Recent papers in Metabolomics
The objective of this work was to determine whether metabolic fingerprinting of spent bovine embryo culture media using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) correlates with embryonic sex. Embryos were produced in vitro from... more
316L stainless steel is widely used in implantology, although biological complications may result from its insufficient mechanical properties and low corrosion resistance in the human body. In order to improve the corrosion resistance of... more
X-ray microcomputed tomography (mCT) allows nondestructive visualisation of plant root systems within their soil environment and thus offers an alternative to the commonly used destructive methodologies for the examination of plant roots... more
The antimicrobial peptide human α-defensin 5 (HD5) is expressed in Paneth cells, secretory epithelial cells in the small intestine. Unlike other characterized defensins, HD5 is stored in secretory vesicles as a propeptide. The storage... more
Potassium metabisulphite (PMB) is a common antimicrobial additive in the food industry. In aqueous solutions, PMB leads to complex equilibria according to its concentration, pH and temperature, and different chemical species can be... more
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Elucidating the signalling mechanisms by which obesity leads to impaired insulin action is critical in the development of therapeutic strategies for the treatment of diabetes 1 . Recently, mice deficient for S6 Kinase 1 (S6K1), an... more
Incomplete knowledge of biochemical pathways makes the holistic description of plant metabolism a non-trivial undertaking. Sensitive analytical platforms, which are capable of accurately quantifying the levels of the various molecular... more
Metabolomics experiments usually result in a large quantity of data. Univariate and multivariate analysis techniques are routinely used to extract relevant information from the data with the aim of providing biological knowledge on the... more
Engulfment and subsequent degradation of apoptotic cells is an essential step that occurs throughout life in all multicellular organisms 1-3 . ELMO/Dock180/Rac proteins are a conserved signalling module for promoting the internalization... more
8 typically slower than ϳ1 km s −1 ) might differ significantly from what is assumed by current modelling efforts 27 . The expected equation-of-state differences among small bodies (ice versus rock, for instance) presents another... more
by in situ X-ray observations based on the same pressure scale in the previous study . The overpressure was calculated using these boundaries. We observed the pressure to drop during the transformation by 1-2 GPa, but this would not... more
High-throughput screening of physical, genetic and chemical-genetic interactions brings important perspectives in the Systems Biology field, as the analysis of these interactions provides new insights into protein/gene function, cellular... more
Biological systems are exceedingly complex. The unraveling of the genome in plants and humans revealed fewer than the anticipated number of genes. Therefore, other processes such as the regulation of gene expression, the action of gene... more
In this publication, we report the outcome of the integrated EU Framework 6 Project: Predictive Toxicology (PredTox), including methodological aspects and overall conclusions. Specific details including data analysis and interpretation... more
During waterlogging conditions plants switch from aerobic respiration to anaerobic fermentation to cope with the lack of available oxygen. Plants have two main fermentation pathways: ethanol and lactic acid fermentation. In this paper we... more
Hemorrhagic shock, often a result of traumatic injury, is a condition of reduced perfusion that results in diminished delivery of oxygen to tissues. The disruption in oxygen delivery induced by both ischemia (diminished oxygen delivery)... more
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LCMS) are frequently used as technological platforms for metabolomics applications. In this study, the metabolic profiles of ripe fruits from 50 different... more
I was appalled when I read a report in Nature last year about proposals by the Indian government to encourage universities to teach astrology (Nature 411, 227; 200110.1038/35077282), but never thought that anything similar might occur in... more
Keywords: Apolipoprotein Fibrinogen One-carbon metabolism S-Adenosylmethionine Two-dimensional electrophoresis Both cardiovascular disease and liver injury are major public health issues. Hyperhomocysteinemia has been linked to... more