Bible Translation
Recent papers in Bible Translation
This study document was prepared by Drs. Kees de Blois, Daud Soesilo, and Carlo Buzzetti (United Bible Societies, Triennial Translation Workshop, 2003).
Sunday Bible Class on Romans chapter eight
This work has now been reformatted and included in a new collection Learn Latin with New Testament Verses © 2016 Claude Pavur: prefatory note, and the bilingual presentation of this selection of... more
1. Considers alleged deficiencies of William Tyndale and Myles Coverdale’s Scripture translations. 2. The Geneva Bible claim (in the preface) that William Tyndale neglected Hebraisms is proven false. 3. The Matthew Bible treatment of... more
The first translation of the Scriptures into Serbian, published in 1868, was significantly influenced by Protestantism. Not only did the translators insist on the use of the common tongue, spoken by ordinary people in the street and in... more
This dissertation explores a process of cross-cultural communication that spans centuries of time between two different cultures, that of the Hebrew speaking Israelites of the seventh-century a.C. and the Susu people of Guinea West Africa... more
Karl Edvard Laman (1867-1944) appartient à la première génération des missionnaires suédois établis dès 1881 dans l’État indépendant du Congo. Il y séjourne durant plus d’un quart de siècle, de 1891 à 1919. Laman s’affirme peu à peu comme... more
Interpreted preaching embodies the Pentecost belief that all peoples should hear the good news in their heart language communicated through preachers empowered by the Holy Spirit. This paper argues that interpreted preaching is distinct... more
Quran translation into Western cultures is a high volatility intercultural act. In it many of the translator’s choices are not purely dictated by linguistic necessity alone, but, rather, are due to the Text’s shifting dynamic of... more
Wie Luther und Melanchthon übersetzte auch Huldrych Zwingli zusammen mit anderen Gelehrten der Zürcher Hohen Schule die Bibel aus dem Urtext ins Deutsche. Doch im Unterschied zu den Wittenbergern war das Zürcher Übersetzungswerk fünf... more
This paper presents a text-oriented survey of some ongoing experimentation in translating the Bible poetically in the Chichewa language of Malawi and Zambia. An initial overview features a summary of ten important stylistic... more
This paper gives a brief overview of this new trend, based on the author’s twenty years of experience in this field in Russia and neighbouring countries, first as a Bible translator and editor with the Bible society, then as a translation... more
How Christian Zionism changes the New Covenant, with a focus on how Bible revisions since the 1537 Matthew Bible have allowed Zionist doctrine to be read into the Scriptures, and conversely have destroyed the Scripture's ability to... more
This paper is an introductory treatment of the essay title published in an edited collection of papers by Testimony Publications (2000) on the subject of Bible versions and translation for a general church readership.
The books of 1 and 2 Samuel offer a three-fold thematic scheme that supports the central claim of the Pentateuch, the claim found in Deuteronomy 6:4 and known to the Jews as “the Shema,” a verse that declares the God of Israel is one,... more
By Ellis R. Brotzman and Eric J. Tully -- This accessibly written, practical introduction to Old Testament textual criticism helps students understand the discipline and begin thinking through complex issues for themselves. The authors... more
This text is not formatted and this makes specific searches more difficult, especially in the poetic sections. You can use the <control + F> "Find" function using English words to help you find a particular passage or term.
Biblical scholars have long debated the identity of the suffering servant of Isaiah 53. Most Christians identify the servant as Jesus and interpret Isaiah 53 as a description of Jesus’ unique, substitutionary death. However, Isaiah 40–55... more
The Bible has been distributed through different medium such as hardcopies, on CD-Roms, Online in the web and mobile apps. Some of them contain only one translation or version and others have more. The main purpose of this project is to... more
Version 3.0 (December 10, 2020) – Compiled by Ernst R. Wendland – Stellenbosch University -- Chapter 19 is an addition. This document consists of a number of overlapping studies and resources (of uneven quality) that pertain to the... more
In his objective study of the texts, Maurice Bucaille clears' away many preconceived ideas about the Old Testament, the Gospels and the Quran. He tries, in this collection of Writings, to separate what belongs to Revelation from what is... more
By Eugene Nida and Charles Taber (1969/1982) -- This volume on The Theory and Practice of Translation is the logical outgrowth of the previous book Toward a Science of Translating (1964), which explored some of the basic factors... more
(A d'var Torah based on a talk by Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, the 7th Lubavitcher Rebbe)
PART 1: The hope of the faithful, and the grave from which we are dug. The traditional (patristic and early Reformation) doctrine of heaven and hell. PART 2: The “Larger Hope” and lesser grave taught in the 1894 Revised Version. The... more
Zuckermann, Ghil'ad 2009. "Let My People Know!", Jerusalem Post, 18 May 2009. LET MY PEOPLE KNOW! Ghil'ad Zuckermann In 1996 president Ezer Weizman visited Cambridge University to see the medieval Cairo Geniza Jewish... more
Teaching of translation and writing in the university classroom tends to focus on task knowledge by practicing text production and analyzing and discussing the quality of products. In this article, we will argue that the outcome of... more
Abstract · The Bibie in the history of pastoral and liturgical use of the friulian language · On February 1, 2019 the new edition of the translation of the Holy Scripture in the Friulian language, La Bibie, published by the Pio Paschini... more
In this short paper I start with a brief discussion about what BT training is. Then I share that the vision beyond 2025 is to develop self-sustainable BT/SU task force in every languages group and the end goals... more
In comparative studies, within Hamito-Semitic and between the latter and Indo-European, many scholars have tried to compare numerals as such. In this paper, it is suggested to compare other features in the domain of numerals, such as the... more
nuovo, testamento, bibbia, interlineare, italiano, greco, traduzione, trasliterazione, vangeli, sacre, scritture, libri, biblici, greche, cristiane, new, testament, bible, interlinear, italian, greek, translation, transliteration,... more
“Original work available at””
Abstract: The article focuses on the role of Hebrew judge, counselor, and prophet Deborah as a Rashomon of the last Canaanite War. Topics discussed include the correlation between enunciation, engagement, and the evolution of prophecy... more
創世記 - 啟示錄 創世記 1- 1:1 起初神創造諸天與地, 1:2 上 而地變為荒廢空虛,淵面黑暗。 1:2 下 神的靈覆罩在水面上。 1:3 神說,要有光,就有了光。 1:4 神看光是好的,就把光暗分開了。 1:5 神稱光為晝,稱暗為夜;有晚上,有早 晨,這是第一日。 1:6 神說,諸水之間要有廣闊的空間,將水 與水分開。 1:7 神就造出天空,將天空以下的水,與天 空以上的水分開;事就這樣成了。 1:8... more
“Original work available at”
Book Review, Raymond P. Scheindlin, "The Book of Job: Translation, Introduction, and Notes"
Četli v Knize Božího zákona, vykládali a objasňovali smysl, aby tomu, co se čte, bylo rozumět." (Nehemiáš 8:8) "Kdo překládá doslovně, je lhář, a kdo něco přidává, je rouhač." (Rabi Jehuda ben Illaj, Tosefta Megilla 4.41; Bab. Kiddušin)... more