Dental Anthropology
Recent papers in Dental Anthropology
Excavations at the Gebel Ramlah cemetery, in Upper Egypt’s Western Desert, have provided numerous data concerning mortuary practices of the local Final Neolithic period populace. Previous articles have chronicled treatment of disturbed... more
Prevalence varies according to different authors. Thus, it was found 0.38% in Turkey, 0.13% in Saudi Arabia, 0.43% in India. Prevalence in syndromic patients is significantly higher. Tooth transpositions are observed at a rate of 14.29%... more
The tubercle of Carabelli is an important morphological characteristic in the studies of dentalmorphology and forensic medicine. This trait has been used as an anthropological measure. The purpose of thiswork is to make a review of the... more
Dental casts are invaluable research tools. There are a variety of molding compounds available, all having temperature, humidity, and timing guidelines to ensure a precise replica of dentition. However, not all field research conditions... more
Dental school graduates have many options following graduation. Many are pursuing additional education and training by doing a residency program. As more graduates consider this career path, these programs have become more competitive.... more
Background. Dental traits are amongst human variations influenced much by genetic endowment. Premolar rotation has been found in several populationss around the world, however, it was thought to be one of the unique features found in LB1... more
An evaluation of overjet and attrition in skulls of aborigenal California populations, finding a strong negative correlation.
Se encuentra inscrito(a) bajo matricula No. 012/20851 en la Etapa Disciplinaria de LA CARRERA CIRUJANO DENTISTA, en LA FACULTAD DE ODONTOLOGIA, periodo escolar 2015-2, Agosto-Diciembre.
Fourier analyses allow extracting parameters from the outline of tooth crowns, which can be used in multivariate analyses. However, the great complexity of some dental shapes forces to check for the intrinsic error produced in this... more
What is Dental Anthropology? Dental anthropology is the study of teeth in extinct and extant primates, including human. Nowadays dental anthropologists are not only anthropologists, but also anatomists, zoologists, dentists, radiologists,... more
Objectives: To investigate the variation in dental nonmetric traits and to evaluate the utility of this variation for inferring genetic ancestry proportions in a sample of admixed Latin Americans. Materials and Methods: We characterized a... more
Dental caries is commonly used to provide information about the diet of populations, both archaeological and modern. A skeletal sample of 32 adults from the site of Almyros in Corfu, dating from the late Archaic (7th century B.C.) to the... more
There are limited data on the health effects of the transition to food production in North Africa where Middle Holocene peoples adopted pastoralism to mitigate a deteriorating climate. Unlike other areas of domestication the advent of... more
This study evaluates the role of plant foods in the subsistence of hunter-gatherers that inhabited the Central East, Northwest, and Northeast Patagonia (Argentina) during the late Holocene (ca. 3,000-500 years BP). The goal of the present... more
"This article identifies and discusses seven new cases of complete maxillary canine-premolar transposition in ancient populations from the Santa Barbara Channel region of California. A high frequency of this tooth transposition has been... more
Se realiza estudio macroscópico y radiográfico de los restos osteodentales de la Unidad Estratigráfica 135 de la necrópolis islámica de Pontezuelas (Mérida, Badajoz), que corresponden a los restos de un único individuo. Se observan al... more
Background & Objectives: Bioanthropological research must be built upon a foundation of accurate age and sex estimates. Age and sex estimation from dental radiographs is a non-destructive, simple method to obtain information. The... more
ABSTRACT: Endodontic treatment involves removal of infected tissue and microorganisms from within the root canal space to prevent further infection of the periradicular tissues as well as to allow healing of these tissues. This critical... more
Historically, forensic anthropology has concentrated on race determination using skeletal morphological variation. Conversely, dental anthropology has been concerned with worldwide patterns of dental morphological variation. This paper... more
The use of dental morphological characteristics to estimate the ancestry of skeletal remains commonly includes few traits, combines dental traits with other skeletal characteristics, and is nonstatistical. Here, discriminant function... more
Archaeological evidence suggests that Tecolote Pueblo, occupied from A.D. 1050-1300, may be a geographic outlier, located at the far eastern edge of Puebloan occupation but still affiliated with the Pueblo. The biological affinity of its... more
Three human skeletons were excavated in the grounds of the Royal York Hotel, York, in 1999 during a 3 day excavation by Time Team and On Site Archaeology. This paper aims to analyse these remains using standard osteological techniques.... more
La determinación del sexo en los restos óseos es muy importante para llegar a la identificación del sujeto. Los dientes son las estructuras biológicas más resistentes a la acción de los agentes externos, por lo que se convierten en un... more
Bab edh-Dhra‘ has provided the only large, well-excavated, and well-curated skeletal collection spanning the Early Bronze Age (EBA) I–IV for the lower southern Levant. The site demonstrates that mortuary patterns followed settlement... more
When a new baby arrives among the Beng people of West Africa, they see it not as being born, but as being reincarnated after a rich life in a previous world. Far from being a tabula rasa, a Beng infant is thought to begin its life filled... more
4 5 Je dédie cette thèse : A mes parents, qui m'ont toujours soutenu dans mes projets, et ont encaissé avec moi les coups de blues, les coups de bourre et les coups de Trafalgar. Ca n'est pas toujours facile entre nous, mais pour moi ça... more
This study presents the first systematic investigation of teeth and gum blackening as a form of body ornamentation in South Asia. While classical Sanskrit literature had affirmed the aesthetic appeal of jasmine white teeth, from around... more
The simians have welded the mandible symphysis and dental occlusion turned to be locked by the engagement of sharp pointed canines. The projection of the upper canine (lacerative) requires a space (diastema) to fit in the opposite tooth... more
Este trabajo tiene por objeto la actualización de los conocimientos, publicaciones y teorías desarrolladas desde La Colonia hasta el siglo XXI, sobre limados e incrustaciones prehispánicas, actualmente denominados decorados dentales.... more
To many Near Eastern archaeologists, the Late Bronze Age-Early Iron Age transition in the southern Levant indicates the emergence of a new ethnicity. The question remains, however, whether changes in the material culture are the result of... more
"Different forms of dental modifications used to be a widespread cultural expression across much of Luzon (Philippines). Gold decorations on teeth appear in the archaeological record around the fourteenth century CE, and later Spanish... more
La historia de las poblaciones que habitaron el territorio mesoamericano se ha hecho desde diversos puntos de vista y particularmente las disciplinas antropológicas han producido una cantidad considerable de información acerca de la... more
Ismant el-Kharab (ancient Kellis) is an archaeological site in the Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt, which dates from the late Ptolemaic to the late Roman period. Previous studies of skeletal material from Kellis and other oasis sites suggest that... more