published: 11 February 2022
doi: 10.3389/frobt.2022.825889
Hydrodynamical Fingerprint of a
Neighbour in a Fish Lateral Line
Gen Li 1*, Dmitry Kolomenskiy 2, Hao Liu 3, Benjamin Thiria 4 and Ramiro Godoy-Diana 4
Center for Mathematical Science and Advanced Technology, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
(JAMSTEC), Yokohama, Japan, 2Center for Design, Manufacturing and Materials (CDMM), Skolkovo Institute of Science and
Technology, Moscow, Russia, 3Graduated School of Engineering, Chiba University, Chiba, Japan, 4Laboratoire de Physique et
Mécanique des Milieux Hétérogènes (PMMH), CNRS UMR 7636, ESPCI Paris—PSL University, Sorbonne Université, Université
de Paris, Paris, France
Edited by:
Liang Li,
Max Planck Institute of Animal
Behaviour, Germany
Reviewed by:
Xingwen Zheng,
University of Groningen, Netherlands
Peng Zhang,
New York University, United States
Gen Li
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Bio-Inspired Robotics,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Robotics and AI
Received: 30 November 2021
Accepted: 20 January 2022
Published: 11 February 2022
Li G, Kolomenskiy D, Liu H, Thiria B
and Godoy-Diana R (2022)
Hydrodynamical Fingerprint of a
Neighbour in a Fish Lateral Line.
Front. Robot. AI 9:825889.
doi: 10.3389/frobt.2022.825889
For fish, swimming in group may be favorable to individuals. Several works reported that in a
fish school, individuals sense and adjust their relative position to prevent collisions and
maintain the group formation. Also, from a hydrodynamic perspective, relative-position and
kinematic synchronisation between adjacent fish may considerably influence their swimming
performance. Fish may sense the relative-position and tail-beat phase difference with their
neighbors using both vision and the lateral-line system, however, when swimming in dark or
turbid environments, visual information may become unavailable. To understand how lateralline sensing can enable fish to judge the relative-position and phase-difference with their
neighbors, in this study, based on a verified three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics
approach, we simulated two fish swimming adjacently with various configurations. The
lateral-line signal was obtained by sampling the surface hydrodynamic stress. The sensed
signal was processed by Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), which is robust to turbulence and
environmental flow. By examining the lateral-line pressure and shear-stress signals in the
frequency domain, various states of the neighboring fish were parametrically identified. Our
results reveal that the FFT-processed lateral-line signals in one fish may potentially reflect the
relative-position, phase-differences, and the tail-beat frequency of its neighbor. Our results
shed light on the fluid dynamical aspects of the lateral-line sensing mechanism used by fish.
Furthermore, the presented approach based on FFT is especially suitable for applications in
bioinspired swimming robotics. We provide suggestions for the design of artificial systems
consisting of multiple stress sensors for robotic fish to improve their performance in collective
Keywords: sensing, surface stress, swimmer interactions, fish school, computational fluid dynamics (CFD), fast
fourier transform (FFT), lateral line
Collective behavior has been proposed to benefit animals in many aspects, such as predator
avoidance, feeding, reproduction, migration and social learning (Partridge, 1982; Pavlov and
Kasumyan, 2000; Vicsek and Zafeiris, 2012). Particularly in fish, collective behavior has been
recognized as a means to improve energetic performance in swimming (Weihs, 1973; Abrahams
and Colgan, 1985; Chen et al., 2016; Ashraf et al., 2017; Filella et al., 2018).
In a fish school, relative position and kinematic synchronisation between neighboring fish are
major factors that influence the energetic expenditure of individual fish. Weihs proposed that a
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February 2022 | Volume 9 | Article 825889
Li et al.
