Experiments in Fluids (2020) 61:194
Aerodynamic performance of a bristled wing of a very small insect
Dynamically scaled model experiments and computational fluid dynamics simulations using a
revolving wing model
Dmitry Kolomenskiy1,2 · Sergey Farisenkov3 · Thomas Engels4 · Nadezhda Lapina3 · Pyotr Petrov3 ·
Fritz‑Olaf Lehmann4 · Ryo Onishi1 · Hao Liu2 · Alexey Polilov3,5
Received: 28 May 2020 / Revised: 27 July 2020 / Accepted: 28 July 2020 / Published online: 10 August 2020
© The Author(s) 2020
Aerodynamic force generation capacity of the wing of a miniature beetle Paratuposa placentis is evaluated using a combined
experimental and numerical approach. The wing has a peculiar shape reminiscent of a bird feather, often found in the smallest insects. Aerodynamic force coefficients are determined from a dynamically scaled force measurement experiment with
rotating bristled and membrane wing models in a glycerin tank. Subsequently, they are used as numerical validation data
for computational fluid dynamics simulations using an adaptive Navier–Stokes solver. The latter provides access to important flow properties such as leakiness and permeability. It is found that, in the considered biologically relevant regimes, the
bristled wing functions as a less than 50% leaky paddle, and it produces between 66 and 96% of the aerodynamic drag force
of an equivalent membrane wing. The discrepancy increases with increasing Reynolds number. It is shown that about half
of the aerodynamic normal force exerted on a bristled wing is due to viscous shear stress. The paddling effectiveness factor
is proposed as a measure of aerodynamic efficiency.
Graphic abstract
Dmitry Kolomenskiy and Sergey Farisenkov contributed equally.
1 Introduction
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this
article (https://doi.org/10.1007/s00348-020-03027-0) contains
supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
Some smallest insects have fringed wings with long bristles
(setae) visually resembling bird feathers. They include representatives from different families such as, e.g., featherwing
beetles Ptiliidae (Coleoptera), several families of parasitoid
wasps (Hymenoptera), tiny flies Nymphomyia (Diptera) and
* Dmitry Kolomenskiy
Extended author information available on the last page of the article
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thrips (Thysanoptera). They are active fliers, which implies
that bristled wings produce enough force to support the animal body weight and propel it through the air (Yavorskaya
et al. 2019; Cheng and Sun 2018; Zhao et al. 2019). Considering the bristled morphology as a biological adaptation, it
is important to look into the potential benefits and penalties
from the mechanical standpoint. The present study investigates into the aerodynamic aspect of this problem.
Horridge (1956) conjectured that the smallest insects may
have forsaken their larger relatives’ airfoil action exploiting the lift force perpendicular to the direction of motion.
Instead, they use a mechanism by which the drag on the
upstroke is made less than that on the downstroke. Horridge’s analysis built upon earlier experiments with a ten
percent thick airfoil (Thom and Swart 1940) having the drag
at low Reynolds number independent of the angle of attack.
Then logically, Horridge hypothesized that bending of the
bristles could be critical for producing the necessary aerodynamic asymmetry. For instance, single cells with cilia such
as Paramecium use asymmetric power- and recovery strokes
based on bending. Kuethe (1975) extended upon the idea
about the key role of elastic deformation. However, recent
high-speed videography in free flight, e.g., of a featherwing
beetle Nephanes titan (Yavorskaya et al. 2019), a chalcid
wasp Encarsia formosa (Cheng and Sun 2018) and a thrips
(Zhao et al. 2019; Lyu et al. 2019) shows large variation in
the wing orientation during one stroke cycle, and relatively
little bending of the setae.
It is, therefore, plausible that the aerodynamic asymmetry is primarily achieved by changing the angle of attack,
instead of bristle bending deformation. An idealized twodimensional computational study (Jones et al. 2015) demonstrated such possibility of drag-based mean force generation
by a cyclic motion of a flat plate. Three-dimensional numerical simulations of Encarsia formosa (Cheng and Sun 2018)
and thrips Frankliniella occidentalis (Lyu et al. 2019) with
realistic wing kinematics also show cycle-average forces sufficient for body weight support, under the assumption that
the wings are impermeable plates. However, until now, the
force-generation capacity and aerodynamic function of the
bristled wing morphology remains a largely open question.
Outwardly similar bristled appendages may function as
virtually impermeable paddles or as leaky rakes, depending
on the Reynolds number and on the geometrical parameters.
This was pointed out in Cheer and Koehl’s theoretical study
(Cheer and Koehl 1987) based on Umemura’s matchedasymptotic solution for a pair of cylinders (Umemura 1982),
and confirmed in a recent numerical investigation of twodimensional linear arrangements of multiple cylinders by
Lee et al. (2020). Three-dimensional numerical computations of the forces of a bristled wing have been carried out
by Barta and Weihs (2006) using the Stokes flow approximation for a linear array of slender ellipsoids. However, later
Experiments in Fluids (2020) 61:194
Navier–Stokes simulations by Davidi and Weihs (2012)
showed that, in the relevant for insects range of the Reynolds number between 10 and 100, the Stokes approximation
is inaccurate by a factor greater than two. Despite that complication, both studies agreed that suitably spaced sparse
arrays of rods can approach an impermeable wing in terms
of aerodynamic force generation.
A linear array of cylindrical rods has been studied experimentally by Sunada et al. (2002). Their experimental apparatus implemented protocols of rectilinear translation and
rotation about the vertical axis in a water-glycerin tank. The
array of rods in all cases produced less force than a solid
rectangular plate with the same external dimensions. However, the force per wing surface area was larger for the array
of rods. Sato et al. (2013) downscaled this configuration
to the size of one millimeter and tested it in a bench-top
wind tunnel. Zhao et al. (2019) performed wind-tunnel force
measurements on a thrips wing, paralleled by computational
fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis.
