Legal system
Recent papers in Legal system
This essay argues that the public defender should not undertake, or fail to undertake, any action to the legal detriment of a client on the basis of a conflict the attorney perceives between religious and professional responsibility,... more
This paper presents a synopsis of recent NBER studies of the history of corporate governance in
In the study the legal system is conteptualized as a meaning system which contains the text layer, the layer of the legal dogmatics, the layer of judicial precedents and in some modern legal system the layer of the constitutional tights... more
Background: There is an increasing probability that the psychiatrist will, willingly or not, come into contact with mentally ill offenders in the course of their practice. There are increasing rates of violence, substance abuse and other... more
The European Court of Justice (ECJ) serves, among other things, as a constitutional court for the EU. This means that it possesses the legal right to strike down both EU and national laws it deems irreconcilable with treaty provisions. In... more lers, 1096-1291. 5 His book remains to this day a seminal study of the history of Barcelona from the 11th to the 13th century by virtue of its insightful, penetrating approach, the relevance of the themes... more
One of the most pressing topics in current international law is fragmentation. Traditionally, most constructive attempts to deal with fragmentation have been based onanalogies what one of us, in an earlier book, called "conflicts of... more
Although considerable attention has been placed on the role of prostitutes in the AIDS epidemic, little attention has been directed to features of prostitutes' work lives which are relevant to the control of AIDS. This article reviews... more
В диссертационном исследовании раскрыто понятие юридической догматики и определены функции, выполняемые ею в рамках правовой системы; выявлены социокультурные основания традиции романо-германской юридической догматики; произведена... more
This study compares the status of auditors' legal liability to third parties in seven countries. It analyzes recent legislation, regulation, and case law as well as pronouncements from national accounting and auditing bodies. With the... more
Una expresión que encierra múltiplas actividades, la Unidad del ordenamiento jurídico es tomada como una característica o axioma o postulado del Derecho. Hija del Derecho Natural de tradición racionalista, fue adoptada por el Derecho... more
This note analyses a recent case of the European Court of Justice in which the applicant, a 14-year old rape victim, alleged that Bulgarian criminal law violated her rights under Articles 3 and 8 of the European Convention of Human Rights... more
ver the past two decades, there have been important procedural changes to accommodate children' s growing involvement in the legal system. One of the most significant changes in the courtroom has involved the expanded admissibility of... more
This text examines how conceptions of free will impact on legal systems and forensic psychiatry: free will is generally regarded as a prerequisite for responsibility, criminal responsibility included, while forensic psychiatry to a large... more
Some people show virtually no difference in reaction times for congruent and incongruent pairings on the Implicit Association Test (IAT) when tested for implicit racial biases, indicating no racial bias is held. Others show large... more
Метою серії науково-методичених видань “Академія порівняль- ного правознавства” є інтенсифікація наукової дискусії з найбільш складних і актуальних питань порівняльного правознавства, сприяння вдосконаленню викладання... more
Statisticians know that inferences from properly conducted sample surveys are a reliable and costeffective method of obtaining information about the population of interest. Although it took a while before courts accepted samples, today... more
Abstract. In comparison to Aristotle, Plato's general understanding of law receives little attention in legal theory, due in part to ongoing perceptions of him as a mystic or a totalitarian. However, some of the critical or communitarian... more
We study the rural-urban divide in educational attainment in a cross-country setting. In order to do this, we present a newly constructed cross-country data set measuring average educational attainment in rural and urban regions of 56... more
This article investigates how laws relating to mobile phone use in cars are written, interpreted and applied in real life. It explores how regulations are imposed, the difficulties that are encountered in terms of enforcement, and how... more
This article defends the claim that both the state and religious communities can create their own legal systems, and in this sense general legal theory must analyze the concept of the law and the significance of coercion as one of its... more
O artigo discute a posição do sistema jurídico na modernidade tardia, apresentando-o sob a ótica da teoria dos sistemas, na versão formulada por Niklas Luhmann. Discorre sobre pontos e conceitos fundamentais presentes na obra do sociólogo... more
Article places public Interest Lawyering in the context of successive theories about what law means and how it is created, from Legal Formalism and Legal realism to Critical theories about law. Special emphahsis on "Implementation... more
This article examines the evolution and the institutional foundation of the century-old Islamic hawala financing system. Analysis of the functional principles of this system will show that it is a highly efficient, extremely robust... more
The Dutch legal system incorporates a number of procedures for claiming compensation for damages resulting from crime. A number of these procedures, however, pay minor attention to victims' immaterial damages. This article discusses these... more
This study describes the Indian corporate governance system and examines how the system has both supported and held back India's ascent to the top ranks of the world's economies. While on paper the country's legal system provides some of... more
Метою серії «Академія порівняльного правознавства» є інтенсифікація наукової дискусії з найбільш складних і актуальних питань порівняльного правознавства, сприяння вдосконаленню викладання порівняльно%право% вих дисциплін у вищих... more
A traves del presente articulo se pretende realizar un acercamiento al tema de la jurisprudencia como fuente de derecho, las nuevas formas en que esta se manifiesta en Cuba y las posibles consecuencias de su reconocimiento para el... more
This Article combines an analysis of documents submitted in connection with Chapter 11 cases filed by religious organizations with the results of in-depth interviews with these organizations’ leaders and their bankruptcy attorneys to... more
This article addresses the role of formal institutions and informal networks on corporate governance practices. The existing corporate governance literature has mostly examined the formal institutions, such as the effect of legal systems.... more
Using firm-level data from 52 countries, we investigate how a country's institutions and business environment affect firms' organizational choices and the effects of the organizational form on access to finance and growth. We find that... more
Both the Family Division of the High Court and the Chancery Division of the High Court exercise jurisdiction over the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependents) Act 1975, with the applicant being able to elect the Division that... more
This paper reviews the occurrence of sextortion (sexual corruption) in the education sector and the responses to criminal justice in Tanzania. The methods of review focus on the results of the available literature and social media reports... more
Extending earlier literature on diffusion of codes of good governance (CGGs) by integrating the effect of national culture, this study offers a novel perspective on cross-national diversity in the worldwide diffusion of corporate... more
Abstract. This study provides empirical evidence supporting the claim that the cost of corruption faced by the firm varies with the network through which corruption is organized. We show that the probability that a firm will pay irregular... more
The chapter explores the historical background to plurilingual treaty-making as well as the practice of the PCIJ and ICJ to the interpretation of plurilingual treaties. The chapter includes a detailed examination of Article 33 of the... more