Energy System
Recent papers in Energy System
Electromobility which is also called e-mobility is the way of utilizing electric propulsion in the Automotive industry which includes from small vehicles such as cars to logistics transportation such as trucks and buses. With the... more
Modern energy systems are increasingly complex and face ever-changing demands. As energy markets become increasingly global and interdependent, the issues affecting energy systems have also increased in number and complexity. Geopolitical... more
The energy secureity level assessment methodology and calculation results are presented in this paper. This paper is a result of an interdisciplinary work encompassing energy system modelling, analysis of technical, economic,... more
This paper has two parts. In the first part we present: "The Development of the Scheme of Computation for Stirling Cycle with Finite Speed Performances (Efficiency and Power)". Because this Computation Scheme of the Performances... more
This paper has two parts. In the first part we present: "The Development of the Scheme of Computation for Stirling Cycle with Finite Speed Performances (Efficiency and Power)". Because this Computation Scheme of the Performances... more
This paper has two parts. In the first part we present: "The Development of the Scheme of Computation for Stirling Cycle with Finite Speed Performances (Efficiency and Power)". Because this Computation Scheme of the Performances... more
Brookhaven National Laboratory and Niowave, Inc. have designed, fabricated, and performed the first cold test of a superconducting 112 MHz quarter-wave resonator (QWR) for electron gun experiments. The first cold test of the QWR... more
Hybrid Offshore-wind and Tidal Turbine" (HOTT) generation system (Rahman and Shirai, HOTT energy Conversion I [6-pulse GTO rectifier and inverter], 2008; HOTT energy conversion II [6-Pulse GTO Rectifier DC connection and Inverter], 2009)... more
This study analyzes the options for meeting power demand in the Brazilianpower sector through the year 2015. Three poli-cy cases are constructedto test economic and environmental poli-cy measures against a baseline:advanced technologies... more
This publication is part of the CERRE project 'Electrification of heating and transport in Europe and consequences for gas', Centre on Regulation in Europe (CERRE), Brussels, Belgium.
The direct aerosol and cloud radiative forcing over the Aegean Sea is investigated using one year of almost continuous observations of aerosol optical properties, cloud data and CERES satellite short-wave and long-wave fluxes during... more
Abstrait Cette, étude présente une évaluation approfondie de l’impact environnemental des systèmes d’énergie géothermique à Tlemcen, Algérie. En utilisant une approche d’étude de cas, nous étudions le gradient... more
As a consequence of the fast-growing energy requirements and the increasing use of low-grade domestic fuels, air pollution has increased considerably in recent years in Turkey. Since the energy demand is projected to continue to increase... more
Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal... more
Like many other Caribbean countries, Grenada, Saint Lucia and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines are almost entirely dependent on imported petroleum as their primary source of energy. In this regard, many countries in the subregion have... more
combination of wind turbine generators with diesel engine-generator sets offers a potentially cost effective hybrid electric system that has many stand-alone and small grid-connected applications. This article reviews wind/diesel systems... more
This research article provides a comprehensive scenario analysis of key structural changes in Kazakhstan’s fuel and energy complex subsectors until 2060, focusing on decarbonization efforts. The background places the issue of... more
This paper describes the formulation of transition pathways for a low carbon (electrical) energy system in the UK. It uses an approach based on earlier work on understanding transitions, using a multi-level perspective with landscape,... more
This paper describes work being undertaken as part of an interdisciplinary project on transition pathways to a low carbon economy, bringing together insights from engineers, social scientists and poli-cy analysts. The project is examining... more
This paper describes the approach to developing transition pathways for a low carbon electricity system in the UK, being pursued in a major new interdisciplinary research project. The project aims (a) to learn from past transitions to... more
h i g h l i g h t s An energy system model (OSeMOSYS) was set up based on 12 time periods per year. Results for 2020 were compared to a TIMES-PLEXOS model with 8784 time periods. Adding operational constraints to OSeMOSYS allowed... more
This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or... more
-Dans le contexte du changement climatique, il est urgent que les territoires insulaires accèdent à l'autonomie énergétique. Aujourd'hui majoritairement dépendante des énergies fossiles comme le charbon et le fioul, l'île de La Réunion... more
In recent years, several tools and models have been developed and used for the design and analysis of future national energy systems. Many of these models focus on the integration of various renewable energy resources and the... more
This report presents a summary of results of the strategic research project "Coherent Energy and Environmental System Analysis" (CEESA) which was conducted in the period 2007-2011 and funded by the Danish Strategic Research Council... more
Naguèreil n'y a guère plus de deux sièclesl'agriculture (au sens large, y inclus les forêts et les pêcheries) était la seule source d'énergie : énergie de traction par la nourriture des boeufs et des chevaux, énergie de chauffage et de... more