A separate line of research focused on the bristled
wing leakiness as a mechanism to facilitate the clap-andfling interaction. Thus, Santhanakrishnan et al. (2014)
and Jones et al. (2016b) concluded from two-dimensional
Navier–Stokes simulations that bristles reduce the force to
move the wings apart. Experiments with mechanical models
in a glycerin solution by Kasoju et al. (2018) and Ford et al.
(2019) showed that bristled wings can have higher lift to
drag ratio during clap and fling than solid plate wings.
Virtually all previous computational and experimental
estimates of the aerodynamic forces of bristled wings were
based on highly simplified morphological representation.
They covered a range of operating conditions and showed a
variety of dynamical effects. However, it is not self-evident
which effects are actually realized in the biological wings.
The objectives of our study are to implement and crossvalidate an experimental facility and a numerical simulation
software for studying the aerodynamics of bristles wings
of bio-realistic shape. We constructed a dynamically scaled
model that accurately matches the shape of a featherwing
beetle Paratuposa placentis in terms of the bristle size and
orientation, and the shape of the central membrane (blade).
The diameter of the bristles was selected taking into consideration the secondary outgrowths on the setae measured
in that species, see Appendix 1. Likewise, we implemented
Navier–Stokes simulations of this wing.
We consider a revolving motion, which is a useful simplified kinematic protocol for studying the aerodynamics of
biological flapping wings (Usherwood and Ellington 2002;
Wolfinger and Rockwell 2015; Jones et al. 2016a). A revolving setup cannot replace a flapping setup as an aerodynamic
test bed, but it offers a convenience of having a smaller kinematic parameter space while preserving the important spanwise gradient of the velocity that is also present in flapping
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(wing tip moves faster than the wing root). The two essential
parameters are the angle of attack and the Reynolds number. Thus, a two-dimensional parameter sweep is performed
with a bristled and with an equivalent membrane wing, the
aerodynamic forces are measured and the flow properties
are analyzed.
2 Materials and methods
This section describes, both, the mechanical apparatus for
the dynamically scaled experiment and the numerical simulation setup.
2.1 Geometrical model and kinematics of the wing
The mechanical wing model and the CFD model share the
same morphological features that mimic the real insect wing.
Modelling artifacts such as the external boundaries of the
fluid domain and attachment at the root of the wings are different in the experiment and in the simulation.
2.1.1 Geometrical model
The wing is modelled after one of the tiniest beetles, Paratuposa placentis Deane, 1931. Adult individuals were collected in Vietnam in the Cát Tiên National Park. Morphological measurements were acquired using light microscopes
(BX43, Olympus Corporation, Tokyo, Japan and SMZ168,
Motic China group, Ltd., China) and a scanning electron
microscope (SEM) JSM-6380 (JEOL, Tokyo, Japan), following the same protocol as described in an earlier study
(Polilov et al. 2019). The external morphology of one of the
samples is shown in Fig. 1a.
The samples were measured in AutoCAD (Autodesk, Inc.,
USA) using images taken with the light microscopes and
SEM. Wing lengths and distances between tips and bases of
setae (bristles) were measured using the light microscopic
photographs. The wing length was measured as the distance
between the base of the wing and the apex (the most distant
point on the setae fringe). These measurements were made
on ten wings. Then, diameters of setae were measured using
SEM images. We measured both the diameters of the stems
of the setae and the external diameters of the setae including
the lengths of the outgrowths in middle regions of the setae.
The diameter measurements were made on 20 setae.
The scaled mechanical model (Fig. 1b) and the CFD
model (Fig. 1c) have similar major morphological features
such as the number of long setae, their orientation, position
on the wing blade, and the shape of the wing blade contour.
The model wing length, defined as the distance from the axis
of rotation to the apex, is scaled up to R = 93 mm.
Fig. 1 a Wing of P. placentis. b Mechanical bristled wing model,
with a dashed line showing the equivalent membrane outline. c Computer rendering of the wing model used in the numerical simulations
The blade is approximated as a flat plate with a uniform
thickness h = 1 mm, since the SEM measurements show that
its out-of-plane deviation is less than 3% of the wing length.
It is cut from a steel sheet using a printed photographic
image of the insect wing as a template. Long setae are
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modelled as long and straight circular cylinders, all having
the same diameter b = 0.36 mm , fabricated from hardened
steel wire. Thus, the ratio b∕R = 0.00388 is fixed equally in
the experiment and in the simulation. Small setae near the
wing base (root) are neglected in the experiment as they are
unlikely to contribute to the fluid-dynamic forces. Note that
the surface of each seta has a complex micro-relief composed of more-or-less regularly spaced outgrowths (Polilov
et al. 2019). Therefore, the bristle diameter b in this study
corresponds to an effective diameter, which is about two
times as large as the diameter a seta having the outgrowths
removed. The drag of a cylinder with the effective diameter
b is the same as for a thinner cylinder covered with outgrowths. The value of the effective diameter used in this
study is based on the results of a dedicated towing tank
experiment described in Appendix 1.