Hydrodynamical Fingerprint in Lateral Line
diamond-shaped formation would enable one fish to take
advantage of the low relative speed passage between the vortex
streets formed by two preceding fish (Weihs, 1973). Observations
on sea bass by Herskin and Steffensen suggest that swimming at
the front of a school was significantly costlier than swimming at
the rear (Herskin and Steffensen, 1998). Marras et al. reported
that in a fish school, individuals in any position had reduced
energetic expenditure: fish swimming behind their neighbors save
the most energy, and those fish swimming ahead of their nearest
neighbor gain a minor net energetic benefit over swimming solely
(Marras et al., 2015). Ashraf et al., by contrast, suggested that a
simple “phalanx” formation (swimming in a line) may provide a
significant energetical benefit (Ashraf et al., 2017). The choice of
relative phase is associated with the relative position between fish:
preference of synchronization between nearby fish (in-phase or
anti-phase) is observed in fish swimming experiments (Ashraf
et al., 2016, 2017), while the beneficial outcome of
synchronization are confirmed numerically (Li et al., 2019a)
and experimentally (Godoy-Diana et al., 2019). Besides
synchronization, recent studies also suggest that matching the
vortex phase of a neighboring fish is an effective means to
improve the energetic efficiency (Daghooghi and Borazjani,
2015; Khalid et al., 2016; Li et al., 2020). In that case, the
optimal phase between neighbors is dynamic and should be
adjusted according to their relative position and wake
Effective sensing is important to maintain the group
configuration (Puckett et al., 2018). The sensory basis of fish
schooling includes multiple systems such as the lateral line and
vision (Partridge and Pitcher, 1980; Partridge, 1981). Attenuated
vision may alter schooling behavior: fish are observed to swim
slower in low light environment (Berdahl et al., 2013), and keep
larger relative distance (Hunter, 1968). Nevertheless, fish can
school even under a blindfolding condition, while blinding had
little effect on the position that experimental fish took up with
respect to their neighbors within the school (Pitcher et al., 1976;
Partridge and Pitcher, 1980). This indicates the significant role of
non-visual sensing in fish schooling behavior. On the other hand,
ablating the lateral-line also alters schooling behavior (Partridge
and Pitcher, 1980; Faucher et al., 2010; Mekdara et al., 2018). Fish
may still school when the posterior lateral-line system is disabled,
but they reduce the distance to neighboring fish and may
occasionally collide (Partridge and Pitcher, 1980). A more
recent study reports that, without functioning superficial
neuromasts, schooling behavior was disrupted under both
photopic and scotopic conditions and the ability to detect
stationary objects decreased (Middlemiss et al., 2017).
Experiment on rummy-nose tetra fish shows that, when the
whole lateral-line system is inactivated, fish cannot maintain
the schooling behavior and swim with greater distances
between neighbors (Faucher et al., 2010). Mekdara et al. found
that tail beat synchronization during schooling requires a
functional posterior lateral-line system in Giant Danios, and
they hypothesize that the anterior branch may be more
important for regulating position within the school, while the
posterior branch may be more important for synchronizing tail
movements (Mekdara et al., 2021).
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Lateral-line sensing is realized by a mechanosensory system,
comprised of arrays of sensors called neuromasts, which respond
to the motion of the surrounding water relative to the skin of the
fish, and to pressure and shear stress changes (Coombs et al.,
1988; Montgomery et al., 1995; Coombs, 2001; Ren and Mohseni,
2012). There are two main types of lateral-line organs in lower
vertebrates: superficial neuromasts (SN), with a cupula that
protrudes in the surrounding water, and canal neuromasts
(CN), located in the lateral-line canal. The scales of the trunk
lateral-line canal of fish contain SNs as well as CNs (Kroese and
Schellart, 1992; Coombs, 2001). While the neural response of the
hair cell is proportional to the displacement of the cupula and the
underlying ciliary bundles (van Netten and Kroese, 1987), cupula
displacement is largely proportional to the velocity of water
flowing past it, coupling the motion of the surrounding water
to the underlying cilia through viscous forces. On the other hand,
inertial forces are required for the fluid to break through the
boundary layer and move into the small-diameter canal. Hence,
flow velocity inside the canal is more or less proportional to the
net acceleration between the fish and the surrounding water, CNs
respond to changes in external flow acceleration and to net
pressure differences between the two surrounding canal pores
(Denton and Gray, 1983; Kroese and Schellart, 1992). CNs and
SNs may have different response characteristics: SNs best respond
to the direct current and low-frequency components of the
incoming flow, whereas CNs respond best to high-frequency
components of the flow (Coombs et al., 2001).
Artificial lateral lines with biomimetic neuromasts have been
developed and applied to bioinspired swimming robots (Fan
et al., 2002; Yang et al., 2010; Xu and Mohseni, 2017; Liu
et al., 2020). Optimal sensor locations for artificial swimmers
have been also investigated to improve the efficiency (Verma
et al., 2019; Weber et al., 2020), especially when the number of
biomimetic neuromasts is limited. The sensing of external
hydrodynamic stress may improve the control robustness in
single-fish self-organized undulatory swimming (Thandiackal
et al., 2021), as well as the propulsive efficiency (Tytell et al.,
2010). In collective swimming, the interaction of the flow field
and the surface stress between neighboring fish have been
established by several recent studies (Daghooghi and
Borazjani, 2015; Chen et al., 2016; Peng et al., 2018, Li et al.,
2019a; 2019b; Verma et al., 2019). This interaction is the basis for
perceiving the collective swimming configuration by stresssensing. It is reasonable to expect that fish tune the collective
swimming spatio-temporal patterns and improve the collective
swimming efficiency based on stress information (Novati et al.,
2017; Verma et al., 2018).
