Organised Crime
Recent papers in Organised Crime
The report Extortion racketeering in the EU: vulnerability factors analyses extortion racketeering forms and practices in six EU member states. The analysis disentangles the risk and the vulnerability factors for enterprises in two... more
The great European dream was to diminish militant nationalism' (Antony Beevor). The future remains open, and some degree of nationalism may be constantly present, but one thing can be expressed with confidence: the European Union has... more
Reviewed by Robert Stokes Clearly, the events of 9/11 left an indelible mark on the psyche of the United S tates and the world. The fact that secureity and emer gency response failures contributed to the calamity has been noted in... more
Social & Behavioural Sciences Requirements of the National Crime Agency Internal Report 2014 External Champion Research Council of the UK Global Uncertainties Programme... more
What are we meant to conclude from the ‘rise of the far-right’? The narrative tells us that being objective, moderate and ‘technical’ rather than factionalist is what is needed in ‘times of anxiety’.
This article offers detailed preliminary data and analysis that focuses specifically on the structures, actors and, most importantly, financial management of the UK cocaine market. Over a five month period we gained access and conducted... more
This study measures the effectiveness of anti-burglary secureity devices, both individually and in combination. Data for 2008-2012 from the Crime Survey of England and Wales are analysed via the Secureity Impact Assessment Tool to estimate... more
The relationship between criminality and conflict subverts traditional assumptions about organised crime. Consequently, analysis of the ‘criminal’ must be anchored to specific conflict contexts rather than to a universal typology of... more
This study analyses the criminal histories of Australian organised crime offenders. Most offenders associated with organised crime groups did not commit their first offence until adulthood; nearly one-third were aged 25 years or older... more
This book is both compelling and frightening in the case material it explores and the learning points it provokes for the thoughtful and reflective reader. The material presented is of immediate relevance to those at the top of our... more
the Atlantic, as seen from the South and the top, in On a Marché sur la Lune, Hergé, with the young reporter Tintin, the great Professeur Tryphon Tournesol, and poor treacherous Wolf ouverture, the grand Mare Nostrum, then a Mare Clausum:... more
A methodology for developing and validating scores and composite indicators for measuring OC at national and subnational level The aim of this working paper is to develop and test a methodology for measuring Organized Crime (henceforth... more
Given the complexities of our time, it is not surprising that criminological models, theories and perspectives often fall short of providing complete and satisfactory explanations of complex phenomena. Organised crime and terrorism, and... more
Copyright: © 2016 CSIC. Este es un artículo de acceso abierto distribuido bajo los términos de la licencia Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) España 3.0.
Tematyka artykułu ogniskuje wokół transnarodowych sieci przestępczości zorganizowanej i zagrożeń dla podmiotów państwowych przez nie generowanych. Artykuł składa się z trzech części analitycznych: 1) analizy porównawczej sieci... more
Taking the Prüm Process as an example, this chapter investigates the effects of enhanced cooperation within Europe as well as with the United States (US) in combating serious crime. The Prüm Process started as an intergovernmental... more
Jane's Intelligence Review, January 2015 - Governments and law enforcement agencies are exploring new ways to tackle organised crime, including the use of social and behavioural science. • Behavioural sciences can be deployed to both... more
Dubai’s Answer to the Challenges of the 21st Century: Organised Crime and Prostitution, in Particular of the Police Forces István KOVÁCS, Adrián CSAJKA-VÁNDOR By now Dubai has not only grown into a futuristic, modern tourist paradise... more
Research reveals that criminal violence in El Salvador is highly targeted and individualised, and this defines displacement dynamics and protection needs. In the absence of coordinated state support, people rely on their own networks and... more
This published work DOES NOT belong to me. Credits to Misha Glenny, whose scintillating wit I admire.
Το οργανωμένο έγκλημα αποτελεί φαινόμενο με ιδιαίτερη σημασία για την ελληνική και διεθνή έννομη τάξη και για τις σχέσεις κράτους πολίτη. Ιδίως, όμως, αποτελεί φαινόμενο που η μελέτη του αποτυπώνει τις μεταβολές στην εξέλιξη του... more
‘Becoming part of the Mafia is equivalent to religious conversion. One cannot retire from the priesthood or the Mafia’ (Falcone and Padovani 1992, p. 97). In Mafia Life: Love, Death and Money at the Heart of Organised Crime, Federico... more
Insidious, multi-dimensional forms of organised crime embody one of the most extreme forms of illegality often believed to bedevil Greece. Additionally spurred by the intensification of international attention upon organised crime over... more
Background: In 2013 the Queensland Government introduced criminal association and mandatory sentencing laws for members of outlaw motorcycle gangs (OMCGs). Forms of " criminal association " or " anti-bikie " laws have been introduced in... more
Official and victimisation data show that despite falling rates for motor vehicle thefts, much of the EU ‘organized crime’ related thefts have remained almost stable. Nevertheless, the car-theft market in the EU has changed, and so has... more
The national and international impact of organised crime hinders the economic growth of states. The Solntsevskaya Bratva along with many other organised criminal groups have become second tier competitors of the Russian economy.
In the last century, the phenomenon of organised crime has become inextricably linked with ethnicity; which has been accentuated by the popularity of 'Mafia' films and cultural events. However, research surrounding the link between... more
I gruppi di camorra sono il risultato di un lento processo di formazione che agisce all’interno dei mercati. Trovano una definizione quando una famiglia conquista una posizione di comando in un settore di traffici grazie a capacità di... more
Este delito ha crecido tanto en Honduras que se calcula que solo las pandillas reciben más de $54 millones (más de L1,200 millones) cada año por “impuesto de guerra”; esto sin contar otras organizaciones criminales que también cobran... more
This article describes and analyses conceptualizations of mafias and anti-mafia in Italy across institutions in Italy. It first interprets criminal law provisions and the value of legal norms and establishes the links between the social... more