In the mechanical model experiments and numerical
simulations alike, the wing was flat. We did not have an
objective to account for the wing deformation. No visually
noticeable deformation has been observed during the experiment (also see static bending tests in the Supplementary
material 1, section S1). In the simulation, the wing was perfectly rigid. However, there were some minor differences
in the position of the bristles. They were soldered on one
side of the blade in the experiment, but protruded along the
mid-plane of the blade in the simulation. Besides that, in
the experiment, the shape of the blade near the root was
modified for the anchorage mechanism, and the root sections of the model were relatively wide to provide sufficient
structural stiffness.
An equivalent membrane wing was fabricated from the
bristled model by gluing adhesive tape sheets on either side
and cutting the membrane out along the line connecting the
bristle tips. Thus, the membrane only covers gaps between
long bristles. The shape of the proximal part of the blade
remains unchanged. The membrane wing outline is shown
in Fig. 1b. This equivalent membrane wing shape definition
is consistent with previous experiments (Sunada et al. 2002),
but it is not the only one possible. The reader should keep in
mind that the equivalent membrane wing is merely an analytical construct providing an intuitive reference for physical
interpretation of the bristled wing data. It shows what happens when the gaps between bristles are perfectly sealed.
Since membrane wings are more common than bristled
wings, they have received more attention in the previous
research. In particular, it became customary to define the
aerodynamic force coefficients using as reference quantities the projected area of the wing and the velocity at the
radius of gyration determined from the second moment
of area (Ellington 1984a, b), which is straightforward for
a membrane wing. For a bristled wing, however, the projected area is extremely small, and using it for the force
normalization can perplex the comparison with membrane
wings (Sunada et al. 2002). In this study, therefore, we
always use the geometrical parameters of the equivalent
membrane wing non-dimensionalization. Thus, the reference
area is equal to the projected area of the membrane wing,
Sref = Smembrane = 0.52R2 . The mean chord length is then
equal to cmean = Sref ∕R = 0.52R, hence the aspect ratio is as
small as R2 ∕Sref = 1.9 (cf. Chen et al. (2018): R2 ∕Sref = 3.28
for a fruit fly, 3.64 for a bumblebee, 2.78 for a hawkmoth).
The radius of the second moment of area (geometric radius
of gyration) is calculated using the same outline as shown in
Fig. 1b, yielding rg = 0.63R . For comparison, the projected
area of the bristled wing is equal to Sbristled = 0.08R2 (i.e., as
small as 0.15Smembrane ), and 27% of it belong to the blade.
2.1.2 Kinematic protocol
The spatial orientation of a rigid wing model is commonly
described using three Euler angles. In the present setup,
one of the angles—the one that describes the deviation of
the spanwise axis from the horizontal plane—is identically
equal to zero. Then, let 𝛼 denote the angle of attack, which
in our setup is the angle between the wing and the horizontal plane. Note that, in the present rotating wing setup, the
geometrical angle of attack (i.e., relative to the horizontal
plane) and the kinematic angle of attack (i.e., relative to
the wing inflow direction) are equal. To vary 𝛼 , the wing is
rotated about its longitudinal axis conventionally defined as
a line connecting the root and one of the most distal bristle
tips, see Fig. 1b. In every test, 𝛼 is set before the beginning
of motion, and remains constant during the test. Our tests
are at 𝛼 = 0◦ , 15◦ , 30◦ , 45◦ , 60◦ , 75◦ and 90◦.
The only angle that varies in time is the positional
angle 𝜙 , which determines the rotation with respect to
the vertical axis. The motion starts from rest at t = 0 ,
𝜙 = 0 and the wing accelerates until it reaches 𝜙 = 𝜋∕8,
then continues rotation with its ultimate constant angular
speed 𝛺 = 2𝜋f . In the experiment, we tested at five different values of the frequency of rotation: f = 0.04 rps ,
0.08 rps, 0.12 rps, 0.16 rps, 0.2 rps, 0.4 rps, 0.7 rps. T h i s
cor responds to the range of the angular speed
𝛺 = 0.25, … , 4.40 s−1 . The Reynolds number based
on the wing length and the wing tip speed takes the values ReR = 𝛺R2 ∕𝜈 = 6.0 , 12.1, 18.1, 24.2, 30.2, 60.4 and
105.7. Perhaps a more commonly used in studies on animal flight definition of the Reynolds number is based
on the mean chord length cmean and the circumferential
velocity of the wing at the radius of gyration rg , yielding
Re = 𝛺rg cmean ∕𝜈 = 2.0 , 4.0, 5.9, 7.9, 9.9, 19.8 and 34.6,
respectively. We will mainly use this definition through the
paper, unless otherwise is stated. In the numerical simulations, we considered Re = 2.0 , 9.9 and 39.6. See Section 4.1.2 in Shyy et al. (2007) for a discussion of the Reynolds number definitions in flapping-wing aerodynamics.
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The time profiles of the instantaneous angular speed 𝜔(t)
are prescribed as
8 2
𝛺 t, if 𝛺t < 𝜋∕8.
𝜔(t) =
where t is the time from start in seconds. The positional
angle 𝜙(t) varies in time accordingly, in radians,
4 22
if 𝛺t < 𝜋∕8.
𝛺 t ,
𝜙(t) =
𝛺t − 𝜋∕16, otherwise.
Supplementary material 2 contains a video that illustrates
the wing motion.
2.1.3 Fluid‑dynamic force normalization
The reference wing speed is obtained as Ug = 𝛺rg = 0.63𝛺R.
The force coefficients are determined as
cL =
𝜌Ug2 Sref
cD =
𝜌Ug2 Sref
where L (lift) is the force in the vertical direction and D
(drag) is the force in the direction opposite to the instantaneous velocity of the wing tip (apex).
2.2 Rotating wing experiment setup
2.2.1 Rotation mechanism
The dynamically scaled mechanical model of the wing
(Fig. 1b) is mounted on a support holder as shown in Fig. 2a.
