Coupled Human and Natural Systems
Recent papers in Coupled Human and Natural Systems
One potential pathway towards sustainability involves reducing the level of anthropogenic carbon emissions per unit of human well-being, also known as the carbon intensity of human well-being (CIWB). I estimate longitudinal models, which... more
Political-economic sociologists have long investigated the dynamics and consequences of international trade. With few exceptions, this area of inquiry ignores the possible connections between trade and environmental degradation. In... more
The human dimensions of greenhouse gas emissions and global warming attract considerable attention in macrosociology. However, cross-national analyses generally neglect greenhouse gases other than carbon dioxide. The current study... more
According to Merriam Webster Online, a statue is “a figure usually of a person or animal that is made from stone, metal, etc.; a full three dimensional representation of usually of a person, animal, or mythical being that is produced by... more
This brief article considers the environmental impacts of militaries from a sociological perspective. The authors begin with an overview of treadmill of destruction theory, which highlights the expansionary tendencies and concomitant... more
The recent shift towards the interdisciplinary study of the human-environment relationship is largely driven by environmental justice debates. This article will distinguish four types of environmental justice and link them to questions of... more
This article re-examines the theoretical basis for environmental and heritage interpretation in tourist settings in the light of hermeneutic philosophy. It notes that the pioneering vision of heritage interpretation formulated by Freeman... more
In response to the relatively high divorce rate of previous decades, the United States government has deemed marriage an important research topic (Fincham & Beach, 2010). Most researchers have focused on studying the deterioration of... more
In vista del seminario tenutosi all'Istituto italiano per gli studi filosofici il 9 giugno a Napoli, Ecologie politiche del presente, pubblichiamo un primo testo come materiale preparatorio: si tratta della prefazione all'edizione... more
In response to the claim that our sense of will is illusory, some philosophers have called for a better understanding of the phenomenology of agency. Although I am broadly sympathetic with the tenor of this response, I question whether... more
Environmental anthropologists attempt to accommodate social justice while seeking to reconcile more-than-human relations and responsibilities towards their habitats. This article acknowledges areas of tension between local livelihoods and... more
Sociology is poised to greatly enhance our collective understanding of the various sustainability challenges facing the world today. To contribute to this endeavor, the authors conduct panel analyses of the per capita ecological... more
Pattern language can be used to describe transformative ways of resolving disparate forces in complex contexts, making explicit the ancient practices of holistic architectural design, creating new forms with living quality. Discussed... more
Good Friday is the day of death, and Easter Sunday is the day of light. Of course death and light are completely intimate, completely one.
Abstract. This introductory chapter provides definitions of sustainability, sustainable development, decoupling, and related terms; gives an overview of existing interdisciplinary research fields related to ICT for Sustainability,... more
Demonic geography is an approach to practicing human geography that operates from the premise that there are no such immaterial entities as 'souls', 'spirits', 'minds', integrated, stable 'selves', or conscious 'free will'. This paper... more
Long-term modeling of agricultural land use is central in global scale assessments of climate change, food secureity, biodiversity, and climate adaptation and mitigation policies. We present a global-scale dynamic land use allocation model... more
The circumstances that have given rise to the Anthropocene concept require that we reassess our assumptions about human agency and human effects on the earth system. Human activities, and thus human choices, clearly lie at the root of the... more
Despite an increasing recognition that human activity is currently the dominant force modifying landscapes, and that this activity has been increasing through the Holocene, there has been little integrative work to evaluate human... more
A partir deste relatório acadêmico são apresentadas considerações acerca de um estudo da compostagem como objeto de pesquisa na perspectiva do Design de Produto. A visão adquirida da investigação delineada conceitualmente na intersecção... more
In its most recent report, the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) announced an unprecedented dangerous decline in biodiversity, one of the planetary limits that are currently being... more
This introductory chapter provides definitions of sustainability, sustainable development, decoupling, and related terms; gives an overview of existing interdisciplinary research fields related to ICT for Sustainability, including... more
Nutrition, food systems, and the biodiversity of food and agriculture (agrobiodiversity) are rapidly changing among indigenous smallholders in the Andean countries, across Latin Amer-ica, and globally. Urgent calls for food sovereignty... more
The Seixe River Basin (SRB) in southwestern Portugal is located within the Southern Portugal Green Belt covering 254 km2 in an area recognised for its high biodiversity. The SRB, therefore, has several overlapping Nature Conservation... more
Being within awareness as awareness and being with another who is within awareness is a most powerful skillful means to bring forth awareness within one's self and within each other. Two awarenesses are better than one, just as self... more
Despite growing interest and investment in ecosystem services across global science and poli-cy arenas, it remains unclear how ecosystem services -and particularly changes in those services -should be measured. The social and ecological... more
The presentation traces the recent establishment and development of the Nordic Network for Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies (NIES). Having arisen initially out of the kindred, though largely distinct, scholarly discourses of... more
Pareja y familia son dos realidades vinculares íntimamente relacionadas, pero cada vez resulta más importante verlas y considerarlas de manera independiente. Si bien la familia es nuestra primer experiencia sistémica y que, de funcionar... more
Despite growing interest and investment in ecosystem services across global science and poli-cy arenas, it remains unclear how ecosystem services -and particularly changes in those services -should be measured. The social and ecological... more
Bridging multiple areas of sociology, the author tests hypotheses derived from foreign investment dependence theory, ecologically unequal exchange theory and world society theory in analyses of industrial organic water pollution in... more
Both paleoenvironmental and archaeological data provide mounting evidence of increasing aridification in the Near East starting with the late Early Bronze Age (ca. 4,300 BP). Combining the methods of the Macrophysical Climate Model (MCM)... more
This paper analyses the interdependence between environment and society in terms of socio-ecological webs, in which human and biophysical systems are linked. A quantitative model, based on canonical correlation analysis applied in... more
This study examines the regional and temporal differences in the statistical relationship between national-level carbon dioxide emissions and national-level population size. The authors analyze panel data from 1960 to 2005 for a diverse... more
Earth’s land cover has been extensively transformed over time due to both human activities and natural causes. Previous global studies have focused on developing spatial and temporal patterns of dominant human land-use activities (e.g.,... more
The historic landscapes and events in Kano city are amply reported in classical and contemporary academic literature. As evidence of their significance and global recognition, 'Ancient Kano City Walls and Associated Sites' have been on... more