This article explores the Erasmus+ experience in France, focusing on academic life, cultural adaptation, and personal growth. It examines the challenges and benefits of studying abroad, particularly within the French educational system.... more
Ο Νικόλαος Κονομής, ήδη από την αρχή της πανεπιστημιακής σταδιοδρομίας του στην Ελλάδα, αποτελούσε μορφή στο διεθνές φιλολογικό στερέωμα, απολαμβάνοντας στιβαρή φήμη και αναγνώριση μεταξύ των λογίων του δυτικού κόσμου. Και τούτο το... more
The article concerns Vilnius Academic Nativity Scenes, which were created in 1921-1926 in the environment of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Vilnius University. Performances were created by both academic teachers and students. Nativity... more
This article discusses the resistance practices of the social sciences and humanities researchers who are doing small-scale qualitative research in Finnish universities. The research material was generated in three online 'cafés' where 22... more
The way academics construct professional identities and operate in a complex profession that is under pressure depends on how they position themselves in relation to institutional cultures. In order to investigate faculty representations... more
This section continues the pictorial-based article devoted to the publishing of the most academically consistent letters which were exchanged in connection with the 5th ISFNR Congress (Bucharest, Romania: August 25-31, 1969). Selected out... more
This study had two objectives: 1) to measure road traffic noise levels and to analyze relationship between the measured noise level and road traffic activities in an urban area of Nakhon Pathom province and 2) to analyze relationship... more
What was it like to have come of age after the Glorious Thirty (1945-1975), an era Jack Metzger (2016; 2021a) describes as a time when the working-class bettered their lives? I had the misfortune to have worked in several Metropolitan... more
Deminutivity in Slavic word formation studies. Report from the conference of the Word-Formation Committee of the International Committee of Slavists (Slovenia, Maribor, 25–29 May 2015)The article is a report from the 16th International... more
Resumo: Esta investigação objetivou analisar pontos positivos e negativos da formação inicial oferecida por um Curso de Licenciatura em Educação Física de uma universidade pública da região Sul do Brasil, na percepção de acadêmicos. A... more
The single-rod Implantable contraceptive method, called 'Implanon', has been introduced for use in Thailand since the 1990s. The outstanding attribute was that it requires only a few minutes for insertion and removal as it has... more
This story describes a seasoned professor's attempts to take stock of her academic life. The main voice is that of the professor as she lives, works, and considers what she cares about. The cacophony of other sounds comes from the... more
This series of autoethnographic narratives addresses vulnerability and reflexivity in coping with loss. The stories took place during two months of summer 2011 at a log cabin in the North Carolina mountains where the author spends her... more
This story describes a seasoned professor's attempts to take stock of her academic life. The main voice is that of the professor as she lives, works, and considers what she cares about. The cacophony of other sounds comes from the... more
O Estágio Curricular Supervisionado é fundamental para formação dos acadêmicos da licenciatura em Química, pois oferece condições da aplicação dos saberes acadêmicos oportunizando a prática das competências e desenvolvimento de uma visão... more
Objective: To compare the efficacy of acupuncture with night splinting for carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). Material and method: Sixty one mild-to-moderate degree CTS patients, aged 27-67 were randomly assigned to acupuncture (Acu) and night... more
This study grounded in the user centered media theory of uses and gratification; it investigated on the usage and gratification of social media among international students pursuing higher education in Turkey, through a survey conducted... more
To assess the categories of auditory performance in prelingual deaf children after implantation. Prospective study The present study consisted of one boy and four girls aged between 2 and 5 years old at the time of implantation. All... more
Thai stock brokers issue daily stock news for their customers. One broker labels these news with plus, minus and zero sign to indicate the type of recommendation. This paper proposed to classify Thai stock news by extracting important... more
At presence, the appearances of houses in Thailand are not suitable for the climate and their natural environment. The houses can't provide thermal comfort and need to use air conditioning systems. Informations from the Department of... more
Social media platforms have transformed the way we live and work. These platforms have opened up new opportunities for service provisioning and business models. Therefore, this paper presents findings of how leading Ugandan Universities... more
The purpose of this study was to identify and classify the generic competencies required for the students’ success in their academic and professional life. Accordingly, it was conducted as an applied research, and its data collection was... more
The aim of this study is to evaluate the quality of the academic life of Shahid Beheshti University students. The study is regarded as an applied research in terms of its objective and the data were collected through a survey. The... more
Corpus Delicti, č. 2, 2020 (str. VII – VIII)
Academia during the Pandemic. Some reflections on the first weeks of pandemic in Krakow and how it affected academic life.
