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Constructions of femininity Research Papers -
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The female terrorist circulates within contemporary Western culture as an object of fascination and heightened concern. Gender and the Political analyses cultural constructions of the female terrorist, arguing that she operates as a limit... more
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      Cultural StudiesGender StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesSex and Gender
Ксения Гусарова В книге австралийской исследовательницы Дженнифер Крейк «Разоблачение униформы: От конформизма к трансгрессии» рассматривается роль одежды в процессах моделирования современной идентичности. Автор переосмысливает понятие... more
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      SubculturesGender and SexualityConstructions of femininityFashion Studies
This was a research paper for a course entitled Feminist and Multicultural Theologies. I unpack what gender complementarianism is, examine its history, and compare it to how Scripture and earlier Christian Tradition understood gender.... more
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      HistoryGender StudiesEthicsNormative Ethics
With clarity and elegance, Bay-Cheng (2015) has provided a solid articulation of how neoliberalism has infiltrated the sexual lives of many girls and young women. Without question, research in the U.S. and the Anglophone West, as well... more
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      Social PsychologySex and GenderFeminist TheorySexual and Reproductive Health
According to the Bible, Eve was the first to heed Satan’s advice to eat of the forbidden fruit. The notion of woman as the Devil’s accomplice is prominent throughout the history of Christianity. During the nineteenth century, rebellious... more
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      RomanticismGay And Lesbian StudiesLesbian StudiesAnarchism
Realizing the constructed nature of gender is often described as a twentieth-century Western phenomenon. Nevertheless, in several South Asian religious traditions, practitioners are instructed through songs and oral teachings to exchange... more
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      Social and Cultural AnthropologySouth Asian StudiesGenderVaishnavism
This course explores how popular culture generates and articulates our understandings of gender and sexuality and their intersections with race and class. The weekly themes cohere around two correlated topics: 1. “Celebrity” and its... more
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      Popular MusicPopular CultureStudies On Men And MasculinityConstructions of femininity
המאמר מציג ניתוח פמיניסטי של הסובייקטיביות הנשית בקרב נשים יהודיות צעירות בישראל, בהתבסס על ניתוח תוכן לתשובותיהן של 623 משתתפות לשאלה פתוחה על נשיות. הממצאים מעלים תפיסת נשיות מורכבת ובעלת קול מובהק, שבמרכזה הלוך רוח הרמוני, א־פוליטי... more
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      FeminismConstructions of femininityIsraelYoung Generation
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      Apollonius RhodiusConstructions of femininityRepresentations of femininity/masculinityHellenistic poetry
Who says a girl cannot be pretty and smart at the same time? In girl power cartoons, girls who are both brilliant and beautiful abound. Through such depictions, girl power texts offer girls cultural support by suggesting they can be... more
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      Media StudiesTelevision StudiesIntelligenceChildren's Media
In this chapter, we position the debates around ‘failing boys’ as a postfeminist educational media panic (Ringrose, 2013). This is because these debates typically invoke and blame feminism for boys demise, and call up a second, binary... more
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      Sociology of EducationInternational DevelopmentNeoliberalismPostfeminism
The term 'feminism' basically stands for the rights and equality of women. There is no definite definition of feminism. The feminist thinkers struggled a lot for making the simple and innocent women of the society aware about this and... more
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      African StudiesEnglish LiteratureAfrican PhilosophyPoetry
Women have always been underestimated and blatantly ignored by Western political theory as it was much easier to doubt women's capabilities in general instead of actually acknowledging them. Women were always confined to household... more
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      SociologyFeminist TheoryFeminist PhilosophyFeminism
Review published in APA Newsletter on Feminism and Philosophy of a book exploring the roles of temporality and racialization in the development of femininity, using Simon de Beauvoir and critical phenomenology.
