Mineral Nutrition
Recent papers in Mineral Nutrition
Este trabalho teve por objetivo comparar a produção de frutos e de estolhos do morangueiro (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) cv. Campinas IAC-2712, em função de três sistemas de condução em ambiente protegido (solo, hidropônico-NFT e hidroponia... more
An attempt was taken to select the effective peeling methods of potatoes based on mineral content and to formulate biscuits using potato flour as a partial substitute of wheat flour. The potatoes were collected and washed with water... more
The present work was aimed at determining the limits of tolerance to sodium chloride (NaCl) of a halophyte, Beta macrocarpa Guss (wild Swiss chard). Five week-old plants were cultivated with a nutritive solution to which was added 0, 100,... more
Lebanon's native flora is threatened by loss of natural habitat to rural and urban development and the increased demand of plant materials for landscaping. Despite Lebanon's floristic richness, most taxa used for landscaping are... more
Soybean (Glycine max L.) has been gaining more and more importance in terms of crop production, once yield components are to be directly impinged upon soil water supply and phosphorus in the soil so that such a crop might be able to... more
The production of vigorous coffee plants at the nursery is the basis of their successful establishment in the field. The replacement of old plantations by the new high-yielding varieties requires a high production of good quality... more
Effect of sodium chloride and sodium sulphate salinities on growth and mineral nutrition of peanut (A. hypooea L.) variety TMV-10 has been studied. Both salts suppressed growth of the plants. The inorganic analysis revealed that NaC1 and... more
This study aims to improve fertilization management of artichoke in organic farming. Four fertilization program treatments based on compost and compost tea have been experienced: Control Treatment (T0): 100% compost needs are made in... more
Ancient landscapes, which have not been glaciated in recent times or disturbed by other major catastrophic events such as volcanic eruptions, are dominated by nutrient-impoverished soils. If these parts of the world have had a relatively... more
The performance of six lettuce cultivars of the American group, under hydroponic system "NFT" was evaluated in Marechal Cândido Rondon, Paraná State, Brazil. The experiment was performed from June to August 2001, in randomized blocks... more
RESUMO -O trabalho objetivou avaliar o estado nutricional, a produção e a composição do mosto de uvas em videiras submetidas a diferentes modos de distribuição de composto orgânico no solo. O experimento foi conduzido em um vinhedo da cv.... more
The research focused on the benefits of micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) and their associated deficiency diseases and health complications. Micronutrients are essential elements required by human and other organisms in varying... more
Aim: To obtain specific references for the nutritional diagnosis of ten essential nutrients for leaf blade and petiole of ‘red Grenache’ (Vitis vinifera L.). Methods and results : Leaf blades and petioles from 36 vineyards of ‘red... more
A field experiment wasconducted during the rabi season of 2014-15 in GBPU&T, Pantnagar to study the effect of different tillage and precision nutrient management on nutrient content, Nitrogen uptake, energy, economics and yield of wheat.... more
Permanent tree crop agriculture and multi-strata agroforestry are among the most promising options for the agricultural use of the mostly nutrient-poor and physically fragile soils of central Amazonia. In general, though, information on... more
Sri Lankan iron industry dates far back to the history and it was the origen of the iron metal which used in the production of famous "Damascas Swards". This report reviews on the iron ore deposits of Sri Lanka and proposes a suitable... more
In race towards high production and profit from agriculture, the farmers are adopting abnormal production technologies like heavy and injudicious use of chemical fertilizers that have reduced the factor productivity due to negative effect... more
Although silicon is not considered an essential element; plant development, growth and yield has been increased in many graminaceous and some nongraminaceous crop species. Silicon also is known to reduce plant diseases especially in rice.... more
The analysis of some phytochemicals and minerals were performed using aqueous stem bark extract of Albizia lebbeck obtained from Gano town of Wudil Local Government Area, Kano-Nigeria. The research work was undertaken to identify and... more
Sports Nutrition: From Lab to Kitchen is written by leaders in the field who discuss the latest science and translate the scientific findings into a practical message. This book bridges the gap between science and practice.
