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Pre-school education Research Papers -

Pre-school education

209 papers
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Pre-school education refers to the structured educational programs designed for children typically aged 3 to 5 years, focusing on early childhood development. It aims to promote cognitive, social, emotional, and physical growth through play-based learning and foundational skills, preparing children for the transition to formal schooling.
‘Our Goolay’yari Home’, by Chantel Jurcevic (aka Chantel Cabrera), a children’s story ebook, is set at the Goolay’yari (Cooks River, Sydney), and follows a girl and her aunty exploring the river, the history, biodiversity and relationship... more
Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) is essential in developing young children's fundamental cognitive and social-emotional skills. This research examines the difficulties encountered by early ECCE in Punjab, Pakistan, specifically... more
Este ensayo trata sobre estrategias para El exito del Programa de Intervenciones y Apoyos Conductuales Positivos  (PBIS, por su siglas en Ingles) Al contexto escolar de Puerto Rico
Denna studie handlar om hur en digital läsresurs (Polyglutt) används i den svenska förskolan. Syftet med studien är att utforska och analysera digitala läspraktiker inom den svenska förskolan och frågeställningarna löd som följande: 1)... more
The aim of this study is to prepare teaching materials supported by history of science and to examine the effect of this teaching material on students' understanding of the nature of science. The study was carried out with 20 students in... more
Bu calismanin amaci, Chambers tarafindan gelistirilen daha sonra pek cok arastirmaci tarafindan farkli yas grubundaki ogrencilere uygulanan “Draw A Scientist Test” (DAST) olcegini genisletip ilkogretim ogrencilerinin bilim insanina... more
Preschool children with special needs are educated in special education kindergartens, the number of which has increased in recent years in Türkiye. Teachers working in these schools have great responsibilities. It is known that teachers... more
Se ha propuesto que la regulación de la emoción (RE) constituye un factor con capacidad predictiva sobre el desempeño académico. Sin embargo, los estudios empíricos son escasos y aún se conoce relativamente poco sobre la relación... more
Yeni eğitim sisteminin (4+4+4) uygulanmasında yaşanan sorunlar ve çözüm önerileri (Bolu il örneği) [Problems and solutions for the processing of the application of the new schooling system (4+4+4) (City of Bolu sample)].
Arastirmanin temel amaci bagimsiz anaokulu mudurleri ile bunyesinde anasinifi bulunan ilkokul mudurlerinin okul oncesi egitime iliskin goruslerini belirlemektir. Arastirmada nitel yontem kullanilmistir. Arastirmanin calisma grubunu... more
Toplumsal cinsiyet, toplumun kadin ve erkekten cinsiyetine uygun olarak bekledigi gorev, sorumluluk ve davranislar olarak tanimlanir (Vatandas, 2007). Toplumun belirledigi kulturel ve sosyal degerler, beklentiler ve cinsiyete ozgu... more
Введение. Обсуждается формирование модели качественного образовательного процесса в медицинском вузе с целью подготовки высококвалифицированного специалиста и разносторонне образованной личности. Постановка задачи. Задача исследования –... more
The study investigated the Impact of home and School Environment on Kindergarten Children's School Readiness in Makurdi Metropolis. Two research questions were formulated and answered in relation to the available literature. Descriptive... more
Univerzitet u Beogradu Filozofski fakultet Apstrakt. Dečji vrtić ne postoji izolovano od svog okruženja, niti može obavlјati svoju vaspitno-obrazovnu funkciju izolovano od lokalne zajednice čiji je deo. Povezivanje dečjeg vrtića i... more
Design, implementation, and transfer analysis of a cognitive inhibition training task for school children. A pilot study A B S T R A C T Within a non-unitary approach to inhibition, cognitive inhibition is identified as the ability to... more
Europos Sąjungos struktūrinių fondų lėšų bendrai finansuojamas projektas "Inovacijos vaikų darželyje" (projekto Nr.
Nowadays, artificial intelligence, which is used in different fields with the increase in the number of works and transactions carried out in digital environment, is also used in the field of education. The main purpose of this study is... more
Reggio Emilia, educational movement, started by the villager women's interference, recently have been come an education approach accepted by worldwide. This article has been constructed to find out the history, philosophical bases,... more
The advancement of information technologies has contributed to shaping a different vision of the life of society as a whole. In the age of digitalisation, society faces various changes in communication, as well as in everyday life. In the... more
Tidsskrift for Børne- og Ungdomskultur havde i sit foregående nummer som tema Den fænomenale leg, og det indeholdt artikler om leg set i politiske, kulturelle og pædagogiske kontekster og forståelsesrammer. Det viste sig efter udgivelsen,... more
Çocukların bilime ve bilim insanına yönelik tutum ve kalıplaşmış yargıları onların bilime olan ilgilerini ve bilimsel alanlarda kariyer yapma isteklerini, bilim insanı olmaya yönelik eğilimlerini etkileyebilmektedir. Bu makalede... more
Bu çalışmada rol oyunlarının sosyal etkileşim ve dilsel gelişim üzerindeki etkileri araştırılmıştır. Oyunlar sadece çocuğun okulöncesi dönemde kendi kendine oynadığı serbest faaliyetler değildir, artık yaygın ve örgün eğitim içinde yer... more
O artigo apresenta a experiência de uma oficina didática realizada por licenciandos em Ciências Biológicas e Ciências Agrárias da instituição de ensino Esalq/USP, junto a estudantes de Ensino Médio da rede pública do Estado de São Paulo.... more
