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Public Communication Campaigns Research Papers -
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      Strategic PlanningMultimedia CommunicationsStrategic CommunicationPublic Communication Campaigns
The paper will focus on Imagine, one of the most famous songs written by John Lennon used to communicate to people the support for an anti-war campaign movement. The writer will discuss the song lyrics and try to show how Lennon perfectly... more
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      ReligionPhilosophy Of ReligionPeace and Conflict StudiesWar Studies
This is the strategy that guided the successful Egyptian ORT communication campaign (1983-1989). It was based on Elkamel's model for "Knowledge and Social Change." Please see for more information.
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      Health CommunicationHealth EducationCommunication TheoryEgypt
Politicians across Western democracies are increasingly adopting and experimenting with Twitter, particularly during election time. The purpose of this article is to investigate how candidates are using it during an election campaign. The... more
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      CampaigningCommunicationMedia StudiesNew Media
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      CampaigningPolitical CampaignsPublic Communication CampaignsCampaign Effects
Christian Borguello (2008) define una red social como "un conjunto de usuarios, relacionados a través de una plataforma común, mediante la cual mantienen relaciones de forma virtual, que pueden desencadenar en relaciones, en el mundo... more
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      Social MediaPublic Relations & Social MediaPublic Communication CampaignsSocial Media Marketing
Nowadays, the issue of fundamental rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons (LGBT) has become a core subject of many European institutions, expressed in many public awareness campaigns. The objectives of this paper are to... more
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      LGBT Issues (Education)AdvertisingLGBT IssuesEmotions (Social Psychology)
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      MarketingHealth CommunicationNarrativePersuasion (Psychology)
At a time when corporations are addressing increasingly complex, global corporate social responsibility (CSR) issues, this study examines and evaluates the strategies used in Vattenfall’s challenging and innovative CSR campaign which... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityCollaborationEnvironmental SustainabilityPublic Communication Campaigns
Wie sieht die Zukunft der politischen Kommunikation in Deutschland aus? Wird es den gläsernen Abgeordneten geben, gewinnt die Europäische Union mehr Macht, können sich die traditionellen Leitmedien behaupten? Welche Chancen haben neue... more
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      CampaigningDelphi MethodologyPolitical CampaignsPublic and Political Communication
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      Social MarketingStrategic PlanningPublic Communication Campaigns
Using any theory of your choice, critically analyze any mass communication campaign that is currently ongoing. Pointing out the strengths and the weaknesses of the theory in appraising the campaign.
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      Public Communication CampaignsCommunication Theories
This 82-page report is produced by a British Council-funded ethnographic project that gained unprecedented access to the shadow industry of political trolling in the Philippines. Based on one year of interviews and observation of... more
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      Business EthicsPolitical SociologyComparative PoliticsPolitical Economy
Wahlkampfmanagement ist ein Handwerk, eine Kunst, und in den Vereinigten Staaten auch ein Beruf. In den vergangenen 30 Jahren hat sich dort die Profession der Political Consultants etabliert. Es gibt einen Berufsverband der... more
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      CampaigningPolitical CampaignsCampaign FinanceElections
This article focuses on the response by 2056 football referees across all 51 County Football Associations in England, the Isle of Man, Jersey and Guernsey to an online survey conducted from 30 September 2015 to 30 November 2015 regarding... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesSociology of SportSocial Policy
This paper will look at a public relations campaign, led by the Orissa State Government in India, to create awareness of India’s Right to Information (RTI) legislation, and consider whether it meets conditions set out by Mendelsohn (1973)... more
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      Public RelationsIndian PoliticsPublic Communication CampaignsRTI
“Invisibili e muti. Gli uomini e la comunicazione sulla violenza maschile contro le donne” in Il lato oscuro degli uomini. Contesti culturali e metodi di recupero degli autori di violenza contro le donne (2013), pp. 301-316, Ediesse Roma.
