Social work history and theory
Recent papers in Social work history and theory
While much of the historical literature, especially in social welfare history textbooks, acknowledges the influence of Christianity on social work’s origens, this literature often minimizes, or worse, distorts the role of Christians,... more
Placówki wsparcia dziennego to jedna z form wspierania rodzin, które nie są w stanie wypełniać swoich podstawowych funkcji związanych z wychowaniem dzieci i opieką nad nimi. Pobyt w nich jest bezpłatny, a uczestnictwo odbywa się na... more
Terminologia związana z określeniami dotyczącymi działań z zakresu wsparcia osób potrzebujących w swej wielowiekowej tradycji była używana rozmaicie. Niesienie pomocy człowiekowi ma swą genezę w działalności charytatywnej, zakładającej... more
Özet Bu çalışma, Mary Ellen Richmond'un sosyal hizmet meslek, alan ve disiplinine katkılarını ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Sosyal hizmetin en önemli öncüleri arasında olduğu kabul edilen Mary Ellen Richmond'un sosyal hizmetin bilgi,... more
This paper analyzes the theory and practice of charity and social action of “beguines” and Castilian “beatas”. In order to illustrate the first point, we study a fundamental part of the spiritual theology of the beguine Hadewijch of... more
In the Polish People’s Republic (1944-1989), a number of organisational and ideological changes were madę in the social welfare sector: most of the ways of organising help that were tested during the interwar period were replaced with new... more
This study argues that coming to terms with the figure of the liberal agent formed the plot structure of eugenics in modern America. By invoking the widespread middle-class fear of failed feminine virtue, the fear that the nation of... more
D ziałalność dobroczynna i filantropijna na ziem iach polskich w czasie niewoli narodowej. Zarys problem atyki W okresie zaborów działalność dobroczynna i filantropijna na ziemiach polskich uległa dość znaczącym przeobrażeniom w zakresie... more
La intervención del Trabajo Social se asienta en modelos teóricos y de intervención sobre las problemáticas y situaciones que atraviesan los sujetos asistidos. En la historia disciplinar, se han destacado, entre otros, el modelo de... more
Social workers rarely discuss the contributions of the social work profession to the history of poverty alleviation in the United States. This article is based on a historical study that explored the response of the social work profession... more
THE ACTIVITY OF THE DISTRICT SOCIAL WELFARE COMMITTEE IN KONIN IN THE YEARS OF 1945-1949 Key words: Social Welfare Committee, Winter Aid Action, Common Kitchen, The article presents the outline of the functioning of the District Social... more
The subject of the study is assistance in the form of feeding in the kitchens of the Metropolitan Social Welfare Committee (SKOS), run in Warsaw in 1945–1948. In view of the needs of the capital's population, after the end of hostilities,... more
This article discusses briefly the history of the development of social work in the United States from the beginning of the 19th century to the middle of the 20th century. В данной статье рассматривается кратко история развития социальной... more