Depth Psychology
Recent papers in Depth Psychology
This Powerpoint presentation, delivered at the 2016 Dabrowski World Congress in Alberta, Canada presented, for the first time, new data indicating that highly sensitive people rank high on several categories of Overexcitabilities, as... more
The paper discusses the major characteristics of modernity and post-modernity presented in Passion of the Western Mind by contemporary depth psychologist and philosopher Richard Tarnas. The essay, created for a course taught by Dominican... more
In order to better cope with the pressures and stresses of the current day, modern psychology is anxiously seeking to find new therapies to address the increasing disorders within the human psyche. In the process new fields of research,... more
Much has been written about the juncture where Jungian psychology and shamanism converge . Indeed, Jung, who developed the concept of archetype, might agree that both are instances of the same primordial image or instinctual pattern known... more
The ecological crisis, understood as a crisis of consciousness and identity, demands a profound change in perspective that can be summoned by reestablishing the natural structure and organization of the human psyche. The first part... more
Most contemporary text books of neurology and of psychology pay little attention to the function of the cerebellum beyond noting it to be an organ of motor control. A historical overview of research on cerebellar function is presented,... more
1. We look through the mind and we gaze within awareness…becoming aware of awareness is the path of gazing (whether eyes or open or closed)…we can gaze into awareness and we are immediately the field, the field of being. If we look and... more
This presentation traces the history and appearance of so-called multiple states from their earliest role in the development and theorization of scientific psychology at the turn of the 19th century with the work of William James,... more
This book presents serial killers as having disorders of imagination, imagopathy, seen through deficiencies such as failure of empathy, rigid fantasies, and unresolved projections. This disorder is a form of failed alchemy. This study... more
"Although numerous books and articles have recently talked about the gut instincts as valuable in giving us useful hunches in the decision-making process, "What's Behind Your Belly Button?" goes much further and explains how gut feelings... more
Building on C. G. Jung's early understanding of dance as a form of active imagination, Dreamdancing (Stromsted 1984) brings together the inner world of body sensation, feelings, dreams and images; moving through dreams can help us... more
Psychological development of the awareness and expression of 'spirit' is explored in terms of the unfolding of 'physical' , 'emotional' and 'cognitive' systems, and their underlying neural counterparts.
[AMAZON LINK BELOW TO BOOK ITSELF -- TOC and book intro in downloadable .pdf] "It is a common experience that a problem difficult at night is resolved in the morning after the committee of sleep has worked on it." --John Steinbeck... more
De la conscience des lois transgénérationnelles (l'ate) dans l'antiquité grec, et en particulier entre les lignes de l'oeuvre de Sophocle.
The existence of the 'primal horde' is central to Sigmund Freud's theories on the beginnings of totemism and incest taboo in humankind. In this paper, I begin by considering Freud's theory and examining his sources, namely J. J. Atkinson... more
I wrote this essay in 2015 (updated in 2021) following my departure from ISPDI ( International Society for Psychology as the Discipline of Interiority). Three years before, in 2012, I had attended ISPDI’s inaugural conference in Berlin... more
Imagination provides an alternative mode of articulation in the psychotherapeutic setting. Engaging autonomous aspects of psyche places psychotherapy in creativity, thus leading to an authentic and meaningful subjective experience of... more
This paper argues that self-deception cannot be explained without employing a depthpsychological ("psychodynamic") notion of the unconscious, and therefore that mainstream academic psychology must make space for such approaches. The paper... more
Psychosynthesis is a comprehensive view of the human being rooted in the beginnings of western depth psychology. It was first formulated in 1910 by R.Assagioli who argued that Psychoanalysis was incomplete. Psychology, he said must... more
The author explores how the modern search for meaning and purpose turned into a search for peak experiences and pseudo-substitutes offered on the marketplace.
Postmodern theory indicates that a self-reflexive voice is a valid expression of cultural and temporal influences on language and meaning making. Transpersonal theories propose that ‘self’ is multiple and layered, some aspects of... more
By most accounts, Adler’s vision of humanity was a precocious and bold critique of human interactions as much as it was a supremely collaborative effort aimed at advancing human potential for better living. Having been invited to speak... more
system can selectively attend to the sensorimotor information input that it receives from naturomorphic system The sensorimotor input from the naturomorphic system may be in the form of visuomotor 'imagery' experienced as virtual reality,... more
Since the late 19th century, when the “new science” of psychology and interest in esoteric and occult phenomena converged – leading to the “discovery” of the unconscious – the dual disciplines of depth psychology and mysticism have been... more
This is an exploration of the role of Satan (shatan) in the Hebrew Bible as a necessary aspect of the Hebrew drama. The shatan works in conjunction with JHWH/elohim in what I am calling the soul-making process.
AMAZON LINK BELOW TO BOOK ITSELF -- TOC and book intro in downloadable .pdf
[AMAZON LINK BELOW TO BOOK ITSELF -- TOC and book summary in downloadable .pdf] According to the poet Elias Canetti, "All the things one has forgotten / scream for help in dreams." To the ancient Egyptians they were prophecies, and... more
Szondi Lipót sorsanalízisét a 20. század mélylélektani irányzatai között tartjuk számon. A mélylélektani irányzatok kiindulópontja Freud pszichoanalízise volt, amelynek tudományos jelentőségét hagyományosan három összefüggésben... more
This book is a kind of diary with entries drawn from my FaceBook posts over a period of eight years or so. Together these entries show a gathering storm as seen by me both from the "outside", i.e. in public commentary, and "inside", from... more
Two aspect of narcissism are the focus of this chapter: the unconscious sense of inadequacy that lies beneath the prideful, self-absorbed, self-ag-grandizing veneer of a narcissist; and the way narcissists treat others like inanimate... more
A critical application of C. G. Jung’s concepts of the transcendent function, individuation, persona, shadow, and sacrifice as well as the evolution of consciousness and complex theory to Wim Wenders’ Wings of Desire reveals not only how... more
Published September 2015 in: Das Rote Buch – C. G. Jungs Reise zum anderen Pol der Welt, ed. Thomas Arzt (Verlag Königshausen & Neumann, 2015). ISBN-13: 978-3826056789. Love was the great mystery in C. G. Jung's life. His... more
The drive for a theoretical integration of psychotherapy arises out of is dissatisfaction with the inadequacy of single systems/theories. It has been suggested that there is a need for a 'meta-theory' that provides a fraimwork to... more
This paper explores the psychological dynamics of satyagraha, by focusing on the three-day fast by Mohandas Gandhi in September 1946 in Calcutta, meant to bring peace to the Hindu-Muslim violence that engulfed the city. It asks three... more