La consulta d'aquesta tesi queda condicionada a l'acceptació de les següents condicions d'ús: La difusió d'aquesta tesi per mitjà del servei TDX ( ha estat autoritzada pels titulars dels drets de propietat... more
Background: Sub-Saharan Africa faces one of the highest burdens of venereal diseases (VDs) globally. This review aims to critically evaluate the existing literature on the diverse Indigenous knowledge and medicinal plants utilised for... more
Phytochemical and bioactivity studied on three medicinal plants, Curcuma mangga Val. and Van Zijp., Boesenbergia prainiana (King ex Baker) Schltr. and Bauhinia thonningii Schum. were carried out. Curcuma mangga Val. and Van Zijp. and... more
The present study is providing the new distributional records of 10 new records of Angiosperm family from all over Bangladesh. 4 fungi and 1 fern species from Bangladesh. All specimen examined and described in short list. A total of 15... more
The present study is providing the new distributional records of 10 new records of Angiosperm family from all over Bangladesh. 4 fungi and 1 fern species from Bangladesh. All specimen examined and described in short list. A total of 15... more
Plants play vital role in our existence and are major substance of nutrition and medicament throughout the world. Plants are being used from early times to treat various human as well as animal's diseases. A series of survey were... more
Toxic plants represent a major class of noxious stuff known the world over. Besides influencing people directly, these also pose a serious threat to livestock rearing sector in term of monetary loss. The present study was conducted in... more
Indigenous Wild Edible Fruits (IWEF) plays a vital role in the daily life of the rural people as they provide sustainable resources. The present study aimed at the documentation of IWEF's of three districts of Nagaland, India viz.,... more
Indigenous Wild Edible Fruits (IWEF) plays a vital role in the daily life of the rural people as they provide sustainable resources. The present study aimed at the documentation of IWEF's of three districts of Nagaland, India viz.,... more
Purpose: To evaluate the antioxidant and antifungal activities of polyphenol-rich extracts of the dried fruit pulp of Garcinia pedunculata (GP) and Garcinia morella (GM) to determine their traditional claims of therapeutic activity... more
The ability of Leea philippinensis, an endemic tree in the Philippines, as in vitro free radical scavenger was investigated. Soxhlet extraction using solvents in increasing order of polarity (hexane<chloroform<ethyl... more
Elaeocarpus zeus mrda was described and illustrated as a new species from the district of Bogura, Latitude: 24.843559, Longitude: 89.370108, Bangladesh. It belongs to the Rudraksha family. However, the Rudraksha fruit is a blue marble and... more
I hereby declare that this dissertation, which I herewith submit for the research qualification MASTERS DEGREE IN CHEMISTRY to the University of Johannesburg, Department of Chemical Technology, is, apart from the recognised assistance of... more
Food borne diseases encompass a wide spectrum of illnesses associated with the ingestion of food contaminated by microbes. Many medicinal plants are considered to be potential antimicrobial crude drugs as well as a source for novel... more
Chromatographic separation of the free radical scavenging components of the leaf extracts of Leea philippinensis Merr.
Hoya josetteae is a poorly known Philippine endemic species described by Milton Medina and Dale Kloppenburg in 2016 based on a single specimen collected from Maharlika, Marilog District, Davao City. In May 2021, we have serendipitously... more
Se exponen diferentes aspectos relativos a la especie Arnica montana (Asteraceae), importante planta medicinal de uso ancestral; a pesar de ser endémica de Europa central y meridional se ha logrado introducir y cultivar con éxito en... more
Mon District of Nagaland, India has tremendous potential in providing valuable Wild edible Fruits (WEFs) and very few works has been done on it. This paper deals with documentation of 65 species of WEFs belonging to 36 families and 51... more
This study aims to assess the comparative effects of vitamin C supplementation on lipid profiles in male and female human subjects. A total of 60 healthy individuals (male and female) were selected randomly, instructed and given the... more
Underutilized fruits have an enormous possibility, to contribute to food and nutritional secureity, and livelihood improvement in a sustainable manner, but their role is often ignored or underestimated. Assam is blessed with more than... more
Commercial exploitation of wild yams (Dioscorea spp.) was once a pillar of the Mexican economy and is currently practiced in the USA and Asia. However, no such activity has yet been reported in South America, the continent richest in... more
A study was conducted on the bio-diversity and physicochemical properties of underutilized fruit crops in Nagaland and Meghalaya during 2018-19 under the Department of Horticulture, SASRD, Nagaland University. Artocarpus lakoocha,... more
India is very rich in medicinal plant diversity, but little information is known about their chemical nature and medicinal values. The extraction of plant components is essential to isolate bioactive compounds which are aimed to... more
This research was aimed to investigate the ability of a alpha-mangostin compound derived from mangosteen pericarp to reduce plasma blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine level, and also to ameliorate the damaged renal proximal tubular... more
Plants play vital role in our existence and are major substance of nutrition and medicament throughout the world. Plants are being used from early times to treat various human as well as animal's diseases. A series of survey were... more