Cacao, one of the world's most important perennial crops, is almost exclusively explored for chocolate manufacturing. Most cacao varieties belong to three groups: Criollo, Forastero and Trinitario that vary according to morphology,... more
Geese for slaughter and wild geese as a source of selected mineral elements in a diet. AbstrAct To source geese for slaughter and commercial sale, domesticated geese (Anser anser domesticus) of various breeds and varieties are used all... more
The present study was designed to study the effect of light intensity, mineral fertilizer rates of NPK (19:19:19) at 0.0, 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 g / pot and their combined effect on growth, flowering and chemical composition of leaves and... more
An assessment of the urban forestry status in the mining town of Bindura was carried out to determine the diversity, composition and distribution of plant species. The town was stratified into residential, town centre and industrial... more
The genus Vitex includes many species from tropical and also from temperate areas. Among these species, Vitex negundo possess analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant, hepatoprotective, antihistamine and anti-asthmatic... more
European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and gilthead sea bream(Sparus aurata) are amongst the most important finfish speciescultured in the Mediterranean region. Production of these species isnowadays a well-controlled process, but... more
Animal protein intake of Nigerians is generally low leading to acute Malnutrition amongst the poor. Supply of animal protein cannot meet up with the increase in the population hence the high cost of same. The... more
Makanan sebagai sumber protein, karbohidrat, lemak, vitamin, dan mineral sangat diperlukan bagi kesehatan fisik, pertumbuhan, dan mengatur proses metabolisme. Makanan yang berkualitas, aman dan menarik dapat diperoleh melalui perlakuan... more
Pjesë përbërëse e sipërfaqes së Tokës është edhe UJI. Pikërisht sasia e madhe e tij është arsyeja që na bën ta quajmë Tokën " Planeti i kaltër". Megjithatë, pjesa më e madhe e rezervave të ujit u përket oqeaneve dhe deteve dhe vetëm 0, 6%... more
Compilation of Vitamin D articles and letters 2004-2020 by Dr Alex Vasquez updated Jan 9, 2021
Hipertensi atau tekanan darah tinggi sering disebut sebagai pembunuh gelap atau silent killer. Salah satu faktor penyebab hipertensi di antaranya adalah tingginya asupan natrium, rendahnya asupan kalium, dan rasio asupan natrium : kalium... more
La epigenética estudia los procesos de expresión géni- ca que no requieren de la modificación de la secuencia de AdN, es decir, se ocupa de las diferentes trayectorias que un genotipo puede tomar a lo largo del desarrollo del organismo.... more
Mineral mikro yang paling banyak terdapat 3-5 gr didalam tubuh manusia dewasa (70% dalam hemoglobin, 25% besi cadangan (iron storage) yang terdiri dari feritin edan homossiderin terdapat dalam hati, limfa dan sum-sum tulang.
Telur memiliki kandungan protein yang cukup tinggi dengan susunan asam-asam amino lengkap. Telur dikonsomsi secara luas di masyarakat, oleh karena telur mudah diperoleh dan harga pasarannya relatif terjangkau. Namun, telur memiliki... more
Makanan merupakan kebutuhan pokok bagi setiap manusia, karena mengandung zat-zat yang dibutuhkan oleh manusia dalam melangsungkan hidup. Air merupakan senyawa yang terdapat pada hampir semua jenis makanan. Jumlah air yang terkandung... more
Penentuan kadar lemak adalah mengoksidasikan senyawa organik pada suhu 105°C dan melakukan penimbangan zat yang tersisa setelah proses pembakaran tersebut. Praktikum ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis proksimat yaitu penetapan kadar... more
World population is growing at an alarming rate and is anticipated to reach about six billion by the end of year 2050. On the other hand, agricultural productivity is not increasing at a required rate to keep up with the food demand. The... more