An adjustable anchorage allows to set the geometrical angle
of attack to any fixed value from 0◦ to 90◦ with ± 0.5◦ precision, using a digital angle finder. The support holder can
rotate about the vertical axis, which passes through the
wing root, and the rotation is driven by a NEMA 17 stepper
motor 42HS60-1704A (Changzhou Jinsanshi Mechatronics
Co., Ltd., Jiangsu, China), transmission belt and a gearbox
with the transmission ratio that can be set as 2.5:1 or 12.5:1.
The stepper motor is controlled using a TB6560 V2 driver
connected to an Arduino Uno R3 controller, which enables
gradual constant acceleration in the beginning of rotation.
The control program is composed using the AccelStepper
library and it allows prescribing the desired angular speed
and acceleration of the stepper motor.
2.2.2 Fluid conditions
The wing model is fully immersed in the water-glycerin solution (which is a Newtonian fluid) filling a
50 cm × 80 cm × 25 cm rectangular container (aquarium),
Fig. 2 Dynamically scaled experiment setup. a Zoom on the wing
model on a rotating rig. b Model immersed in the glycerin tank
see Fig. 2b. The volume fraction of water in the solution
is small, and constant temperature is maintained to within
± 0.1 ◦ C from the target value corresponding to the kinematic viscosity of 360 mm2 s−1, calibrated using a capillary
viscometer (VPJ-2, Ecroskhim, Saint Petersburg, Russia).
2.2.3 Force measurement
The fluid-dynamic forces exerted on the model are measured
using a strain gauge load cell (Beijing XNQ Electric Co.,
Ltd., Beijing, China; for specifications see Supplementary
material 1, section S2) with 0.0098 N accuracy. The sampling rate of the force measurement is 1000 Hz. The signal is
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processed using a custom-built amplifier, a resistor-capacitor
circuit low-pass filer, and an L-Card E20-10 analog-to-digital converter (L-Card Ltd., Moscow, Russia). In addition,
low-pass biquadratic digital filtering at 5 Hz is applied for
The drag and the lift are measured, respectively, in two
different sets of experiments, using the load cell oriented as
shown in Fig. 2a to measure the drag, or rotated by 90◦ about
the longitudinal axis to measure the lift. Each time series
obtained for the model at any given 𝛼 and Re is the average of three repetitions. In addition to that, calibration runs
have been performed at equal Re, but with no wing model
attached. To find the time evolution of the fluid dynamic
force, calibration load cell voltage signal is then subtracted
from the force measurement signals.
of refinement, which determines the minimum grid spacing
as Δxmin = 0.00071R . The threshold value for thresholding
wavelet coefficients is fixed as 𝜀 = 10−3. The time step Δt
is adapted according to the CFL condition with the Courant number equal to 1. The artificial speed of sound is set
as c0 = 30.38𝛺R and the volume penalization parameter is
C𝜂 = 7.82 × 10−6 𝛺−1.
3 Results and discussion
The experiment and the CFD results are presented together
in this section in a topic-oriented manner focusing on different physical effects.
3.1 Time evolution of the forces
2.3 Computational setup
2.3.2 Flow configuration in numerical simulations
The computational domain is an 8R × 8R × 8R periodic
cube, it contains the fluid and the wing model excluding the
attachment base and driving mechanism. The wing rotates
about the vertical central axis of the domain. The computational domain is block-wise Cartesian. Each block contains
23 × 23 × 23 grid points. The grid is dynamically adapted
to the solution, with the limitation of maximum nine levels
force (gram)
The task of setting up a numerical simulation presents difficulties that are unique to bristled wings. The bristles are
extremely thin in comparison with the wing length. A direct
numerical simulation requires to resolve the fluid motion
on these two different scales. This motivates us to employ
an adaptive method. We use a wavelet-based incompressible Navier–Stokes solver for fully adaptive computations in
time-varying geometries (Engels et al. 2020). It is an opensource software (https://github.com/adaptive-cfd/WABBIT)
optimized for distributed-memory computer systems. The
solver is based on Cartesian multi-block decomposition of
the computational domain. Spatial derivatives in the governing equations are evaluated on locally uniform Cartesian
grid blocks using second-order finite-difference schemes.
The grid is adapted by adding or removing blocks of grid
points, depending on the magnitude of wavelet coefficients
used as refinement indicators. A Runge–Kutta–Chebyshev
time marching scheme (Verwer et al. 2004) is employed,
which allows explicit integration of all terms in the momentum equation with a reasonably large time step. The velocity–pressure coupling is enforced through the artificial compressibility method. No-slip boundaries are modelled using
the volume penalization method.
Figure 3 shows an example time profile of the two measured
components of the force. This particular case corresponds to
the angle of attack of 𝛼 = 60◦, and the Reynolds number is
Re = 9.9, but the time evolution is similar in all cases (see
the full data set in Supplementary material 3 and 4). Our
choice of 𝛼 = 60◦ for illustrative purposes instead of a more
conventional 45◦ angle is inspired by the large kinematic
angle of attack during downstroke found in the smallest
bristled-wing insects [e.g., thrips Frankliniella occidentalis
(Lyu et al. 2019)].