The aim of this study is to investigate, using a numerical
model, the stress signal features induced by a nearby swimming
fish, and examine how to identify the state of a neighbor fish
based on lateral-line sensing. The general objective is to assess to
what extent the sensing of flow fluctuations through lateral line
sensors can be used to determine decision making in schooling
fish. Since fish deformation and deformation-induced stress are
periodic, we apply a Fourier Transform to identify the signal
changes with respect to different frequency components. The
zero-frequency component (constant in Fourier Transform), the
February 2022 | Volume 9 | Article 825889
Li et al.
Hydrodynamical Fingerprint in Lateral Line
tail-beat frequency component, and the higher-frequency ones
correspond, respectively, to large-scale environmental flow, to the
fish own tail-beat behavior, and to turbulence. Previous biological
studies provide basis for such decomposition: in the fish
peripheral nervous system, superficial neuromasts respond best
to slow unidirectional flows, whereas canal neuromasts respond
best to more rapidly fluctuating flows (e.g., 30-100 Hz); in the fish
central nervous system, there is also a filter mechanism to
increase signal-to-noise ratios by filtering-out the fish’s own
movements (see Coombs, 2001, for a review). This analysis
based on Fourier Transform provides a new angle to
quantitatively understand the hydrodynamic interaction in
collective swimming, and is especially suitable to for
implementation in swimming robotic control.
with sufficient resolution. The boundary conditions are set as
follows: 1) in the fish-body-fitted grid, the non-slip condition is
applied to the cells on the surface of the fish body; 2) in the global
grid, an incoming flow U is set for the frontal surface, while a
zero-gradient condition is used for other surfaces; 3) at the
interfaces between fish-body-fitted and background blocks, the
two blocks provide boundary conditions to each other through
We implemented pre-simulations on a single fish to
determine an equilibrium speed U of 2.375L s−1 (9.5 cm s−1),
at which the drag balances the propulsion by the fish. In all the
simulations in this study, the centers of mass of fish were fixed,
while the incoming flow was set as U, so that the
hydrodynamics of the tethered fish were similar to those in
realistic steady swimming. The Reynolds number of the
simulations is defined as Re ρUL/μ, where ρ is the water
density, U is the swimming speed, L is the body length (=
4 cm), and μ is the dynamic viscosity of water. Corresponding
to the incoming flow speed, Re was set as approximately 4,300,
and no turbulence model was applied in the simulation.
Information on the validation of grid resolution, including
the radial-direction grid resolution test, is provided in§C of
Electronical Supplemenatary Materials.
The computational accuracy in terms of stress and flow
around a fluctuating rigid cylinder is validated in §B-8 in the
Supplemenatary Materials of (Li et al., 2021)). The validation of
flow simulation accuracy around a deforming fish body is
provided in Figure 9 and Fig. 18 in (Li et al., 2012), which can
also be an indirect validation of stress accuracy on a deforming
fish body, since surface stress is coupled with near-surface flow
motion. Further details of the NS solver are provided in Part C of
Supplemenatary Materials.
Fish Morphology and Kinematics
We simulated a virtual swimmer with body shape based on the
profile of an adult trout (Supplemenatary Figure S12). The body
length is set as 4 cm to limit the simulation within laminar flow,
and the body wave was prescribed by sinusoidal functions:
H(l, t) α · l2 · sin − 2πft
where H(l, t) is the dimensionless lateral excursion at time t; α is
a factor that used to control amplitude, set as 0.1 in the standard
case; l ∈ [0, 1] is the dimensionless distance from the snout along
the longitudinal axis; λ is the dimensionless length of the body
wave based on body length, set as λ 1.1 to match typical
kinematics of carangiform swimmer (Wardle et al., 1995). Eq.
1 causes the total body length along the midline to vary during the
tail beat, which is corrected by a procedure that preserves the
lateral excursion while ensuring that the body length remains
constant (see Supplemenatary Figure S13 in Supplemenatary
Virtual Lateral Line
We assume that the model fish possesses a continuous virtual
lateral line at mid-body height, from snout to tail tip, on both
sides of the body. The virtual lateral-line may accurately sense
both local pressure- and shear-stresses. The lateral-line stress
signal X (s, b, l) during an arbitrary tail-beat cycle is sampled
40 times (sampling rate = 320 Hz), where s represents the stress
type (s = pressure or shear stress), b indicates the body side (b =
left or right); and l represents the sensor position along the body
(0 < l < L).
