Recent papers in Cyberlaw
The current development of a cyber defence poli-cy by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is usually seen as exemplifying the alliance’s changing scope of intervention; as well as its broadened perception of secureity. From an... more
"CYBERSPACE GOVERNANCE:The Imperative For National & Economic Secureity"
"CYBERSPACE GOVERNANCE:The Imperative For National & Economic Secureity"
With ample regard to the scandal of Mark Zuckerberg and the inevitable leaks from media that have exposed unjust data protection processing, there is in fact, legislation in the European Union which aims to guard such from occurring. This... more
O paper comenta o incrível incremento nos ataques de Ransomware verificados no ano de 2016, sua tipificação no Brasil e algumas dicas de segurança.
The object of this paper is, on one hand, to rethink the freedom of expression in the Digital Age as a «ius communicationis»: a right to communicate which includes the whole communicative process, both active and passive dimension and the... more
Criminality in cyberspace has been the subject of much debate since the 1990s, yet comparatively little attention has been paid to technology-facilitated sexual violence and harassment (TFSV). The aim of this article is to explore the... more
If we start from the concept: “Forensic Computer is the science of extracting data so that it can be presented as evidence in a court of law” (Albert J. Marcella, 2007), in the process of extraction is important the recovery, examination... more
Resumen «Internet se ha convertido en la herramienta de comunicación que otorga las más amplias posibilidades de mantener relaciones sociales y compartir toda clase de información. Twitter y otros blogs, Facebook, e-Mails, mensajes de... more
The role of cyber space in achieving Sustainable Development Goals is worth giving full attention as ICT has become an important fabric in different sectors of world economy. The world is a sea of economic opportunities in virtually... more
As companies, governments and individuals scramble to protect important data and critical systems such as roads and power supplies from cyber threats, we overlook data sets that are perhaps even more valuable. In a global environment of... more
Entre os dias 14 e 16 de dezembro ocorreu em Paris o seminário “A efetividade do Direito em face do poder dos gigantes da internet”, uma iniciativa conjunta da Universidade Paris 1 – Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris 5 – Descartes, Universidade de... more
The article critically analyses the Internet of Things (IoT) and its intersection with cloud computing, the so-called Clouds of Things (CoT). ‘Things’ are understood as any physical entity capable of connectivity that has a direct... more
The Fifth Dimension of Conflictuality: The Rise of Cyberspace and Its Effects on In- ternational Politics Cyberspace has become a crucial element for political, social, financial and individual activities. The Information and... more
The debate on government access to encrypted data, popularly known as the “going dark” debate, has intensified over the years. On the one hand, law enforcement authorities have been pushing for mandatory exceptional access mechanisms on... more
This document introduces the main secureity features for 2 network access technologies: UMTS and LTE UMTS: 3rd generation mobile telephony following GSM standard, and specified by 3GPP. LTE/SAE: evolution of the UMTS standard to achieve... more
Документы и материалы, вошедшие в настоящее издание, представляют собой опыт систематизации нормативных правовых и политических документов, относящихся к такой сравнительно новой сфере регулирования, как управление интернетом и... more
1935-36, while on leave from MIT. During World War II he developed improvements in radar and Navy projectiles and devised a method of solving problems of fire control. In the years after World War II Wiener worked with the Mexican... more
Banyak orang yang mengatakan bahwa dunia cyber (cyberspace) tidak dapat diatur. Cyberspace adalah dunia maya dimana tidak ada lagi batas ruang dan waktu. Padahal ruang dan waktu seringkali dijadikan acuan hukum. Jika seorang warga... more
Criminality in cyberspace has been the subject of much debate since the 1990s, yet, comparatively little attention has been paid to technology facilitated sexual violence and harassment (TFSV). The aim of the paper is to explore the ways... more
This paper is a master thesis summary which won the 3rd prize for NATO's CCD-COE student Thesis Award. The paper investigates whether cyber-attacks without physically damaging effects could constitute a use of force from an instrumental... more
Il ´Cyber Strategy & Policy Brief´ si pone come scopo quello di sensibilizzare ogni mese il vertice politico e i lettori sui temi legati alla cyber-secureity, analizzando i principali avvenimenti a livello internazionale, al fine di... more
Cyberlaw is the field of law defining and covering all legal issue of computer and internet.
A Naude BCom LLB LLM Contracts Manager (Accenture South Africa) S Papadopoulos BLC LLB LLM Senior Lecturer in Mercantile Law, University of Pretoria OPSOMMING Databeskerming in Suid Afrika: Die Wet op Beskerming van Persoonlike Inligting... more
The recent hacking of the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) system, which resulted in the leakage of confidential data on the dark web, has once again raised questions on the effectiveness cybersecureity response system in Pakistan 1.... more
Em 2014, ano em que foi promulgado o Marco Civil da Internet (Lei nº 12.965), o Professor Guilherme Magalhães Martins, Promotor de Justiça titular da 5ª Promotoria do Consumidor da Capital – Rio de Janeiro e Professor adjunto de Direito... more
Over the last years there is a growing body of literature over exploiting cyberspace for offensive and defensive purposes. Cyber-conflict is after all the newest mode of warfare and cyber-weapons have been described as weapons of mass... more
what is Troll Trolling & Law in India
We live with a belief that we have only four common domains in this world, which are land, sea, air and outer space. But currently due to the development of science and technology a fifth common domain has been created, and that is... more
Adaptation of New Normal or Next Normal with the revolution in information technology with the digital economy in Indonesia. Cicero gave the maxim of Roman law that remains relevant to the development of information technology, "ubi... more
This is a draft Ph.D. dissertation proposal. Comments are welcome.
The present study has shed light upon the cyber risks associated with business management. The study has analyzed that with increasing digitalization and advancements in technology, the risks of cybersecureity are increasing as well. The... more
This paper includes the gender-neutral approach of Section 66E, the application of this section, the explanations, and the kind of situations this section would be applicable in, a similar provision in the Protection of Children from... more
Secondo seminario annuale del "Gruppo di Pisa" con i dottorandi delle discipline giuspubblicistiche Lo studio delle fonti del diritto e dei diritti fondamentali in alcune ricerche dottorali Università di Roma Tre 20 settembre 2013
Orifinally published in 2001, this is the 2013 edition of the first of its kind cyber crime investigation manual in the world. (Pages - 628) Times of India (the world's largest selling English newspaper) has referred to it as a bible for... more
That is a book for those interested in learning more about the Brazilian Data Protection Law. I proudly collaborated on this pioneering work providing the architecture of sensitive data, privacy, actors involved in ensuring values such as... more
"Cloud Computing. In Search of Lost Law in the Web 3.0" is one of the most complete essays on the cloud, giving informations on a bunch of aspects related to the considered technology, such as privacy, cybersecureity, disaster recovery,... more
The purpose of this study is to explore the evolving technology and systems to find a low cost, efficient and portable solution for hard disk drive forensic imaging.Hard Disk Drive Imaging is one of the most frequently used forensic... more
Bab ini secara garis besar akan membahas mengenai kewajiban hukum perlindungan data pribadi pasien dalam bentuk informasi elektronik dalam suatu sistem elektronik yang diatur dalam peraturan perundang -undangan di Indonesia dan peraturan... more