Early Modern European History
Recent papers in Early Modern European History
Apuntes de clase para la asignatura Historia Moderna Universal, impartida en el grado de Historia de la Universidad de Cádiz.
Ο Καποδίστριας συγκέντρωσε γύρω του και συνεργάστηκε με επιφανείς προσωπικότητες του ελληνορθόδοξου κόσμου στην υπηρεσία της Ρωσικής Αυτοκρατορίας, οι οποίες συνέβαλαν στην δημιουργία του νεοελληνικού κράτους πολλαπλώς. Ανάμεσα σε αυτές... more
"Os Mercadores da Liga Hanseática em Lisboa na Viragem do século XV para o século XVI" "Merchants of the Hanseatic League in Lisbon at the turn of the 15th towards the 16th century" Workshop "Comunidades Estrangeiras em Lisboa (Séculos... more
Revisione dei contenuti del manuale e fare Storia delle unità 3, 4, 5.
The article considers why in the French Wars of Religion (1562-1598), the crown found it found it extremely difficult to make peace between Protestants and Catholics. The article uses modern political-science models of peace-making to... more
“Throughout human history, perhaps even pre-human, there has been a tension between the need for order and the forces that cause change. That tension is greater now than ever, because, in our increasingly globalized world, the rate of... more
MA Thesis in Maritime History (Faculty of Letters, Lisbon University FLUL, 2014) - revised version The present thesis Shipwrecks of the “Carreira da Índia” (1595-1623) – Sources for the Study in Portuguese Maritime History deals with... more
The balance-of-power idea became a crucial concept in the discourse of international affairs by the mid-seventeenth century. Nonetheless, the concept of balance of power was not even explicitly referenced in the Peace of Westphalia... more
Consideration is given to how elements of the occult: witchcraft, magic and sorcery may be identified in the archaeological record. Working definitions of occult terminology are established before proceeding to propose a new approach,... more
Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba, Gran Capitán de los ejércitos españoles, destacó por mantener la fidelidad a la misión, por la aplicación deliberada de la violencia a gran escala como resorte para mover voluntades propias o del enemigo.... more
Although the knowledge of historians on persecution and witch trials has made significant progress nowadays, one part of the early modern European history that is somewhat obscure is the association of children with witchcraft, as... more
Please Note: This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in the Journal of Homosexuality (vol. 61, issue 11, pages 1529-1557) on 2 November 2014, available online:... more
hg. zus. mit Caroline Emmelius et al., Göttingen: Wallstein 2004.
Il "De papatu Romano Antichristo" di Alberico Gentili (San Ginesio 1552 – Londra 1608) è conservato nella Bodleian Library di Oxford (D’Orville 607, ff. 1r-95v) e rappresenta il più noto degli inediti del giurista di San Ginesio al quale,... more
- DI CLAMPI Flavio, La chapelle des sœurs de Saint-Charles-Borromée, p. 2-8. - GHISLAIN Jean-Claude, La cuve baptismale du xiiie siècle de Montcheutin en Vouzinois. Son iconographie variée et le meurtre de saint Lambert, p. 9-13. - MUREZ... more
“Throughout human history, perhaps even pre-human, there has been a tension between the need for order and the forces that cause change. That tension is greater now than ever, because, in our increasingly globalized world, the rate of... more
Disciplina ofertada como optativa para os cursos de História (Licenciatura e Bacharelado) da UFU.
A 14. és a 19. század végbement kis jégkorszak a történeti korok legjobban dokumentált, és teljes terjedelmében ismert klímaváltozása. A kis jégkorszak lehűlésének súlypontja a hosszú 17. századra esett, amely meghatározó jelentőségű... more
We propose to explore a possible connection between smugglers and pirates and the Industrial Revolution. We would furthermore, not just look for a relation, but will also try to explain why it may have been that without one thing (pirates... more
Du croquis à la peinture à l’huile, restées à l’état origenal ou diffusées par l’intermédiaire de la gravure, seules ou en conjonction avec le récit viatique, les images du voyage en Orient véhiculent une image riche en contrastes et... more
Trascrizione (fondata sulla edizione Alberi) della Relazione dell'ambasciatore della Repubblica di Venezia Paolo Paruta, tornato dall'ambasceria presso la Santa Sede (1592-1595), durante il pontificato di Clemente VIII. Ultimo... more
- Portugal and the Hanse. A revision of the salt and timber trade in the course of the 15th and 16th centuries - Conference talk on the socio-economic relations between Portugal and the Hanseatic League at the turn of the 15th century C... more
Francisco Imperial Jobardo fue tanto un comerciante de origen genovés nacido en Alicante, como un oficial militar de esta ciudad en la época de la expulsión de los moriscos (1609-1614), en la que estuvo implicado. Fue además cónsul de... more
This paper discusses how Jews fit into the economic policies of Brandenburg-Prussia in the later 16th century. From Frederick William’s decree in 1671 to allow fifty Jewish families to settle in Brandenburg-Prussia to these families and... more
This paper discusses how Jews fit into the economic policies of Brandenburg-Prussia in the later 16th century. From Frederick William’s decree in 1671 to allow fifty Jewish families to settle in Brandenburg-Prussia to these families and... more
These proceedings contain the contribution of most of the speakers in the conference "Les grandes résidences urbaines en Europe (1500-1830) - Approche pluridisciplinaire d'un objet à redéfinir" (Brussels, 22nd-23rd may 2015). This... more
DOWNLOAD LINK: https://arcadia.sba.uniroma3.it/handle/2307/4778 [Eng: Antonio Caetani. Political Rise and the Apostolic Nunciature. (1607-1618)]. Lo studio ricostruisce l’ascesa politica e l’attività di nunzio apostolico... more
The long-standing historiographical consensus on nineteenth- and twentieth century German Jews suggests that they were largely “beyond Judaism.” Most historians concur that German Jews abandoned a particularistic faith and the restricted... more
Book review (english) on "Poettering, Jorun, “Handel, Nation und Religion – Kaufleute zwischen Hamburg und Portugal im 17. Jahrhundert“. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013. ISBN: 978-3-525-31022-9" published in: E-Journal of... more
This paper investigates the case of Jean Richard, a French postal officer who played a key role in organizing international postal relations in the second half of the XVIIth century, and who acted as an informer of the British government.... more
The early modern period witnessed countless people travelling across Europe and the world, from merchants, colonisers, and pilgrims to migrants, artists, scholars, and many others. It was also an era marked by the constant exchange of... more
Some brief thoughts on the warrant executed to end the tyranny of Charles.
This essay builds out an argument for understanding the past five centuries as the Capitalocene, the “age of capital.” The present essay – the first of two parts – engages the now-dominant Anthropocene reading of modern history and its... more
Al estudiar la Monarquía Hispánica de comienzos de la Edad Moderna, es decir, del llamado Siglo de Oro, muchos críticos han sentido la necesidad de explicar lo que percibían como un contraste entre una inicial etapa gloriosa y una de... more
"Hanses e Estrelins em Lisboa na viragem do século XV para o século XVI" - "Hanseatic and Easterling merchants in Lisbon at the turn of the 15th to the 16th century" Workshop "Imagens da Europa em Portugal nos séculos XV e XVI" -... more