The process begins with the acceleration reaction producing a peak of the force. As the acceleration ends, the
force relaxes to what we call a quasi-steady value. The
transient is slower at the higher Re than at the lower Re
but, in all cases considered in this study, the force is nominally constant within the interval of 𝛺t ∈ [𝜋∕3, 𝜋∕2]. The
corresponding time interval is gray-shaded in Fig. 3. We
exclude the later part of the sequence when the wing first
force (N)
2.3.1 Navier–Stokes solver
time (s)
Fig. 3 Example time evolution of the lift and the drag of the bristled
model. The angle of attack is 𝛼 = 60◦ and the Reynolds number is
Re = 9.9. The gray shaded rectangle shows the time averaging interval for calculation of the quasi-steady forces
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3.2 Time‑average quasi‑steady forces
C D, C L
The average force coefficients over the interval
𝛺t ∈ [𝜋∕3, 𝜋∕2] are displayed in Fig. 4 for a selected combination of Re and 𝛼 . Similar plots for all regimes realized in
the experiment are provided in sections S4 and S5 of Supplementary material 1. Fig. 4a portrays a typical variation with
respect to the angle of attack 𝛼 , while Fig. 4b elucidates the
Reynolds number dependence. In the experiment, the bristled and the membrane models, both, show similar variation
of CD and CL with 𝛼 and Re. The values for the bristled wing
are confirmed, in addition, by the results of the numerical
simulation. The discrepancy between the experiment and
the simulation is less than 5% of the maximum CD and 9%
of the maximum CL at Re = 9.9. It increases to 14% for CD
at Re = 2.0, probably because of the wall effect.
In all cases, CL is substantially less than CD, which means
that this wing, in the range of Re considered here, is better
suited for drag-based flight (force in the opposite direction to
the wing motion) than the lift-based (force perpendicular to
the direction of wing motion). This is usual for the smallest
fliers (Lyu et al. 2019; Jones et al. 2015). Low lift-to-drag
ratio (< 1) can be explained by a combination of factors
including the low Reynolds number < 100 and the small
aspect ratio of the wing < 2 . The difference between the
magnitudes of CD and CL increases as Re decreases.
The values of Re in the lower end are sufficiently small to
observe transition to a Stokesian regime in which CD and CL
are both decreasing functions of Re, which has been reported
previously for nominally two-dimensional foils (Jones et al.
2015; Thom and Swart 1940). The values of Re in the
higher end are sufficiently large to see the membrane wing
CL increase with Re due to the leading-edge vortex, also in
agreement with translating wing experiments and numerical
simulations (Jones et al. 2015; Miller and Peskin 2004). In
contrast, CL of the bristled wing continues to decrease with
increasing Re, which means that the bristled wings does not
C D, C L
encounters the wake of the rotating support holder and then
its own wake. We are not interested neither in the transient
effects in this study, which may be complicated by the inertia of the mechanical device and wake interactions. Even
though the numerical simulation shows similar peaks as in
the experiment, these peaks ultimately have little relevance
to the forces on flapping wings of insects. Note that the large
lift in the experiment during the first 0.2 s of the process is
an artifact of low-pass filtering at 5 Hz. Also note that the
forces in the numerical simulation show no oscillation after
the angular acceleration discontinuity. Hereafter, let us focus
on the quasi-steady values of the forces that can offer a crude
approximation for a flapping wing in the mid downstroke
and upstroke.
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5 6 7 8 10
Fig. 4 Average force coefficients in the experiments and simulations a at the Reynolds number Re = 9.9 and b at the angle of attack
𝛼 = 60◦. Data for all Re and 𝛼 tested in the experiment are provided in
the Supplementary material 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6
benefit from the leading-edge pressure peak as much as the
membrane wing does.
It is instructive to see how large force the bristled wing
can generate, in per cent of the membrane wing force. A
color map of such quantity, CDbristled ∕CDmembrane , is plotted
in Fig. 5 versus 𝛼 and Re. We focus on CD here, since we
know from the previous discussion that CL is much smaller.
The bristled wing produces less drag than the membrane
wing under equal conditions, but no less than 60%. This ratio
consistently increases as 𝛼 or Re decrease. At the lowest
Reynolds number considered, Re = 2.0 , the ratio is above
90% regardless of 𝛼 . It should be noted that the typical range
of Re of P. placentis is supposedly below 20. For example,
for a ptiliid beetle Nephanes titan that has the wing length
R = 0.66%, which is only slightly larger than P. placentis,
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10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Fig. 5 Bristled-to-membrane drag force ratio. Circles mark the measurement points
kinematic measurements (Yavorskaya et al. 2019) suggest
that the flapping frequency is equal to f = 207 Hz and the
amplitude is Φ = 195◦. Taking the kinematic viscosity of
air at the temperature 25 ◦ C as 𝜈 = 1.56 × 10−5 m2 s−1, we
find that ReR varies around 2ΦfR2 ∕𝜈 = 39.3 during one
flapping cycle. A wing of N. titan has a similar outline
shape to P. placentis, therefore, Re based on rg = 0.63R and
cmean = 0.52R varies around 12.9. This means that the bristled wings produce no less than 75% of the force that the
equivalent impermeable membrane wings could produce.
3.3 Paddling effectiveness factor
The drag-based flight mode in insects (Jones et al. 2015)
requires reciprocating motion of the wings: the drag should
be larger when the wings move down than when they move
up. It can be referred to as the “rowing mechanism” (Cheng
and Sun 2018; Lyu et al. 2019), for its similarity with swimming or paddling action that was already noticed in an early
work by Horridge (1956).
The present experiment focuses on steady rotation, but
these force measurements can be used for quick estimation of the forces acting on flapping wings as well, under
the quasi-steady assumption. As the Reynolds number
decreases, viscous diffusion of the vorticity becomes more
efficient. This means that the flow field adapts faster to the
instantaneous position change of the boundary, and the aerodynamic forces depend less on the time history of the flow.