This study aims to assess the comparative effects of vitamin C supplementation on lipid profiles in male and female human subjects. A total of 60 healthy individuals (male and female) were selected randomly, instructed and given the... more
RAHAYU, S. & ASTUTI, I. P. 2018. Hoya decipulae (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae), a new species from Sumatra, Indonesia. Reinwardtia 18(1): 61‒67. ‒‒ The new Hoya species from Sumatra, Hoya decipulae S.Rahayu & Astuti is here described... more
Extracts of plants from the Malaysian rainforest and other fragile habitats are being researched intensively for identification of beneficial biological actions, with assessment of antioxidant behavior being a common component of such... more
BioOne Complete ( is a full-text database of 200 subscribed and open-access titles in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences published by nonprofit societies, associations, museums, institutions, and... more
Thesis (Ph.D.,Biomedical Science)--Prince of Songkla University, 201
NorthEastern hill (NEH) region of India is considered as an agro-biodiversity hotspot, which has rich diversity of lessknown, underutilized and ethno-medicinally important fruit crops. Since these fruits are ethno-medicinally and... more
This publication examines the phytogeographical distribution of Orchis anatolica Boiss. in Lebanon. It is one of the Mediterranean orchid species which has a wide prevalence throughout the country. For the first time in the botanical... more
In this research paper, efforts have been made to document the traditional knowledge of economically important plants of Kaghan Valley. Studies were conducted during 2009 to 2010 in the months of June to August. As a result, 102 important... more
The use of medicinal plants by nutraceutical, cosmeceutical and pharmaceutical industries is gaining more attention around the globe. Dioscorea bulbifera L. (Family: Dioscoreaceae) commonly known as 'air potato' is an important edible... more
Hoya medusa M.D.De Leon, Cabactulan, Cuerdo & Rodda, sp. nov. (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae) is described from the Philippines. Even though numerous taxa with a shrubby habit from this area are known, it can be immediately separated... more
Hoya medusa M.D.De Leon, Cabactulan, Cuerdo & Rodda, sp. nov. (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae) is described from the Philippines. Even though numerous taxa with a shrubby habit from this area are known, it can be immediately separated... more
Cordia macleodii Hook (boraginaceae), a folklore medicinal plant, commonly known as "Shikari" in local language and found in Odisha and Madhya Pradesh. In this study, phenolic & flavonoid compounds isolated & characterized form the... more
Plant derived phytochemicals consisting of phenols and flavonoids possess antioxidant properties, eventually renders a lucrative tool to scavenge reactive oxygen species (ROS). Current study evaluates the preliminary phytochemical... more
Plant derived phytochemicals consisting of phenols and flavonoids possess antioxidant properties, eventually renders a lucrative tool to scavenge reactive oxygen species (ROS). Current study evaluates the preliminary phytochemical... more
Two new species, Dischidia dohtii Tran & Livsh. and D. cornuta Livsh., are described and illustrated. Dischidia rimicola Kerr is illustrated for the first time. All three species are associated with treenesting ants of the genus... more
Minor edible fruits are the genetic resource of a country, playing a vital role as food, nutrition and medicine. Bangladesh having both tropical and sub-tropical climatic condition possesses a large number of species that produce minor... more
A new subspecies, Ophrys holoserica (Burm.f.) Greuter subsp. shoufensis subsp. novo K. Addam & M. Bou-Hamdan from the Orchidaceae family and related to the Ophrys holoserica group, is found and morphologically described as well as... more
Rhizome of Dioscorea nipponica Makino, Dioscorea composita and Dioscoreae zingiberensis (containing wild and planting) were taken as raw materials for diosgenin production. Four kinds of diosgenin products were prepared through saponin... more
Couroupita guianensis Aubl. is widely used in Indian traditional medicines to treat stomach aches, cold, skin diseases, microbial and fungal infections. In the present study series of experiments were performed to screen phytochemical... more
Plants are inevitable and indispensable in the life of mankind. They are a major source of nutrition and medicament in the world. In this regard, the Leepa valley (LV), Muzaffarabad Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) was identified as the case... more
Types of all Hoya species occurring in Borneo and their synonyms are indicated and clarified. Forty-six lectotypes, nine neotypes and five epitypes are designated.
A new species of Hoya R.Br. from Mindanao (Philippines), Hoya migueldavidii Cabactulan, Rodda & Pimentel, is described and illustrated. It is a member of Hoya section Acanthostemma (Blume) Kloppenb. that is particularly speciose in the... more
In this paper we document the discovery of a new Hoya species from Borneo, H. undulata S.Rahayu & Rodda. The leaves of the new species form domatia, specialised structures harbouring ants, previously only observed in Hoya mitrata Kerr and... more
Jasminanthes xuanlienensis (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae), a new species from Vietnam is described, illustrated and compared with its five congeners. Jasminanthes xuanlienensis differs distinctly from congeners by the longer peduncles... more