Recent papers in Otorhinolaryngology
Sensory organs play an important role in everyday life, particularly as the means of communication between people. During the last hundred years the methods of communication have changed a lot. Today, it is normal to see in the street... more
The aim was to develop a comprehensive screening instrument for evaluation of orofacial dysfunction that was easy to perform for different health professionals without special equipment. The Nordic Orofacial Test--Screening (NOT-S),... more
INTRODUCTION: Tracheostomy is a common procedure performed in critically ill ventilator-dependent patients to provide long-term airway access. About 10% of the ICU patients require prolonged mechanical ventilation and hence a tracheostomy... more
Authors: Skarżyński P.H., Tomanek E., Król B., Piłka A. Nowa Audiofonologia, 2(5), 2013: 25-29, ISSN 2084-946X Background: Zespół Ushera to choroba rzadka, charakteryzująca się rozpowszechnieniem, w zależności od populacja, na poziomie... more
Verbal fluency tests are useful measures of acquired language impairment and cognitive decline of various etiologies. The aim of this study was to provide normative data for the Swedish population on the three verbal fluency tests, FAS,... more
Hyperacusis, defined as unusual intolerance to ordinary environmental sounds, is a common problem for which there are no controlled trials on psychological treatment. Given the avoidance strategies present in hyperacusis, and similarities... more
ÖZET Amaç: Bu çalışmada sekiz farklı ses sistemi kullanılarak frekans ve perturbation paremetrelerini ölçmek ve programları karşılaştırmak amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yön-temler: Ses hastalıkları polikliniğimize Ocak 2011 ile Aralık 2011... more
BACKGROUND Suppurative otitis media is a very common disease in ENT practice in all age groups, but in children it represents an important cause of preventable hearing loss. Physicians attending such patients tend to use antibiotics in... more
Obecnie wiele zagadnień dotyczących szumów usznych oraz nadwrażliwości słuchowej pozostaje niewyjaśnionych. Narzędziami pozwalającymi na lepsze ich poznanie mogą okazać się standaryzowane, powszechnie stosowane kwestionariusze. W... more
- by Sandra Gaskell
- Otolaryngology, Otorhinolaryngology, Diagnostic Scissors Dissecting & Tissue Forceps Haemostatic Forceps Sponge/Dressing & Ligature Forceps Suture Retractors Urinary Instruments Trocars Gynecology Obstetrics Otology Rhinology Orthopedic Plaster Instruments Hollow wear, Laryngeal Cancer
Konuşma ve dil bozuklukları, alanımızda yer alan organları ilgilendirdiği veya bu organlarla ilgili belirtiler verdiği için KBB hekimleri tarafından bilinmesi gereken problemlerdir. Dil ve konuşma terapistine yönlendirilen hastaya doğru... more
Leczenie klasycznej częściowej głuchoty stanowiło wielkie wyzwanie kliniczne. Trudność polegała na takim wszczepieniu implantu ślimakowego, aby zachować istniejące u pacjenta resztki słuchowe, a następnie połączyć słuch akustyczny ze... more
A seminar presentation in Otorhinolaryngology
Anamnesis: Datos de filiación, motivo de consulta, enfermedad actual, antecedentes personales, antecedentes familiares, antecedentes sociales, hábitos, revisión actual por sistemas. Checklist signos vitales, checklist piel, checklist... more
BAB I PENDAHULUAN Tuberkulosis (TB) merupakan penyakit infeksi yang disebabkan oleh kuman basil tahan asam yaitu mikobakterium tuberkulosis. Tuberkulosis secara garis besar dikelompokkan menjadi Tuberkulosis pulmonal (TB paru) dan... more
Glotik düzeyde ortaya çıkan kaynak ses, glotisten dudaklara, burun deliklerine kadar uzanan ve ses yolu adı verilen kabaca tüp şeklindeki boşlukta değişime uğrayarak bir taraftan konuşma seslerine dönüşürken diğer taraftan da kişiye özgü... more
En el complejo pero muy hermoso campo de la Neurociencia, ha sido muy difícil entender la forma tan sutil y eficiente en que el Cerebro de los vertebrados sincroniza las señales neurales provenientes de los órganos vestibulares, de los... more
Foniyatri, dil ve konuşma terapisi, odyoloji gibi iletişim bozukluklarıyla ilgilenen bilim dalları dile bağımlıdır. Bu nedenle, iletişim bozukluklarıyla ilgilenen bilim insanları hastanın kullandığı dilin dilbilimsel ve fonetik... more
Organic speech disorder or dysglossia is an articulation disorder which arise as a result of organic changes in peripheral speech organs or in peripheral nerves that supply them. This presentation aims to classify dysglossias and provide... more
Amaç: Endolaringeal mikrocerrahi vokal kord poliplerinin temel tedavisidir. Cerrahi tedavi sonras› ses kalitesinde meydana gelen de¤ifliklikler, sesin iflitsel alg›sal de¤erlendirilmesini esas alan çeflitli skalalar ve/veya uygun... more
Artigo recebido em 12 de Junho de 2008. Artigo aprovado em 25 de Setembro de 2008.
