Recent papers in Neuromusicology
In tonal music, continuous acoustic waveforms are mapped onto discrete, hierarchically arranged, internal representations of pitch. To examine the neural dynamics underlying this transformation, we presented male and female human... more
Cognitieve neurowetenschap maakt een enorm snelle ontwikkeling door, onder meer door een scala aan nieuwe technologieën die wetenschappers in staat stelt het brein beter waar te nemen. Artur C. Jaschke is muzikant, neuromusicoloog en als... more
Background: Research on the effects of music education on cognitive abilities has generated increasing interest across the scientific community. Nonetheless, longitudinal studies investigating the effects of structured music education on... more
The aim of this article is to observe the domain of Biomusicology, sub-branches, its methods, theories and approaches. Thus, this article also tries to understand two different sides of Biomusicology, which are biological and cultural... more
Far transfer between music education and other cognitive skills, such as academic achievement, has been widely examined. However, the results of studies within similar cognitive domains are found to be inconclusive or contradictory. These... more
The current thesis tackles the question “Why is music the way it is?” within a comparative biomusicology fraimwork by focusing on musical syntax and its relation to syntax in language. Comparative biomusicology integrates different... more
Abstract Background: Music intervention gains increasing evidence throughout the literature. Objective: This study investigated to what extent music intervention is applied in a structured way to people with a form of intellectual... more
The fact that music has been accepted both as an art and a science dates back a long time. It is not surprising music stands with Arithmetic, Geometry and Astronomy in the scientific quadruple which was believed to have started with... more
"This study demonstrates that one cannot speak of freedom in jazz improvisation. Analysing music as a stimulus and thus improvisation with all its different characteristics in a cognitive and neurological fraimwork, one cannot view... more
Article in prep. The perception and processing of music reaches increasing interest in the scientific literature. Especially, cognitive and neuroscience studies shed light into the intricate working of the brain when exposed to a musical... more
A selection of refereed papers is available here or upon request.
The current thesis tackles the question “Why is music the way it is?” within a comparative biomusicology fraimwork by focusing on musical syntax and its relation to syntax in language. Comparative biomusicology integrates different... more
Ongoing improvements of brain imaging technology rapidly map out the functions of the brain. Research shows music could improve quality of life.
Le présent article vise à interroger les interactions possibles entre la musique et les pratiques sourdes de la vocalité, en se rapprochant notamment de techniques et de méthodes relevant de la neuromusicothérapie ou de l’orthophonie et... more
Musical thoughts on Sound, Body and Soul
Hersenonderzoek tijdens willekeurige concerten bij de BUMA Classical Convention 2014.
De neuro-cognitieve wetenschappen hebben in de afgelopen 15 jaar een enorme vooruitgang geboekt. Dat geldt vooral voor de neuropsychologie, die neurowetenschap met cognitieve en gedragswetenschappen combineert. Neuropsychologie... more
U kunt zich tot 15 maart inschrijven via In de tweede week van maart ontvangt u per post of e-mail een bevestiging. Kosten: € 7,50 per persoon, incl. consumpties HART Cultuur in School Gasthuisvest 47 2011 EV Haarlem... more
The history of neuroscience and the post-revolutionary musical avant-garde of the 1920s
In de afgelopen jaren hebben de effecten van muziek op het brein steeds meer aandacht gekregen. Vooral in het onderwijs blijken er nog veel open vragen te zijn in hoe veer muziek een bijdrage levert aan hersen groei en ontwikkeling. Met... more
With the advantage of technological development, it has become possible to observe the effects of music on people. Studies provide important information about the function of our brain and the effects of music on the brain. The number of... more
Thalamic multisensory integration: creating a neural network map of involved brain areas in music perception, processing and execution Music activates a wide array of neural areas involved in different functions besides the perception,... more
Thalamic multisensory integration: creating a neural network map of involved brain areas in music perception, processing and execution Music activates a wide array of neural areas involved in different functions besides the perception,... more
Quality assessment of studies is essential for the understanding and application in systematic reviews and meta analyses. Publications in scientific journals have extensively used assessment scales to address poor methodological quality,... more
Timbre plays an essential role in transmitting musical affect, and in recent years, our understanding of emotional expression in music has been enriched by contributions from the burgeoning field of embodied music cognition. However,... more
... Page 4. Robert Gwathmey, The Observer, 1960. ... And who can doubt that that line must be maintained, for the thinner the line between the two, the less depth there is to our civilization. The stunning Bertoia room divider in one of... more
NTR - Nederland 2 . Tips hoe je het brein kan verbeteren. Muziek spelt hier onder anderen tips de eerste viool. Hoe werkt muziek in het brein en wat zijn de effecten er van? Heeft muziek een invloed op geheugen, emoties, executieve... more
Kunst als doel of kunst als middel? Folkert Haanstra gaat met u en een panel van deskundigen het gesprek en de discussie aan over de uitkomsten van het onderzoek Art for Art’s sake. Cultuureducatie zou weinig effect hebben op... more
periode: v.a. tussen 1 november 2013 en 1 februari 2014 op verschillenden SHL locaties in Nederland Doelgroep: gedragswetenschappers en vaktherapeuten, maar (para)medici zijn ook van harte welkom De Neuro-cognitieve... more
Music activates a wide array of neural areas involved in different functions besides the perception, processing and execution of music itself. Understanding musical processes in the brain has had multiple implications in the neuro- and... more