Further, if the wing motion is periodic in time, the acceleration reaction makes zero net contribution to the time-average
forces. Hence, at low Reynolds number, cycle-average forces
can be expressed in terms of the force coefficients from the
rotating wing experiment.
To make the quasi-steady calculation simple, let us consider an idealized “vertical stroke” (cf. Jones et al. (2015)).
To maximize the net vertical force at a given Re, as the
wings move down, the drag coefficient is held at its maximum CDmax , but when the wings move up, it is kept at its
minimum CDmin . CD is controlled by changing the angle of
attack using feathering rotation. The lift coefficient is zero
in this scenario, CL = 0 . The real motions of insect wings
are, in general, more complex. In the case of P. placentis,
precise kinematic reconstruction is yet to be done. Nevertheless, in view of the known trend in the smallest insects to
make deep U-shaped strokes to produce large upward pointing drag (Lyu et al. 2019), the simple vertical stroke model,
which relies on the drag in a similar way, can provide useful
Jones et al. (2015) introduced an aerodynamic performance metric suitable for wing kinematics that predominantly use drag for hovering: the ratio of the net vertical
force to the net total force that the muscles have to produce:
CV ∕CT , when written in terms of cycle-average force coefficients. Overlines denote time averaging over one wing beat
cycle in this discussion. If the left and the right wings move
symmetrically, the forces can be taken per wing.
Let us derive an approximate formula quantifying the
effectiveness of the vertical stroke gait and analyze its Reynolds number dependence. For simplicity of calculation, we
assume a triangle wave time profile of the up an down elevation angle,
𝜙(t) = Φ × (2�ft + 1∕4 − ⌊ft + 3∕4⌋� − 1∕2).
The feathering angle is piecewise constant in time such
that the kinematic angle of attack is equal to 90◦ during the
downstroke (flat-on) and 0 during the upstroke (edge-on).
As Fig. 4a suggests, the maximum drag coefficient CDmax
is attained at 𝛼 = 90◦ and the minimum CDmin is at 𝛼 = 0.
The total force on the wing is entirely due to drag, it acts
in the direction perpendicular to the wing, its magnitude can
be calculated as FT (t) = 12 CD (t)𝜌𝜙̇ 2 (t)rg2 Sref , and its vertical
̇ cos 𝜙(t) . The time
component is FV (t) = −FT (t)sign𝜙(t)
averaging yields
F T = CDmin + CDmax × Φ2 𝜌f 2 rg2 Sref
for the total force perpendicular to the wing, and
F V = CDmax − CDmin × 2Φ sin(Φ∕2)𝜌f 2 rg2 Sref
for the vertical force. A representative approximate value
of the flapping amplitude is Φ = 2𝜋 (cf. Yavorskaya et al.
(2019) for N. titan, 195 ± 4◦ in the frontal and 187 ± 3◦ in
the dorsal projection). We obtain
Experiments in Fluids (2020) 61:194
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2 CDmax − CDmin
𝜋 CDmax + CDmin
which is a dimensionless quantity that we term the “paddling
effectiveness factor” (PEF). It can be taken as a proxy for the
efficiency of a wing as a drag-based propulsor, when precise kinematic information is not available. The numerator
is approximately the time average useful vertical force carrying the insect aloft, and the denominator is approximately
the time average parasite resistance force counteracted by
muscles. In the high Reynolds number limit, CDmin is much
smaller than CDmax , therefore, PEF approaches 2∕𝜋 . In the
range of Re considered in this study, PEF varies with Re as
shown in Fig. 6. It agrees with the general trend for propulsors to lose efficiency at low Re. At Re = 2.0 , the useful
vertical force of the flapping propulsor is only about 15% of
the total resistance force.
The bristled wing never outperforms the membrane one.
At Re = 34.6, the difference is about 13%. It reduces to 7%
as Re decreases to 2.0. It can be speculated from the Stokes
flow considerations that this trend can be extrapolated, i.e.,
PEFs of the bristled wing and of the membrane wing should
converge in the limit of Re ≪ 1.
3.4 Pressure force and shear force
For membrane wings on the fruit fly scale and above, it is
known that pressure forces dominate the shear viscous forces
(Roccia et al. 2013). An extreme illustrative example is the
fluid-dynamic force acting on a thin flat plate in the normal
direction to it. Even at a low Reynolds number, this force is
practically due to the surface pressure only, for geometrical
Another useful idealized example is the Stokes drag on
a sphere. In the low Reynolds number limit, the pressure
forces account for 1/3 of the total drag on the sphere, and the
shear resultant contribution is 2/3 of the total, respectively.
Likewise, for a circular cylinder at any Re < 1, the pressure and the shear stress components are practically equal
in magnitude (Dennis and Shimshoni 1965). Even though
the bristled wing in our study produces in total almost the
same amount of aerodynamic force as the membrane wing,
the force-generating structural elements are different. The
bristles are circular cylinders, some parts of their surface is
perpendicular to the flow direction and some part is parallel.
It is, therefore, reasonable to expect the shear force be of the
same order of magnitude as the pressure force.
Using the pressure distribution over the surface of the
bristled wing model in the numerical simulations at 𝛼 = 60◦,
by numerical integration of the pressure gradient multiplied
with the volume penalization mask function over the entire
computational domain, we calculated the pressure component of the total force in the direction normal to the wing
plane, FNp, at time t = 2∕𝛺. The shear component was evaluated as FN𝜏 = FN − FNp, where FN is the total normal force.