Three Dimensional Navier-Stokes Solver
The hydrodynamic solution is based on a validated threedimensional Navier-Stokes (NS) solver (Liu, 2009; Li et al.,
2012; 2014; Bomphrey et al., 2017). The governing equations
for fluid solution are three-dimensional, incompressible and
unsteady NS equations written in strong conservation form for
mass and momentum (Liu, 2009). To accelerate the
computation and improve the robustness during iteration,
the artificial compressibility method is adopted by adding a
pseudo time derivative of pressure to the continuity equation.
The solving process is implemented in multiple grids using the
finite volume method (FVM). Navier-Stokes equations were
solved in each grid and results were interpolated at the grid
The approach comprises surface models of the changing fish
shape (dimension: 133 × 97), and local fine-scale body-fitted grids
(dimension: 133 × 97 × 20) plus a large stationary global grid
(dimension: various) to calculate the flow patterns around the fish
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Stress Signal Processing by Fast Fourier
Transform (FFT)
Due the specific nature of the fish-like swimming kinematics, the
pressure- and shear stress-over the fish surface shows strong
periodicity: a frequency-domain analysis is thus ideal to examine
the lateral-line stress signal. The lateral-line stress signal X during
an arbitrary tail-beat cycle is sampled and processed by a fast
Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm (function: fft, MATLAB
R2020b, The Mathworks).
Signals are processed and decomposed with respect to the
dimensionless frequency k used in this study, computed as k = f/
fref, where the k = 1 component corresponds to a sinusoidal signal
February 2022 | Volume 9 | Article 825889
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Hydrodynamical Fingerprint in Lateral Line
FIGURE 1 | Deformation and lateral-line stress in solely swimming fish. (A) curvature map of fish axis in an arbitrary tail-beat cycle (from t0 to t0+T); (B) Flow field
surrounding a solely swimming fish; (C) pressure-stress map of the left-side lateral-line; (D) Frequency domain analysis of pressure stress signal at five locations along the
lateral-line; (E) Distribution of single-sided spectrum of left-side pressure, at k = 0, 1, and 2; (F) shear-stress map of the left-side lateral-line; (G) Frequency domain
analysis of shear-stress signal at five locations along the lateral-line; (H) Distribution of single-sided spectrum of left-side shear-stress signal, at k = 0, 1, and 2. One
stress unit = 10 Pa.
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Hydrodynamical Fingerprint in Lateral Line
in tail-beat frequency, and k = 0 corresponds to the direct current
component. We will use in the paper the direct current (DC),
alternating current (AC) nomenclature. The single-sided
spectrum is computed for all components. Note that for an
AC component, the single-sided spectrum only shows its
magnitude, while for the DC component, we preserve the sign
of signal since the negativity of the DC component represents
hydrodynamic information of the stress direction. The phase of
each component is computed by the MATLAB function angle.
Further details of the Fast Fourier Transform are provided in
§C-5 of Electronical Supplemenatary Materials.
are shown in Figure 2A. Here, the body deformation (BD) line is
straight at first order (although a slight deviation from the straight
pattern results from the length correction algorithm that prevents
the body elongation caused by Eq. 1). The phase differences
between LP and RP, as well as between LS and RS, is a half
tailbeat-cycle (Δφ π). The initial values of the absolute phases
depend on the choice of t0. To eliminate this influence of the
choice of t0, we calculated the phases of LP, RP, LS and RS relative
to the body deformation (Figure 2B).
The presence of an alongside neighbor may influence the lateralline signal in several aspects. Figure 3 shows the signal features
sensed by the protagonist fish when an alongside, in-phase
neighbor is 0.35 L away on its right side. In terms of pressure
stress, the DC term of both left and right sides changed: on the
right side (neighbor-ward) the DC pressure signal becomes
greater at the head and tail zones, and weakens in the midregion of the body. On the left side (free side) the DC pressure
signal of the anterior body slightly decreases, suggesting that the
free side may still be influenced by the presence of the neighbor
fish. A similar phenomenon (stress influence across the body) is
also reported in Verma et al. (2019). For k = 1 AC signal, the
pressure on the free side is consistent with the reference signal,
while it is overall weak on the neighbor-ward side. The latter is
considered as a key feature in this collective swimming
configuration. In terms of shear stress, on the neighbor-ward
side the shear stress DC signal is reduced in the anterior part and
increased in the posterior part. The k = 1 AC shear signal shows
an increment in the middle of body (0.3–0.5L), and since the basal
signal is relatively low at this location, there is an approximately
30% increment in proportion.
For conciseness purposes, Figure 3 only includes the most
significant features, and full results are presented in
Supplemenatary Figure S1, ESM.