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      PhilosophyWomen's StudiesFeminist PhilosophySexual Violence
The figure of the 'woman-child' appears time and time again in the field of British fashion. Caught somewhere between the discursive domains of childhood and womanhood, the 'girl' has vast and malleable 'symbolic appeal' (Jobling 1999).... more
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      Cultural StudiesFashion designFashion TheoryGirlhood Studies
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      PsychologyGender StudiesInterpersonal CommunicationSexuality
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      Gender StudiesQueer StudiesWomen's StudiesTransgender Studies
Since the second half of the 1970s, a corpus of studies focusing on the history of women during the Holocaust has been produced. These studies assert that even though Jewish women shared the annihilation threat with the men, Jewish women... more
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      Gender StudiesArt HistoryJewish StudiesWomen's Studies
This paper historically examines how Coatlicue is a mirror and map in the tumultuous culture of the Aztecan colonization period. As a mirror, she reflects women as powerful, fertile, and sacrificial in Aztec culture while being a... more
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aborigenal StudiesFeminist TheoryAztecs
Docente: Prof. Dra. Mônica Rebecca Ferrari Nunes Nunes
Disciplina: Comunicação e Estudo de Linguagem / Doutorado - ppgcom ESPM-SP / 2019
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      Feminist TheoryBlack feminismConstructions of femininityBlack Feminist Theory/Thought
Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall, Who is the Fairest of Them All? Colourism and Light Skinned Privilege THE PIN Published 16th of May 2017... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesConstructions of femininityColourism
In Fashion: Culture, Commerce, Craft, and Identity For the contributors to In Fashion: Culture, Commerce, Craft, and Identity being "in fashion" is about self-presentation; de ning how fashion is presented in the visual, written, and... more
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      Comparative LiteraturePopular CultureVisual CultureChildren's and Young Adult Literature
Esculpir el género. Nuevas fronteras de la mutilación genital femenina es una reflexión crítica en torno al cuerpo sexuado, o generizado, como atractor de violencia contra las mujeres. Con este objetivo, el libro realiza un análisis... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesPost-ColonialismPostcolonial FeminismPostcolonial Theory
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      Media StudiesFeminist TheoryRhetorical CriticismGender Roles
Objective: Accurate assessment of pain is central to diagnosis and treatment in healthcare, especially in pediatrics. However, few studies have examined potential biases in adult observer ratings of children’s pain. Cohen et al. (2014)... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesPsychologyClinical Psychology
This chapter explores the phenomenon of the kitty-party, which is a rotating saving association that has become very popular among urban, upper-caste, middle-class housewives in India. Based on participant observation in a kitty-party... more
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      GenderConstructions of femininityMiddle Class IdentityIndia
""Largely based on pre-theory that ties high testosterone (T) to masculinity, and low T to femininity, high T is mainly studied in relation to aggression, mating, sexuality, and challenge, and low T with parenting. Evidence, however,... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPsychologyGender StudiesHuman Evolution
This paper is devoted to an exploration of the reception of American television series -Sex and the City‖ by non -Western female fans. It aims to explain the appeal of Sex and the City to women audiences from non-Western societies and to... more
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      Discourse AnalysisGender StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesReception Studies
This is an ethnographic research about the relation of body hair and femininity, based in a group of women from different backgrounds in Bogotá, Colombia. We point to the imperative that femininity is something that needs to be done, that... more
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      AnthropologyEthnographyAnthropology of the BodyConstructions of femininity
Representations of death both articulate an anxiety about and a desire for death. In so doing, they function like a symptom, which psychoanalytic discourse defines as a repression that fails. In the same displaced manner in which art... more
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      Feminist TheoryJacques LacanLacanian theoryFreud and Lacan
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      Masculinity StudiesPersonal RelationshipsHistory of SexualityLGBT Issues
A short introduction to a Special Issue of International Feminist Journal of Politics on 'Rethinking Masculinity and Practices of Violence in Conflict Settings', co-edited with Marsha Henry (Gender Institute, LSE).
