Method of Moments
Most cited papers in Method of Moments
This paper studies the application of the multilevel fast multipole algorithm (MLFMA) to the analysis of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) problems. For structures composed of complex surfaces, wires, and interconnections of the latter,... more
The generalized Pareto distribution is a two-parameter distribution that contains uniform, exponential, and Pareto distributions as special cases. It has applications in a number of fields, including reliability studies and the analysis... more
To select a set of appropriate n umerical attributes of features from the i n terested objects for the purpose of classi cation has been among t he f u ndamental problems in the d e s i g n o f a n i m agery pattern recognition system.... more
This chapter treats statistical methods for network evolution. It is argued that it is most fruitful to consider models where network evolution is represented as the result of many (usually non-observed) small changes occurring between... more
With increasing miniaturization and operating speeds, loss of signal integrity due to physical interconnects represents a major performance limiting factor of chip-, boardor system-level design. Moment-matching techniques using Pad6... more
This paper deals with a multiresolution approach to the finite-element solution of the Electric Field Integral Equation (EF IE) formulation of the boundary value problem for Maxwell equations. After defining a multiresolution set of... more
Some of the most powerful techniques currently available to test the goodness of fit of a hypothesized continuous cumulative distribution function (CDF) use statistics based on the empirical distribution function (EDF), such as those of... more
In this paper, we give a detailed analysis of the accuracy of Zernike moments in terms of their discretization errors and the reconstruction power. It is found that there is an inherent limitation in the precision of computing the Zernike... more
In this paper, we present a new method for the design of multi-band microstrip filters. The proposed design method is based on Differential Evolution (DE) with strategy adaptation. This selfadaptive DE (SaDE) uses previous experience in... more
In this paper, a new technique for preconditioning electric field integral equations (EFIEs) by leveraging Calderón identities is presented. In contrast to all previous Calderón preconditioners, the proposed preconditioner is purely... more
We provide an asymptotic distribution theory for a class of Generalized Method of Moments estimators that arise in the study of differentiated product markets when the number of observations is associated with the number of products... more
The Weibull distribution is used to model wind speeds at four locations in Oman. The scale and shape parameters were estimated using three methods, the Chi-square method, method of moments and regression method. It was observed that the... more
A 1-18-GHz broadband double-ridged horn antenna with coaxial input feed section is investigated. For the ridged horn antenna it is found that the radiation pattern, contrary to common belief, does not maintain a single main lobe in the... more
|-FISC (Fast Illinois Solver Code) is designed to compute RCS of a target described by a triangular facet le. The problem is formulated by the method of moments (MoM), where the RWG (Rao, Wilton, and Glisson) basis functions are used. The... more
Abstruct-We discuss how forward scattering can be characterized in terms of an equivalent blockage width, and a relation between this and the bistatic scattering width is derived. Then, we show how cylinders such as struts and masts can... more
In wireless channels, multipath fading and shadowing occur simultaneously leading to the phenomenon referred to as composite fading. The use of the Nakagami probability density function (PDF) to model multipath fading and the Gamma PDF to... more
With the rapid growth of interventional MRI, radiofrequency (RF) heating at the tips of guidewires, catheters, and other wireshaped devices has become an important safety issue. Previous studies have identified some of the variables that... more
We describe a numerically efficient strategy for solving a linear system of equations arising in the Method of Moments for solving electromagnetic scattering problems. This novel approach, termed as the characteristic basis function... more
The finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method is used to calculate the detailed specific absorption rate (SAR) within the human body. SAR distributions are calculated using incident frequencies of 100 and 350 MHz for three different... more
A model for network panel data is discussed, based on the assumption that the observed data are discrete observations of a continuous-time Markov process on the space of all directed graphs on a given node set, in which changes in tie... more
In this paper, we describe an electromagnetic genetic algorithm (GA) optimization (EGO) application developed for the cluster supercomputing platform. A representative patch antenna design example for commercial wireless applications is... more