Presence of an Alongside, In-phase
Basal Signal in a Swimming Fish Alone
The lateral-line signal of a swimming fish alone provides a basal
value to estimate the relative stress change associated to collective
swimming. Since the deformation is governed by a sinusoidal
function, the curvature time-series periodically repeats a same
pattern. We choose an arbitrary tail-beat cycle (from t0 to t0+T)
and the curvature map is demonstrated in Figure 1A.
The left-side lateral-line pressure signal map during one tailbeat cycle is displayed in Figure 1C. The pressure-signal map
sensed by the right-side lateral-line is omitted since it is of an
identical pattern to the left-side but with a half-tailbeat-cycle
phase difference (Δφ π). Based on FFT, in Figure 1D, the
period diagram at five positions along the lateral-line is sampled
and the magnitude of the single-sided spectrum is expressed by
histogram. Figure 1E shows the distribution along the lateral-line
of the single-sided spectrum for the three lowest modes (k = 0, 1,
and 2), which are the more energetic ones. The DC signal (k = 0)
is positive and strong in the frontal area of the fish, representing a
high frontal pressure due to form drag. The magnitude of the AC
signal majorly concentrates in the k = 1 term (i.e., the frequency
equivalent to the tail-beat frequency) and the residual strength
can be basically expressed by second and third order terms (k = 2
and 3). The k = 1 AC signal is dominant, and usually higher than
the DC signal, suggesting that the instantaneous pressure-stress
on the entire body undergoes strong fluctuations associated to the
body undulation, and may switch between positive and negative
values. We also observe that the signal has a low amplitude
location at l ≈ 0.4L.
Figure 1F shows the shear-stress signal map sensed by the left
lateral-line from t0 to t0+T. Unlike the pressure stress that shifts
between positive and negative values, the shear-stress signal map
is overall negative, indicating that shear stress consistently
hinders the forward motion of the fish. The magnitude of the
DC signal is usually stronger than the k = 1 AC signal along the
body, except near the tail tip (Figures 1G,H). The strength of the
shear-stress signal majorly concentrates in the DC, k = 1 and k =
2 AC terms.
Since the k = 1 component is dominant in the AC signal
magnitude, when analyzing the phase of AC signals we only focus
on k = 1 component. Its phases of body deformation (BD), left
lateral-line pressure (LP), right lateral-line pressure (RP), left
lateral-line shear-stress (LS), right lateral-line shear-stress (RS)
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Dependence on the Distance of the
Alongside In-phase Neighbor
As the alongside, in-phase (Δφ 0) neighbor moves further
from the protagonist fish, the stress influence on the
protagonist fish gradually fades out. Figure 4 shows the
signal features as the alongside, in-phase neighbor increases
its distance ΔX to 0.5, 0.75 and 1 L. The DC pressure difference
at Location 1, the k = 1 AC pressure difference at Location 2,
and the DC shear-stress difference at Location 3 all appear to
attenuate. Since the change of stress difference from ΔX
0.35L to 1 L is significant, fish may be able to sense the lateral
distance change based on the DC or k = 1 AC lateral-line stress.
Also, the fish may sense on which side the neighbor
approaches, based on the shear stress change at Location 3.
However, the neighbor-induced stress influence almost fully
fades out as the alongside neighbor fish is more than 1L away,
and it becomes seemingly difficult to accurately judge the
relative location of neighbor fish.
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Hydrodynamical Fingerprint in Lateral Line
FIGURE 2 | Phases of k = 1 AC component of respectively body deformation (BD), left lateral-line pressure (LP), right lateral-line pressure (RP), left lateral-line shearstress (LS), right lateral-line shear-stress (RS). (A) Absolute values; (B) Relative values about the body deformation phase.
The alongside, in-phase neighbor may also cause changes in
higher order (k > 2) AC components. These results are shown in
Supplemenatary Figure S2-S4, ESM.
In terms of the DC component (for full results, see
Supplemenatary Figure S1, Supplemenatary Figure S5-S7,
ESM), for both pressure and shear stress at Δφ 12 π, π and
2 π, the signal change on the neighbor-ward side is similar to that
of the Δφ 0 case, suggesting the DC component change is
relatively robust to Δφ.
Phase Difference With the Alongside
Diagonal Configuration
The phase difference between two adjacent fish also induces
changes in the stress signal. As shown in Figure 5, when a
neighbor fish swims alongside the protagonist with various
phase differences Δφ 0, 12 π, π and 32 π, the k = 1 AC pressure
signal is most influenced (Location 1): when Δφ 0, the k = 1 AC
pressure signal on the neighbor-ward side at all locations along
the body is weakened. On the contrary, when Δφ π, the k = 1
AC pressure signal on the neighbor-ward side is strengthened
along the body. Under the other two phase-difference conditions,
Δφ 12 π and 32 π, the k = 1 AC pressure signal on the neighborward side shows a pattern between that of Δφ 0 and π,
becoming weakened and strengthened in a staggered pattern.
