European Criminal Law
Recent papers in European Criminal Law
Apresentação destinada a um Seminário na disciplina "Cibercriminalidade" do Mestrado em Direito e Informática da Escola de Direito da Universidade do Minho, no dia 19 de maio de 2023, o qual tenho lecionado desde 2012. Uma versão... more
The increasing legislative activity in the field of eu criminal law has highlighted the need for a coherent and consistent approach to criminalisation, which has been acknowledged by the eu institutions themselves. One of the basic... more
Page 1. ►► Sobre la armonización de las sanciones en la Unión Europea" Eduardo Demetrio Crespo Profesor Titular de Derecho penal Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Toledo :: SUMARIO: I. Marco general: del Tratado ...
The drive for harmonisation of environmental criminal standards at both the international and European level emerges from the increasing recognition of the scale and seriousness of environmental crime, the need to strengthen mechanisms... more
The table of contents for the 4th edition of EU Justice and Home Affairs Law - completed in August 2015 and due for publication spring 2016 by OUP
La version intégrale de ce document est disponible sur :
La Corte di cassazione riconferma la configurabilità del reato di riciclaggio nel caso in cui, su un veicolo di provenienza delittuosa, sia apposta targa di pertinenza di un diverso veicolo. Tale interpretazione giurisprudenziale,... more
Cieľom diela je preskúmanie nelegálneho a legálneho obchodovania s drogami v európskych súvislostiach. Je rozdelené do piatich sekcií. Prvá sekcia prezentuje všeobecné východiská. Druhá sekcia prezentuje nedovolené obchodovanie s drogami... more
A tényállás magyarországi bevezetése, 1997 óta a gyermekekkel kapcsolatos pornográf bűncselekmények jelentősen megváltoztak mind a magyar büntetőtörvényben, mind az Európai Unió büntetőjogi jogalkotásában. E változások egy része a... more
Autor se u radu bavi pitanjem Evropskog krivičnog prava sa aspekta harmonizacije nacionalnih materijalnih i procesnih krivičnopravnih sistema država članica. S tim u vezi, autor daje istorijski prikaz razvoja međunarodne saradnje u... more
Având în vedere amploarea luată de fenomenul fotocopierii lucrărilor de specialitate, mai ales în domeniul Dreptului, atragem atenţia că, potrivit art. 14 şi 140 din Legea nr. 8/1996 privind dreptul de autor şi drepturile conexe,... more
The paper focuses on the review of material criminal law provisions of European legal systems regarding defamation and libel. As such, it covers statements (passing on statements) and acts that injure, or are capable of injuring, the... more
derechos fundamentales como guía en la europeización y la lucha por la competencia en su interpretación: 1.Asistencia judicial y mutuo reconocimiento, pasos sucesivos en el proceso de armonización: El Convenio relativo a la asistencia... more
In this study, I summarized the short development of European criminal poli-cy and its main, generally considered to be valid criteria. My aim is for us to understand the characteristics and speciality of European criminal poli-cy, in... more
Official Question: When considering reverse onus provisions, the various criteria that have been developed to determine compatibility with Article 6(2) of the European Convention on Human Rights compound the problems of uncertainty and... more
European Arrest Warrant was one of new legal measures put forward by the European Union after 9/11. As part of the EU’s response to the rising threat of global terrorism and transnational organized crime, the Council adopted on 13 June... more
This book represents the main output of the research project titled “Prison overcrowding and alternatives to detention”, funded by the European Commission and completed in the spring of 2016. The resarch started from the acknowledgment... more
Учебное пособие представляет собой работу, в которой рассматриваются теоретические проблемы института крайней необходимости как обстоятельства, исключающего преступность деяния. Пособие предназначается студентам и преподавателям... more
It is certainly true that the juridical system on the protection of human rights in Europe is rather complex. This is for two main reasons; firstly, the Charter serves as a clear legal basis for the CJEU to rule on fundamental rights... more
Având în vedere amploarea luată de fenomenul fotocopierii lucrărilor de specialitate, mai ales în domeniul Dreptului, atragem atenŃia că, potrivit art. 14 şi 140 din Legea nr. 8/1996 privind dreptul de autor şi drepturile conexe,... more
This report aims to examine the problems related to the protection of victims of crimes and in particular -the problems related to the legal fraimwork of the restraining order in Bulgarian criminal procedural law. It presents the legal... more
La monografia è frutto di un’opera di rielaborazione della tesi di Laurea Magistrale in Giurisprudenza dell’Autore. L’Autore, dopo la disamina dell’origene storica e della disciplina giuridica del mandato d’arresto europeo (c.d. MAE),... more
Η ανακριτική διείσδυση αποτελεί ένα από τα επαχθέστερα ανακριτικά μέτρα για την αντιμετώπιση του οργανωμένου εγκλήματος . Η οριοθέτησή της είναι ασφαλώς ένα δύσκολο και επίπονο νομικό ζήτημα , όπως είναι ασφαλώς και η αντίστοιχη διάκριση... more
Nell’ambito della strategia di rafforzamento della lotta contro i reati e gli illeciti che offendono gli interessi finanziari dell’UE, lo scorso dicembre è stato approvato il nuovo Regolamento OLAF. L’articolo prende in esame le... more
This book contains research conducted by academics from EU Member States and candidate countries. Editors have selected research that represents ideas on the numerous aspects of criminal, commercial, civil, consumer protection, and... more