A tanulmány egy viszonylag elhanyagolt, de egyre népszerűbb terület, az iskolai és óvodai nyelvi tájkép rövid tudománytörténeti, terminológiai és módszertani áttekintésére vállalkozik főleg a magyar szakirodalom alapján. Bemutatja az... more
Σελ.2473 02.Θ.Ε. Αναλυτικά προγράμματα νηπιαγωγείου και δημοτικού σχολείου Σελ.2480 02.Θ.Ε. Διδακτικό σενάριο στην εκπαιδευτική ενότητα «Ρελέ προστασίας» Σελ.2486 02.Θ.Ε. Διδακτικό σενάριο: Φύλλο εργασίας για τον όγκο του αέρα στο... more
Öz Bu araştırmanın amacı; "okul öncesi" ve "sınıf öğretmenliği" ana bilim dallarında okuyan öğretmen adaylarının öğrenme biçemlerini belirlemek, bulundukları programa, cinsiyetlerine, ekonomik düzey değişkenlerine göre... more
Portugal é um dos cinco países Europeus, em vinte e sete, com maior percentagem de adolescentes obesos (Inchley et al., 2017). O elevado índice de obesidade registado deve-se à adoção de maus hábitos alimentares, sedentarismo e falta de... more
Öz. Bu araştırmanın amacı, okulöncesi etkinliklerinde anlatı tiyatrosunun alıcı dil gelişimine etkisini incelemektir. Ön test-son test kontrol gruplu modelin kullanıldığı araştırmanın çalışma grubunu 2012-2013 eğitim-öğretim yılı Ankara... more
Por meio deste trabalho, serao apresentados resultados de uma pesquisa que buscou compreender a concepcao de futuros docentes de quimica acerca do Pensamento Critico. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida com um grupo de alunos do quarto ano do... more
"Through non directive conversations and class observations this article examines how misbehaviour in French pre-schools within the educational system of an average town is differentiated based on the pupil’s gender. It highlights both... more
Çocukların okul öncesi dönemde cinsiyet farklılıklarının farkına varmalarının kolaylaştırılması ve kendi cinsiyetlerine uygun rolleri benimseyebilmeleri için önce çocukların mevcut cinsiyet algılarının ortaya koyulması, sonrasında ise... more
Resumo Este artigo visou analisar documentos oficiais que orientam o Ensino Secundário Geral, em Moçambique, no que concerne às eventuais propostas metodológicas que apresentam para um ensino contextualizado de conteúdos de Microbiologia.... more
Our research programme, a part of which is presented in this paper, looked at four year old children’s ability to use manipulatives in the construction of cube models. We looked at how pre-school children managed the creation of cube nets... more
Este artigo tem como objetivo descrever uma sequência didática referente à Ecologia,fundamentada no ensino por investigação, com alunos de uma turma do 3º ano do EnsinoMédio bem como avaliar o posicionamento dos alunos a respeito da... more
The aim of this study is to determine the opinions of parents whose children attend a Waldorf kindergarten in Lithuania, and enquire the teachers who work in this school about Waldorf kindergartens. The study group chosen for this... more
Die Erwerbspartizipation von Müttern differiert in erster Linie mit dem Alter der Kinder. Dies ist auf mehrere Gründe rückführbar. Diese Arbeit geht von erweiterten Modellen des Arbeitsangebots aus, in denen der Einfluss der... more
Bu chòir Gàidhlig san dachaigh agus san teaghlach – a' togail chloinne le Gàidhlig – a bhith aig fìor bhunait ath-bheòthachadh cànain ann an Alba. Ach, ann an da-rìribh, 's e glè bheag de thaic a gheibh an raon deatamach seo ann am... more
The aim of the study was to identify the psychological, social and economic challenges faced by WHHs in the postwar context and the role of social work, to propose social work intervention to promote sustainable livelihood activities. The... more
The present paper focused on problem-solving ability among meritorious school students. Problems are the real facts of life. Youth today faces different challenges in life in the changed world. Problem-Solving Ability may be said to be a... more
The dissertation examines the institution of forest kindergartens of Norway and especially the ways in which Fortet forest kindergarten operates. It aims to show the educational principles of Fortet as a forest kindergarten of Norway... more
Com este trabalho pretendeu-se compreender como os manuais escolares do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (1º CEB) abordam a Reprodução Humana e Sexualidade, quer ao nível da importância atribuída ao tema, quer ao nível da qualidade e do rigor... more
Se presenta el apartado «A pensar» (Marder & Di Stefano, 2016) del Programa «Queremos aprender» (Borzone & De Mier, 2016) para el desarrollo infantil integral que abarca los aspectos: lingüístico y cognitivo, alfabetización y desarrollo... more
março 1990 7 Goodman não considera o seu modelo como descendente. Ao referir-se aos epítetos que os críticos lhe têm atribuído, afirma:"My model has also been referred to as a top-down model … this term developed as an alternative to... more
The lock-downs imposed by the need to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic proliferation intensified a pre-existing trend of digitalization of cultural assets, thereby providing a new tool to History and Arts educators of... more
The article focuses on the phenomenon of the first meeting between an educator and a child on the autism spectrum and the an educator’s experiences during the encounter. An analysis of the scientific literature shows that the number of... more
In the current study, we aimed to investigate mothers’ and their 4-5 year old children’s attitudes toward gender roles in a semi-structured gender-tuned mother-child conversation. Participants were 65 Turkish mother-child pairs (Nchildren... more


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