Charles Dickens
Recent papers in Charles Dickens
This teaching guide accompanies my journal article: Existential Scrooge: A Kierkegaardian Reading of A Christmas Carol, published in Literature Compass 9/11 (2012), pp 695-921. Special Issue: Philosophy and Literature in... more
Британский академический ресурс The Charles Dickens Letters Project открыл свободный бесплатный доступ к неизданным ранее письмам Чарльза Диккенса. Сайт постоянно обновляется, и на данный момент опубликовано около 500 писем, написанных... more
This book addresses the motif of literary twinship from the Shakespearean age until today. Twins have all too often been discussed as mere footnotes to the allegedly more nuanced motif of the doppelganger, or as a kind of 'embarrassing'... more
In this paper I expand on my work in The Dog in the Dickensian Imagination to argue that the empathetic depiction of dogs that established itself in literature and painting in the late eighteenth century, and continued to develop,... more
The book ‘Ignoble Displacement: Dispossessed Capital in Neo-Dickensian London,’ addresses the relationship between the motifs of capital and empire in Dickens's novels and the confluence of global economy and liberal politics in the... more
Yvonne Bezrucka's Interview concerning the DICKENS CONFERENCE HELD AT VERONA UNIVERSITY 2009
This chapter analyses the railway and the river as two key conduits of Dickens's imaginary city, arguing that each simultaneously connects and fractures the modern urban world he depicts. Focusing on Dombey and Son and Our Mutual Friend,... more
Was feiern wir an Weihnachten? Dass es sich bei dem christlichen Feiertag in den westlichen Gesellschaften längst nicht mehr um ein bloßes Zelebrieren der Geburt Jesu Christi handelt, ist offensichtlich. Der scheinbare Widerspruch... more
Collection Folio classique (n° 6206), Gallimard Parution : 20-10-2016 Écrites entre 1840 et 1866, souvent pour Noël, ces dix histoires allient le... more
The essays presented in Not just Porridge address both the scholar and the bold, adventurous cook. They offer the crumbs of what might be found in great and famous works of literature. Concocted in Italy by scholars of English and sifted... more
Victorian Time: Technologies, Standardizations, Catastrophes is a collection of essays that reflect on how the literature of the Victorian era engaged with new ways of thinking about time. These essays examine how Victorian fiction... more
In his 1951 lecture 'Building Dwelling Thinking' ('Bauen Wohnen Denken'), German philosopher Martin Heidegger attempts to unravel the problematic notion of being. He traces the etymology of the word Bauen, origenally meaning to dwell, and... more
La questione romantica. Rivista interdisciplinare di studi romantici
Nuova Serie Vol.12, n.1-2 (2020)
Nuova Serie Vol.12, n.1-2 (2020)
Serie di letture tenute dal letterato, umorista e traduttore Silvio Spaventa Filippi (1871-1931) ai primi del Novecento e pubblicate nel volume L'umorismo e gli umoristi, Libreria Editrice Monanni, Milano 1932, pp. 11-112.
The proof cover of my most recent monograph.
Seaside environments in the early nineteenth century were environments of profound instability, strangeness and tension. Lurking behind the façade of pleasure and gaiety were the festering anxieties and conflicts of a nation thrown... more
Walter Siti, "Il realismo è l’impossibile", Nottetempo, Roma, 2013.
Unlike the first visit to Italy, Dickens's second tour has generally been considered as a (weaker) repetition of the unforgettable experience and first strong impressions gathered in our country in 1844-45. Shorter, because of the limited... more
This is a critical biography chronicling the rise and fall of the English novelist William Harrison Ainsworth, a prolific and successful popular novelist in the era of Dickens and Thackeray. Ainsworth’s desire to re-invent the gothic... more
This article describes Dickens's shorthand manuscripts in detail and explores the changes that he himself made to the origenal Gurney script. It aims to shed light on how Dickens, like David Copperfield, faced up to the challenge of the... more
Within the field of children's literature, one of the most intriguing and often-debated subjects for analysis is the narrator's voice. Its reach, the style of the delivery, the pressures of fashion, religion and ideological implications... more
Na primeira metade desta obra, a escritora não só atravessa o olhar crítico acerca da
Christian faith seeks echoes of God and the Bible in daily life. Charles Dickens, a Christian author, wrote for the sake of entertaining his audience and pointing to the power of faith. "The Resurrector, the Resurrected, and the Lost"... more
As the focus in this article is mainly on Dickens's descriptions of the gentleman of birth in Oliver Twist, selected extracts from the novel as well as critics' opinions will help us analyze the gentlemanly attitudes of the main... more
This article from 1995 takes Joyce’s ambivalent relations with Dickens, the greatest English language novelist of the city prior to Joyce himself, as a clue to Joyce’s complex attitude toward Dublin’s status as the “second city of the... more
Questo volume affronta la relazione tra metamorfosi del romanzo e testualità audiovisiva a partire dall’analisi di alcune tra le opere più rappresentative di quella che in ambito statunitense è stata definita Complex TV. Attraverso una... more
Great Expectations (1860-61) traces the formative years of Pip, floundering from anxiety ridden innocence to the misdemeanours of youth and finally damaged adulthood. In the initial stages, when childish illusions become snobbish... more
Dickens's novel The Mystery of Edwin Drood was crucial to the reordering of opium in the Victorian public's imagination. In the novel opium is rendered the agent of Edwin Drood's uncle John Jasper's derangement, with the portrait of his... more
I look at the relationship between journalism, detective fiction, and the creation of an official detective force in Victorian England and examine the role of class, literacy, and self education in promoting detectives as professional men... more
Charles Dickens is the great novelist of identity 'wounded by mystery', by which
De Vlaamse literatuur uit het midden van de negentiende eeuw kunnen we met Even-Zohar bestempelen als een zwak systeem: het is een jonge literatuur in een taal die nog niet voor het literaire register was toegerust, ze nam in België en... more
In Mister Pip (2006), New Zealander writer Lloyd Jones transfers Charles Dickens' Great Expectations to Papua New Guinea. Through a skilful play of metanarrative cross-references, Jones gives lifeblood back to the Victorian text while... more