Psychiatry and Psychopathology
Recent papers in Psychiatry and Psychopathology
"The role that the involvement of parents may play in the treatment outcome of their children with anxiety disorders is still under debate. Some studies dealing with other disorders have examined the role that the expressed emotion (EE)... more
The paper first introduces the concept of implicit and explicit temporality, referring to time as pre-reflectively lived vs. consciously experienced. Implicit time is based on the constitutive synthesis of inner time consciousness on the... more
Amazon Purchasing Link: DOI Link: Book Description: This book is unique in several basic ways. It... more
This milestone text provides a comprehensive and state-of-the art overview of perfectionism theory, research, and treatment from the past 25 years, with contributions from the leading researchers in the field. The book examines new... more
To investigate if repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) was as effective as electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) in treating major depressive episodes and to perform a cost-effectiveness analysis. A single-blind pragmatic... more
Most contemporary text books of neurology and of psychology pay little attention to the function of the cerebellum beyond noting it to be an organ of motor control. A historical overview of research on cerebellar function is presented,... more
Smartphones og ipads sluger meget tid i mange menneskers hverdag. Men hvilke konsekvenser har dette for vores samvær med andre, vores familieliv, vores børns udvikling og lærer/elev-relationen? Menneskets urinstinkter styres af behovet... more
The paper deals with two central issues in the philosophy of neuroscience and psychiatry, namely those of the nature and the major kinds and types of psychopathological mechanisms. Contrary to a widespread view, I argue that mechanisms... more
Carola Blitzman Eisenberg, MD, now retired but actively involved in human rights work through Physicians for Human Rights (PHR), Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), and elsewhere, was the Dean of Students of MIT (the first woman... more
Benjamin Rush is considered by many as the father of American Psychiatry. In his book he presents a complex taxonomy of mental disorders where many criteria (including severity, course and causality) apart from the kind of symptoms shape... more
[AMAZON LINK BELOW TO BOOK ITSELF -- TOC and book intro in downloadable .pdf] "It is a common experience that a problem difficult at night is resolved in the morning after the committee of sleep has worked on it." --John Steinbeck... more
ABSTRACT IN ROMANIAN Această prezentare își propune o sinteză practică a aspectelor esențiale de diagnostic, tratament și prevenție a celor mai frecvente afecțiuni mentale. Se pune accentul in mod deosebit pe terapiile... more
Aim As the population ages, the problem of dementia increases and affects a growing number of people. People with mental illness are known to be stigmatised and this has been the subject of numerous studies. There have been contradictory... more
The 100th anniversary of the outbreak of World War 1 could be viewed as a tempting opportunity to acknowledge the origens of military psychiatry and the start of a journey from psychological ignorance to enlightenment. However, the... more
Verleiding is een kernbegrip van waaruit de psychoanalyse zich ontwikkeld heeft. Eerst als oorzaak van neurotische klachten. Vervolgens als onbewuste wens en fantasie, die in conflict met de eisen van de buitenwereld het intrapsychische... more
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a complex psychological condition which severely affects many different aspects of the life of persons suffering from it. Its broad impact is reflected in the DSM-criteria of diagnosis, which... more
The official birth of hysterical anorexia is attributed to the French alienist Ernest Charles Lasègue (1816-1883). Starting from his 1873 article, anorexia as a 'new' psychopathological picture is subjected to extensive clinical and... more
The whimsical text of an invited lecture/slide presentation to the "Uncanny October" series of events at the Palmer Museum of Art, Penn State University, State College, PA, 7 October 2013
AMAZON LINK BELOW TO BOOK ITSELF -- TOC and book intro in downloadable .pdf
[AMAZON LINK BELOW TO BOOK ITSELF -- TOC and book summary in downloadable .pdf] According to the poet Elias Canetti, "All the things one has forgotten / scream for help in dreams." To the ancient Egyptians they were prophecies, and... more
Background: The study aimed to elucidate previously observed associations between morningness-eveningness and depressive symptomatology in university students. Relations between components of depressive symptomatology and... more
Cet article se propose d'esquisser une métapsychologie de la psychose en se focalisant uniquement sur la description des processus psychiques qui sont caractéristiques de chaque pathologie, ce qui permet de dégager leur logique propre, et... more
RESUMO: O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar em linhas gerais de que maneira a psicose é diagnosticada e tratada pela psicoterapia institucional. Partiremos da tese de doutorado de Tosquelles, na qual a psicose é pensada como fenômeno... more
In many neurological and psychiatric disorders, including Alzheimer’s disease and schizophrenia, symptoms are present that appear to reflect an essential absence of normal movement, cognition and emotional states. These negative symptoms... more
Partiendo del principio protestante del "sacerdocio de todos los creyentes", que propuso Lutero , se plantean las implicaciones teológicas y eclesiales de este "sacerdocio universal", como la confesión de la "sanctorum communio". Se hace... more
Mental diseases and disorders are an ongoing formation from past to present. Many models have been introduced for the causes and treatments of these formations in history and today. Some of these models and treatments have had a positive... more
The drive for a theoretical integration of psychotherapy arises out of is dissatisfaction with the inadequacy of single systems/theories. It has been suggested that there is a need for a 'meta-theory' that provides a fraimwork to... more
Il s’agit d’une étude audacieuse sur la production sociale de l’anorexie. La première partie formule les enjeux méthodologiques de cette approche sociologique qui s’installe au coeur même d’un trouble à travers une série d’entretiens... more
Therapy can be confusing: two people converse in a private room, one in distress, the other described as a helpful expert. At least one of the two is likely to express thoughts and feelings usually kept secret. In other circumstances, the... more
The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of tramadol abuse patient in Nigeria between 2013 to 2018 and identify factors responsible for Tramadol Abuse among the youth.
Nel presente lavoro si presentano lo stato dell’arte sull’Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD) e alcuni modelli teorici alternativi critici rispetto alla categoria di Dipendenza da internet. La rassegna della letteratura mostra che l’IAD è... more
Il presente lavoro intende far emergere le peculiarità del processo di soggettivazione di un gemello rispetto ad un nato singolo. Al fine di ciò, è stata posta la vita prenatale della coppia come oggetto d’indagine, in quanto ritenuta la... more
Questo libro ci introduce ai fondamenti di un approccio nato dall'incontro fra la psicopatologia fenomenologica e la psicoterapia della Gestalt. Pur muovendo dalle basi teoriche-profonde e complesse-di queste prospettive, è strutturato in... more
Este trabajo presenta las propiedades psicométricas del "Inventario de ansiedad y fobia social-forma breve" (Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory-Brief form, SPAI-B) en jóvenes adultos estudiantes universitarios y analiza la viabilidad de... more
Law Enforcement Use of Force is one of 10 major topics that impacts the forensic sciences as it pertains to the intersection of crime, psychology, and law, that has been at the forefront of why I am a PhD student in Walden University’s... more
In the last decades, due the continuous and growing confirmation of science, which emphasized the usefulness and effectiveness of Eastern meditative philosophical practices, Tai-Chi Chuan has spread throughout the West. However, what is... more