Creative Practice
Recent papers in Creative Practice
KünstlerInnen erleben immer wieder die Kluft zwischen dem, was sie wissen und dem, was sie können, was sie sich vorstellen und was sie imstande sind zu realisieren. Diese Differenz bedarf einer wissenstheoretischen Erklärung-und hier... more
[AMAZON LINK BELOW TO BOOK ITSELF -- TOC and book intro in downloadable .pdf] "It is a common experience that a problem difficult at night is resolved in the morning after the committee of sleep has worked on it." --John Steinbeck... more
O leitor, como sujeito ativo e encarnado, está também amplamente inserido na história da arte e do cinema, e dialoga com as estratégias de criação de cada arte. Os diferentes cortes, acréscimos e ajustes, tão comuns na observação das... more
This paper examines uses of theatre for practice-based, collaborative, research. It brings a review of existing work and reflections on my own practice into dialogue with participatory geographies, studies of affect and geographies of... more
The 20th century ushered in an explosion of individual mythology, requiring every artist in the 20th and 21st century to construct a personal mythology to aid in their own artistic practice. Being a 21st composer has forced me to create... more
(unpublished workshop script & scavenger hunt directives, 2010-14)
This article builds upon Susan Kerrigan’s model for a scale and magnitude approach to creativity (Kerrigan, Susan. 2019b. “Filmmaking as Creative Practice: Assessing Creative Magnitude and Scale.” Global Media Journal: Australian Edition... more
Working in the borderlands between art and document, a poetic approach to documentary disrupts commonsense understandings of what documentary can be. However, it is frequently viewed as marginal to the main body of documentary practice... more
Philosophical discussions of film are divided in their treatment of the subject rhythm in film editing. Analytic philosophers tend to avoid discussion of it, while continental philosophers give it expansive consideration. This chapter... more
This essay discusses Walter Benjamin's development of 'dream' as a model for understanding 19th-and 20th-century urban culture. Following Bergson and surrealist poetics, Benjamin used 'dream' in the 1920s as an heuristic analogy for... more
A review article about Irish-based New Zealander Cathy Fitzgerald's doctoral creative practice research into an expanded ecological art practice, which she refers to as 'eco-social art practice'. This draws from review of pioneering... more
ABSTRACT This bricolage of writings is the result of a white privileged woman exploring her social conscience in a scholarly but creative way. It is a meander through the cultural abyss between black and white Australia, trying to see... more
This chapter aims to reveal, from a cognitive perspective, what docu- mentary editing is and how it works as a creative action in filmmaking. It proposes that the editing of documentary film is a cognitive process of perceiving or... more
The article argues that we are about to enter a new period of thinking and talking about sustainable development, a discourse in which ‘culture’, ‘values’ and ‘creativity’ become the central elements. To explain this change, it presents a... more
This essay argues that the science fiction classic disguises its use of race, signifying blackness indirectly through metaphor rather than directly through bodies that conform to traditional notions of biological race.
This paper conceptualises practice in the space between and beyond Art & Archaeology as a zone where disciplinary certainties and known practices are unsettled, expanded and re‐cast. We will outline our current thinking about heritage... more
This thesis explores the creative process of improvisation in music with a specific emphasis on investigating its potential for learning. The widespread practice of improvisation in music is relatively absent from education and there is... more
Después de superar la conmoción que le causó encontrarse con la hermosura de la mar, Diego, hijo del escritor argentino Santiago Kovadloff, le dice a su progenitor: "¡Ayúdame a mirar!". Este es el final de "La Función del Arte /1", uno de... more
This is the first book-length study of the groundbreaking work of Rey Chow, whose work has transformed the fields of postcolonialism, cultural studies, film, ethnicity and gender. It describes and explains the features and the breadth of... more
By discussing a creative fusion of documentary and imaginary representations of social, spatial and affective memory landscapes in conflict and post-conflict contexts, the chapter considers how art exhibitions can be used both as a... more
As a creative practice research project, this thesis sets out to write a screenplay about Suresh Biswas (1861-1905), a little-known Bengali adventurer who was a wild-life trainer and circus-performer in Europe and later became a Captain... more
Resumen En el arte conceptual la idea o concepto prima sobre la realización material de la obra y el mismo proceso —notas, bocetos, maquetas, diálogos— al tener a menudo más importancia que el objeto terminado puede ser expuesto para... more
The focus of this paper is on the potential challenges and opportunities that might emerge as a result of the continuing development and proliferation of so-called 3D printing technology. In particular, it is interested in looking at how... more
This is the third of three introductions to the book. The first introduction is uploaded as "Theorizing Visual Studies, part one." The second was written by Kristi McGuire; this is the third, which is about the possibility that images can... more
Cover design and layout: Mulder van Meurs, Amsterdam isbn 978 90 8728 167 0 e-isbn 978 94 0060 099 7 (pdf ) NUR 640 / 651
The IDEA 2012 Inaugural Research Exhibition An Interior Affair: a State of Becoming was a pilot to test the perceived ambiguity of the requirements provided by Australia's Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) and New Zealand's... more
Conspiracy thriller novels and popular conspiracy theories proliferate in response to a perceived threat to the national group, or to transnational groups such as 'the West'. The research question addressed by this PhD project is: Do... more
No puedo ni debo entrar a discutir si el arte contemporáneo es o no una farsa, como lo denuncia Avelina Lésper. Al leer la publicación que el Periódico La Vanguardia de México hace sobre la conferencia "El Arte Contemporáneo-El dogma... more
This is a book about people who have had strong emotional reactions to artworks. It tells a history of times and places when strong passions were expected, and contrasts them with the habits of the last hundred years. The book also has... more
ABSTRACT This bricolage of writings is the result of a white privileged woman exploring her social conscience in a scholarly but creative way. It is a meander through the cultural abyss between black and white Australia, trying to see... more
The image is not the duplicate of a thing. It is a complex set of relations between the visible and the invisible, the visible and speech, the said and the unsaid.
Communication is an art and science. It is art because it demands social skills and because language is imprecise; it is science because there is process, structure, strategy. Time invested in perfecting communications will help... more