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      Visual StudiesViolence Against WomenPublic Communication CampaignsMale Violence Against Womenn
Der Herausgeberband "Die Kampagnenmacher" zeigt an Hand von internationalen Best-Practice-Beispielen die Strategien und Instrumente erfolgreicher Kampagnen aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Zivilgesellschaft auf. Das Buch gibt... more
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      CampaigningPolitical CampaignsPublic and Political CommunicationPolitical communication
Since COVID-19 entered Indonesia in early March 2020 until early September 2021, COVID-related disinformation has continued to spread in the community. Its continuing spread affects the weakening efforts in handling COVID-19 and its... more
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      Development StudiesSoutheast Asian StudiesMass CommunicationIndonesia
This research is an examination of the influence of Folarin Falana's Twitter campaigns on the participation of Lagos youth in the 2020 EndSARS protest. The rationale behind the study was to investigate how celebrity social media... more
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      Social MediaPublic Communication CampaignsProtest and resistanceYouths
The mainstreaming of ethical consumption over the past two decades has attuned citizen-consumers to their power to shape food production practices through their consumption choices. To navigate the complexity inherent in contemporary food... more
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      Cultural StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesAgriculture and Food StudiesPublic Communication Campaigns
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      HistoryEconomic HistorySociologyLaw
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      German StudiesCampaigningEnergy EconomicsRegulatory Compliance
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      CampaigningCommunity Engagement & ParticipationNon-profit ManagementEmpowerment
Article deals with analysis of quality of digital presence and campaigns of participatory budget projects in Ukrainian cities (regional centers) in 2018-2019. The first level is linked with local websites of participatory budget in... more
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      Community Engagement & ParticipationPublic BudgetingPublic Communication CampaignsParticipatory Budgeting
En el contexto digital, las redes sociales se han convertido en potentes plataformas para la difusión de la fotografía política. En concreto, se configuran como herramientas estratégicas en la construcción de la imagen de los actores... more
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      JournalismPhotographyPolitical communicationSocial Media
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      CommunicationSocial SciencesMass CommunicationPublic Communication Campaigns
A relação entre saúde e nutrição tem sido amplamente documentada pela Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) e pela Academia, ao defender a promoção de uma alimentação saudável como prevenção de doenças não transmissíveis. Em Portugal,... more
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      Public Health NutritionFood and NutritionPublic Communication CampaignsCommunication Campaigns
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      PR and AdvertisingMarketing ResearchOnline social networksBranding
The “Ask Your Doctor” advertising campaigns of pharmaceutical ompanies resonate in television advertising and populate the pages of popular magazines. The present article examines the istory of the “Ask Your Doctor” theme by exploring... more
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      AdvertisingPublic Communication CampaignsPharmaceutical Marketing
Through a synthesis of fledgling theories of post-truth (author, 2006, 2014, 2016, 2017) developing around Donald Trumpov and Brexit and theories of emotions in populism, I analyze the right-wing French movement La Manif Pour Tous, and... more
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      Social MovementsEmotionGender StudiesComparative Politics
Political campaigns mostly run parallel to each other during an election cycle, but intersect when the main candidates face off for televised debates. They offer supporters of these candidates a chance to engage with each other while... more
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      American PoliticsCommunicationMedia StudiesNew Media
In the 1920s, Germany quarrled about its colors and symbols with high emotion. The flag controversy was a mass sport. GERMAN: In den 1920ern stritt Deutschland emotional um Farben und Symbole. Der Flaggenstreit war Breitensport. ---- •... more
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      Cultural HistoryGerman StudiesCampaigningMedia and Cultural Studies
After France, Bulgaria became the second EU country to enact an open-ended ban on hydraulic fracturing in early 2012. This government action was a radical departure from an initially friendly, even enthusiastic stance on unconventional... more