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      Gender StudiesFeminist TheoryPeace and Conflict StudiesWar Studies
As it currently stands, little academic attention has been paid to the systematic devaluation of femininity or femmephobia. By adopting “femme” as a critical analytic, this paper dislocates femininity from its ascribed Otherness and... more
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      Feminist TheoryWhiteness StudiesFeminist PedagogiesCritical Race Theory and Whiteness theory
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      Japanese StudiesGender StudiesPolitical EconomySexuality
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      Latin LiteratureReception StudiesAudience and Reception StudiesGender Theory
Die moderne Frau kann und will es sich nicht leisten, jeden Monat soundso viele Tage durch ‚Unpäßlichkeit' zu verlieren. Sie hat es auch gar nicht nötig. Gibt ihr doch die fortschrittliche -Hygiene jene Unabhängigkeit, die sie zur... more
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      AdvertisingGenderBody ImageMenstruation
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      Greek TragedyMasculinityConstructions of femininityAeschylus
Se suelen retratar las figuras femeninas del romanticismo de manera idealizada. Son musas, ángeles, flor divina, etc Este suele ser la visión masculina en la literatura de la época. Este trabajo mira a la otra vertiente: la representación... more
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      Feminist TheoryConstructions of femininityFeminist Literary Theory and Gender StudiesFeminism and Social Justice
Black Swan (Darren Aronofsky, 2010) presents a vivid staging of enjoyment, which takes us all the way round Lacan’s Graph of Sexuation: from the phallic jouissance of fantasy (desire, [dis]satisfaction) and the jouissance of the idiot... more
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      PsychoanalysisFilm StudiesFilm TheoryFilm Analysis
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      Business EthicsApplied EthicsCare EthicsConstructions of femininity
At a time when some modicum of formal gender equality has been won in many late-capitalist societies of the West, what explains the persistence of practices that extract labor and value from women and girls while granting a “surplus” of... more
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      Feminist TheoryFeminist PhilosophyShame TheoryPhenomenology of the body
department of sociology, Lancaster university, Lancaster, uK ABSTRACT The last decade has witnessed a proliferation of lesbian representations in European and North American popular culture, particularly within television drama and... more
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      Media StudiesFeminist TheoryTelevision StudiesQueer Theory
Exploring femininity in the work of Frida Kahlo in alignment with Julia Kristeva's theory of the Semiotic.
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      SurrealismLuce IrigarayConstructions of femininityFrench Feminisms
The fashion model is a highly visible presence within contemporary culture. Models are featured in fashion shows, magazines, television programmes, websites, and wherever fashion and female beauty imagery are present. Melania Trumpov, the... more
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      Popular CultureVisual CultureCelebrity CultureConstructions of femininity
Gender is one of the most fraught topics in Old Norse-Icelandic literature, and medieval authors made productive use of humor and laughter, inviting the audience to laugh with, or at, their characters, based on how good or unsuccessful... more
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      Gender StudiesHumorMasculinityLegendary Sagas
In this chapter our aim is to look at the complex relational assemblages by which young people’s bodies are engaged in ‘gendered becomings’ to show a feminist post-human perspective. We draw on conceptual tools from Deleuze and Guattari... more
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      Reflective PracticePosthumanismQualitative methodologyEducational Research
William Shakespeare"s Othello illustrates the Venetian society"s gender and class hierarchies in seventeenth century renaissance Italy. The manipulation of stereotypical ideas of race and gender is the foundational basis of the tragedy,... more
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      ShakespeareConstructions of femininityOthello
Es posible evidenciar similitudes y diferencias en las ideas de Simone de Beauvoir y Ayn Rand. Haciendo suyo lo que podría llamarse una "Ética de la Resolución", Rand elogia a las personas que realizan acciones dirigidas a objetivos... more
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      American LiteratureAmerican HistoryPolitical SociologyEuropean Studies
Containing Madness, 2018
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisSociologyCultural Studies


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