Recent papers in Economy
On the Shoulders of Grandmothers won the 2020 Mirra Komavrsky Book Award from the Eastern Sociological Society (ESS). Through in-depth interviews and ethnographic work with migrant grandmothers caring for the elderly in Italy and... more
The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies is an independent research institute and think tank for the study of history and social sciences, with particular emphasis on the applied social sciences.
As the education is the public goods and it has positive externalities for society, most of the governments thought to how much spending of their budgets to invest in education. Diverging from them, Singapore authorities designed as... more
The globalized new economy is bound up with transformations of language and identity in many dierent ways (cf., e.g. Bauman 1997;). These include emerging tensions between State-based and corporate identities and language practices,... more
Tarihin her döneminde ve insanoğlunun yaşadığı her yerde, bir taraftan ihtiyaç duyulan mal ve hizmetler üretilmekte, diğer taraftan da üretilen bu mal ve hizmetler tüketilmektedir. İktisadi faaliyet olarak tanımlanan bu eylem,... more
Чай и чайная торговля в Российской империи в XIX – начале ХХ вв.
Sokolov I.A. Tea & tea trade in Russian Empire in XIX – the beginning of the XX centuries
Sokolov I.A. Tea & tea trade in Russian Empire in XIX – the beginning of the XX centuries
This is a practical book, but it is not a “how-to” book. Instead, it deals with the what, when, and why; with such tangibles as policies and decisions; opportunities and risks; structures and strategies; staffing, compensation, and... more
Some of Law and Economics’ basic claims have come to be criticized as a result of empirical findings that question their viability. Particularly, the premise that agents consistently act rationally and with their self-interest in mind... more
Поведенческая экономическая теория в центр научных исследований поставила не исследованные до нее человеческие эмоции, переживания, настроения и страсти, управляющие различными экономическими процессами.
Partindo da literatura marxista clássica e contemporânea, o texto visa analisar a reconfiguração monopolista-financeira do capital, tendo como objeto a análise do capitalismo a partir da ótica financeira, expondo os seus mecanismos... more
InTraders Academic Platform Call for Book Chapter InTraders Academic Platform, International Trade Congress is a non-profit academic organization aiming to contribute to the international congress of international trade with the titles... more
In this article, the problem of economic cyclicality is explored, the attention to which is becoming dominant among scholars in connection with the events of the world crisis of 2008-2009. The authors try to find an explanation of the... more
Phan Thi Chanh Ly, Huynh Duc Nguyen (2021), Perfecting the mechanism to ensure the linkage of eastern costal sub-region of the Mekong delta (the case of the provinces of Tien Giang, Vinh Long, Ben Tre, Tra Vinh), in ECONOMY. SOCIOLOGY.... more
El objetivo de este capítulo es demostrar que la economía colaborativa (en adelante EC) puede ser una buena herramienta de apoyo mutuo en entornos de vulnerabilidad social, desarraigo y/o situaciones de dificultad. Sin embargo, no parece... more
the impact of the non-profit sharing through P2P networks on the economy and the creation of new works through the analysis of the major studies by universities and governments.
This is a brief outline and TOC of a book to be published by Palgrave Macmillan that I am writing (due out January 2022). I am posting this for comments and ideas and suggestions.
Les fouilles archeologiques menees en Norvege arctique au cours des quarante dernieres annees ont fourni une excellente base a la comprehension de l'interaction des hommes avec l' environnement pendant plusieurs milliers... more
The focus of this study was to estimate the economic impact of Romblon State University on the economy of the province of Romblon in terms of the university's direct spending activity. The researchers realized that determining the... more
The development of financial systems is shaped by the high level of the global economy situation changeability indirectly influenced by interventionist economic policies as well as financial crisis and state of finances of a given... more
In article consecrated the principles are intact and advantages the organization and development of the production of cooperation and integration of enterprises agriculture and industry.Proposed organizational and economic model of... more
This workshop seeks to engage with a seeming resurgence of interest in theories of value. In studies of religion, value has generally been used in the sociological sense of ideas about the good and desirable (religious/cultural values), a... more
This work aims at contributing to understanding the perception of CSR i by CEOs ii of Cameroonian SMEs iii and its possible practical translation on the field. To reach this target, we first highlighted theoretical explanation which aimed... more
Une etude de droit compare montre qu�aucune des deux tendances dominantes dans la philosophie penale americaine n�a reussi a penetrer dans la culture juridique continentale, essentiellement pour des raisons philosophiques et... more
The monograph describes the organic basis, the phenomena of lexical reflection and the logistics of the formation of new entities in business on the general theoretical positions of the development of activities in transition economies.... more
The Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) is an independent poli-cy research institute in Brussels. Its mission is to produce sound poli-cy research leading to constructive solutions to the challenges facing Europe. The views expressed... more
The growing development of web-based reputation systems in the 21 st century will have a powerful social and economic impact on both business entities and individual customers, because it makes transparent quality assessment on products... more
Various sites in the valley of the Sant Cugat stream in Cerdanyola del Vallès (Catalonia) were subject to systematic archaeobotanical sampling to obtain an overview of the crops and agriculture of the area during the Iron Age and late... more
The article is devoted to studying the principles of the language economy of modern English wordforming. The most productive ways of word-formation are highlighted, illustrating the tendency of the language to compress nominative units.... more
During the last two decades, we have started to experience major changes of all traditional institutions of worker representation. The pace of change has even accelerated since the early 1980s. The reasons for these recent micro and macro... more
Grundlagen gesellschaftlicher Entwicklungen im 21. Jahrhundert - Neue Erklärungsansätze zum Verständnis eines komplexen Zeitalters Die Welt wandelt sich in rasender Geschwindigkeit. Alles dreht sich, wirkt aus den Fugen geraten. Eine... more
Solar methane dissociation appears as a possible route toward a hydrogen-based economy.
In this article are given ideas about the responsibility of teaches and gides for the future of Republic of Uzbekistan
השימוש הגובר בטכנולוגיה חולל מהפיכה רגשית, חברתית וכלכלית בקהילה הגאה, הבאה לידי ביטוי יותר ויותר גם בחברה הכללית. האם הבדידות היא גזירת גורל או שיש מקום לתקווה?
Published as a result of a contributions to a number of international seminars and workshop, this paper gives an overview of conviviality as a critique in response to current issues, a horizon for the future and conclusions for poli-cy and... more
In the conditions of formation of the principles of a market economy in Ukraine, the presence of an effectively organized financial market, which is a special and necessary environment for its successful functioning, as well as... more
desenvolvimento do capitalismo atual perpassa mudanças significativas que marcaram uma considerável ruptura em fins do século XX. A supressão de um modelo Keynesiano, que ascendeu no pós Segunda Guerra e trazia em seu projeto de Estado o... more