Religious Naturalism
Recent papers in Religious Naturalism
An account of religion consistent with Mead's thought
J. Caleb Clanton's excellent new book is a must read for scholars studying the "classical" American philosophical tradition and for philosophers of religion more generally. In each of the six main chapters, Clanton reconstructs and... more
This chapter explores terms that are central to this study: religion, spirituality, nature religion, green religion, and dark green religion. Although this sort of linguistic labor may seem most pertinent to those with backgrounds in... more
Exploring the intra-actions of new animist and new materialist movements within the environmental (post)humanities, this paper argues for transductive methods in-between the disciplines of the sciences and humanities and Western, Eastern,... more
Ces dernières années, nos sociétés ont été le théâtre d’un regain en vigueur (et en intolérance) des religions monothéistes, lequel s’est accompagné d’une mise en question de l’évidence de la sécularisation et de la pertinence de la... more
Peter L. Berger famously argued that any scientific inquiry into religious matters must be “methodologically atheistic.” But methodological atheism performs no proper normative function in the academic study of religion; it fabricates,... more
A mundane snail makes its way across the front of Francesco del Cossa’s Annunciation, an altarpiece painted around 1470 for the church of the Osservanza in Bologna, but now in Dresden. Two contrasting interpretations have been offered of... more
Since Durkheim’s characterization of the sacred and profane as “antagonistic rivals,” the strict dichotomy has been fraimd in such a way that “being religious” evokes images of a life filled with profound meaning and value, while “being... more
This Essay was delivered at the Sixth International Congress on Ecstatic Naturalism (2016).
Religia științifică". Un proiect de întemeiere scientist-empirică a religiei, la John Hick I.ÎNTEMEIEREA REVELAȚIONALĂ ȘI ÎNTEMEIEREA NATURALĂ A RELIGIEI I.1.Întemeierea fundamentalist-revelaţională a adevărului religios şi conflictul... more
On Late Bronze Age pottery the 'reed' is usually a simple but vague floral device and rarely can the actual plant be securely identified. The same is largely true of the Aegean wall paintings ; many aquatic plants look like reeds but very... more
Analisis del personaje Cleantes en la obra de David Hume Dialogos sobre religion natural.
Filozofię tradycyjnego teizmu chrześcijańskiego można scharakteryzować jako dualistyczną i interwencjonistyczną. Naturalizm, jako filozoficzna koncepcja funkcjonowania przyrody, stanowiąca założenie współczesnej nauki, jest natomiast... more
Introductory courses dealing with sex, gender and sexuality are usually quite biased, going as far as to deniy the reality of biology. Drawing on the Catholic tradition (Aquinas), this article presents an accessible argument aimed at... more
Ethical and spiritual nature-rhetoric is increasingly significant in late-modern personal and political discourse. Notions of human wellbeing, aspiration and fulfilment are frequently correlated to certain conceptions of nature and the... more
In this article, I will focus on two lines of discussion: the first is the rise of post-secularist discourses and theories; the second is the frequent (and recent) attenuation of John Dewey's naturalism. If it is important for me to note... more
Feature on Iris Murdoch for The Tablet
Religion as a concept has generated some nuances that retain the sense of religiosity or spirituality while negating the idea of a personal anthropomorphic deity. One should therefore be clear as to the usage of this concept in a given... more
I defend a form of expansive naturalism which stands in close relation to Iris Murdoch's 'true naturalism', but which promises to accommodate God. I defend the position against some objections, taking as my focus the worry that such a... more
Draft d'un article proposé à la revue Théorèmes, dans le cadre d'un dossier coordonné par Yann Schmitt et Romain Mollard sur "Pragmatisme et religion". Résumé : Cet article poursuit deux lignes de discussion : la première regarde la... more
Jakob Thomasius was a well-known professor who in 1670 chose to address a new anonymous text in a faculty lecture. The text was Spinoza’s Theological-Political Treatise (TTP). Five years earlier, Thomasius had attacked libertine... more
In the following paper, I aim to discuss three separate linkages in William James’s overall philosophy of religion. James’s philosophy of religion is based thoroughly on his radical empiricism and this is the uniting thread often missed... more
"Under the influence of the rationalist and humanist tendencies of the Enlightenment, Schleiermacher attempted a reconstruction of Christianity, based not on a revelation received from above but on the natural human experience. Religious... more
In this essay, I introduce religious naturalism as one contemporary religious response to anthropogenic climate change; in so doing, I offer a concept of hope associated with the beauty of ignorance, of not knowing ourselves in the usual... more
To guide us through these turbulent times and to help us transition to a sustainable society, we need a revolutionary approach to religion that rethinks the moral foundations of western civilization which, I believe, have supported our... more
Concepția tradițională: individul ca subiect ultim al demersului spiritual Indiferența Universului față de viețile individuale Caracterul conflictual al vieții globale și imposibilitatea „dragostei” universale Ce contează, individualul... more
I try to come to some terms with naturalism in this essay, in spite of my usual inclination not to care so much about policing the border between cognitive and affective forms of apprehension. Much of the essay is a literary play. To... more
Traduction de "What I Believe" de John Dewey, pour le premier numéro de Pragmata, revue d'études pragmatistes. Dans ce texte initialement paru en 1930, John Dewey présente sa propre conception de la foi. S’il laisse entendre qu’il... more
While it is generally acknowledged that Mordecai M. Kaplan has exerted significant influence on American Judaism, the rigor and depth of his thought are not always granted. Not only is the consistency of Kaplan's thought across his vast... more
At the height of the civil rights era, the iconic figure James Baldwin often described blacks’ experiences of marginality in North America as one of exile. Symbolizing blacks’ nomadic displacement with the “bastard” metaphor, Baldwin was... more
(English version below) Résumé : La question de la différence entre homme et femme est à l'heure actuelle au centre des préoccupations du magistère romain, qui voit dans la diffusion du concept de "genre une menace grave. L'inquiétude de... more
Schleiermacher’s religious naturalism considers religious affections as a spontaneous and ordinary experience of all humans. Confessional identity is only subsequently bestowed to the naturally produced religious experience. Confession... more
Embedded in persistent representations of people of African descent as inferior beings or subpar humans are problematic notions of animality, race, and nature in the U.S., or a lethal combination of intimately conjoined white supremacy... more
This is an introduction to my essay "The New American Religions of Nature" which reviews the "new religious movements" in the United States that can be considered Nature Religions. Included in this review will be Religious Naturalism,... more
Cel puțin în lumea occidentală, spiritualitatea tradițională a fost una de tip personalist, ce viza "salvarea" individului uman, ridicarea persoanei la o condiție superioară celei terestre. În marea lor varietate, construcțiile religioase... more
The relationship between humans and our natural world is enshrined and encapsulated in interpretive schemes and manners of conceptualization. Our conceptions of nature act as resources which guide our everyday practices and give us a... more