Mass Graves
Recent papers in Mass Graves
Over the last 20 years, several plague mass graves have been unearthed in France, thus enhancing our knowledge of historical plague pandemics. Moreover, recent archaeo-anthropological and palaeoimmunological investigations have shown that... more
Publikacija je brezplačna. Zbornik povzetkov ARHEOLOGIJA v letu dediščina za javnost 2020 Strokovno srečanje Slovenskega arheološkega društva na spletni videokonferenci 10. decembra 2021
Publikacija je brezplačna. Zbornik povzetkov ARHEOLOGIJA v letu dediščina za javnost 2020 Strokovno srečanje Slovenskega arheološkega društva na spletni videokonferenci 10. decembra 2021
Between the years 1346 and 1353 CE, a terrible disease swept across Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa, bringing death and desolation in its wake. This widespread epidemic, now known as the “Black Death”, caused dramatic losses,... more
This report was issued Jan. 28, 2016 and contains the first published mapping of mass graves of Yazidis killed in Sinjar, Iraq during the Yazidi Genocide of 2014. The report was written by Matthew Barber (then Executive Director of Yazda... more
Příspěvek pojednává o nálezu dvou hromadných hrobů na Kostelním náměstí v Ostravě. V článku jsou popisovány nálezové okolnosti a analyzována hrobová výbava a předměty ze zásypu. Jeden z hrobů lze časově umístit do 16. století a je... more
An excavation carried out in 2007 in Saint-Laurent-de-la-Cabrerisse (Aude-Languedoc, southern France), revealed a medieval rural cemetery used during the 8th–14th centuries. One hundred and forty nine graves were identified. Amongst... more
Kriegsrelikte des frühen 19. Jahrhunderts im Frankfurter Stadtgebiet
La historia de vida de Esther Montoto, que viajó en 2003 desde EEUU a Valdediós (Asturias) para estar presente en la exhumación del cuerpo de su padre, fusilado por tropas franquistas el 27 de octubre de 1937, sirve como eje para el... more
Mass graves are a complex and confusing mix of bodies, body parts, soils, artifacts, and other feature evidence. Forensic investigations of these complex crime scenes should attempt to maximize the collection of evidence, which includes... more
A blog post for Stanford University Press about the gap between theory and practice among those who care about human rights, and how it shaped the research and conclusions of my book about the forensic investigation of mass graves,... more
The author presents an ecological-necrological perspective on the ontology of the human dead body and remains in the context of Holocaust studies. The article examines the environmental history of mass graves and reflects on the... more
The aim of this chapter is twofold: firstly, I will outline the economy of punishment inflicted on the vanquished, and particularly to the bodies of the vanquished, during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) and post-war period. Many of... more
Problematyka rozwiązań architektonicznych we wczesnej epoce żelaza na ziemiach polskich jest ciekawym tematem w badaniach pradziejowych. Sama architektura nie jest tak częstym problemem badawczym w porównaniu do osadnictwa, gdzie... more
This study examines the survivability of human blood proteins in soils from a year and a half old ambush scene in Kosovo.
Entre los meses de abril y noviembre de 1939, recién terminada la Guerra Civil, miles de prisioneros republicanos fueron confinados en el campo de concentración de Albatera. Las condiciones infrahumanas a las que fueron sometidos durante... more
Traducere în limba engleză: carmen Borbely, dana Jenei (cap. 2, 12), georgeta elsusi (cap. 11) Traducere în limba germană: ioana constantin Relevee şi fotografi i: colectivul de cercetare Prelucrarea desenelor: sebastian dobrotă... more
When excavations started at the site of the ‘lost’ church of All Saint’s in York, archaeologists knew they would find burials. What they found was much more than expected: a medieval Anchoress and the remains of soldiers who helped Oliver... more
The later phase of the Central European Early Neolithic witnessed a rise in collective lethal violence to a level undocumented up to this date. This is evidenced by repeated massacres of settled communities of the Linearbandkeramik (ca.... more
During and after the Second World War, monuments of various kinds to Red Army soldiers were built inside the USSR, but also across the entire Soviet sphere of influence and beyond. Unlike other socialist-era statuary, most of them at... more
Cet article présente les résultats de notre projet de recherche dans la vallée dʼAmbrona (Soria, Espagne). La prospection intensive a révélé la richesse extraordinaire en sites des cette zone de 15 km de long (107 sites, dont 20 sites... more
W lipcu i sierpniu 2015 r. miały miejsce sondażowe badania archeologiczne, poprzedzone kwerendą archiwalną, mające na celu zlokalizowanie mogił zbiorowych przy ul. Księcia Bolka I w Kamiennej Górze (woj. dolnośląskie).
El artículo se centra en el análisis y la documentación sobre los muertos y desaparecidos que combatieron como voluntarios en las diferentes columnas organizadas por las Milicias Antifascistas de Cataluña, busca aportar información... more
From the 6th century onwards, plague caused recurring mortality crises in the Western world. Such epidemics had profound biological, cultural, economic and political impacts on European societies. Some aspects of the history of plague... more
Mass graves resulting from episodes of extreme violence are crucial evidence of the wounds of history, and a key to understanding the dynamics of terror. The intentional jumbling of unidentified corpses in unmarked graves is a source of... more
This master thesis deals with the subject of mass graves as a result of war and violence; how, where and why they are created, what they represent and how they are used throughout the Scandinavian Iron Age and Middle Ages. To analyze and... more
Im Jahr 2016 wurde bei Notgrabungen in der ausgedehnten Nekropole im Phaleron ein mehrteiliges Massengrab von insgesamt 79 Männern freigelegt, die eines gewaltsamen Todes starben. Aufgrund seiner Datierung ins dritte Viertel des 7. Jhs.... more
In Central Europe, the Early Neolithic Linearbandkeramik (LBK) is the first archaeological culture that left behind a significant number of standardised grave features. These are mostly individual burials in cemeteries or settlements, in... more
(Awaiting publication of conference proceedings in 2013) Mass graves signify an organised and often standardised response to the occurrence of mass fatalities under circumstances in which normative, individual funerary rites are... more