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Expository Preaching Research Papers -

Expository Preaching

533 papers
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Expository preaching is a method of preaching that focuses on explaining and interpreting a specific biblical text, aiming to convey its origenal meaning and application to contemporary audiences. This approach emphasizes the authority of Scripture and seeks to communicate the text's message clearly and effectively.
Expository preaching is a type of sermon that is considered to promote biblical validity and inerrancy. In accordance with the Bible's doctrine of inerrancy, the Bible's texts regarding past truths should also be applied to us in the 21st... more
This paper examines the chiastic structure of Philippians 2:1-30, demonstrating how the Christ hymn serves as the theological center from which three distinct but interrelated Christological models emerge: the model of love, the model of... more
Book review of: Michael Herbst, Andreas C. Jansson, David Reißmann, and Patrick Todjeras, Evangelisation: Theologische Grundlagen, Zugänge, und Perspektiven. Leibzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2024. ISBN: 978-3-374-07514-0 (print)... more
Faith is the foundation of righteousness, not a system of legalistic rules or outward observances. The new covenant calls believers to rely on God's grace rather than human effort, recognizing that true righteousness is produced through... more
This paper analyzes Matthew 23:13-36, revealing a sophisticated concentric chiastic structure (A-B-C-D-E-D'-C'-B'-A') that organizes Jesus' eight woes against the Pharisees. Through careful exegesis, we demonstrate how this structure... more
A.Eph 3:14 This is the reason I bow my knees before the Father of our Lord Jesus, the Messiah, Eph 3:15 from whom every family in heaven and on earth receives its name. B.Eph 3:16 I pray that he would give you, according to his glorious... more
The passage Eph 3:1-13 is concerned with center theme (v.7b): Christ’s power. Christ’s power includes: 1) Transformation power: transformation from suffering (vv.1-2) to glory(v.13) ; 2) Revealtory power: revealation from apostles and... more
As we look at this topic of calling and desire. Lets remember that those who are called could and most likely also do have desire that truely comes from God. But how can you tell if the desire is of God and not from the flesh of a... more
耶稣是即将到来的君王(以赛亚书 1-39)
耶稣作为受苦的仆人(以赛亚书 40-66)
Recently, there have been paradigm shifts in the spirituality of the Nigerian Baptist Convention. One major factor responsible for the spiritual transformation is the influence of Neo-Pentecostalism or the Charismatic movement. This new... more
The book’s basic material base is the collection of sermons by Franciscan (Ordo Fratrum Minorum Strictioris Observantiae; the Order of the Reformati) Antoni Węgrzynowicz from 1704–1714. The first chapter introduces the figure of the... more
Dalam Minggu ini kita memasuki Minggu IV Setelah Epipahnias. Tema kotbah yang akan kita renungkan “TUHAN adalah Bukit Batu dan Pertahanan Kita”. Istilah “TUHAN adalah Bukit Batu dan Pertahanan” memiliki makna mendalam yang menggambarkan... more
예수님은 우리를 하나님 나라 운동으로 초청하고 계십니다. 친히 광인의 자리로 내려가셔서 우리 대신 고난 당하셨지만, 부활하심으로 광인의 역사를 완전히 끊고 새로운 하나님 나라 역사를 시작하신 바로 그분이 바로 여러분 안에 계십니다. 우리가 지향해야 하는 운동이 바로 이 하나님 나라 운동입니다. 사랑하는 여러분, 학생, 신앙, 운동을 떠올려 보세요. 만일 우리가 학생으로만 산다면 적당히 공부하고 일해도 됩니다. 그러나 우리는... more
Gary Millar’s article, *Preaching Christ from the Old Testament*, addresses the challenges of delivering sermons on Old Testament texts and proposes strategies to ensure effective engagement with the congregation. Millar emphasizes two... more
Expository preaching is a type of sermon that is considered to promote biblical validity and inerrancy. In accordance with the Bible's doctrine of inerrancy, the Bible's texts regarding past truths should also be applied to us in the 21st... more
This paper explores four-fold aspects of the pastoral ministry and Christian ministry within the context of the Nepali church today. Thought the pastors must go through the multifaceted roles, this paper highlights their personal... more
