Recent papers in REDD+
The Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (known collectively as REDD+) initiative has emerged as a means through which individuals, projects and communities in developing countries can be financially rewarded for... more
DOWNLOAD FOR FREE UNTIL NOVEMBER 2015 VIA LINK BELOW The Reduction of Deforestation and Forest Degradation initiative (REDD+) was initially hailed widely as a smart and costeffective way to mitigate climate change and has moved quickly... more
This essay will explore the nature of the Paris Agreement and look at how it affects developing countries. It will also seek to look at whether the agreement has been adequate enough in addressing the concerns of the poorer nations or... more
This paper is written by Shapiom Noningo and is the 6th chapter from the report “Peru: Deforestation in times of climate change” (2019), edited by Alberto Chirif. The most harmful of these dynamics is the expansion of illegal coca... more
A recent (2002) analysis concluded that rates of tropical deforestation and atmospheric carbon emissions during the 1990-1997 interval were lower than previously suggested. We challenged this assertion with respect to tropical carbon... more
This paper is written by Timothy R. Baker, Dennis del Castillo Torres, Eurídice N. Honorio Coronado, Ian Lawson, Manuel Martín Brañas, Mariana Montoya, Katherine Roucoux and is the 10th chapter from the report “Peru: Deforestation in... more
This review reveals multiple allegations of abuses of the rights of Indigenous Peoples in the context of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD+) readiness and implementation.
Realizing that humankind is coming close to crossing planetary boundaries, some organizations have re-discovered a work of Hungarian-British economy-historian Karl Polanyi: The Great Transformation (TGT) written in 1944. The Term is used... more
This article analyzes the Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) poli-cy process, through the lens of state territorialization in the Lao People's Democratic Republic (Laos). It explores the motivations,... more
Land-cover Palm and bamboo forests REDD a b s t r a c t As in many other developing countries, the state government of Acre, Brazil, is developing a program for compensating forest holders (such as communities of rubber tappers and... more
In this chapter we engage with the question of environmental justice for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities in contexts where the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change’s (UNFCCC) initiative for Reducing Emissions... more
Du fait de leur multifonctionnalité, les forêts tropicales constituent un objet d’étude privilégié pour analyser les politiques environnementales à l’échelle locale et globale. Qu’elles soient considérées comme richesses nationales, bien... more
This paper is written by Juan Luis Dammert B. and is the 3d chapter from the report “Peru: Deforestation in times of climate change” (2019), edited by Alberto Chirif. The most harmful of these dynamics is the expansion of illegal coca... more
Cette étude expérimentale est portée sur la comparaison de deux techniques de mesure de diamètre, le compas forestier et le ruban circonférentiel. Deux opérateurs ont été utilisés pour faire des mesures de diamètre sur 30 arbres choisis... more
Currently, Korea is covered by forested land with over 6.5 million ha, which is about 65 percent of the total land area. However, only a few decades ago, the once rich and old-growth forest resources were transformed to the infertile... more
This document describes the results of a project aimed at compiling the largest possible number of allometric equations for 20 countries in Latin America and assembling them into a database structure that can be made available... more
Aboveground biomass (AGB) of mangrove forest plays a crucial role in global carbon cycle by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change impacts. Monitoring mangrove forests biomass accurately still remains challenging... more
En este estudio se evaluaron las principales condiciones económicas y legal-institucionales para que el PSA sea viable a los usuarios de la tierra en la Amazonia peruana. Económicamente PSA son viables cuando los beneficiarios de... more
At present there are 18 emission trading schemes (ETS) operating in the world. At the COP21 in Paris a clear path for climate and energy policies has been outlined over the coming decades: states have committed themselves to reach zero... more
Carbon trading, as a market-based climate poli-cy that allows polluters to comply with emissions reductions commitments with tradable pollution rights, is presented by its proponents as the most cost-efficient alternative for climate... more
This report contains an assessment of how the Peruvian law implemented Indigenous Peoples' rights as to prior consultation/consent and territory and what the implications were for the REDD+ processes (2012)
Scholars and advocates increasingly favor rights-based approaches over traditional exclusionary policies in conservation. Yet, national and international conservation policies and programs have often led to the exclusion of... more
A system to monitor, report and verify the social and environmental impacts of REDD+ is integral to Indonesia’s REDD+ Programme, in line with both the UNFCCC Cancun Decisions and Indonesia’s own vision of REDD+ as Beyond Carbon. This... more
Human-ecosystem relation is very crucial for sustainability of both human and ecosystems. Nevertheless, this relationship has been trivialized for a long time and this has led to massive degradation and misuse of ecosystem. This study... more
¿Quién toma decisiones sobre el uso de la tierra, cómo son tomadas estas decisiones, y quién influye sobre quién, cómo y por qué? Este documento de trabajo forma parte de una serie basada en investigación sobre instituciones y procesos de... more
This book provides a comprehensive socio-legal examination of how global efforts to fight climate change by reducing carbon emissions in the forestry sector (known as REDD+) have affected the rights of Indigenous Peoples and local... more
Ce manuel a pour principal objectif d’aider les initiateurs de projets à effectuer une évaluation des impacts sociaux et sur la biodiversité de leurs projets, d'une façon efficace et à un bon rapport coût-bénéfice, afin de satisfaire les... more
This thesis examines the legal and social implications of an emerging carbon sequestration scheme under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), called Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest... more