Recent papers in GAS TURBINE
Робочий процес струминного насоса відзначається підвищеною імовірністю виникнення кавітації в його проточній частині, що суттєво знижує ефективність та обмежує поширення нафтогазових ежекційних технологій. На основі використання рівняння... more
One of the most frequently encountered numerical problems in scientific analyses is the solution of non-linear equations. Often the analysis of complex phenomena falls beyond the range of applicability of the numerical methods available... more
Coupling of high fidelity component calculations with overall engine performance simulations (zooming) can provide more accurate physics and geometry based estimates of component performance. Such a simulation strategy offers the ability... more
This paper describes our eorts to compute convective heat transfer through gas-turbine blade-cooling passages. The in¯uence on the mean and turbulent ¯ow due to surface rib-roughness is the main focus. A number of turbulence models, of... more
This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the electricity supply situation in Nigeria, focusing specifically on enhancing the performance of industrial gas turbines, GE GT13E2 (Afam Power Plant owned by FIPL) in Port Harcourt. The... more
Exergy based analysis for thermodynamic systems has become increasingly important in understanding the efficiency of energy-work conversion. Entropy generation, associated with the irreversibility in practical processes, decreases the... more
Loading flat coated specimens with tensile forces is a universal method to determine the nature of fracture of hard coatings in maritime applications. Such an approach allows the determination of the shear strength at the interfaces... more
Ź ródła ciepła i energii elektrycznej/Sources of heat and electricity Cieplno-przepływowa analiza pracy elektrociepłowni geotermalnej opartej na obiegu ORC współpracującej z wymiennikiem typu Field Thermal-flow analysis of the operation... more
Abstrak- pt. kaltim Parna Industri (KPI) merupakan pabrik ammonia dengan kapasitas 1.500 MPTD. Kemurnian produk yang dihasilkan sebesar 99,95% berat. Proses yang digunakan pada PT. KPI adalah Haldor Topsoe Process. Bahan baku yang... more
Nonlinear Model PredictiveControl (MPC) of Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR) has been demostrated in this work. Optimal state estimation has been done using Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). Second order mathematical model for CSTR has... more
W o j c i e c h J u r c z a k A k a d e m i a M a r y n a r k i W o j e n n e j Recenzent prof. dr hab. inż. Janusz Kolenda
Numerical computation has been applied to investigate the temperature field in a gas turbine combustion chamber. The simulation assumed that pressure imbalance conditions of air flow between primary and secondary inlets occur. The... more
Exergoeconomic parameters of Ihovbor Gas Power plant were determined in this study. To achieve this, the exergy of each stream, the economic cost of the plant components, the exergetic costs of each stream and the exergoeconomic... more
This paper summarizes the proceedings of a panel session on recent technology advancements in photovoltaic genera¬ tion for central station applications in a utility environment. The panel session took place on July 18, 1983, during the... more
Objective: Major producers consider quality as a major criterion in decision making. Quality characteristics are affected by maintenance and repair decisions. In this study, a model is developed to determine significant measurements of... more
Purpose-The research aims to investigate the impact of thermo-mechanical aging on SBR under cyclicloading. By conducting experimental analyses and developing a 3D finite element analysis (FEA) model, it seeks to understand chemical and... more
The Lean Premixed Prevaporized burner concept is now used in almost all new generation gas turbine to reduce flame temperature by operating near the lean blow-off limit. However, it is still an evolving technology: low flame temperature... more
The manufacture and entrance into service of thin gage gamma-TiAl product has been hampered by the inherent low room temperature ductility of the material. In the present study a new approach was explored for the efficient manufacture of... more
The thermal decomposition and heat transfer characteristics of gaseous, high-purity methane, several methane–hydrocarbon mixtures, and a typical natural gas fuel were evaluated using an electrically heated, stainless-steel tube test... more
In this study, the heat transfer and friction characteristics of four different rib geometries-45 angled, Vshaped, W-shaped and M-shaped ribs in a two-pass stationary channel have been numerically investigated. The aspect ratio (Height to... more
The multiple expansion reheating gas turbine proves to have a potential of good operational flexibility for the intrinsic capability of responding to variations in electric and thermal power demands without appreciable impact on... more
La Gasificación Integrada con Ciclo Combinando (IGCC) es una de las tecnologías de generación de potencia más promisorias para el aprovechamiento de recursos energéticos como carbón y biomasa. Los altos beneficios ambientales y la alta... more
Forced excitation of a swirl stabilised methane/air flame by acoustic waves at atmospheric pressure has been characterised in order to show that the frequencies and amplitudes where self-excitation occurs, but the natural limit cycle... more
The propulsive performance of airbreathing pulse detonation engines at selected flight conditions is evaluated by means of a combined analytical/numerical analysis. The work treats the conservation equations in axisymmetric coordinates... more
High pressure processes (e.g. sustainable hydrothermal manufacturing of nanomaterials [1], supercritical water oxidation (SCWO) [2] and biomass hydrolysis [3]) require high operational conditions. Water at high pressure and temperature... more
Streszczenie: W pracy przedstawiono budowę, sposób działania oraz dane techniczne nowatorskiego rozproszonego strimera Seismobile. istotną rolę w strimerze Seismobile odgrywa sposób akwizycji danych pomiarowych, który decyduje o jego... more
Heat transfer is of crucial importance to understand the conversion kinetics and the behavior during combustion of fuels such as plastics particles. In this work, the heat transfer onto single plastic resin particles (5x7 mm) by flames... more
- by Franz Winter
An extension of the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) technique to two-phase reacting flows, required to capture and predict the behavior of industrial burners, is presented. While most efforts reported in the literature to construct LES... more
Thesis. 1976. Sc.D.--Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
Libya's oil industry suffers from flaring, which wastes important resources, increases the emission of greenhouse gases and increases environmental damage. Flaring emits large amounts of carbon dioxide, Sulphur oxides, nitrogen oxides and... more
Częstą przyczyną drgań w pompach wirowych są pulsacje ciśnienia wywołane oddziaływaniem wirnika i kierownicy. Mają one charakter periodyczny. Mogą przenosić się na tarcze wirnika i prowadzić nawet do ich uszkodzeń. Wygodnym narzędziem... more
Ammonia has received significant attention as a fuel due to its carbon-free molecular structure. However, burning ammonia is challenging because of its low laminar burning velocity. To promote the combustion velocity, the authors propose... more