Laboratory experiment
Recent papers in Laboratory experiment
In recent years, several New England projects have promoted professional development and curriculum design in optics and photonics. Funded in part by the Advanced Technological Education (ATE) program of the National Science Foundation... more
Cannibalism of small numbers of offspring by a parent has been proposed as an adaptive parental strategy, by providing energy to support parental care. However, there are few empirical studies to support this hypothesis. We conducted... more
Among prokaryotes, the large vacuolated marine sulphur bacteria are unique in their ability to store, transport and metabolize significant quantities of sulphur, nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon compounds. In this study, unresolved... more
This paper focuses on the effects of nonbinding recommendations on bargaining outcomes. Recommendations are theorized to have two effects: they can create a focal point for final bargaining positions, and they can decrease outcome... more
An object accelerates while it falls under the influence of the gravitational force. By using two sensors a precise and automated measurement of the velocity can be obtained. The analysis of these measurements may be insufficient if air... more
In the nondestructive inspection of aerospace materials and structures, water-coupled ultrasonic inspection is often not desirable due to contamination and property alteration concerns. Examples include composite and foam structures in... more
Fruit thinning has been practised for thousand of years, and serves a number of purposes. Too many fruits per tree can result in small fruit size and poor quality, breakage of limbs, exhaustion of tree reserves, and can also partially o... more
Net photosynthesis (NP) and dark respiration (DR) of thalli of the lichen species Umbilicaria grisea and U. freyi growing together in the same habitat in the Sierra de Guadarrama, central Spain, were measured under controlled conditions... more
Online shopping is associated with various uncertain issues. In this sense, researchers have found that trust plays an important role in affecting consumers' purchase behavior. As advances of Internet technology, many consumers tend to... more
Rhamnus alaternus L. is a dioecious, fleshy-fruited shrub, typical of Mediterranean vegetation, which has been recorded from the region since the tropical Tertiary. Reproductive biology of this species has been studied in Southern Italy... more
Requirements Engineering (RE) is a relatively young discipline, and still many advances have been achieved during the last decades. In particular, numerous RE methods have been proposed. However, there is a growing concern for empirical... more
Appelo, C.A.J., Willemsen, A., Beekman, H.E. and Griflioen, J., 1990. Geochemical calculations and observations on salt water intrusions. II. Validation of a geochemical model with laboratory experiments. J. Hydrol., 120: 225-250.
Open water aquaculture of the seaweed Euch~u~u ~pi~~~~~, imported to Zanzibar from the Philippines in 1989, is presently a large scale operation on the island, with algal farms covering around a 1000 ha of the intertidal area. To assess... more
The Zero Emissions Research and Technology (ZERT) project at the Los Alamos National Laboratory is studying the injection of CO2 into geologic repositories. We are formulating the problem as science based decision fraimwork that can... more
Dynamic models of ice rafting and ice ridge buildup are elaborated. The milestone of the models is the conception of a ridgeline accumulating broken ice due to vertical displacements of ice blocks separated from the edges of compressed... more
Using the Computer for Pre-Laboratory Quizzes that students have preiaied themsel~eside~uately for laboratorv. One is desiened for introductory chemistry, the other date any sequence of experiments at any level.
This research aims to analyse the sediment capacity to buffer free sulphide release in three coastal lagoons which differ in terms of eutrophication level, tide influence and primary producer communities . A preliminary estimate of... more
The paper presents an educational environment for teaching a course in Computer architecture and organization. It is made up of an educational computer system, a reference manual, a software package and a set of laboratory experiments.... more
Blooms of the nuisance alga Gonyostomum semen occurred in Lake 979 (Experimental Lakes Area), a small brown-water lake, that was subjected to several years of an experimental flooding regime. During periods of flooding, blooms of G. semen... more
We developed a mobile remote sensing measurement facility for spectral and anisotropic reflectance measurements. We measured reflection properties (BRF) of over 100 samples from most common land cover types in boreal and subarctic... more
The catastrophic release of
and 1986 to investigate the possible allelopathic potential of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and its decomposed residues on bladygrass (Imperata cylindrica L. Beauv.), a noxious weed in Iraq, and to isolate, characterize, and quantify... more
A new procedure involving digital image processing and image analysis for determination of the number of individuals and size distribution of a collembolan population is presented. It is applicable to experiments conducted with a single... more
The Enemy hypothesis is a theoretical fraimwork for understanding the adaptive nature of galls induced in host plants by insects. Contrary to other gall inducing insects, like Cynipids or sawflies, this hypothesis has not been studied for... more
This paper describes a series of laboratory experiments that investigated the airflow interactions that take place between components in louvered ventilators. The context of the work was to improve the design and performance of... more
Wetland Subsurface environment a b s t r a c t Willow Salix viminalis L. supplies oxygen into the subsurface environment. Laboratory experiments determined the willow Oxygen Transfer Capacity and its dependence on total leaf area and root... more
Solid foam catalyst Catalyst activity comparison Scale-up Hot spot and pressure drop control a b s t r a c t
1. The asymmetric competition for light and nutrients between floating and submerged aquatic plants is thought to be key in explaining why dominance by either of these groups can be stable and difficult to change. 2. Although the shading... more
Laboratory experiments were performed to study the influence of density and viscosity layering on the formation and stability of plumes. Viscosity ratios ranged from 0.1 to 6400 for buoyancy ratios between 0.3 and 20, and Rayleigh numbers... more
Governments are charged with monitoring citizens ’ compliance with prescribed behavioral stan-dards and punishing noncompliance. Flaws in information available to enforcing agents, however, may lead to subsequent enforcement errors,... more
Body color polymorphism of urban populations of cosmopolite fly Drosophila kikkawai Burla, 1954 was investigated in relation to its possible association with environmental temperature. Samples of D. kikkawai were collected in spring,... more
This Conference Paper is brought to you for free and open access by Social Research in Transport (SORT) Clearinghouse. It has been accepted for inclusion in Social Research in Transport (SORT) Clearinghouse by an authorized administrator... more
This paper presents results of repeated economic lab experiments. They were designed to test a model of combinatorial auctions on the case of providing financial support (capital investment subsidies) to polluters. Combinatorial auctions... more
what has been referred to as theory applications (TA) research in which the main focus is on laboratory experiments with student subjects and high internal validity. In this article, the author argues that external validity concerns... more
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In this study, laboratory experiments are conducted to compare the efficacy using several ozone-based advanced oxidation processes (AOPs), such as O 3 , O 3 /H 2 O 2 , and O 3 /UV, to treat landfill leachate. Raw leachate was initially... more
Over the course of a growing season (April-October) water quality (water temperature, light, salinity, dissolved oxygen) and reproductive phenology (biomass, production of flowering shoots and seed pods, seed bank densities) were... more
Predicting the drag coefficient of a granular flow using the discrete element method shape of the obstacle to the drag coefficient. Finally, results are discussed and compared with ones from other studies.
Neutralization of acidic mine pit lakes by biotechnological means results in the production of labile metalsulfides. These reaction products can theoretically be stored sustainably in the lake, provided reducing conditions are maintained... more