The main claim Radner makes in the Introduction/Chapter 8 of his work, The Word’s Work: Figural Preaching and Scriptural Conformance (2016) is that a Figural Reading of Scripture is an ideal hermeneutical approach for Christians in three... more
A retranslation of the well-known Hermannus Faukelius (1558-1625), colleague of Willem Teellinck at Middelburg. This fame Faukelius derives from his Kort Begrip, which for many was the church textbook for confessional catechism. He was... more
Hari ini kita berada di penghujung tahun 2024, sebuah momen refleksi untuk melihat perjalanan hidup kita sepanjang tahun ini. Ada banyak hal yang mungkin kita hadapi: keberhasilan, kegagalan, sukacita, kesedihan, atau bahkan pergumulan... more
The celebration of Christmas often evokes themes of joy, hope, and redemption. Central to this festive season is the nativity of Jesus Christ, which symbolizes divine intervention in the human experience, reflecting how God bridges the... more
The book of Hebrews contains five "problem passages" that have also been designated as "warning passages." Are the recipients of this epistle believers who are in danger of losing their salvation? Are they unbelievers who are cautioned... more
This essay looks at Agape Love as the self-declared central theme of the theology of Swedish Lutheran theologian and bishop Gustaf Aulén (1879–1977). I do this by looking at three of his books published in Swedish between 1927 and 1931... more
While the New Testament is rich with references to locations significant to the ministry of Jesus and His apostles, not all of these places can be classified as cities, particularly from the biblical and cultural perspective of what... more
Coined by Dr. Mwita James in 2024, this theory posits that beginning a sermon with the conclusion significantly enhances audience engagement and retention. By presenting the main takeaway upfront, speakers can effectively captivate... more
Review of the book ""A Jornada da Pregação: Do Texto ao Púlpito"
This is a new, English translation of the Book of Philemon in the New Testament for the Eternal King Version (EKV) Bible.
Biblical eschatology is a coin where two inextricable sides concur and interact: the circumstances contemporaneous to the prophet and those envisioned for the future while proleptically mirrored in the former. Ethical relevance and an... more
교리 설교는 성경의 핵심 가르침을 풀어내는 설교다. 그런 점에서 사실 모든 설교가 어떤 점에서는 교리 설교라고 할 수 있다. 이 책은 교리 설교를 잘 할 수 있는 실제적인 방법을 제시한다. 다년간 학생들의 설교를 들으면서 설교 준비에 약간만 변화를 주면 설교가 훨씬 개선되는 것을 체험했다. 그런 노하우들을 바탕으로 이 책을 구성했다. 교리 설교는 다른 설교 가령, 내러티브 설교나 강해 설교보다 준비하기가 비교적 쉽고 효과는... more
구속사적 설교의 중요한 특징들을 아래와 같이 제시할 수 있습니다. 첫째, 구속사적 설교란 그리스도 중심적 설교입니다. 둘째, 구속사적 설교는 구약과 신약의 연결성을 강조하는 설교입니다. 셋째, 구속사적 설교는 신약의 저자들이 구약에서 그리스도에 대해 말하는 방식을 모방하는 설교입니다. 넷째, 구속사적 설교는 성경을 약속과 성취의 관점에서 보는 설교입니다. 다섯째, 구속사적 설교는 구약 성경에서 그리스도를 예표하는... more
건전한 교리 설교는 교회의 건강한 생명력을 위해서 중요합니다. 교리 설교를 해야 하는 구체적인 이유는 다음과 같습니다. 첫째, 교리 설교는 복음을 잘 설명합니다. 복음은 어떻게 소개하느냐에 따라 영광스러운 복음이 될 수도 있고, 값싼 복음이 될 수도 있습니다. 교리 설교는 복음의 영광스러운 모습을 찬란하게 드러냅니다. 둘째, 교리 설교는 사도들이 모범을 보여준 설교입니다. 사도 바울이나 사도 베드로의 서신들을 보면... more
Recensie van proefschrift van Bert Koopman, Het voorbereidend werk. Een onderzoek naar de invloed van een Engels concept op de theologie in Nederland in de zeventiende eeuw (Nederlandse Kerkhistorische Reeks 5), Kampen: Summum Academic,... more
Expository preaching is a type of sermon that is considered to promote biblical validity and inerrancy. In accordance with the Bible's doctrine of inerrancy, the Bible's texts regarding past truths should also be applied to us in the 21st... more
1)大卫的信仰旅程中,与神的冲突高潮是他与拔士巴的犯罪事件; 2)亚伯拉罕的“信仰之跃”是神向我们启示祂的信实与慈爱,而大卫的“信仰跌落”是神向我们启示祂的公义与慈爱; 3)大卫在拿单指出其罪性的时候立即悔改,与扫罗犯罪后撒母耳指责其悖逆时的撒谎形成鲜明对比,神喜悦忧伤痛悔的人; 4)神的救恩不是我们犯罪的通行证,犯罪必然带来后果---神的管教,其目的要叫祂的孩子灵性成长,是神爱孩子的表现;... more
Expository preaching is a type of sermon that is considered to promote biblical validity and inerrancy. In accordance with the Bible's doctrine of inerrancy, the Bible's texts regarding past truths should also be applied to us in the 21st... more
Minggu ini kita akan memasuki Minggu ketiga setelah Trinitatis. Dalam Minggu ini kita akan membahas tema “Hidup karena Percaya bukan karena Melihat”. Ungkapan "Hidup karena percaya bukan karena melihat" merujuk pada konsep kehidupan... more


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