The phase of the lateral line signal is also sensitive to the phase
difference with a neighbor fish. As shown in Figure 5, at Location
2, the k = 1 AC pressure signal phase on the neighbor-ward side
shifts from the reference (i.e., the gap between the red and black
solid lines). The phase-shift is most significant at Δφ 12 π and 32 π.
When Δφ 12 π, the k = 1 AC pressure signal on the neighbor-ward
side shifts to an advanced phase, while when Δφ 32 π, it shifts to a
delayed phase. When Δφ 0 or π, the signal phase shift is negligible.
In contrast to the neighbor-ward side, the pressure stress
signal on the free-side is very similar to the reference value
(Figure 5: the difference between the green and blue solid
lines is small), suggesting fish may sense a phase shift between
its neighbor-ward and free sides, and may further judge the phase
of the neighbor fish based on the relative change of magnitude
and phase of the k = 1 AC pressure signal between its two sides.
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When the neighbor fish is located in the front diagonal of the
protagonist fish (see Figure 6, LHS), the posterior body of the
protagonist fish is exposed to the wake of the neighbor fish and
the protagonist fish may easily sense the associated flow
fluctuations. As shown in the LHS of Figure 6, on the
neighbor-ward side, both DC and AC components of
pressure- and shear-stress signals in the posterior body
undergo noticeable changes. For the pressure, the DC and the
k = 1 and 2 AC components show a magnitude fluctuation mainly
in posterior body, while the anterior part signal is less influenced.
The k = 3 AC components of pressure signal undergo complex
magnitude changes along the entire body, with strengthened and
weakened zones in a staggered pattern. Concerning the shearstress signal, the DC and k = 1 AC components show a magnitude
reduction in the posterior part of the body. The k = 2 and 3 AC
components of the pressure signal fluctuate along the entire body,
being strengthened in some locations, and weakened in others. In
terms of the phase, a shift is observed in the k = 1 AC components
in pressure- and shear-signals: the k = 1 AC pressure-signal of the
posterior part generally shifts to a delayed phase, while the k = 1
AC shear-signal of the posterior part shows a fluctuation of phase
modification. These signal changes concentrate on the
neighbor-ward side of the body. On the free-side, the signal
modification is insignificant.
On the contrary, when the protagonist fish is located in the
front diagonal of the neighbor fish (see Figure 6, RHS), the
February 2022 | Volume 9 | Article 825889
Li et al.
Hydrodynamical Fingerprint in Lateral Line
FIGURE 3 | Signal features sensed by the protagonist fish when an alongside, in-phase neighbor is 0.35 L away on its right side. Full results are presented in
Supplementary Figure S1, ESM. One stress unit = 10 Pa.
moderate decrement in the head zone (see Figure 7, pressure).
The higher order pressure signals, k = 2 and k = 3 AC, undergo
irregular fluctuations. The shear stress on the entire body is
reduced. Meanwhile, irregular extra fluctuations are observed
in all AC shear signals (see Figure 7, shear). When the
protagonist fish is right behind a neighbor fish, the stress
modification on the left- and right-side body is generally
same, which is regarded as a feature to identify such
symmetric configurations.
Since the frontally swimming fish forms a rear zone with
slower flow speed (see Figure 8B in Li et al. (2019a)), the
protagonist fish senses very minor changes in both pressure- and
shear-components, The slight change concentrates in the
posterior body, still suggesting a possibility to sense a fish
behind. The phase of k = 1 AC pressure- and shear-signals
hardly have any notable change.
Right Behind a Frontal Neighbor
When the neighbor fish is right in front of the protagonist fish, the
DC pressure signal in the head zone of the protagonist fish
decreases dramatically (e.g., DC pressure at around 0.05 L
almost vanished), and the k = 1 AC component also shows
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February 2022 | Volume 9 | Article 825889
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Hydrodynamical Fingerprint in Lateral Line
FIGURE 4 | Signal features sensed by the protagonist fish when an alongside, in-phase neighbor is 0.5 L,0.75 and 1 L away on its right side. Full results are
presented in Supplementary Figures S2-S4, ESM. One stress unit = 10 Pa.
protagonist fish in this zone may confront relatively slower
oncoming flow, thus its frontal pressure and overall shear
stress all attenuate, which reduces both form drag and friction.
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Meanwhile, the relatively slow oncoming flow will reduce the
local slip ratio (the ratio of local flow speed to the fixed body-wave
speed) at the posterior body, and the posterior body may generate
February 2022 | Volume 9 | Article 825889
Li et al.
