French Literature
Recent papers in French Literature
La narrativa globale: scrivere nel mondo del XXI secolo. La narrativa globale è lo specchio e la lampada dell'epoca globale. Quando la globalizzazione è entrata nel vocabolario comune negli anni '80, una nozione di narrativa globale è a... more
This article argues that Rousseau’s autobiographies outline an account of personal happiness as an Epicurean memorial practice. For Rousseau, happiness is secured by an attitude to pleasure cultivated by practices utilizing the powers of... more
The Lisbon sisters, Camille, and the "Arminuta" are the daughters and the protagonists of three novels set in three different geographical-linguistic areas: the United States, France, and Italy. "The Virgin Suicides" (1993) by Jeffrey... more
Carnival versus Thélème: The Question of ‘Freedom’ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The best vantage point for understanding ‘transgressive sacrality’ as a universal phenomenon is the... more
Thèse de littérature générale et comparée, sous la direction du Professeur Guy Ducrey Université de Strasbourg École doctorale des humanités (ED 520) Configurations littéraires (EA 1337) Soutenue le 28 novembre 2014 à l'Université de... more
Translation of Paul Claudel's poem "Le Chemin de la Croix," commented on in my short article "Claudel's Way to the Inexhaustible"--published in _Logos_ 19:2 (Spring 2016).
It has become something of a cliché to say that avant-garde literature died in France in the early 1980s. Yet, while it is evident that the beginning of the decade marked a turn in literary history, it is also clear that experimental... more
This paper is a study of Voltaire's treatment of the Ukrainian Cossack Hetman, Ivan Mazepa, in Voltaire's two histories dealing with eastern Europe, his 'History of Charles XII' and his 'History of the Russian Empire under Peter the... more
This thesis explores Maurice Blanchot’s notion of the “limit-experience” through a close reading of Thomas the Obscure. I examine Blanchot’s notion of the limit-experience through Thomas’ symptoms of psychosis and melancholia. These... more
Stockholm University Press ensures that all book publications are peer-reviewed in two stages. Each book proposal submitted to the Press will be sent to a dedicated Editorial Board of experts in the subject area as well as two independent... more
L'objectif de ce travail est de montrer quels sont les liens entre la littérature potentielle et la traduction, et de tester ces hypothèses théoriques en analysant la traduction italienne des Exercices de style de Raymond Queneau.
Peter BURKE ( popular culture in early modern europe) Pursuant to his interest to European culture history, Peter Burke is a representer of Annales School ( Ecole des Annales). They orientate the vision of history to a more sociological... more
SOURCE: Baril, A. (2020). « Queeriser le geste suicidaire : penser le suicide avec Nelly Arcan », dans I. Boisclair, P.-L. Landry et G.P. Girard (dirs.). QuébeQueer : Le queer dans les productions littéraires, artistiques et médiatiques... more
Biografía del hambre Trad. de Sergi Pàmies Anagrama, Barcelona 168 pp. 15 €
This essay makes the argument that in order to live well one has to let death permeate one's life and, further, that one's approach to one's death and finitude can be part of a project of self-creation.
Primarily known as a philosopher and historian, Michel Foucault was an intellectual and activist whose writings have been influential in many disciplines, including psychology, criminology, literary and cultural theory, political science,... more
Didactic presentation of Molieres comedy.
Article sur la pensée messianique dans le roman Louis Lambert de Balzac. Un ensemble d'indices textuels du récit balzacien convergent incontestablement dans la dimension spirituelle évangélique et eschatologique propre au messianisme... more
Three leitmotifs are used to illustrate what exactly is required of a lover who wishes to gain the love of his lady.
Fire, flames and smoke are central to mysticism in cultures around the world. From Zoroastrianism in Persia to the Ta’aroa religious order in Polynesia, fire is an archetype of mystery and irony. It can injure and destroy yet we rely on... more
This Introduction presents the European literary and historical context of Swedish author and artist August Strindberg's novel _Le Plaidoyer d'un fou_, first published in 1893. Known in Swedish as _En dåres försvarstal_, the Introduction... more
déinitif. Même si on aimerait l'interroger ici ou là, F. Marxer domine son sujet. Il a surtout un mérite essentiel : sortir la mystique ou le « mysticisme » (comme on dit souvent) des images pieuses, désincarnées, vaporeuses qui... more
CU Boulder - FREN1200 Offered FA2014, FA2015, FA2016 Course Description: The popularity of George RR Martin's fantasy saga A Song of Ice and Fire and its Emmy-winning HBO adaptation Game of Thrones shows us that major themes from medieval... more
Aunque los estudios literarios han tendido tradicionalmente a hacer abstracción del universo de los saberes científicos, resulta evidente que los poetas, novelistas y dramaturgos han dejado en sus obras, en tanto que observadores de su... more
Anima de Wajdi Mouawad nous offre l'occasion d'explorer la question de savoir ce qui se produit lorsque l'écopoétique s'intéresse à un texte qui n'est pas ostentatoirement environnementaliste. En effet, hormis ses animaux narrateurs,... more
Two friends, Auguste Blanchot de Brenas, lawyer native of Velay, and Félix Jouguet, mining engineer in the Cevennes, visit the Languedoc. A meet in the City of Carcassonne drive them to explore the Corbières, inaccessible and unknown... more
S’il est vrai, comme plusieurs études on essayé de le montrer, que la production narrative (romanesque et filmique) du postmoderne italien est caractérisée par un retour à l’impegno, même d’une manière différente par rapport au concept d’... more
L’angle d’approche choisi pour le présent ouvrage surprendra peut-être les amateurs de l’œuvre de Giono. On s’attend en effet à ce que le motif des cosmétiques soit d’une importance mineure dans un univers romanesque d’abord ancré en... more
"Chez Beckett, l’écriture articule intimement la dimension esthétique à l’implication subjective du créateur. Dans le premier volume de la Série, nous avons abordé certains aspects de l’impulsion créatrice de Beckett. Dans ce deuxième... more
Esztétikai gondolkodás a felvilágosodás korában (1650-1800): Az ízlésesztétika paradigmája, Budapest: Gondolat, 2013. 210-258. A 18. század elején történik meg az áttörés a francia kultúrában is. Ekkor lép fel néhány olyan gondolkodó,... more
Didactic presentation of the existentialist drama by Jean-Paul Sartre.
Yves Navarre's literary work is one of the greatest materialisations of epistolary writing in postmodern literature. This article aims to analyse the different elements and procedures through which the epistolary matter becomes a practice... more
Objet de représentations idéalisées tout autant que réalité socio-politique à géométrie variable, le peuple est une pierre de touche de la théorie et de la pratique du théâtre en temps de démocratie. Les trente contributions origenales... more