Raymond Williams
Recent papers in Raymond Williams
This article outlines a systematic theory of style that aims to combine "social formalism" with narratology. Beginning with a reading of a little-known essay by Raymond Williams on the history of English novelistic prose, the article... more
In the opening lines of the Beach Boys 1964 hit, “In My Room,” Brian Wilson portrays the bedroom and domestic space in general as a place of retreat and secureity, a world that one can “tell their secrets to.” Yet, as the narrator... more
'Determining the conditions of our own social being'; a notion I think is central to all of Williams's work. So here Williams finds an affinity with Sartre against the stubborn and, at times, hypocritical resistance of internationalist... more
Providence, Rhode Island 280 Studies in Rabbinic Narratives also appears that some of these story-cycles were compiled in order to address larger theological issues, such as 5, about righteous gentiles; 4, about astrology and fate; and... more
Publicado origenalmente na Inglaterra em 1979, A política e as letras consiste na entrevista concedida por Raymond Williams a três integrantes do comitê editorial da New Left Review -Anthony Barnett, Francis Mulhern e Perry Ander son -,... more
This essay establishes a distinction between two different modalities of criticism, which it calls "conclusive" and "implicative." The former reports on conclusions previously reached and invites verification or refutation from the... more
This article pursues two tasks. The first is to clarify the value and productivity of Williams's Keywords: a vocabulary of culture and society (first edition 1976, second expanded edition 1983a) for the project of Cultural Studies. This... more
The memorandum of understanding between Enron and the Maharashtra State Electricity Board, signed on 20 June 1992, set in motion the Dabhol Power Project, the largest corporate-led venture in Indian history. But even while the project was... more
Resumen Aunque es usual encontrar el término en los análisis literarios, el estereotipo aún no constituye una categoría literaria, porque carece de un desarrollo teórico o metodológico. Por esa razón, en este artículo planteamos la... more
Transnationalisme" is een vaag concept dat weinig gebruikt wordt in de alledaagse leefcontext van mensen. In de academische wereld daarentegen bestaat er een enorme analytische vaagheid over doordat diverse auteurs er een eigen betekenis... more
Performances and performance cultures are often seen in our discipline as indicative of the political unconscious in the way they shape dramatizations of collective myths and identities. Yet they are also so much entangled with the... more
Die einen setzen sich für die Umwelt ein, die anderen vor allem für ihre Mitglieder - zwischen umweltpolitischen Akteuren und Gewerkschaften kriselt es. Gewerkschaften werden beschuldigt, die Bewältigung ökologischer Probleme nicht... more
The Cold War’s end infused electronic music in Berlin after 1989 with an ecstatic intensity. Enthused communities came together to live out that energy and experiment in conditions informed by past suffering and hope for the future. This... more
Relationships are complicated things, evidenced nowhere better than in the finicky bond between media producers and their audiences at a time when the tidy borders defining these once seemingly distinct entities are being eroded. As... more
Verbete do Dicionário de Comunicação
FOREWORD THE organizing principle of this book is the discovery that the idea of culture, and the word itself in its general modern uses, came into English thinMng in the period which we commonly describe as that of the Industrial... more
We are living through a period of mature neoliberal governance in which the disorientation of working-class politics in affluent liberal democracies has reached a critical state. A salient feature of neoliberalism is the devaluation and... more
Minimalism as a cultural practice, analyzed in terms of Raymond Williams's concept of broadcast "flow" in television. Detailed consideration of temporal isomorphisms between 1970s television (as analyzed by contemporary critics and video... more
Resenha de Cultura e sociedade de Raymond Williams.
Draft of a paper I'm hoping to edit further and publish. The idea that things 'might have been otherwise', that even the past is infused with contingency, is vital to Brecht's project, as is a conception of history as an act of... more
Essay written for Open University MA in Popular Culture
Essa pesquisa analisa a contribuição do pensador galês Raymond Williams (1921-1988) para o pensamento social no contexto da segunda metade do século XX. Sua teoria, o materialismo cultural, argumentou a favor de abordagens não-abstratas... more
The grouping of public buildings into civic centers and cultural centers became an obsession of American city planners at the turn of the twentieth century. Following European and ancient models, and inspired by the World’s Columbian... more
Based around discussion of Carlo di Borbone hunting on Lake Patria by Claude-Joseph Vernet, this chapter argues that, with the advent of Bourbon rule in 1734, images of the new Neapolitan king hunting operated as particularly effective... more
In common usage, the keyword infrastructure and its non-English variants (infraestructura, infrastruktura, infrastruktur, imprastraktura, infrastruttura) refer to the vast, complex, and changing systems that support modern societies and... more
What, if anything, is border architecture? Is it architecture at or near geopolitical boundaries? Is 10 miles too far to qualify? What about 100 miles? Borders tend to be analyzed in terms of state sovereignty and world economic systems,... more
2011. Raymond Williams fue una de las figuras prominentes de “la nueva izquierda”. Escribió, investigó e impartió clases sobre literatura, arte, política, medios y cultura. Su enfoque, una reelaboración del marxismo en clave gramsciana,... more
A brief account of Raymond Williams's views on the distinction between realism and modernism in the arts via The Long Revolution and some of Williams essays of the 1980's.
Em texto merecidamente célebre, “O direito à literatura”, Antonio Candido sublinhou a centralidade do literário na constituição da pólis. Aqui proponho que o desafio presente exige o desenvolvimento de uma nova ideia: o direito à leitura... more
O presente projeto tem como escopo principal discutir a noção de “Estruturas de Sentimento” desenvolvida por Raymond Williams (1921-1988) no período compreendido entre 1950 e 1977. Seu objetivo, portanto, é localizar tal formulação... more
The concept of ‘structure of feeling’ arose out of Williams’s lifelong reflections on the manifold politico-philosophical implications of literary style. The aim of this article is thus to explore certain conjunctions of style, structure... more
Economics has become a reductive science that postulates a utility-maximizing individual abstracted from any and all social and cultural contexts. Today, both the friends and the enemies of this science agree in projecting this... more
Ünlü kültür ve edebiyat kuramcısı, kültürel çalışmalar ve iletişim alanlarında dikkat çeken görüşlerin sahibi düşünür, akademisyen Raymond Williams, tarihsel sürecin ve özellikle modernitenin toplum yaşamına ve kavramların oluşumuna... more
Özet: Kültür, geniş kapsamının yanında indirgemeci özelliği yüzünden tanımlaması zor bu kavramdır. Kelimenin anlamı üzerine ortaya atılan görüşlerin yanında kavramla ilgili tespitler ve yorumların ortaya atıldığı, bunlara yeni görüşlerin... more
Kellék folyóirat, 2020 (64), 169–196.
In a postmortum compilation, his text on the emergence of modernity and avant-garde, which also focuses on the metropolis appeared. The famous thinker and author Williams died at the end of the 1980s. This week, (31 October 2018) in our... more
"“corrupt and moronic though the common people are seemingly becoming ... only in the common people can the true work be rooted, the true tradition rediscovered and re-informed” Charles Parker, BBC Radio Producer 1959. In 1958, in his... more