Pages 3-4 (and the cover photo)
Pages 3-4 (and the cover photo)
O estágio não obrigatório representa atividade opcional aos estudantes de graduação, além disso, é uma atividade de acréscimo à carga horária regular e obrigatória dos cursos de graduação. Este estudo objetiva analisar as dificuldades,... more
Hermeneutic Phenomenology by Heidegger and Gadamer has been studied in many architectural academics, but the methodology of understanding a phenomenon is still unclear. The researcher conducted the experiment to construct a tool... more
kungl. vitterhets historie och antikvitets akademien
REFERENCE: Under Eastern Eyes: Travel Writing from Eastern Europe and the Balkans, In: Slovanský přehled / Slavonic Review, vol. 96, nr. 3, 2005, pp. 402-403. Report from a conference "Under Eastern Eyes: Travel Writing from Eastern... more
The Society for the History of Children and Youth (SHCY) conducted a global survey of researchers in the field in the Fall of 2017; this report provides an analysis of the 229 responses and relates them to SHCY’s efforts to establish an... more
The student master I had during a great part of my initial formation in Cracow kept saying that in the Dominican Order it is better in many cases to ask for forgiveness after having done something than to ask for permission before doing... more
This article applies principles from the first two articles in the series to further clarify the nature of education and the exemplary life of the educator. Ethics will be distinguished from values and morals, with professional ethics... more
Straight answers to questions definitive of the academic life: What is a university? What is a professor? Who are the colleagues of a person in higher education? What should be learned in graduate school regardless of the field of... more
The present study focuses on the case of a visually impaired student in a higher education institution in Turkey. The primary aim of the study is to present the challenges faced by a visually impaired student with the focus on academic... more
As social media becomes the ideal space of sharing information in a simple and convenient way, it continues to attract numerous scholarly studies. This paper investigates the peculiarity of social media in the academic life of... more
Artykuł poświęcony jest prezentacji wybranych wyników własnego projektu badawczego, w którego ramach podjęta została problematyka przyzwolenia wobec uczestnictwa muzułmanów jako „innych” czy „obcych” w różnych sferach życia społecznego. W... more
© 2010 -Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego É permitida a reprodução parcial ou total desta obra, desde que citada a fonte. 1ª Tiragem: 2.000 exemplares -2ª Tiragem: 2.000 exemplares -
บทความวิจัยนี้มีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อศึกษากลวิธีทางภาษาที่นักศึกษาเกาหลีที่พูดภาษาไทยเป็นภาษาที่ 2 ใช้เพื่อแสดงความเห็นแย้งในภาษาไทยและอธิบายการถ่ายโอนเชิงวัจนปฏิบัติศาสตร์ (pragmatic transfer) ของภาษาแม่มาสู่การแสดงความเห็นแย้งดังกล่าว... more
The Protestant Prussian humanist Daniel Hermann (1543-1601) wrote the occasional poem De vita literata sive scholastica which he performed publicly at the newly established Academy of Straßburg probably in 1567 on behalf of the Academy's... more
Objective: To report acute and subacute consequences of blast injury to the ear from terrorists' bombings experienced from Yala Provincial Hospital, Southern Thailand. Study design: Retrospective chart review was done on 54 patients who... more