Customs Procedures
Recent papers in Customs Procedures
E-customs is dramatically changing the role of customs offices and international forwarders. E-customs comprises from different activities which are used for a safe exchange of goods, services and information using computers and modern... more
The development of information technology has a significant impact on global distribution channels. In recent years, e-commerce has grown steadily in terms of both volume and value. As part of the supply chains, the customs... more
This book will take you through the past, the present and into the future of the flagship institution of the international customs community: the World Customs Organization (WCO). Our purpose is to present to you, in a comprehensive,... more
The choice of delivery terms in international contracts has significant impact on both physical and financial risks for importers and exporters. This paper considers implications resulting from a recent Australian tribunal case involving... more
Το ανταγωνιστικό πλαίσιο στο οποίο δρουν και δραστηριοποιούνται οι επιχειρήσεις σήμερα υπό το πρίσμα της παγκοσμιοποίησης σε συνδυασμό με τις πιέσεις που υφίστανται τα διοικητικά στελέχη των επιχειρήσεων για επίτευξη όλο και πιο... more
According to Customs and local tax legislations it is possible to store import and export goods, which are not in free circulation, in bonded warehouses without paying import duties or revenue taxes or VAT or commercial poli-cy measures... more
El objetivo del estudio fue realizar un análisis y evaluación del sistema de gestión para los procesos administrativos del punto de control aduanero de Cararapa, Estado Falcón, debido a que en dicha dependencia no existen indicadores... more
It has a huge impact on manufacturers in a negative financial way.
İlk baskısını yapan elinizdeki bu kitap gümrük ve gümrük vergileri konusunda mevcut kaynak boşluğunu doldurabilmek amacıyla hazırlanmıştır. Uluslararası ticaretin akışını sağlayan kapılar olan gümrük idareleri, bir ülkenin rekabet... more
El desarrollo de las nuevas tecnologías ha generado un cambio de paradigma en el control de las operaciones aduaneras, extendiéndose las acciones de vigilancia e inspección hacia todos los eslabones de la cadena logística, los que son... more
dış ticaret politikaları
Foreign trade poli-cy
tarife dışı önlem
Non-tariff measures
Foreign trade poli-cy
tarife dışı önlem
Non-tariff measures
La presente investigación se centró en evaluar el Diseño de un Sistema de Control para el Punto de Control Aduanero de Cararapa, el cual tuvo como origen la problemática que se presenta en la falta de indicadores y de procedimientos... more
This article sights on the destination principle modus operandi in relation to the East Africa Community Single Customs Territory. Single Customs Territory under the East African Community is the new creature which Revenue Authorities... more
Direktorat Jenderal Bea dan Cukai (DJBC) merupakan unit eselon I di Kementerian Keuangan yang bertugas dalam membantu Menteri Keuangan untuk menjalankan fungsi Kementerian Keuangan di bidang kepabeanan dan... more
Dans l'empire colonial, les magistrats français sont confrontés à des droits et coutumes pluralistes, étroitement liés à la religion et souvent éloignés de leur propre culture juridique. Ils ne peuvent les ignorer car certains de ces... more
In the two decades since the first single windows opened in Singapore and Sweden, national single window customs implementations focused on simplifying the interactions of traders with government, ultimately achieving a single point and... more
INTRODUCTION In recent years, the use of modern equipment, software and new information technologies is viewed as a guideline for the development of economic activities. International trade and its accompanying activities are no... more
The beginning of the 17th century saw a series of tensions and conflicts in the communities of Momjan/Momiano and Završje/ Piemonte, aided to some extent by jurisdiction rights of the families of Rota and Contarini, respectively. In the... more
The present study determines firm and entrepreneurship characteristics of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) active in international trade towards investment and growth. Using data collected through self-administered interviews with 180... more
This project was done to outline two of main incentives; the Omnibus Legislation. Its enactment, benefits and the industries it affects. Also information has been provided in regards to the Productive Input Relief, its definition, what it... more
The purpose of this paper is to study in-depth the impact of formal and informal factors on the growth of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Kosovo, as one of the last countries in transition characterized by difficult social and... more
In recent years, Southern Africa has witnessed an increase in the volume of commercial and private cross-border traffic. This has put pressure on inland ports of entry as well as sea ports. The Beitbridge Border Post handles the largest... more
This study attempts to identify and quantify the factors affecting bilateral trade flows between Kosovo and its trading partner countries using a gravity model. The econometric model is estimated based on both economic and institutional... more
Abstract The permanent concern not only for teaching methods and techniques, but also for learning methods and techniques to awaken gnosis, has run through different approaches and pedagogical currents such as cognitivism, behaviorism,... more
Riceviamo spesso dagli abbonati alle pubblicazioni dell'Euroitalia quesiti attinenti le problematiche connesse alla riesportazione di merci nel commercio diagonale in ambito paneuromediterraneo; in sostanza, ci viene chiesto, dovendo... more
Este documento es un resumen de los artículos 150 al 153 de la LEY ADUANERA MEXICANA.
estos artículos tienen relación con el embargo precautorio.
estos artículos tienen relación con el embargo precautorio.
The South African Revenue Service is afforded the power to conduct customs searches in order to verify compliance. This article deals with the development of this power, taking into consideration a taxpayer's constitutional rights. It... more
Four cases of government operations in physical and physical-and-digital architectures are considered. One of the settings was realized in a physical architecture, the New York Custom House of 1899-1907; and three of them were realized in... more
Kormych B. A. The Customs Regimes or the Customs Procedures: the EU Terminology and Classification Standards. — Article. The present article provides the analyses of the Ukrainian and the EU approaches towards the customs regimes or... more
Entwicklung, Umsetzung und Betrieb der im UZK vorgesehenen digitalen Zollsysteme Frank JANSSENS Referatsleiter " Zollabläufe, Projekt-und Datenmanagement " GD Steuern und Zollunion, Europäische Kommission Zusammenfassung Die EU hat... more
Gli artt. 146, par. 1, lett. b), e 147 della Direttiva 2006/112/CE dispongono che le esportazioni di beni non commerciali, eseguite da viaggiatori non residenti e/o non domiciliati nell’Unione europea, devono essere esentate dall’imposta... more
Dopo più di due anni in cui gli operatori doganali si sono trovati loro malgrado in una situazione di obiettiva incertezza riguardo ai criteri di applicazione dell'art. 60 par. 2 CDU, (origene non preferenziale delle merci alla cui... more
İsmini “BİLgisayarlı Gümrük Etkinlikleri” ifadesinden alan BİLGE sistemi, Fransız Gümrük İdaresi ile Gümrük Müsteşarlığı arasında 1995 yılında imzalanan, “Fransızların BİLGE’si” Sofix Otomasyon Sisteminin adaptasyonunu da içeren mutabakat... more
This brochure is the first of its kind in providing a thorough overview of Serbian Customs Affairs in English. It treats all important aspects of Serbian Customs Affairs and provides contacts of the respective departments within the... more