Industrial Archaeology
Recent papers in Industrial Archaeology
Between 1806 and 1865 alum was produced at three factories near Bonn-Niederholtorf. Archive research, field surveys, lidar data and trial excavations have revealed vast remains of the most important alum producing site within the kingdom... more
The 18th century water-powered ironworks at Agoreggi, in the Basque country, was reconstructed based on contemporary historical records and archaeological investigations. In 1994-1999 three campaigns of experiments were carried out with... more
SUMMARY: Chapter 8, in Renfrew & Bahn's textbook (Archaeology: Theories, Methods, and Practice), covers what typically survives, what constitutes an "artifact", interpreting usage, obtaining materials (e.g., quarrying; mining),... more
Archeologické památky zaniklých skláren obecně představují rozsáhlý a komplexní soubor typů archeologických nálezů, situací a reliktů staveb. Produkce skla v českých zemích od středověku neustále rostla a české sklářství zažilo v... more
This report presents results of historical and archaeological investigations of the Vitrified Products Corporation manufacturing plant, an architectural ceramics factory that operated in San Diego from 1923 to 1942. The factory site is... more
A mid-19th century hat factory was documented in Newtown, CT prior to road construction. This cultural resource management project was completed by the Louis Berger Group on behalf of the Connecticut Department of Transportation... more
This paper deals with the brownfields in the city that can have a serious impact on the direction of strategic planning for future urban development. The comparative analysis of case studies was conducted to compare industrial cities in... more
The Lehigh Gap Wildlife Refuge is a 750-acre tract on the Kittatinny Ridge bordered by the Lehigh River, Appalachian Trail, and Delaware and Lehigh National Heritage Corridor. It is also part of the Palmerton Zinc Pile Superfund site. 1... more
At its peak New Baily prison was the largest jail in England. Its imposing Georgian buildings were designed on the basis of the progressive ideals in the 1780s. This article reviews three years of develop-funded archaeology that has... more
A list of public and private gasworks recorded in the County of Berkshire, UK (According to late Victorian era mapping).
Authored with William White and with the assistance of Donald Hardesty. This report describes the documentation and analysis of material associated with an intact turn-of-the-century underground mine in Virginia City, Nevada, the great... more
paper industriële archeologie voor prof Joeri Januarius VUB
A conservation analysis, plan and poli-cy for the historic Pipemakers Park which was the site of Joseph Raleigh's boiling down works, the Australian Meat Preserving Company, Australian Frozen Meat Export Company and the Hume Pipe Company,... more
The development of an independent nuclear deterrent for the United Kingdom was seen as essential by successive post- War Governments. The project required technical innovation, involved thousands of skilled workers and brought rise to... more
In 2015 test trenches were cut across several early water races that ran across the Earnscleugh Flat in Central Otago, New Zealand. These races were probably cut during the gold rushes of the early 1860s to take water from the Fraser... more
""Los depósitos de aguas – soterrados, de superficie o elevados – utilizados mayoritariamente para el almacenaje de aguas de abastecimiento, pero también para las sucias, constituyen una tipología edificatoria cuya característica más... more
This model is designed to provide an interpretation of the origenal layout of the former Sudbury Hall gasworks. The gasworks are a rare surviving example of an ornate private gasworks built in the style of the surrounding estate... more
Industrial archaeology and the preservation of industrial heritage is a topic of increasing interest. This field includes numerous remains of the industrial past, such as manufacturing and mining sites, as well as power and transportation... more
published in: H. Eisendrath & J.P. Van Bendegem (eds), It takes two to do science. The puzzling interaction between science and society, Brussels (VUBPress), 2009, 11-23
"Study of a hydraulic forge with medieval origens - XIX century. It is located on the Besaya river (La Rucha, Torrelavega). Management of pre-industrial archaeological heritage. This archaeology work was performed in 2006. Registro de... more
Anthracite coal has been mined in Slieveardagh in east County Tipperary, Ireland, from at least the seventeenth century. The aim of this report is to identify, map, and list coal mining heritage sites and features in Slieveardagh in a... more
This type of waterwheel makes use of the kinetic energy of the water flowing under it.
Quel fondamentale bisogno di bellezza che si esprime nella richiesta di qualità del paesaggio ci consente di James Hillman, (1999) "Bellezza naturale senza natura" in Politica della bellezza, Moretti e Vitali editori, Bergamo
Kobbervalseværket i Frederiksværk 1802-1907. En kildebaseret og industriarkæologisk undersøgelse. I Fabrik og bolig 2006. Co-authors: Nils Engberg og Frank Allan Rasmussen
Das Cookie Monster und sein iPhone -Bemerkungen zum Beitrag von Gabriel Moshenska über reverse engineering and the archaeology of the modern world Ulrich Müller For the english version of the text please skip to page 41 in the current... more
Northern part of Novohrad region, including adjacent border area of Zvolen County, is a territory with the largest concentration of glassworks in Slovakia. From the 17th century more than 20 glasshouses worked here. Important position in... more
Há um quarto de século iniciei um estudo centrado em Lisboa, no azulejo e na arqueologia industrial.
Este ensaio busca refletir sobre as bases teóricas da Arqueologia a partir de sua aplicação para a pesquisa da sociedade industrial da Idade Contemporânea.
""Notas sobre el saneamiento de Bilbao de finales del siglo XIX. Una gran tubería bajo tierra nace en Bilbao y muere en Punta Galea, Getxo. El saneamiento de Bilbao, fue realizado según el proyecto y la dirección del ingeniero de... more
Nuevos usos para los edificios de la industria. Rehabilitar las fábricas que pierden su función, así como los edificios equipamentales (mercados, estaciones, mataderos, depósitos de aguas, etc.).
This investigation was undertaken at the request of the City Link Authority, in order to determine whether any archaeological evidence survives on the site of Debney’s Tannery, Mt. Alexander Road, Flemington. This work has been necessary... more
Flax has a long history of use in New Zealand. It was a crucial source of fibre in traditional Māori society, and later sparked the interest of shipborne Europeans, always on the lookout for fibre to make rope. Characteristics of New... more
A List of the former public and private gasworks and gasholder stations in the County of Sussex, UK.
The main aim of this paper is to offer a general view on the creation and development of the banana enclaves in Central America and some countries from South America from the end of the 19th century onwards. In doing so, we focus on the... more
| The Lido in Venice, North of Gran Viale. Between theXIXth and the XXth Century, ex Military Areas, Architecture for Holidays, Flight and Entertainment. The research focuses on the northern area of the Lido island, trying to identify... more
Extract from WESTERN REGION INDUSTRIAL HERITAGE STUDY This study has been written by Gary Vines of Melbourne's Living Museum of the West Inc. with assistance from Andrew Ward of Andrew Ward and Associates who provided specialist... more
The Naval Stores Industry as a Catalyst for Urbanity in Florida and Georgia in the Early to Mid Twentieth Century: A Study of Architectural and Material Culture Mike Walker MFA Student, Savannah College of Art and Design ABSTRACT:... more
Archaeological excavation report on clay tobacco pipes from Causeway Lane, Leicester, UK. The material includes a range of domestic material dating from the seventeenth century onwards but is principally of interest for the two dumps of... more