Recent papers in Narrativity
The object of study in the article is the problem of the nature of the opposition aorist - imperfect in the contemporary Bulgarian language. Different opinions on the issue are systematized with an emphasis on the main differences between... more
Suspendus aux lèvres d’un conteur, incapables d’interrompre la lecture d’un roman, captivés par un film haletant, nous faisons tous l’expérience quotidienne de ce plaisir apparemment paradoxal que nous tirons de notre insatisfaction... more
This article analyzes the video game BioShock Infinite for how its world, the history of the city it is set in, and its narrative events are suffused with questions of nationalism and imperialism. As an alternate-history first-person... more
Unnatural narratology has recently focused our attention on unnatural representations of time. It is usually assumed that the ‘typical sjuzhet’ must be linear, while the ‘variable sjuzhet’ is unnatural and belongs exclusively to... more
Im Folgenden behandle ich Manifestationen von Heiligkeit anhand eines arabischen Textes aus dem östlichen Nildelta, der auf eine in etwa vier Meter lange Papierrolle geschrieben wurde. Da der Text mehrmals kopiert wurde, kann kein genaues... more
Interview mit Algirdas Julien Greimas, realisiert im April 1983 in Paris. In diesem Interview werden folgende Themen diskutiert: 1) Präsentation der "Pariser Schule" der Semiotik durch Greimas. 2) Platz der Bedutungssemiotik innerhalb... more
L’article présente un genre particulier de récit, le feuilleton médiatique. Il s’agit d’articles de presse qui suivent un événement réel (p. ex. un conflit, une affaire, etc.), provisoirement inachevé ou incomplet, et dont la narration se... more
je voudrais montrer que cerre dernière -l-) est autant une pzmme de discorde que, du moins dans l'un des sens que I'on peut lui prêtet une forme particulière de discordance associée à une histoire, que cerre dernière soit effectivement... more
The development of automatic narrative systems has been largely driven by the engineering tendency to anthropomorphize the machine logic so they can ‘tell stories’ similar to how humans do. From the artists’ perspective, however, the... more
"Carter's music poses struggles of opposition, for instance in timbre (Double Concerto), space (String Quartet No. 3) or pulse (String Quartet No. 5). His preference for the all-interval tetrachords, 4–Z15 [0, 1, 4, 6] and 4–Z29 [0, 1, 3,... more
What is at stake in the way Nathalie Sarraute’s Tropismes (1939) articulates the relationship to the event? How does the microscopic scale of observation present a new perspective on the concept of the event? Drawing from philosopher... more
Riassunto integrato con appunti di semiotica
This article deals with literary testimony as an author’s response to previous objectivation. We can observe objectivation in its delimited form through the act of arrest, as there is a sudden transformation of the subject into the object... more
Ces 14 pages racontent le rôle de châteaux hantés et jardins d'illusion dans trois des grands romans d'Europe : Le Roland amoureux de Matteo Boiardo, le Roland furieux de Ludovico Ariosto, et la Jérusalem délivrée de Torquato Tasso. Ce... more
O livro estrutura-se em três capítulos: “O webdocumentário: Cinema e novas lógicas de produção cultural”, que discute o ambiente que possibilitou o surgimento dos webdocs; “Duas décadas de webdocs – cartografias possíveis”, analisa os... more
This paper attempts to focus critically on the idea of parallel worlds in Haruki Murakami's novel 1Q84. Firstly, it reveals the connection between the present world and the parallel world represented as 1984 and 1Q84. Murakami showcases... more
Mémoire de recherche rédigé dans le cadre de la validation du Master Arts et Langages de l'Écoles des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales.
This paper attempts to focus critically on the idea of parallel worlds in Haruki Murakami's novel 1Q84. Firstly, it reveals the connection between the present world and the parallel world represented as 1984 and 1Q84. Murakami... more
This study discusses the degrees of multimodal narrativity and the role of closure in multimodal storyworld projection in TV advertisements. Narrativity is here understood as a scalar property (Ryan 2006; Abbott 2011) whereby certain... more
Bilan décennal du GARPAN (2012-2021). Dix ans d'investigation et de recherche sur les observations et les rencontres d'ovnis / humanoïdes, par Yann Vadnais. Éditions Garpan, 598 p. Richement illustré. Table des matières... more
Rationale and innovative nature of the sociomaterial orientation Gary Barkhuizen's recent publications outline the advances that have been made by scholars in researching narratives. Under the umbrella term of narrative knowledging,... more
Considering that everything is political, this paper attempts to establish a typology of adaptive writing strategies for different larps and design purposes.
En esta tesis se aborda la obra fotográfica de Steven Meisel (1954–), caracterizada por un posicionamiento activista dentro del mundo de la moda, en el que se inscribe, que lo hacen singular. En la hipótesis principal se señala cómo un... more
The most important theme in early Western Tibetan narrative art are the life and previous lives of the Buddha. This article is a first attempt to examine the iconography of the (remaining scenes ) of the cycle of the Buddha’s spiritual... more
Può un brano di musica strumentale raccontarci qualcosa similmente ad un romanzo? Partendo da questa domanda ho in primo luogo affrontato il tema della narratività musicale, per poi in un secondo luogo analizzare la prima e l'ultima... more
De identiteit van de narratie. Narrativiteit en identiteit bij Paul Ricoeur. De vraag die in deze tekst centraal zal staan is in hoeverre Ricoeurs veronderstelling van een synthese tussen concordantie en discordantie gegrond is. Ik zal me... more
This chapter sketches the outline of a cultural neurophenomenology of sociality – the tendency to form cooperative groups and experience shared ways of being and representing experience. I introduce the notion of interphenomenality to... more
Ce travail a pour objet la lecture de Tropismes (1939) de Nathalie Sarraute à partir du concept d’événement développé par le philosophe Claude Romano et, inversement, la mise à jour des nœuds critiques de l’herméneutique événementiale de... more
Resumen: La labor de Víctor Patricio de Landaluze en publicaciones satíricas dirigidas por J.M. Villergas en la Cuba española de mediados del siglo XIX destaca por encima de las de sus coetáneos. Brindó a los cubanos / españoles de su... more
Current methods of ascertaining the reliability of human intelligence focus predominantly on evaluating the reliability of sources. More leverage might be achieved through considering the reliability of narratives constructed or furnished... more
What makes a narrative text a narrative? This is the central question of the paper which functions as an introduction to the edited volume "Perspectivization on narrativity and narrative perspectivization" (2016, John Benjamins). Based... more
Essay published on the occasion of the exhibition 'On the Move: Storytelling in Contemporary Photography and Graphic Design', Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, 29.8.2014 - 18.01.2015 (pp. 66-73 in the catalogue).
La deconstrucción del thriller clásico a través de Double Indemnity (Billy Wilder, 1944) y del thriller postclásico a través de Memento (Christopher Nolan, 2000)
Cette courte présentation illustrée (qui remplace un texte antérieur) décrit certaines caractéristiques des histoires en image(s), avec des indications sur leur histoire en Europe.
"Resumen : Este texto es una revisión y síntesis de las bases de la semiótica francesa, siguiendo la línea teórica desde Ferdinand De Saussure, pasando por Louis Hjelmslev y Émile Benveniste; este texto se concentra fundamentalmente en la... more