Why do humans evolve external noses that don’t seem to serve any useful purpose – our smelling sensors are inside the head. Our nose is vulnerable to damage, and the majority of primates and other mammals manage with relatively flat... more
Central auditory processing disorder (CAPD) tests in a school-age hearing screening programme – analysis of 76,429 children. Ann Agric Environ Med. 2015; 22(1): 90–95. Abstract Introduction and objective. Hearing disorders among... more
Introduction Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) and maxillofacial surgery (MFS) have unique anaesthetic challanges, the main anesthetic concern is sharing of airway. The aim of this work is to determine the demographic and clinical chracteristic... more
Eagle syndrome is a rare and poorly understood clinical condition caused by an elongated or disfigured styloid process. The possible managements of Eagle syndrome include conservative medical treatment or surgical intervention. The... more
Over the past 20 years, research on the physiology of swallowing has confirmed that the oropharyngeal swallowing process can be modulated, both volitionally and in response to different sensory stimuli. In this review we identify what is... more
Chronic cough (CC) and paradoxical vocal fold movement (PVFM) are debilitating conditions. PVFM has been given many labels,1 including vocal cord dysfunction,2 Munchausen's stridor, functional inspiratory stridor, nonorganic functional or... more
Background: Definitive enlargement of the glottis with preservation of adequate voicing in patients with bilateral recurrent nerve paralysis remains a surgical challenge especially in patients with previous unsuccessful surgery. Study... more
Septoplasty has been identified as suitable for day surgery, but is not commonly performed as such. Guidelines for day surgery stipulate that the unexpected re-admission rate should be 2–3 %; however previous studies have not attained... more
In article is presented analysis of the periods of the removing tympanoventillation tubes beside 40 sick with otitis media with effusion. Removing tympanoventilation tubes was conducted depending onstage of the disease and data... more
Background: Chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) is a notorious infection and a major health problem in developing countries causing serious local damage and threatening complications. Early and effective treatment based on the... more
To review available resources and provide evidence-based recommendations that may optimize otorhinolaryngologic outpatient health care delivery in the "post"-COVID-19 era while ensuring the safety of our patients, healthcare workers and... more
In Sweden, there is a lack of evidence-based rehabilitation programs for hearing loss. The Active Communication Education program (ACE) has successfully been used in Australia and was translated and evaluated in a Swedish pilot study. The... more
Authors: A.Fabijańska, J.Smurzyński, S.Hatzopoulos, K.Kochanek, G.Bartnik, D.Raj-Koziak, M.Mazzoli, P.H.Skarżyński, W.W.Jędrzejczak, A.Szkiełkowska, H.Skarżyński The aim of this study was to evaluate distortion product otoacoustic... more
The aim of the study was to evaluate the role of vitamin-B 12 and folate blood concentrations in children suffering from moderate, severe, and severe-to-profound sensorineural hearing loss ( SNHL).
Background: The submandibular gland is the second largest major salivary gland and weighs 7-16 gr. The gland is located in both sides of the face, at the same level of the body of the jaw, in the submandibular triangle, The submandibular... more