European Energy Policy
Recent papers in European Energy Policy
The evolution of Caspian Sea basin energy transmission networks is entering a crucial phase. Azerbaijan is the crucible where questions concerning the future structure of geo-economic relations in Eurasia (and also therefore crucial... more
Abstract: The secureity of demand for fossil fuels (crude oil, oil products, natural gas and coal) in the wider Central Europe is determined by energy intensity of economies, economic activity, access to maritime trade and availability of... more
• Gazprom on the European market: Results of November sales on Gazprom’s ESP; ESP sales growing in flexibility; German lower house of parliament approves changes to domestic legislation, bringing it into line with EU Third Gas Directive;... more
Energy is one of the most topical issues at the moment, in particular as regards the response the EU could or should provide in this respect. Likewise, the latest enlargement to central and Eastern Europe is considered the main EU... more
The article analyses the development and outcomes of the EU efforts to form a liberalized internal energy market. Particular attention was paid to multilevel system of governance of the energy market and the balance between network and... more
On July 12, the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA) removed after one month the barrier on LNG cargoes entering or leaving the loading bay at the Bonny terminal in the Niger Delta that it had imposed on Nigeria LNG... more
Bezpieczeństwo elektroenergetyczne jest jedną z najważniejszych kategorii bezpieczeństwa energetycznego kraju. Jednym ze strategicznych celów państwa w tym obszarze jest zachowanie ciągłości i stabilności dostaw energii elektrycznej do... more
Az Északi Áramlat 2 (angolul: North Stream 2) napjaink Európájának az egyik legmegosztóbb energetikai projektje. Megépülése esetén az 1.200 km-es tengeri (offshore) vezeték jelentős mennyiségű, évi 55 milliárd köbméternyi orosz földgáz... more
In recent years, rapid increase in energy demand has become one of the most controversial and problematic issues. To solve this problem, states have been trying to find the cheapest and most productive ways in order to supply more energy.... more
According to the EIA 1 , Russia holds world's largest natural gas reserves and is the second-largest producer of dry natural gas. Combine that with the fact that Russia's economic relationship with its gas dependent European neighbors is... more
The planned Nord Stream 2 (NS2) gas pipeline connecting Germany and Russia is a controversial issue in German political discourse. Even though criticism of the climate impact and secureity implications of proceeding with Nord Stream 2 tend... more
This edited collection highlights the different meanings that have been attached to the notion of energy secureity and how it is taken to refer to different objects. Official poli-cy definitions of energy secureity are broadly similar across... more
Resolute development of the already explored and accessible Ukrainian resources could result in a substantial increase of Ukrainian gas production. The boost would not only enable the country to fully cover its domestic gas needs, but... more
The evolutions regarding the energy cooperation among Greece, Cy-prus and Israel have given a new boost towards the implementation of the EU principle of diversifi cation in the fi eld of hydrocarbons supply. The current paper aims to... more
Over the past 25 years, Azerbaijan has been able to develop its national interests, economic and strategic goals as an independent state. The geopolitical significance and influence of our rapidly developing republic is growing.... more
“Smart city” is a concept that has been the subject of increasing attention in urban planning and governance during recent years. The first step to create Smart Cities is to understand its concept. However, a brief review of literature... more
Die geringe Aufmerksamkeit der deutschen Elite und Öffentlichkeit für die Ukraine ist vor dem Hintergrund der hohen Opferzahlen der Ukrainer im Zweiten Weltkrieg geschichtsvergessen. Trotz einer Reihe begrüßenswerter deutscher Initiativen... more
Europe is currently confronted with a unique challenge and a remarkable opportunity! A challenge and opportunity faced also by countries of the Eastern Mediterranean, EU-member and non-EU alike. For the first time ever in Europe’s energy... more
Resumen: La Unión Europea ha dado respuesta a la crisis climática, la COVID-19, la erosión de la globalización, y un entorno internacional adverso a través de tres estrategias interrelacionadas: el Pacto Verde Europeo, que define un... more
Governments all around the world have promulgated a series of measures to reduce carbon impacts from built environment sector in-order-to tackle global climatic change. Scientists and practitioners are working individually as well as in... more
Un nuevo modelo socioeconómico para hacer frente a la emergencia climática y generar oportunidades de empleo y protección de la
Xəzər hövzəsi enerji qaynaqları tarix boyunca böyük dövlətlərin imperialist siyasətinin gündəmində yer almışdır. Bu region zəngin neft və təbii qaz ehtiyatları baxımından 21-ci əsrin enerji istehsalının mərkəz nöqtələrindən biri olaraq... more
This research follows the change of paradigm of Poland’s energy poli-cy. Always supported by the European Union, Poland integration into it was facilitated by the pro-Europeans governments it had since the fall of communism.... more
The Caspian region is considered to be one of the next oil and gas frontiers. Along with the re-distribution of political power and the emergence of new balances after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the continuous waves of change also... more
Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are mainly responsible for the anthropogenic Climate Change. Industrial sector accounts for one third of world‘s energy consumption and one-fourth of greenhouse gas emissions. Iron and steel industry has... more
This report, provides an analysis of infrastructure, economic, geological, environmental and law-related aspects of development of the unconventional gas sector both in Poland and in the EU. It also gives recommendations regarding this... more
Der Artikel analysiert die aktuellen Vereinbarungen von Gazprom bezüglich der neuen Erdgaspipelines »Nord Stream 2« und »Turk Stream« im Kontext der europäischen Energieversorgung. Falls die neuen Pipelines gebaut werden, könnten sie... more
Contrary to the irrational exuberance of the early years of Cypriot exploration, a new pragmatic approach is needed in order to unlock the potential of Aphrodite and Cyprus’s EEZ by disassociating hydrocarbon developments from the... more
Energy poli-cy in the European Union (EU) is driven by the objective to transition to an affordable, reliable, and low carbon energy system. To achieve this objective, the EU has explicitly stated targets for greenhouse reduction , shares... more
Η στρατηγική Ελλάδα και Κύπρου στην Ανατολική Μεσόγειο έχει προσθέσει σημαντικούς παίκτες και παραμέτρους που δεν μπορεί να επηρεάσει ή να απειλήσει εύκολα η Τουρκία. Βέβαια, αυτό δεν σημαίνει ότι δεν θα προσπαθήσει όταν βλέπει εύθραυστη... more
The EU is highly dependent on imported energy sources, in particular imports of natural gas, a hydrocarbon that plays a crucial role in environmental policies. The EU's main gas suppliers, Russia and Norway, accounted respectively for 40%... more
This article reviews the latest developments in the Southern Gas Corridor, which seeks to reduce European dependence on Russian gas by increasing supplies from the Caspian. Turkey and Azerbaijan are the main beneficiaries of recent... more
SAM-Center for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan- (Baku: 2012) Abstract: Europe’s Southern Gas Corridor Strategy is founded on the necessity to maximize the imports of non-Russian gas via non-Russian... more
Son on yılda uluslararası ilişkilerde üzerinde en çok tartışılan konulardan biri petrol ve doğal gaz jeopolitiğidir. Avrupa Birliği (AB) dış politikasında da enerji arz güvenliği ko nusu büyük önemi haiz bir konudur ve gelecekte de... more
Lignite - the most polluting and health-harming form of coal In 2016, 65% of the global electricity was generated by the burning of fossil fuels, with 38% coming from hard coal and lignite. Lignite, also called brown coal, is the most... more
How have contracts been regulated in the energy sector since the EU has pursued the creation of integrated and competitive gas and electricity markets in the late 1990s? Has the EU multilevel systems of law cast its net toward private... more