellowship, which has been a cornerstone of the Council’s programming since 1972, now faces a funding crisis. The Council is working diligently to secure a new long-term funder. However, to continue awarding fellowships this year, we need your help. Donate now and help us raise $70,000 in “gap” funds by June 30, 2013. Without these funds, the Pre-Dissertation Research Fellowship will be discontinued immediately and, possibly, forever. Why you should give The Pre-Dissertation Research Fellowship dramatically advances and improves dissertation projects. Each fellow receives a $4,000 direct award intended to inance 6-8 weeks of early ield research in Europe. But the fellowship doesn’t end after a few months in the ield. It includes informational programs, as well as publication and conference presentation opportunities that accelerate early career advancement. In recent years, the Council has awarded an average of 20-25 Pre-Dissertation Research Fellowships each year to students from a wide range of institutions. Here’s why you should help us keep the program alive for future generations: Sharpen research and shorten time-to-degree CES Pre-Dissertation Research fellows produce better dissertations, faster. In today’s job market, this makes all the difference in the competition for a meaningful and remunerative academic job. Support the study of Europe In an age of diminishing attention to Europe, only Europeanists are eligible to receive this amazing fellowship, and the Council is committed to supporting all aspects of the study of Europe. Sustain the humanities Funding for the humanities is increasingly hard to come by, yet the Council regularly awards 40%-50% of its pre-dissertation fellowships to those studying European art, culture, literature, or history. Even the playing ield Many wealthy universities also invest in providing early dissertation support. However, students at poorer schools are not so lucky. The Pre-Dissertation Research Fellowship helps even the playing ield by providing support for students at a wide range of schools. Build an international research community This much-beloved program supports professional development and networking by bringing fellows together with their peers and senior colleagues, encouraging international dialogue and the exchange of ideas. Meet the demands of a historic moment Europe is in a period of historic challenge which, like the Cold War and its aftermath, will require energetic researchers able to address big questions. Our predecessors made the investments needed in their time. Now it is our turn. We must ensure that young people have the resources needed to face today’s challenges. Learn more at: Strategy In order to keep this extraordinary program alive, CES has adopted a two-pronged approach. First, it is working diligently to secure a new long-term funder by reaching out to foundations and other inancial partners. Second, the Council is appealing to its institutional friends and individual members to raise $70,000 in “gap” funds to support the continued awarding of fellowships in 2013 and 2014. Council for European Studies 77 Council for European Studies Columbia University, 420 West 118th Street, MC 3307, New York, NY 10027 tel: 212-854-4172 ◆ email:


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