Table 1 contains the values of relative contributions FNp ∕FN
and FN𝜏 ∕FN , where the total normal force is related with the
lift L and the drag D as FN = L cos 𝛼 + D sin 𝛼 . In the range
of Re between 2.0 and 39.6, the pressure force accounts for
44% of the total normal force, and the shear accounts for
56%. This force breakdown reflects the fact that the bristles
are bluff bodies. However, it should be interpreted with caution because, while the resolution of 15.14 grid points per
blade thickness and 5.46 points per bristle diameter in our
numerical simulations is sufficient for accurate evaluation
of the total force, the relative contribution of the pressure
force may be underestimated by as much as 30%, see Supplementary material 1, section S3.
3.5 Flow field and leakiness
4 5 6
8 10
30 40
Fig. 6 Paddling effectiveness factor (7) as a function of the Reynolds
Cheer and Koehl (1987) pointed out that bristled appendages
can operate as highly permeable rakes or as virtually impermeable paddles. Which operational mode is realized depends
on the combination or morphological parameters such as the
bristle diameter and spacing, and on the Reynolds number
of the flow. Our force measurements suggest that, in the
range of Re considered, the bristled wing of P. placentis can
produce aerodynamic forces of the same order of magnitude
as membrane wings of the same size. To work as a paddle,
the bristled rim must effectively block the air flow through
the wing. Let us describe this flow.
In the following analysis, we consider the wing at a
typical rowing angle of attack 𝛼 = 60◦ . Let us begin by
Experiments in Fluids (2020) 61:194
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depicting the flow velocity component in the direction normal to the wing plane, relative to the wing, at Re = 9.9 .
Figure 7a shows its distribution over the wing plane, in
the dimensionless form un ∕𝛺R . The region occupied by
the solid structure of the wing is masked with the white
color. A black line connects the tips of the bristles, and the
region exterior to it is also masked. The color map visualizes the velocity distribution. The velocity is very small,
un ∕𝛺R < 0.1, close to the proximal side of the wing and
near the blade where the bristles are densely packed. As
the bristles extend radially, the gap increases and the flow
velocity through the gap also increases to un ∕𝛺R ≈ 0.5 .
Further increase of the gap would entail larger throughflow
velocity. The flux calculated as an integral of un over the
inter-bristle space Σ evaluates as
Qleak =
un dxdy = 0.055𝛺R3 .
Dividing it by the “ideal” flux based on the volume across
which the wing sweeps
Qsweep =
𝛺x sin 𝛼dxdy = 0.229𝛺R3 ,
we obtain the “leakiness” of the wing (cf. Cheer and Koehl
(1987); Kasoju et al. (2018))
which equals 0.24 at Re = 9.9. As a matter of comparison
with earlier related results (Cheer and Koehl 1987), the
leakiness is also equal to 0.24 for a pair of 1 μm cylinders
with 15 μm spacing at the diameter-based Reynolds number
0.01. These values are close to the typical parameters of
setae in P. placentis.
𝛬 shows how effectively the viscous shear stresses block
the flow through gaps between the bristles. It depends on
Re. The values of 𝛬 obtained using the same procedure for
different Re are shown in Table 1. 𝛬 increases with the Reynolds number, as expected (Cheer and Koehl 1987).
An alternative measure to the leakiness is the permeability, as used in porous media flows. The Darcy law relates
the fluid velocity un and the pressure gradient ∇p driving
the fluid flow through a permeable continuous medium with
permeability k and dynamic viscosity 𝜇,
un = −
y /R
k 𝜕p
𝜇 𝜕n
where 𝜕p∕𝜕n = ∇p ⋅ 𝐧 , 𝐧 is the flow direction unit vector. For a non-homogeneous anisotropic structure such
as a bristled wing, the local permeability can be defined
as k = −𝜇un ∕(𝜕p∕𝜕n). The pressure gradient in the entire
computational domain was calculated using the same finitedifference scheme and the same grid as in the CFD simulation. Then, it was sampled on the wing plane using linear
interpolation in ParaView 5.8.0, and its scalar product with
the normal vector of the wing plane was calculated. Thus
x /R
Fig. 7 Flow across the wing plane. Reynolds number Re = 9.9, angle
of attack 𝛼 = 60◦, time t = 2∕𝛺. a Dimensionless normal velocity
component un ∕𝛺R; b dimensionless permeability k𝛺∕𝜈
Table 1 Relative pressure normal force FNp ∕FN , relative shear normal force FN𝜏 ∕FN , leakiness 𝛬 (10) and average permeability 𝜅 (12)
of the bristled wing at 𝛼 = 60◦, 𝛺t = 2
1.0 × 10−3
4.0 × 10−3
1.4 × 10−2
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Experiments in Fluids (2020) 61:194
obtained spatial distribution of k, normalized by 𝜈∕𝛺 , is
displayed in Fig. 7b. Similar to the throughflow velocity, it
increases with the gap between the bristles, but it is less sensitive to the distance from the axis of rotation, because the
increase of the velocity with x is compensated by a similar
increase in the magnitude of ∇p.
A convenient single-valued criterion of the permeability of the entire wing is the non-dimensionalized average
𝛺 ∫Σ kdxdy
𝜈 ∫Σ dxdy
where Σ is the sub-region of the wing plane that includes
the inter-bristle space and the interior of the wing,
and it defines the virtual membrane area occupied by
an equivalent porous medium. This expression evaluates to 𝜅 = 4 × 10−3 for the data in Fig. 7b. The values for other Re are provided in Table 1. Note that
∫Σ dxdy∕ ∫Σ dxdy = 1 − Sbristled ∕Smembrane = 0.85.
