Random Dynamical Systems
Recent papers in Random Dynamical Systems
This paper is devoted to the helices processes, More precisely, we investigate dominated solutions and non differentiable solutions of the helix equation. For the last case, the Wiener helix plays a fundamental role.
Can stable regularities be explained without appealing to governing laws or any other modal notion? In this paper, I consider what I will call a ‘Humean system’—a generic dynamical system without guiding laws—and assess whether it could... more
The interactive computation paradigm is reviewed and a particular example is extended to form the stochastic analog of a computational process via a transcription of a minimal Turing Machine into an equivalent asynchronous Cellular... more
The interactive computation paradigm is reviewed and a particular example is extended to form the stochastic analog of a computational process via a transcription of a minimal Turing Machine in an equivalent Asynchronous Cellular... more
This paper deals with the design of a suspension, idealised as a spring-massdamper system. The amplitude of a nominal system is constrained to satisfy certain limitations in a given frequency band and the design is to be done as a... more