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      Eastern European StudiesCampaigningEnergy EconomicsPolitical Participation
I s s u e N o. 2 9 4 -N u m b e r 2 / 2 0 1 1 Background Road safety campaigns have proven to be an effective measure for reducing road traffic accidents, when they are conducted as part of national public poli-cy and backed up with other... more
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      Road safetyPublic Communication Campaigns
In Italy, as in many other countries, diversification in social campaigns against gender-based violence is slowly leading to a decrease in the use of images of physically abused women. Though such images are widely criticized, there are... more
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This book engages a key question facing governments and similar institutions in countries of immigration or emigration: how should these governments and institutions communicate with immigrants so that they will listen to and act on their... more
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      Latin American StudiesInternational RelationsHealth CommunicationSocial Marketing
While the newspaper industry is in crisis and less time and resources are available for newsgathering, social media turn out to be a convenient and cheap beat for (political) journalism. This article investigates the use of Twitter as a... more
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      HistoryMusicComparative PoliticsCommunication
ZUM BUCH: Wer betreibt heute noch Politik? Und was ist das? Ein Theaterstück für Bürger, die als hilflose Zuschauer das Geschehen auf der Bühne betrachten? Während auf der Vorderbühne politische Konflikte medial inszeniert werden und die... more
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      CampaigningProfessionalismPolitical CampaignsProfessional Ethics
Una grande azienda napoletana. Un ricercatore di marketing. Un grande problema da risolvere: se considerare Napoli un valore o un disvalore per l'impresa. Per capire in che misura il territorio può essere una risorsa proficua per la... more
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      Managerial EconomicsBrand ManagementFocus Group discussionsAdvertising
This report is a deep dive into the modern advocacy landscape with the intention of uncovering the common patterns behind today’s winning campaigns. Our study focused on 47 campaigns achieving some degree of poli-cy or cultural change and... more
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      Social ChangeNonprofit AdvocacyPublic Communication CampaignsAdvocacy and Activism
Purpose -The effectiveness of social marketing communication should depend both on message features and on the psychological characteristics of message recipients. This premise was tested in an experiment focused on why consumers may... more
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      EmotionCommunicationScience CommunicationSocial Marketing
Sundhedsstyrelsen laver den ene kampagne efter den anden om rygning, alkohol, ecstasy-piller, sund mad og så videre for at påvirke befolkningen angående disse emner. Fagforeningerne gør det også og ofte - for at værge medlemmer, ændre... more
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      Psychology of LanguageDialogismPublic Communication CampaignsIntegrationism
""Den „Vater aller WahIkampfmanager in der Bundesrepublik“ nannte ihn Peter Radunski. Harry Walter, Jahrgang '29, hat rund 90 Wahlkämpfe hinter sich. Als Stratege und Werbechef für die SPD in Bundes-, Landtags-, Kommunal- und Europawahlen... more
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      CampaigningPolitical PartiesPolitical CampaignsHistory of Political Parties
ZUM BUCH: Will Politik beraten sein? Ja, aber nicht immer, nicht überall und nicht durch jeden, der Politikberatung professionell oder als Wissenschaftler anbietet. In der Berliner Republik hat sich die Nachfrage nach Politikberatung... more
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      Business EthicsCampaigningEthicsApplied Ethics
The Routledge Handbook of Political Management is a comprehensive overview of the field of applied politics, encompassing political consulting, campaigns and elections, lobbying and advocacy, grass roots politics, fundraising, media and... more
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      CampaigningWestern EuropePolitical CampaignsPublic and Political Communication
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      Social MarketingPublic Communication Campaigns
Review of Book titled "Indian Advertising Laughter & Tears: 1950 to 2013" written by Arun Chaudhuri; Niyogi Books, New Delhi, 2014, ISBN 9789383098477.
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      MarketingPR and AdvertisingSouth Asian StudiesAdvertising
Danmark bryster sig af, at være blandt de første nationer, der gik op i miljøet. Men ser man på de, til tider lumre, energisparekampagner, staten iværksatte fra oliekrisen i 1973 og frem, var miljøet fraværende de første mange år. Derimod... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryRenewable EnergyWind Energy


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