This paper shows how Hahn moments provide a unified understanding of the recently introduced Chebyshev and Krawtchouk moments. The two latter moments can be obtained as particular cases of Hahn moments with the appropriate parameter... more
A novel fractal DGS has been presented. The DGS lattice is a fractal Sierpinski-carpet type, instead of the rectangular holes used previously so that DGS can be adjusted by the filling factor. Simulation has shown that the proposed... more
In this paper, we investigate the complex interrelations among work-time, wages, and health identified in the Grossman model of the demand for health. Hansen's generalized method of moments techniques are employed to estimate a 3-equation... more
A novel double higher order Galerkin-type method of moments based on higher order geometrical modeling and higher order current modeling is proposed for surface integral equation analysis of combined metallic and dielectric antennas and... more
We present a projection-based nonlinear model order reduction method, named model order reduction via quadratic-linear systems (QLMOR). QLMOR employs two novel ideas: 1) we show that nonlinear ordinary differential equations, and more... more
A joint field/circuit model is proposed in this paper to characterize a class of line-to-ring coupling structures for design and optimization of microstrip dual-mode filters and ring resonator circuits. The generic model is derived from... more
In many studies concerning wire heating during MR imaging, a "resonant wire length" that maximizes RF heating is determined. This may lead to the nonintuitive conclusion that adding more wire, so as to avoid this resonant length, will... more
Ich hatte bis heute drei Psychosen. Die erste vor 12 Jahren. Damals fand ich relativ schnell wieder in ein normales Leben zurück. Ich konnte zu Hause bei meinen Eltern bleiben, ein Klinikaufenthalt wurde vermieden. Niemand auûer meiner... more
This paper studies the application of the simulated method of moments (SMM) to the estimation of nonlinear dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models. Monte-Carlo analysis is employed to examine the small-sample properties of... more
A small H-shaped microstrip patch antenna (MPA) with enhanced bandwidth is presented. The H-shaped antenna is first studied by a transmission line model and then is fully analyzed with a MoM code. A stacked patch configuration is proposed... more
Reverberation chambers can be used to measure radiation efficiency of small antennas when these are located close to lossy objects. The lossy objects represent a heavy loading of the chamber. This loading is characterized by the mean... more
In this letter, we investigate the outage performance of dual-hop decode-and-forward (DF) cooperative systems in an interference-limited Nakagami-m fading environment. More specifically, assuming the presence of Nakagami-m faded multiple... more
We apply space mapping to antenna design for the first time. We exploit a coarse-mesh method of moments (MoM) solver as the coarse model and align it with the fine-mesh MoM solution through space mapping. We employ two plans: (I) implicit... more
The scattering of an electromagnetic plane wave from an arbitrary configuration of parallel circular cylinders is investigated using four different techniques. The cylinders are made of perfectly conducting or homogeneous dielectric... more
The optical transmission and reflection in between two metalized optical fiber tips is studied in the optical near-field and far-field domains. Besides aluminum-coated tips for near-field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM), specifically... more
This second part of a two-paper sequence deals with the generalization to three-dimensional (3-D) arrays of the truncated Floquet wave (TFW) diffraction method for the full wave analysis of large arrays. This generalization potentially... more
Rupture of intracranial saccular aneurysms is the most common cause of spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage, which has significant morbidity and mortality. Although there is still controversy regarding the decision on which unruptured... more
This paper presents a novel algorithm for the analysis of quasi-optical filters, consisting of thick metal screens perforated periodically with arbitrarily shaped apertures. The algorithm is based on the widely used method of moments... more
A time-domain surface integral equation approach based on the electric field formulation is utilized to calculate the transient scattering from both conducting and dielectric bodies consisting of arbitrarily shaped complex structures. The... more
The paper introduces a frequentist's alternative to the recently developed hierarchical Bayes methods for small area estimation with binary data. Specifically, the best predictor (BP) and empirical best predictor (EBP) of small area... more
This paper presents new singular curl-and divergence-conforming vector bases that incorporate the edge conditions. Singular bases complete to arbitrarily high order are described in a unified and consistent manner for curved triangular... more
A new application for corrugated waveguides as left-handed (LH) meta-material guided-wave structures is investigated. The waveguide is operated below the cutoff of the dominant mode, where the waveguide has an inherent shunt inductance.... more