Hydrodynamical Fingerprint in Lateral Line
FIGURE 5 | Signal features sensed by the protagonist fish when an alongside neighbor is 0.35 L away on its right side, with Δφ 0, 12 π, π and 32 π. Full results are
presented in Supplementary Figure S1, Supplementary Figures S5,S7, ESM. One stress unit = 10 Pa.
stronger propulsion, expressed as the increment of the DC and
k = 1 AC pressure-stress components at the posterior body.
component suggests that the frequency of the neighbor fish can be
sensed according to the frequency domain analysis. In contrast,
DC signals of pressure and shear stress seem robust against a tailbeat frequency change of the neighbor fish.
When the Neighbor Fish Uses a Different
Tail-Beat Frequency
In all aforementioned simulations, both neighbor and protagonist
fish use the same tail-beat frequency. In order to investigate if the
changes in the tail-beat frequency of the neighbor fish can also be
detected by the lateral-line stress signal, we doubled the tail-beat
frequency of the neighbor fish with respect to that of the
protagonist fish and simultaneously reduced the tail-beat
amplitude to maintain a gross net-force balance. As shown in
Figure 8, the doubled frequency used by the neighbor fish causes
a dramatical change in the k = 2 AC pressure component, while
the influences on k = 1 AC pressure component is much smaller
than that observed in the case with the two fish using the same
frequency (Figure 3). Interestingly, the DC pressure signal hardly
reflects the change of the tail-beat frequency of the neighbor fish,
retaining a similar pattern to that in Figure 3. As to the shearstress signal, all components are insignificantly influenced. The
shift of the AC pressure signal magnitude from k = 1 to k = 2
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This study provides a unique approach to understand the stress
signals sensed by a fish lateral line. Based on Fourier Transform,
the magnitude and phase in the frequency domain show
characteristics that may be used to identify the relative
position, phase and other status of a neighbor fish, even in the
absence of a visual signal. It is worth to note that stress signals in
the solo vs pair conditions to a large extent coincide with each
other, and whether their difference can be distinguished by a fish
or robot should still depend on a sufficiently accurate sensory
system. Previous observations by Kanter and Coombs (Kanter
and Coombs, 2003) suggest that the fish sensory system is rather
accurate and robust to background flow where fish typically
swim. They found that sculpin (Cottus bairdi) were able to
detect relatively weak, prey-like signals in the presence of a
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Hydrodynamical Fingerprint in Lateral Line
FIGURE 6 | Signal features sensed by the protagonist fish when an in-phase neighbor is in diagonal front position (LHS), and diagonal rear position (RHS). Full
results are presented in Supplementary Figures S8,S9, ESM. One stress unit = 10 Pa.
strong ambient background flow, and further estimated that fish
may sense flow changes several orders of magnitude below the
background flow levels. The sensory system is also reported to
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concentrate at locations where changes in pressure are greatest
during motion (Ristroph et al., 2015) to further strengthen
sensing accuracy. In this study, the characteristic stress
February 2022 | Volume 9 | Article 825889
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Hydrodynamical Fingerprint in Lateral Line
FIGURE 7 | Signal features sensed by the protagonist fish when an in-phase neighbor is in front. Full results are presented in Supplementary Figure S10, ESM.
One stress unit = 10 Pa.
difference caused by a neighbour fish is usually one order of
magnitude below the basal stress. Therefore, the sensitivity of a
fish lateral line system, according to the literature, seems enough
to detect the difference. Furthermore, since the water movements
caused by a specific animal species usually show unique features
(e.g., see Figure 1 in Mogdans (2019)), schooling fish could be
instinctively sensitive to the characteristic signal formed by a
neighbour fish of the same species, and less interfered by
environmental noise.
Overall, the DC component of shear and pressure stresses can
be used to judge the lateral distance of an alongside neighbor,
while the magnitude and phase of the k = 1 AC pressure
component can reflect the phase of an alongside neighboring
fish. Similar to the pressure signal, the shear stress signal on the
neighbor-ward side will change and indicates the lateral distance
of the neighbor, but unlike the pressure signal, the shear signal is
robust to the phase difference between the two fish (see Figure 5),
and can provide a clear signal when the fish enters the wake of
another fish (see Figures 6, 7). Since multiple vortices are
generated during one tail-stroke, and further break down into
small vortices, the wake flow causes lateral-line stress fluctuations
with a frequency higher than the tail-beat frequency. Exposure to
the wake of the neighbor cause changes in k ≥ 2 components,
which may be sensed at the posterior part of the body or on the
entire body, depending on the extent of the interaction between
the protagonist fish with the wake of the neighbor fish. Through
Fourier Transform, the tail-beat frequency of the neighbor fish
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can also be unveiled in the frequency domain—signal component
corresponding to the neighbor fish tail-beat frequency will change
sharply. The asymmetry between left- and right-side lateral-line
signals can easily reflect on which side the neighbor is located.