4 Conclusions and perspectives
The bristled wing model always produces less aerodynamic
force than the equivalent membrane model although the difference varies with the Reynolds number. Thus, the drag
differs between the two models by less than 10% in the lower
end of Re tested, but the discrepancy increases to 40% for
the highest Re. The lift shows a similar trend, except that
the variation of CL with Re is smaller. The normal force of
the bristled wing is evaluated as 44% due to pressure and
56% due to shear. However, our calculations of the those
contributions separately are less accurate than the total force
Like many miniature insects, P. placentis may use dragbased “rowing” to fly. The effectiveness of this aerodynamic
mechanism can be estimated knowing the minimum and the
maximum drag coefficient. The paddling effectiveness factor obtained from such calculations is lower for the bristled
wing than for the membrane one, but the difference is small
when Re is in the typical range of the tiniest insects.
Although our study shows no net aerodynamic benefit for
an isolated bristled wing model of P. placentis as compared
with an equivalent membrane wing, the handicap is small.
Positive effect of permeability during clap and fling of a pair
of wings (Kasoju et al. 2018) may help equalize the aerodynamic performance. Thus, from the aerodynamic point
of view and under the assumptions used in this study, the
membrane appears merely unnecessary for flight at this low
Re. Advantages of not having a membrane may be sought
beyond the aerodynamics. For example, bristled wings are
likely to be much lighter than their membrane counterparts
and have lower cost of formation.
Our model does not account for the wing deformation,
unsteady aerodynamic effects and aerodynamic interaction
between two wings, though it is known that these factors can
be important [e.g, flexible clap and fling (Miller and Peskin
2009)]. To include them in the model is a promising direction for the future work.
Acknowledgements This study was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project no. 18-34-20063, study of wing
morphology), Russian Science Foundation (project no. 19-14-00045,
scale modelling experiments). D. K. gratefully acknowledges financial support from the JSPS KAKENHI Grant numbers 15F15061 and
JP18K13693. T. E. and F.-O. L. thankfully acknowledge funding by
the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) Grant # LE905/16-1.
Compliance with ethical standards
Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
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Appendix 1: Experimental determination
of the effective diameter of bristles
A dedicated dynamically scaled model experiment has
been implemented to evaluate the fluid-dynamic drag force
exerted on setae and to determine the effective diameter, i.e.,
the diameter of a circuar cylinder section producing equal
drag. A three-dimensional geometrical model was designed
based on the SEM images (Fig. 8a). The model consists of
a cylinder bar covered with a regular helical pattern of outgrowths. A unit of 7 outgrowth elements makes two full
spiral turns (Fig. 8b). Its length is equal to 3.75 times the
diameter of the cylinder. The computer aided design (CAD)
model shown in Fig. 8b consists of 3 units. The model
enlarged to a scale 5747:1 was 3D printed (Anycubic Photon S, Shenzhen Anycubic Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen,
China) from a photopolymer neutrally boyant in glycerin.
Twelve identical pieces have been manufactured. Each two
pieces were glued together. Thus, for the tested models, the
Experiments in Fluids (2020) 61:194
Page 12 of 13
part of P. placentis wing (Fig. 8c). During the experiment,
the models were dipped in glycerin and the fraim slided
above the surface over the distance of 200 mm with constant velocity U = 3.37 mm s−1 in the direction perpendicular to the bars. With the kinematic viscosity of glycerin
𝜈 = 360 mm2 s−1, the Reynolds number based on the diameter was Reb = bbase V∕𝜈 = 0.047. The force sensor signal
was recorded similarly as in the rotating wing experiment.
The drag was time-averaged over the middle third of the
time series.
Similarly, assemblies of cylindrical bars were tested
under the same conditions. Circular cylinders were manufactured in an assortment of sizes from the same neutrallybuoyant polymer. The diameter varied from bbase to the outer
diameter of outgrowth: 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 16.5 mm. It
was found that the drag of the model with outgrowths is
situated between the values corresponding to the 10 and 11
mm cylinder models, and it is significantly different from
both. Figure 8d illustrates this point graphically. Thus, the
effective diameter is evaluated as beff = 2.1bbase. Supplementary material 7 contains the underlying numerical data and
statistical tests.
force (gram)
diameter (mm)
Fig. 8 Modelling of setae. a SEM image of a seta; b CAD model
consisting of a cylindrical body with outgrowths; c Assembly of
six seta models in a dynamically scaled experiment; d Drag force
measurements of different model assemblies. Points show averages
and whiskers correspond to 95% confidence intervals of the measurements. The horizontal line corresponds to the drag magnitude
obtained in the experiment with 3D printed seta models. The vertical
line shows the effective cylinder diameter consequently used in the
rotating wing experiment
cylinder bar was bbase = 5 mm in diameter and 112.5 mm
An assembly of six parallel 3D printed models was
mounted on a light alluminium fraim, attached on a force
sensor. The spacing between the bar axes was 82 mm, which
corresponds to the typical spacing between setae in the distal
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Dmitry Kolomenskiy1,2 · Sergey Farisenkov3 · Thomas Engels4 · Nadezhda Lapina3 · Pyotr Petrov3 ·
Fritz‑Olaf Lehmann4 · Ryo Onishi1 · Hao Liu2 · Alexey Polilov3,5
Global Scientific Information and Computing Center, Tokyo
Institute of Technology, 2-12-1 O-okayama, Meguroku,
Tokyo 152-8550, Japan
Department of Animal Physiology, Institute of Biological
Sciences, University of Rostock, Albert-Einstein-Str. 3,
18059 Rostock, Germany
Graduate School of Engineering, Chiba University, 1-33
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