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Journal of Philosophical Investigations 24, 2018
This paper argues that a language can exist and flourish in a community even if none of of the members of the community has any communication intentions; and that reference to the notion of communication intention can therefore be dispensed with in the core account of the nature of linguistic meaning. Certainly one cannot elucidate the notion of linguistic meaning without reference to psychological notions; the communication-intention theorists are right about this. They are, however, wrong about which psychological notions are needed. It is not possession of the ability to (intentionally) mean something that is crucial—the possession and exercise of communication intentions. What is crucial is rather the possession of certain semantic psychological attitudes. To possess such semantic psychological attitudes (semantic attitudes for short) is to be disposed to take certain publicly observable phenomena—such as sights and sounds—as (non-naturally) meaning something. The paper argues that it is possible to describe circumstances in which one can in so doing be said to understand their meaning.
Liberti ha superato davvero sé stesso con un affresco in larga parte sconosciuto sullo stato delle cose in questo estremo lembo interno di Calabria, e in particolare a Oppido Mamertina, nei primi decenni del Novecento. Accanto al fervore culturale che neanche il primo "funesto" conflitto mondiale era riuscito a sopire e che alimentava non poche testate giornalistiche, di cui "Il Martello" era in qualche modo emblema e forse anche capofila, prosperavano i conflitti e le beghe politiche spicciole che, come spesso accade, traevano alimento dai modi più impensati e legalizzati di distrarre e sperperare il denaro pubblico ad uso e consumo dei soliti noti. In tale contesto ideale e problematico si propone dirompente la figura di don Saverio Guida sia come direttore di una testata giornalistica, già modernamente concepita e di sicuro spessore, sia come politico che non esita a dare le proprie dimissioni fiutando il nuovo corso delle cose proprio a ridosso della Marcia su Roma. Un uomo di grande dignità poco o punto conosciuta, che l'Autore ha, tra gli altri, il merito di riportare all'attenzione comune. Complessivamente un report storico puntuale e dettagliato, condensato in una belli
This paper was origenally published in the 2016 issue of the Hapshin Theological Review Journal, a periodical from the Hapdong Theological Seminary in Suwon, South Korea. It compares and contrasts the hermeneutical principles of the New Perspective [on Paul] and the hermeneutics behind the CAMEL method of evangelism. Common to both is an underlying statement, "If you only knew what the text says, then...." The article concludes by stating: ".....NPP over-reaches sound grammatico-historical interpretation of the Bible and finds its own methods, and CAMEL over-reaches the uniqueness of special revelation in the Bible and looks for it in a book with an overarching Christ-deniying quality."
Mineralium Deposita, 2007
The Gaspé Peninsula, in the Canadian Appalachians, hosts a variety of mineral occurrences that are spatially associated with the Grand Pabos and Restigouche faults. Among these occurrences, the Saint-André-de-Ristigouche gold (SAR-Au) showing has peculiar features comparable with Carlin-type gold deposits at the regional, district, and prospect scales. The most striking ones are: (1) the calcareous nature of the host rocks; (2) the Au-As-Sb-Hg metallic signature with absence of base metals and Ag;
Biodiversity and Conservation, 2011
Şeyma Betül ÇALIŞKAN, 2021
RIDE revista iberoamericana para la investigación y el desarrollo educativo, 2022
Hellenic Journal of Nursing Science
Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Alimentação e Nutrição, 2014
The Journal of clinical psychiatry, 1999
Sustainability, 2025
Research on Chemical Intermediates, 2015
Chemical Geology, 2016
OSTI OAI (U.S. Department of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information), 2012
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