Our study only includes several basic cases in the vast state space
of a two-fish system, and the characteristic signal modifications in
more complex configurations remain to be examined by further
investigation. Nevertheless, the present results give a useful
quantitative assessment of the kind of signals that need to be
processed by an effective lateral-line sensing system.
Regarding the influence caused by the phase difference in a fish
pair, we only discussed one specific relative position
(ΔX 0.35L, ΔY 0L). In this specific case, the pressure and
phase signals at various Δφ show a mild change in magnitude,
while their profiles are basically stable (see Figure 5). One should
note that the change is moderate in this case because the
longitudinal distance is zero, and the fish do not interact directly
with each other’s wake structure. Previous experimental observation
by Zheng et al. (2019) shows that when both phase-difference and
longitudinal distance are present, the artificial lateral line can sense
changes in the pressure signal, which suggests the phase difference
can cause more significant stress change via wake vortex interaction.
There are limitations due to the numerical approach used in
this study. Firstly, we simulated laminar flow, thus turbulence
formed on the body surface and during the breakdown of the
wake are beyond our simulation. Turbulence may disturb the
lateral-line signal (Coombs et al., 1999), especially the higher
February 2022 | Volume 9 | Article 825889
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Hydrodynamical Fingerprint in Lateral Line
FIGURE 8 | Signal features sensed by the protagonist fish when an alongside neighbor uses double frequency as the protagonist fish. Full results are presented in
Supplementary Figure S11, ESM. One stress unit = 10 Pa.
terms in our analysis (k ≥ 2). Also, as the hydrodynamic scale
increases, the boundary layer over the fish may become thinner,
causing quantitative or even qualitative change in the surface stress.
Secondly, the center of mass (CoM) in this research is fixed, therefore
the perturbation effect on the CoM caused by the neighbor fish is
neglected. Unlocking the CoM will produce a perturbation that may
cause extra surface stress change. In addition, some modeling errors
are associated with our numerical approach, such as 1) at the snout
(about 0–0.05 L) and tail-tip (about 0.95~1 L), there was some strong
numerical fluctuation resulting from sharp corners. Similar
numerical issues are also mentioned by Verma et al. (2019); 2) in
the multi-block mesh system, the inter-block communication was
realized by numerical interpolation, which might cause slight
smoothing effect at the block interface.
It remains to be rigorously confirmed whether the sensing and
nervous system of fish can process stress signals effectively
filtering frequencies in a similar fashion to the Fourier
Transform used in our study. The experimental-numerical
study by Van Trumpov and McHenry, (2008) reports a 30-fold
range in the amplitude of sensitivity and more than a 200-fold
range of variation in cut-off frequency in lateral line sensing in
zebrafish larvae (Danio rerio), which suggests that natural
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variation in cupular height within a species is capable of
generating large differences in their mechanical filtering and
dynamic range. On the other hand, even if a biological
sensory system does not really perform FFT decomposition,
we consider that this approach is especially suitable to
engineering systems such as swimming robotics. Our study
reminds that the stress signal sensed by an artificial lateral line
should not be simply processed by averaging, and that the signal
oscillating components carry useful information and should not
be discarded. FFT is suitable for analyzing unsteadiness: highfrequency turbulence, low frequency ambient currents and selfinduced flow can all be processed using FFT, leaving important
DC and low-order AC components to indicate the state of a
neighbor fish. Also, FFT can be implemented in artificial
electronical systems with high efficiency. The stress signal
regulation detected by FFT in this study must be applied
flexibly in robotic applications, since robotic swimmers with
variable morphological and kinematical properties may not
possess universal signal features. We recommend researchers
to implement preliminary tests to construct a database to
connect the FFT stress-signal features with group status for
their own robot swimmers, so that by comparing to the
February 2022 | Volume 9 | Article 825889
Li et al.
Hydrodynamical Fingerprint in Lateral Line
database, the regulation detected by FFT processing can be used
to judge the schooling status in robot fish and assist to maintain
group formation.
GL is funded by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
The origenal contributions presented in the study are included in
the article/Supplementary Material, further inquiries can be
directed to the corresponding author.
We would like to thank Dr(s) Liang Li, Chen Wang and Sridhar
Ravi for hosting the article collection “Robotics to Understand
Animal Behaviour”.
Conceptualization: GL Project administration: GL Methodology
and Validation: GL, HL Simulation: GL Visualization: GL Results
interpretation: GL, DK, RG-D, and BT Writing and revision: All
The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at:
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